//------------------------------// // Sunday's Worst Meal by Fluttershy // Story: Now, You Will Love Me! // by Lilcmoe //------------------------------// Chapter 3-Sundays worst meal by Fluttershy It felt like hours ever since her date was interrupted, and it felt like hours of me trying to break free from this chain. I tried using another rock that I kept hidden in the shadows, trying to pry the block with the chain in place to be free. It would have been easier if I had snapped my way out of this whole ordeal, but she took my chaos magic away from me. I can’t lose focus yet when I am so close to being free. I kept saying that to myself, but I hadn’t made any progress on my escape, still trapped inside this dark abyss, hoping that whoever interrupted our date last night could come down those stairs wearing shining armor and rescue this poor damsel. I have grown tired of crying to sleep or the general fear of her keeping me awake. “Come on, stone block blasted thing,” I said in frustration of trying to pry this one cinderblock off the wall which held that bolt. I know for the fact that this block was my key to freedom. Then I heard the door that led to the surface open again. I froze as I heard her descending the stairs, this time humming a tune that ran chills down my spine. It was too soon for her to come and see me; I sometimes forgot the track of time due to no clock anywhere in this basement or bunker. She is finally here as she was carrying a sack and not wearing that suggestive outfit anymore. She seems happy right now; it scares me more seeing her happy than seeing her angry. This pony, who is supposed to be Fluttershy, is as unpredictable as me, which scares me the most. “Good morning, Discord.” She said as she placed the sack on the table, “I have an important meal for you to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This food in this sack is critical, and I work so hard to make it for you. I need to make sure you eat it okay, all of it.” I was fully confused about this, but I didn’t question it or respond; then, I felt the shocks again when I looked away. “Ahhhhh!” I start to quench and shake from the 1500 jolt of electricity running through my body. “Please, Fluttershy! I’m sorry! I am a nice pony! Please, I will be nice. Just make it stop!” “Sorry, Dissy dear, but I couldn’t take any chances.” Said Fluttershy while hearing my cell door opening and hoof steps noises that contact on the store floor. I was in no condition to move and pounce on her. “I need to set your meal down in your cell safely; just hold on just a little bit, sweetie, and it will be all over soon,” she said as she gave that adorable Fluttershy giggle. I still moving sporadically on the floor as she continues to hum that chilling tune then I just heard her clap her hoofs and said done. Then the electric shock stops. Leaving me as a hump of flesh on the ground, I was still alive but felt paralyzed from the head down. I wanted to kill her so badly, I wanted this constant cycle of torture to stop, I wanted to be free and see my other friends again. All I can do now is cry and endure the Crazy Mares game of trying to break me. She enjoys torturing me instead of loving me, but it is so hard to think when you are in constant pain. She is trying so hard to make me hers for what goal, I do not know. She is not Fluttershy; she isn’t here; she isn’t the one that gives me warm hugs or is wrapped around in my tail as we spend time on my thinking tree. She isn’t the one that laughs at me swimming in the fish pond at her pet Sanctuary. No, she is this twisted pony who has an obsession with me. Her previous confession of ‘loving me’ is all just an illusion. She sees me as a toy. “Discord, I am very patient today, but you are ruining that for me.” I heard her in her serious tone. I finally was able to lift my head to see her as the lights were back on, and I could see my prison and this deranged room with pictures of me. “Discord, the gift I made for you is over there by the corner by your bed. Please open the sack for me and tell me how you like it. It isn’t something crazy or chaotic, just something very simple flesh.” . When I got close to the sack, I began to sniff it like an animal curious about the meal. I open it and see a disgusted horror of a pile of fresh meat, not fish nor cook, just fresh meat. I nearly want to vomit in front of her and on the pile of meat, but then she will get upset and force me to eat the vomit-covered meat. I finally look back at her and smile weakly, but she firmly smiles brightly as the sun. “Stop it, Discord, as I said this to myself in my head. “Stop thinking she is Fluttershy. She isn’t her, she is some crazy mare who is keeping you here prisoner, and you need to escape.” I finally looked back at her as she was flying in the air, very happy out of the blue, unlike usual when she observed me and waited for my response. “I love it dearly, thank you for this kind...gesture,” I said to her as she gave a squee just like her. “Oh, I know you will love it, Dissy dear! Oh, I know you always love my gifts! Unlike the others, I care for the gifts I give you!” She finally lands and continues talking like I was one hundred percent interested in this conversation. “I never thought you would be happy about it due to an insect that ruined our date last night. Yes, Discord, I took good care of that insect, so it will just be you and me next time. Well, Dissy, eat it up as much as you like because there will be more of it.” She said it with glee as she walked towards the computers as she did her regular inspections. I look away and stare at the meat before me that is perfectly cut in edible bites, and she knew how to skin the animal well… too well. Another piece of evidence that this isn’t my Fluttershy. It is pretty obvious. She never kills animals in her life. Shoot, she would kill the poacher before she ever kills an animal; even if carnivores need to eat, she won’t kill a weak prey for the carnivore. That is the reason I love my Fluttershy, and I miss her so much. I finally heard my stomach growl, and the smell of fresh meat was causing my hunger to go rampant. It has been a while since I had a decent meal, and Fluttershy didn’t give me the leftovers from our date. One thing I can be happy about is this she knows how to make simple meat taste so good. Then I finally took a chunk out of the flesh, and it tastes delicious and I was on autopilot after the first bite. As I enjoy eating the meat, part of me is still curious when or why she would kill an animal and serve it. I was surprised that she was going to feed me fish with her mouth. The question was still running through my head as I was eating the meat. A draconequss can be starving like any other pony sometimes. I need to know the truth of where this meat came from? However, this crazy mare tends to shock me for asking questions. Still, I need to understand why she killed an animal? I looked at her as she was still watching the computer screens, and I noticed something beside her in a small bag. I couldn’t see the contents, but she was eating something as well. Maybe a snack like chips or some horse food that she eats. I couldn’t distract myself with the mystery snack bag and what she is eating from inside. I need to ask this question but do it without anger her. “Flut-Flut-Fluttershy,” I studdered to say her name, for I hate giving her that name, but she does respond to it compared to a mare. “Yes,” she said without missing a beat while she was looking at the cameras. “What is it, Discord?” “I need to know, where did you get this meat from?” I asked the question, but I didn’t ask my question, hoping to avoid getting shocks again. She felt silent for the moment, then turned her neck to me with a smirk on her face. “I love you, Discord, but that isn’t the real question you want to ask.” She says as I see her pupils shrink as she gives me chills from a mile away. “S-Sorry dear, I didn’t want to-” “Anger me,” She said like knowing what was coming out of my mouth like she was anticipating my words. She is starting to scare me with her beaming at me with her eyes. Typically her eyes are hollow, which gives me a slight chill down my spine. This kind of stare is far from creepy but downright scary. She then continues speaking. “Discord, I won’t be angry at you, so go on answer your real question. I want our relationship to be free and honest after all.” She finally turns her neck back at the screens. She continues, “If you don’t answer your question, Discord, then I will punish you for lying.” “Fine, I thought you don’t kill animals, so why would you do it? Why kill animals just for me? I wanted to continue to lecture or scold her for going this far for this ‘relationship’ that she killed when she put me in this cage. I didn’t want to end up just like this poor fellow whose part of it is now in my stomach. “I didn’t kill a woodland critter, Discord.” She said just bluntly. “W-What? I was stunned at the fact and my eyes also shrink the moment she said those words. I can hear her sigh as she entirely turns around to face me. “Discord, first off, I would do anything to make you mine, but I won’t destroy what made you love me in the first place, which is my kindness. Granted, I have to go to lengths that are downright criminal for us to be together finally. If this stupid world weren’t trying to keep me away from you, then maybe I would not do what I did. Discord, I know you think I am some monster but trust me, this is a process that you and I are going through right now. We could both be monsters together, and Equestria will fear us and never try to separate us. I just...I just have to do the things that I do to make you happy. I will not kill my precious animals to do that. I love them as much I love you. Even still, you don’t truly know me as you think you do Discord. It is fine; that is why we are here, so then you will know so much about me as I know much about you. Discord, this process is exhausting for you to love me truly. So you and I can cuddle together and have sex. Lots of lots of sex, but before we can have a family and live peacefully in our new world. We need to pass all the hurdles, and this is one of the hurdles I have to take.” I was silent as I heard her authentic voice, not a demented mare but a real pony. Still, she admits that she is wrong but why. Why go to these lengths? Why does she believe this is the way to do it? No, I need to focus; she is gone. Fluttershy is gone, and I know this crazy mare done something to make her gone for good. Then try to be like her, with her voice and that beautiful pink mane of hers. I can’t give in, or I will die. “I have to do it, Discord.” She said as she broke my train of thought again. “ I have to pass my limits and do the unthinkable. I am sorry, but this is what the world did to us...to me. Bashing her brains out was the easy part but this. This was the hardest thing I had to do, but I felt no regret once I passed that hurdle, just coldness, and strength. Now Discord, you must pass the hurdle to then we are closer to be together forever.” I was now at the loss of what she was talking about, but something clicked in my head as I heard the words. “Bash her brains out.” That second made me realize that she couldn’t do the unthinkable, just as my eyes and heart stop beating as I look back at the remaining meat left in horror. I whisper to myself. “ She couldn’t dare to do such a thing right. She could have just…. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” End of Chapter 3