Live Without Regrets

by applezombi

Impulse and Instinct

Conversations, in theory, are easy.  Putting certain crazy stunts into practice was a little harder.  I was glad for the long flight to the Empire; it helped me burn off most of my nervous dread.

It all came roaring back when I saw Cadance waiting for me, just outside the palace doors.  She’s grinning.  Like, the kind of smile Pinkie has when she finds out it’s somepony’s birthday.  And her hooves are tapping against the ground.

Oh, Tartarus.  I’m bucked.  Sideways.

“Well?” she asks, her eyes dancing with glee as soon as I land.  “What’s your plan?”

That’s it.  No, ‘hi, Rainbow Dash!’.  No, ‘how’s it going, Rainbow Dash?’.  Not even ‘Wow, Rainbow Dash, that was a really slick aileron roll right before a perfect back-wing leading to a seamless soft landing, you’ve been practicing!’

Okay.  Maybe Cadance wouldn’t say that last bit.

“Who told you?” I mutter nervously.

“Rarity, of course.  Come, I’ve already told the ladies at the palace spa that we’re on our way.  We want you to be as relaxed as possible while we plan out exactly how you’re going to wow my aunt.”

So, ‘scared’ isn’t a word I think about a lot.  Especially not in connection with me.  I wasn’t scared when the doctors told me about the tumor.  I wasn’t scared when I went under for the surgery.  But the feeling in my chest as I followed the bouncing princess?

Sheer terror.

I really do try to relax and get lost in the spa treatments.  The hot tub is actually warm, and the crystal ponies buzzing about do their best to keep me distracted. Their hooves are like magic as they start to work my mane with an array of floral scented shampoos. 

“Now let’s talk about your approach.”

Part of me had been hoping she’d forgotten.  

“Uh, approach?” I barely resist the urge to sink under the water.

“Your grand strategy.  Surely you came here with one, right?  After all, one doesn’t woo a princess without some sort of a plan.”  Cadance’s eyes are closed, and her lips are curved in a smile as the attendants work her own mane.

“I…” How am I supposed to tell her I like to wing it?

“Don’t tell me you’re going to improvise.”  She sounds scandalized, and she’s rising out of the water a little bit.

“But… improvising is what I do best…” I whimper.  Cadance shakes her head, much to the consternation of the spa attendants performing her mane and scalp massage.

“Rainbow, please.  You have to do better than that.  Now.  We’ll come up with something better.”

For the next three minutes, Princess Cadance talks at me.  Not to me, or with me.  At me.

I’m not ashamed as I flee the spa, trailing shampoo suds and the protesting shouts of the Princess of Love. 

Cadance is worse than Rarity for making those excited squeaking noises.  I didn’t even know that was possible.  All I know, though, is that when she starts floating ideas about catering and outfit coordination and who’s going to time the release of the doves, I’ve had as much as I can take.  

Is it really this complicated to ask out a princess?

My mane’s still wet from the hot tub as I flee down the crystal hallway.  I don’t know where I’m running.  I’m not even paying attention to where I’m going, just as long as it’s far away from the nightmare princess and her knowing smirk.

But as Spitfire has said before, inattention causes accidents.  And something about eating from a tube.  This time, inattention causes me to crash into a pony.

A tall pony.



“Oh, Celestia, did I just crash into…?”

“Rainbow Dash!”  Her voice is shocked.  Her voice is perfect.  I scramble to my hooves.


She’s politely holding a hoof over her mouth, holding in laughter.  I notice Luna standing behind her, not even bothering to hide her giggles.  There’s a knowing sort of look in her eyes.  How could she possibly…

Oh right.  Dreams.  Of course I’ve been dreaming about this for weeks now.

“Cadance is a genius,” Luna says, and it looks like she’s talking to herself.  “I’m impressed she pulled it off.”

I have no idea what she’s talking about.  Celestia gives her a confused look, before turning back to me.

“Rainbow Dash, are you okay?”  A perfect hoof reaches down, as if to check me for injuries.  I gulp and nod frantically.  She’s still smiling.  How can she be so perfect?  “What are you running from?”

“Cadance.”  Oh buck oh buck why did I say that out loud?  I have a moment of horror as Luna laughs again.  Wait, is that what Luna meant earlier?  Did Cadance… goad me into this by torturing me with talk of wooing and plans and stuff? Knowing I do my best work improvised?

She really is a genius.

“Why would you…?” Celestia begins.  Luna clears her throat, and both Celestia and I turn to look at Luna.

“I’m sorry, but I’d really like to see little Flurry.  Rainbow, why don’t you keep my sister company for a while.  I’m sure you’d both love a quick walk.  Maybe some fresh air?”

She winks at me, then whispers something to Celestia, earning a puzzled look before trotting down the crystalline hallway.  I steel myself and walk up to the most beautiful princess of them all, the towering monument to pony perfection, the best Princess herself, in the flesh, the very figure of beauty that made my heart beat faster and filled my dreams with—


Right before I do something stupid, or crazy, there’s this little voice in my head that always screams all the reasons I shouldn’t.  Like how I’m not good enough.  I’m fragile.  I could get sick.  I could fail her.  I could screw it all up.  I could die.  I will die, someday.  How can I possibly…?

Before I can overthink things, I open my mouth and let my brash mouth speak for me, washing away the stupid voice where it belongs.  Impulse and instinct.

“Princess Celestia, I was wondering— wouldyouliketogooutonadatewithmesometime?”

She blinks a few times, clearly trying to work out what my too-fast mouth had blurted.  Then the light of realization breaks in her eyes, she smiles down at me, and speaks.

“Rainbow Dash, I’d love to.”