//------------------------------// // Sonic Rainboom Chili Part One // Story: Recipes For Friendship // by Mr Merritt //------------------------------// It was as typical a day on Sweet Apple Acres as one could find. Applejack and Big Macintosh were out among the apple trees bucking and loading up barrels for the barn. Applebloom and her friends were in their clubhouse deciding on another Cutie Mark Crusade. And in the farmhouse a grey colt and an elderly green mare puttered around. Applejack had cleared a particular ornery tree of its fruit when a shadow on the ground drew her gaze skyward. Soaring high above and coming in for a rare easy landing was one of her closest friends, the self-proclaimed fastest flier in Equestria Rainbow Dash. The sky-blue mare circled a few times above the Earth mare before coming to a neat, four hoof landing. “Well, I reckon’ this is the first tahm you ever landed properly around here RD. I dunno whether to be proud or suspicious.” remarked Applejack casually. The multi-hued mane of the mare was brushed aside with a forehoof, allowing her to give her friend a smirk. “Hey, I’m as good at landing as I am at flying. Besides, haven’t you heard the old Pegasus saying that any landing you can walk away from is a good one?” “I’d prefer one that didn’t need a shovel to fill in the furrow left behind…” “Whatever…” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and then spoke again. “Listen, is Peppermill around? I wanted to talk to him about something…” “Something?” questioned the blond mare. While Rainbow Dash was as friendly as any pony toward her adopted kin, having her actually ask about him was something new. AJ found that the Pegasus tended to show little interest in anything that didn’t directly relate to her specific likes: flying, speed and the Wonderbolts (not necessarily in that order…) “Look, is he here or not?” demanded the mare crossly. “He’s at the farmhouse with Granny Smith.” answered Applejack. “And fer the record Rainbow, you don’t hafta ask permission from me. He’s a good kid and I don’t watch over him every hour of the day.” “Maybe every other hour…” murmured Rainbow with a grin. Before Applejack could respond, the Pegasus took off to the farmhouse. *** “…and that is the secret to a good apple sauce. I figured you’d appreciate learnin’ like that more than my other grandchildren.” Granny Smith continued to stir the pot of mashed apples at the stove, and Peppermill jotted down noted on a recipe card at the table. “I’m sure…Applebloom would…not mind knowing…how to make this. She told me…all about you and her…and Zap Apple Jam.” “Naw, she has her own life to live sonny. Yer the one born with a knife and pan in yer hooves.” “Hello?” Rainbow Dash poked her head through the kitchen window, causing the two ponies to look in her direction. “The cider lover…” chuckled Granny, which caused Peppermill to snicker and Rainbow to roll her eyes. Ever since the ‘Flim Flam Incident’, Granny Smith would never refer to the Element of Loyalty as anything other than that, much to Rainbow’s annoyance. Of course, even if the mare wasn’t the grandmother to one of her closest friends, she wouldn’t dare correct her. Applejack had been very…descriptive of what happened to ponies who dared talk back to the matriarch. “Hey Peppermill, do you have a second? I want to…talk to you about something.” “Something?” Peppermill raised an eyebrow, but excused himself and joined the mare out on the front porch. “So…what can I…do for you Rainbow?” “Pinkie was telling me the other day about how you showed her how to make something to eat. She seemed really happy about it…” “Yes, I think…Pinkie enjoyed…the lesson.” Peppermill noted that Rainbow seemed just a little bit anxious, as if she was trying to find the right words. “Listen,” sighed Rainbow, “I read an article about the Wonderbolts the other day all about how they all have to maintain their flying weight, and all sorts of stuff on how they all have specifically tailored diets and meal plans and stuff like that… “Sounds…about right. I can see…them watching what…they eat.” “So if I wanted to become a Wonderbolt, I have to do everything they do. And if they watch what they eat, it’s about time I did too.” “So…where do I…come in? How exactly…did you eat…before?” “Take out and frozen dinners.” Rainbow Dash answered with such a dead-pan expression that Peppermill couldn’t help but frown. “I don’t think…those are the kind…of things a…Wonderbolt would usually eat.” “Exactly.” “Not to mention…it sounds like you…prefer convenience over…cooking. But I suppose…you don’t have…the patience for it…” “Yeah, that might be a problem.” Rainbow admitted. “But you were able to get Pinkie of all ponies to sit still long enough to learn how to make something. I’d be a walk in the clouds compared to that. Please, I promise I’ll make it up to you.” “Well…I suppose since…it means so much…to you. I guess I’ll…have to think about…the best dish to…match your needs. Not to mention…finding a place to do this.” “A place to do this? Why can’t you come up to my house?” “That’s exactly…my point Rainbow. Your home is…up there.” The colt pointed with a forehoof towards the blue sky dotted with a few wispy clouds. Rainbow seemed unfazed by this explanation. In fact, a grin formed on her face. “I said I would make it up to you right? Well, I think I know exactly how to do that…” *** A few days later a large violet hot air balloon lifted off from Ponyville carrying two passengers. One, the brainy Twilight Sparkle, piloted the unique vehicle towards a stately castle-shaped structure moored near the town. The other passenger, vibrating with excitement and bounding from one side of the basket to the other gazing in amazement at the sights, was a grey colt with a jet black mane. “Careful Peppermill,” Twilight Sparkle chuckled, “there aren’t any clouds around here to walk on yet.” “This must be…how a Pegasus…sees the world…all the time…” rasped Peppermill. It had been a day of firsts for the young pony. It was the first time he had ever went up in a hot air balloon, not to mention the first time he ever had a unicorn cast a magical cloud walking spell upon him. And within moments, he would have the chance to be a guest in an honest-to-goodness cloud castle. “There it is…” announced the lavender mare. Peppermill gazed out where she pointed, and found himself grinning so wide it almost hurt. The descriptions of Rainbow Dash’s home didn’t do the actual sight of it justice. “It’s…amazing…” “It’s something, all right.” Twilight adjusted something with some unicorn magic, and the balloon continued its steady drift towards the structure. “Now remember Peppermill, the cloud walking spell will last exactly one day. That should be more than enough time to help Rainbow with her little lesson and have a chance to actually spend the night.” “Heh…how many…Earth ponies can say…they got to…sleep in a cloud castle?” “Not many, that’s for sure. And while I probably don’t have to remind you, it would be a good idea to be on your best behavior. Rainbow Dash is probably not that used to having company at her house.” “I’ve already promised…Applejack to not…misbehave. Besides, I wouldn’t…do anything to…ruin this. I think Rainbow…will like what…I have planned.” “Hey!” The familiar voice of the rainbow-maned mare came to their ears as she approached the balloon. “You sure took your time. I still say I could’ve given him a ride here Twi.” “Maybe, but not with all the stuff he’s bringing for you Dash.” Twilight motioned to a saddlebag sitting on the floor of the basket between her and the colt. “Somehow the idea that you don’t even own a cooking pot or frying pan doesn’t surprise me at all.” “Yeah, yeah…” The Pegasus waved off the comment, and then gave the colt a huge grin. “You are so going to love my place kid. It is beyond awesome!” Rainbow reached over and grabbed Peppermill’s bag with a grunt, and hauled to the castle. Eventually the balloon arrived at its destination mere feet from the grand entrance to Rainbow Dash’s home. Despite his excitement, Peppermill felt a slight shiver of trepidation as he gazed at the surface of the cloud. He gave Twilight an uncertain look, but she reassured him with a smile. “Applejack was a little nervous when I used the spell on her too. Trust me, you’ll be fine.” Peppermill bit his lip, then with a wiggle of his rump leapt over the edge of the basket and onto the cloud where Rainbow’s castle sat upon. … … … “Wow…” The best comparison the young cook could make to the sensation under his hooves was meringue, not unlike the kind one would make for a cream pie. There was just the tiniest bit of give yet he felt confident that he would not suddenly sink through to a rather unpleasant downward trip. All in all, it was something he would not forget anytime soon. “Not bad huh?” Rainbow Dash had returned to her front yard (such as it was) to greet the colt and see the unicorn mare on her way. “Remember Dash, the spell only lasts a day. I’ll come back tomorrow morning to pick Peppermill up.” said Twilight. “Have fun you two.” “We’re going to have a blast!” announced Rainbow with a grin. Mare and colt waved as the balloon drifted away back to Ponyville. As soon as it was out of sight, Peppermill addressed his hostess. “Okay Rainbow…we have a lot…to do and not…that much time to…do it in. Let’s check out…your kitchen and…get started.” “Sounds good to me kid. What exactly did you have planned? You sure seemed to have a lot of stuff in that bag.” Rainbow led the grey colt to the large double doors of her impressive abode and opened them wide. Peppermill stepped forward excitedly… …and stopped dead in horror.