what do you expect when you let your toddler dye your hair

by a touch of sparkles

a rainbow of inspiration

Sombra woke up the day after shaving his mane and it had almost fully grown back in its usually ebony. There were still some pink strands stuck in his fur. He didn’t expect to miss it so much. But it was fun while it lasted. He stretched out his legs as he started to neaten his fur and hair. He had a long day today. He didn’t mind the company of the elements, even if they did blast him to pieces multiple times. But they were better than some of the nobles he had to deal with in court.

Having and interest in chemistry and science in general (which is what helped him free the umbrum) he got on well with Twilight. They shared a common interest in books to and he was more than expecting another book trade later today.

Rarity was the reason he was paying so much attention to how he looked, especially with polishing his armour. She was like a mini Rabia but white and purple.

Fluttershy was still scared to the feather tips of him for valid reasons but he literally hadn’t started any wars so he just assumed it was like her. Although she did lead to him meeting discord, who did more than a good enough job of keeping Etéra entertained through previous meetings.

Rainbow Dash was already popular in the Umbrum empire because she put some long-needed colour in the sky, even if it didn’t last more than a day it was still greatly appreciated. However the hell she didn’t freeze up there.

Apple Jack had offered to extend export of apples to the empire as of which one bite out of one and a gulp of cider was more than enough convincing. He had met the rest of the Apple family briefly and quite enjoyed their company. Which being somewhat introverted was a nice change.

Pinkie just scared the life out of him. The fact that she can handle chaos magic as an earth pony is what set of that feeling. Along with just spontaneously existing confetti cannons.

Spike was just there. Although there was a mild saltiness Sombra held against him.

When the hour came he sat on his throne waiting for the saviours of Equestria to step into his castle. The castle must have been strange to them when they first came around. It wasn’t tall and fantasy-esc like theirs. Instead it was much more squat and fort like which helped it not collapse in the northern winds. Even if they were in the eye of the north where storms generally didn’t touch. There was still the occasional gale force wind that would take down a castle like Canterlot.

The doors to his throne room opened and the group of chipper ponies appeared before him yet again.

“Good morni- er. What time is it?” Twilight asked. She would usually know but polar days and nights really threw that ability of skew.

“Eight thirty. So yes, good morning” Sombra greeted her as he stepped of his throne and made his way over. The group was still on rocky terms with him, but each visit only smoothed the ground.

“So this meeting. What was it about I got completely distracted this week and forgot” he didn’t mention the pink hair. Although if they had walked through town they would have seen the newspapers.

“Celestia was supposed to come check on you but she couldn’t fit it into her schedule so she sent us instead. I believe I mentioned that in the letter” Twilight re-informed him.

“By distracted ah assume yah mean the hot pink hair in the news” It was Apple jack who commented on his little “distraction” from his work.

“Speaking of pink. I made strawberry meringues and cherry cakes!” of course Pinkie had bought something sweet. Sombra really didn’t know why he was surprised. He sent one of his guards of to go get his family. If he was caught eating treats without them he would be murdered in his sleep.

He led them off into a side room where he held most of his smaller meetings. The small windows gave a nice view of his Empire. As they were sitting down and Pinkie was overly cheerily laying out the treats his kids and wife entered the room. Hope would stay but he knew his kids would leave after taking their fix, this stuff bored them. Etéra however always wanted to stay and play with the brightly coloured ponies that were rare in this empire. She started to take great interest in Rainbow dashes mane and tail. But who wouldn’t.

“I know. It’s awesome right. Having a rainbow mane. Lots of colours are common but perfect rainbows, not so much!” there was a slight pause.

“*gasp* DAD!”