//------------------------------// // School blues // Story: Chips Brothers' Archive // by JavaChips //------------------------------// As the leafy trees began to bronze, and a cold breeze blew through the air, it was clear to the residents of Ponyville summer was coming to it's end. For many of the young colts and fillies of the small town, this meant that their summer fun was coming to an end, and Autumn was bringing with it the beginning of school once again. With it's renovations behind it, Ponyville's official high school, Silvertongue High, would be reopening it's doors and clearing out of the overcrowded elementary school. The school had been named after famous philosopher and writer Sebastion Silvertongue, whose lineage traced back to Ponyville. The marketplace was in a major bustle as the parents of Ponyville were doing their last minute school shopping, grabbing pencil and parchment. The entire town was in commotion, it seemed as though everypony in town had left their shopping to the last day. The major commotion, however, was near the edge of town, as the voices of two brothers could be heard through the thick oak door. ------------------------------- Micro had his hooves wrapped around one of Java's back hooves as he begged. “Come on Java, you can't make me do this!” he protested. Java shook his head, holding true to his decision. “It's in your best interest Micro, don't argue.” Micro got back up on his hooves, looking upset as he looked at his brother. “I-I-I'm not ready, I'm still all worked up over the move, it's taken quite a toll on me.” Java shook his head and smirked, turning around to face his younger brother. “Yeah it really bugged me a month ago too, funny how time flies huh?” Micro looked around for something, and found himself staring into the workshop. “What about the repair shop? Who will help you while I'm gone?” Java shook his head and walked up to his brother, tussling his mane. “I can handle the shop myself. Micro when mom let you come with me to Ponyville you agreed to make me your legal guardian, and as your guardian I'm putting my hoof down.” Micro looked down at the floor, fixing his mane as he drew circles with his hoof. “It's just not fair...” Java smiled and put his hoof over Micro's, trying to be considerate. “It's completely fair Micro. Come on, you're only one year short of graduating, so just suck it up and go.” Micro sighed and took in a deep breath. “Alright...” he finally said as he walked upstairs to his room. Java smiled and shook his head as a knock came on the door. “Honestly I don't know how Mom did it...Hello?” Waiting at the door was Rarity, carrying a calculator in her saddlebag. “Good afternoon Java, I was wondering if you could do a quick favor for me?” she asked in a very sweet voice. Java looked at her suspiciously as he stepped aside to let her in. “This doesn't have to do with your hairdryer does it?” Rarity shook her head, stepping in and looking around. “Honestly darling, how many times to I have to say I'm sorry before you'll accept it? I'm just here to see if I can get Sweetie Belle's calculator from last year. Try and save a few bits, you know?” Java walked by her and led her into the workshop. “I'll see what I can do, hopefully it'll be a quick fix.” Rarity smiled and set the calculator down on the table, where Java carefully opened it, checking the internal wiring. With a firm nod of his head, he spoke up, “Yeah, no problem. It's the typical problem, the battery ran out. You'd be surprised how many ponies throw out their old calculators when the display mysteriously 'peters out.' I should have one over here.” Walking over to a large cabinet he looked around and found just what he was looking for, a very small round battery. Rarity smiled, happy to hear about the quick fix solution. With a quick snap, the batteries were switched out, and the calculator came to life once again as Java set the case back in it's place. With a quick exchange of bits, Rarity had the calculator back in her possession. “Thank you so much darling, this will save me plenty of money. If you ever feel like a change of style-” at this moment she stopped, seeing the disinterested look on his face. “Which of course you won't....right. Well, I hope you have a nice day.” she finished, trotting toward the door. ------------------------------- The next day seemed like a nightmare come to life as Micro got up. Java was already waiting downstairs, a rare occurrence where Java, typically one to sleep in, was wide awake and preparing pancakes for breakfast. He couldn't help but curse himself on the inside, his last chance at skipping what was to come gone as he walked into the kitchen and saw the plate on the table. Java smirked, seeing the defeated look on his brother's face. “Good morning sleepy head.” he said, setting the last of the pancakes on the two plates. Micro sat himself down and began eating, sighing. Java smiled and walked over, patting his brother on the back before sitting down himself. “Look, it's not going to be that bad, and you definitely can't avoid it forever. I say just power through, do your best, and try to make some friends.” Micro sighed and finished his pancakes. “You know sometimes it's scary how well you can read my mind.” To that statement the two brothers couldn't help but laugh. Once the dishes were done, Java made sure Micro's saddlebags were packed. With everything prepared, Micro was looking a bit more confident as the two walked out the door. By the time they had made their way down the dirt path to the school, Java could see in his younger brother's eyes a small twinkle of excitement. Micro looked up at his brother for that last little nudge in the right direction. Java nodded and beckoned him to go, and with that Micro was on his way. ------------------------------- Once he was in the halls of Silvertongue, Micro's confidence seemed to disappear among the sea of ponies. The first bell rang and everyone began moving toward their classrooms. Without much difficulty, he was able to find his classroom, and stepped in. As he looked around the room, he was reminded of the prison-like schools of Fillydelphia, where the grey walls seemed to forbid free thought. The walls around him, however, were colorful and inviting, a warm breeze of relief in the young colt's mind as he took his seat, preparing a piece of paper and pencil from his saddlebags. ------------------------------- Java made his way back down the road toward home when he ran into Applejack walking from the elementary school. “Good Morning Applejack, what's new?” he asked. Applejack turned and saw Java approaching from the other road. “Oh, howdy there Java.” she said with a smile. “Not much I reckon, just seeing Applebloom off on her first day. Though if she had her way she wouldn't be.” He nodded back, walking back toward town with her. “Tell me about it, Micro wasn't exactly looking forward to today either.” Applejack shook her head, sighing. “Can't blame the fella, sometimes he makes Fluttershy seem as brave as Dash. I hope he'll be alright.” Java smiled, stopping at his front door. “I wouldn't worry too much about him, once he gets settled in he's as normal as anypony else.” She nodded back, waving as she walked away. “Well best of luck to him.” ------------------------------- As the sun moved to the center of the sky, the students of Silvertongue High moved out into the school yard for lunch. Some of the students were leaving campus, off to enjoy lunch at the restraunts of Ponyville. Micro, however, remained at school, sitting alone at a table. In front of him was his GameColt, delving his mind deep into the game while he enjoyed a lunch of hay fries. He was pulled from his game as he felt a hoof tap his shoulder. Turning, he saw it was a metallic blue unicorn, a pocketwatch displayed on his flank. “Hi there,” he said, smiling, “Is this seat taken?” With a shake of his head, Micro shyly returned to his game. The blue unicorn took a seat next to the timid earth pony and looked over his shoulder at the game. “Hey, is that legend of blueblood? It is! Wow, you're already that far?” A small smile went across Micro's face as he nodded. “Yeah, it's my second play through.” The blue unicorn nodded and watched as he played. “I guess that explains your cutie mark. You're a natural gamer.” Micro couldn't help but blush at the comment, smiling a bit wider. “Th-thanks...I guess you make watches?” The unicorn nodded, smiling back. “Yeah, it's a very intricate process. Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Clickspring.” Micro nodded and held out a friendly hoof. “Micro Chips.” Clickspring bumped his hoof against Micro's, a friendly smile across his face. “Oh right, you're one of the ponies that moved in last month. It's nice to meet you Micro.” He nodded back and returned to his game, his new friend hanging over his shoulder as he watched him play. ------------------------------- Twilight made her way down the streets of Ponyville, carrying her saddlebags delicately on her back, careful not to break the fragile clock she was carrying. With a quick knock of the door, Java opened the door to the workshop, looking out at the violet unicorn. “Oh, hi Twilight, come on in.” With a quick bow of her head, she stepped in and looked around the shop, surprisingly messy. “Oh my, had another meet with the crusaders did we?” she teased. Java shook his head and started brushing things off a counter, trying his best to keep the clatter moderately sorted. “Nah, this was my doing. Micro was always the neater of us two. So what can I do for you?” Reaching back into her saddlebag, she set the clock down carefully on the cleared countertop. “Spike and Owlowiscious were playing around in the library and this clock fell off the wall. I was wondering if you could take a look inside and survey the damage. I already know the glass will have to be replaced.” He nodded and looked around the clutter for a screwdriver. After ten minutes of searching, he found one buried underneath a pile of screws and bolts. Twilight could only watch with a sort of “oh my” sort of look while he walked back with the screwdriver in his mouth. “Wow, it's hard to believe Micro was the one keeping all this stuff sorted and organized. Where is he anyway?” Popping off the back of the clock, Java surveyed the inner workings and began making a mental list of what was wrong. “I enrolled him into the high school.” The unicorn nodded and smiled. “Oh that's right, school started today. Well I hope he's doing alright.” Java nodded, picking up a pen and pad of paper, writing down a series of notes as he looked around the clock. “I'm not worried as much about how well he'll do. Micro has always been a bright colt, he gets better grades than I got when I was his age. I'm more worried about where his social life is headed.” Twilight nodded as she watched him work, looking over his shoulder at the list he was making, trying to make heads or tails of the terminology. “I can see where that would be an issue, I was kind of the same way when I was his age. Though I'm sure his natural awkwardness is more of a bother than his study habits. Nonetheless I'm sure he'll be able to make at least one friend at the school.” Java nodded, handing her the list and resealing the back of the clock. “Yeah, I hope so. Anyway, here's the list of parts that will need to be replaced. I'd do it myself but clocks aren't exactly my specialty. You'd be better off if I just let it be, trust me.” Twilight nodded and smiled, taking the clock back. “Thank you very much, I know just who to take it to.” she said, setting her saddlebags in the corner. “But first, I think you need a couple lessons in organization.” ------------------------------- Micro waited out front after the final bell had rung, looking amongst the ponies around him as they all left the schoolyard. “Micro!” came a voice from behind him. Turning around, he saw Clickspring walking toward him, his saddlebags bouncing up and down with each hoofstep. Once he had caught up with his friend he proceeded to catch his breath. Micro chuckled and watched him as his head hung tiredly. “I told you I would wait, there's no need to run.” he told him. After a couple more breaths Clickspring raised his head and smiled, starting to walk with him off of school grounds. “I just wanted to make sure is all. So do you want to hang out? I have some games at home we could play.” Micro shook his head, smiling. “Sorry, maybe some other time. It's been a long day, and my brother's gonna need help running the shop.” With a sad sigh Clickspring nodded. “Alright, some other time then.” he said with a bit of disappointment. Micro smiled and patted his friend on the back. “Sorry Click, I'll see you tomorrow alright?” he told him as they approached the Chips' house. The blue unicorn nodded and smiled, giving each other a high hoof before departing. “Alright Micro, I'll see you tomorrow!” As Micro approached home, he was filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. He stopped at the door for a moment and stared at it, collecting his thoughts. On the top of his mind, he was wondering just how badly his brother had trashed the shop, remembering his lack of neatness. With a quick opening of the door, Micro was surprised to see the shop was spic and span, not a single battery out of place. Walking through the door to see who was there, Java smiled as he saw the awe struck look on his brother's face. “Hey Micro, welcome home. How was school?” Micro walked down toward his brother, practically speechless. “It was...alright. Did you clean the entire shop by yourself?” Java chuckled and gave a soft nod. “For the most part, why? Did you think I'd let my own shop turn into a trash heap?” Micro shook his head and smiled, letting his saddlebags off in the corner. “I guess not, though you don't have a great history with these kinds of things.” Java shook his head, rubbing his mane with a bit of embarrassment. “Well anyway, why don't you go ahead and rest for a little bit, I'm sure you had a pretty rough first day huh?” Looking back on the day, Micro couldn't help but smile as he adjusted his glasses on his snout. “Actually, it was pretty good.” Java smiled and walked with his brother back into the living room, smiling. “Really, well how about you tell me all about it?” With a quick nod, Micro smiled and sat down on the couch. “Alright, well...in first period all we did was introduce ourselves and say a bit about ourselves, and after that we....” Java listened intently through the whole story, a smile on his face as he saw the excitement in his timid brother's eyes.