//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - Letters to the Princess // Story: Your Faithful Student, Buggy Brush // by BUGFlower413 //------------------------------// Chapter 5: Letters to the Princess A couple of days passed since Buggy became Princess Luna’s student. The only pony who knew about it at the moment was Darky Spell. If he was going to tell somepony about it, it was obviously going to be his best friend. She was extremely happy for him when he told her, they even began to prance together. Today, unlike the past few weeks, it wasn’t that hot in Canterlot, it was a rather cool weather with a gray sky and some light wind. The perfect kind of weather for a walk, so Darky and Buggy were going to their favorite donut shop. “I can’t even remember last time we went to Sugarhooves’ shop. I wonder how she’s doing.” “Sunrise told me she was doing fine around a week ago that I asked her about Mrs. Sugarhooves.” “Wait, ‘Sunrise’ as in Sunrise Goldhearts? Our friend?” “Yeah!” “But she lives in Cloudsdale. I had no idea she knew about that donut shop.” “She didn’t exactly know. She was just passing by one day and she asked me for a recommendation for a shop to get a snack. She went there and met her and I guess they kinda became friends.” “Why am I not surprised? Good old Sunrise befriend every single creature she meets.” “Haha, fair enough. Sometimes I wish I had that skill too.” “Same here.” “We should all gather together one of these days, don’t you think, Bug?” “Yeah. I mean, geez, I don’t remember last time we were all together.” “I guess it was when we gathered for Heart’s Warming Eve, like 3 months ago or so.” “I can’t believe it has been that long.” “Me neither.” “I’m going to be honest, while I really miss spending time we six together, I guess maybe what I miss the most is seeing Foggy Bismuth.” “Oh, why that?” “Well, I talk with Sunrise from time to time through letters, same with June Griffon, Zweet Beatz and I are always in touch and you and I practically see each other every day, but I hardly ever have a chance to talk nor see Foggy and I miss her.” “Maybe we should pay her a visit later this week. I want to see her too.” “Wait, now that I remember, didn’t you tell me a while ago you had a little crush on her?” “Why do you think I also want to see her, silly? ;3” They both shared a laugh. They kept talking and laughing while going down the street. This kind of weather always makes them nostalgic for some reason, and they sure have a lot of good memories to talk about, either of their whole group together or only memories of them both. They were almost at the shop when they spotted a really familiar face. “HEY YOU TWO!!” a lavender pegasus yelled from the distance. She was their friend Zweet Beatz. A lavender pegasus with an orange and white mane, an orange tail, one pink left eye and a purple right one, a couple of drumsticks as a cutie mark and her classic purple sweater. “HEY ZWEET BEATZ!!” Buggy responded also yelling, followed by Darky. They approached to her. “how’s it going guys? i heard you two won the tour contest thing. how was it?” “It was, eeh…” -Darky and Buggy exchanged looks for a second remembering how that day went- “Interesting, mostly good.” “’mostly’? did something happen?” “Let’s just say I’m still not the best when it comes to remain calm.” Buggy answered looking away while blushing a little. “oh, shoot!” “Don’t worry though. Everything turned out well at the end. Pluuuuus-“ he walked a little closer to her “-I have some really exciting and interesting news to tell you~” he said smiling at her. “what is it? what is it??” she replied excited. Zweet Beatz is a few years older than Darky and Buggy, yet her energy and excitement are the same of a young filly sometimes. That’s something all of her friends always loved of her. “While you two talk, I’ll head to the shop and buy our donuts. Same flavor as always, right Bug?” “Yes! Thanks Darks.” “Don’t mention it Bug.” “ok! now tell me the news!” said Zweet while flapping her wings in excitement. “Ok ok. So, as I mentioned, the tour didn’t go exactly well per say, starting with…” He told her everything that happened in the last few days. The little “incident” when they were in the castle, how he lost his necklace, the nightmare he had and how Luna saved him and, of course, how he became THE student of the Princess of the Night herself. “NO WAY!! YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!” “Well, I am~” “OH SWEET CELESTIA!! THAT’S MORE THAN AWESOME BUGGY!!” “I KNOW, RIGHT?!” he replied with his biggest grin possible. “so what does it mean?? what does it entail??” “Oh, I write her letters whenever I need to tell her something important that happened in my day that made me either reflect a little about myself or feel bad. Also, we meet at least thrice a week inside of my dreams to talk about that kind of stuff (Which means we will be meeting tonight. First time after I became her student.)” “wait, if that happened just 3 days ago, how many letters have you written her until now?” “Only one, but I’ll write another one before this night.” “uuuh… why? i mean, you are going to see her in your dreams. couldn’t you just tell her there?” “Yeah, but I have my reasons.” She processed what Buggy said for a second before giving him a certain look that made him feel a little intimidated. “oooh, i see.” “Zweet Beatz, what are you insinuating?” he said with a deadpan voice. “me? nothing at all! it just seeems to me that maybe you’re trying to do some ‘moves’ with the Princess, huh?” He blushed completely. “Wait, w- WHA- NO!!! NO NO NO!! What in Equestria made you think that??” She giggled. “common, Brush! do you really think i didn’t notice your crush on Princess Luna yet?” He blushed even harder. Zweet and him were always really close friends, not as much as Darky and him, but she is that other pony that also helps him whenever he doesn’t feel alright. Even though, he never told her about his crush on Luna. That was a secret only Darky knew. “Alright. I guess there’s no point in denying it.” “lol” “YET, that doesn’t mean I’m going to try something with her!” “why not?” He sighed. “Zweet Beatz, let’s be real here, she’s a PRINCESS, an alicorn princess, one of the rulers of Equestria and one of the most important and awesome ponies that ever existed. What makes you think that I, out of all ponies, will even have a chance with her?” “hold on. what do you mean by ‘out of all ponies’?” “I mean,” -he looked away- “I’m… well, me.” “aaaand? what’s wrong with you being you?” “It just wouldn’t work, ok?” “Buggy,” she said with a more serious tone in her voice. “What the hay do I care if she’s a princess? Isn’t she a pony too like we both?” “I mean-“ “Didn’t she offer you help because of how much she related to you in the first place?” “That’s true.” “Then?” She gave one step towards him. “’You being you’ is NOT, and never was nor will be, a disadvantage, that’s bullsh*t. You are a nice pony, why wouldn’t you have a chance with another pony?” “Because I… I don’t… know.” Zweet Beatz has a duality only her closest friends know. She may seem an extremely layback and relaxed pony on the outside, but whenever she’s talking serious, her aura takes a full 180° turn, being even a little intimidating sometimes. She, as well as Buggy, struggled with a lot of troubles before in her life, some of them still follow her, so she wouldn’t tolerate him being so hard on himself. One of the reasons why she helps him whenever she cans. “I think you may be right, Beatz.” “of course i am!” “But then, what do you think I should do??” “just try to befriend her at the moment. one hoof at a time, boy.” “B- but I was already planning that.” “oh…” “…” “…neat then! keep doing that then!” “Aye aye, captain!” he answered jokingly. “Buggy!” he heard suddenly. Darky was walking towards them while levitating a bag. “DONUTS TIME!!” “Just hold on a minute, Bug. Remember, only 1 donut, the rest are for the movie afternoon.” “Fiiiine” “I also brought you some, Zweet.” “aaw, you didn’t have to, but thank you so much!” She grabbed a little box of donuts with a huge grateful smile. “We have to go now. Nice seeing you Zweet Beatz!” “Take care, girl! And thanks for the talk.” “same to you both! and remember Brush, one hoof at a time.” “I won’t forget, thanks.” “;3” “So, what did Mrs. Sugarhooves tell you? How’s she doing?” Buggy asked while they both started walking. “She told me a lot of things actually, so I’ll tell you later after the movies.” “Good idea!” They both started running. “Power Ponies movies marathon, HERE WE COME!!” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dear Princess Luna, today Darky and I wanted to go for a walk around Canterlot, and since we also wanted to get something to eat so we could enjoy even more our movie marathon, we decided to go to our favorite donut shop. In the way there, we met with an old friend. Do you remember when I told you I talk about my struggles with Darky and another friend? We met with that friend, Zweet Beatz, and she and I talked about some stuff. She made me feel a little more confident about myself, basically telling me that I was no less than any other pony (but in her own style, of course) and that made me feel happy. It was something little maybe, but it really meant a lot to me. The rest of the day was really good too, I had fun with Darky and we are about to have a sleepover at her house. I really loved today and I’m genuinely happy right now (and of course, I’m excited to see you tonight in my dreams). ~Your faithful student, Buggy Brush” Luna smiled to herself after reading the letter. She still needed to get used to have a student now. Something at the very end of the scroll caught her attention. It was a drawing of a blue alicorn with an ethereal mane, it was her. Then, she suddenly remembered something she told him the first time they met: “Maybe one day you could draw something for me?” She smiled again, letting out a little giggle this time while contemplating the drawing. “Thank you, my student.”