//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: The Detective Turned Smuggler // by Lamasioux //------------------------------// April 1st, 1010 The Sammakko was making her way through the water a bit slower than she was as she raced out of the Hjortland port, but it was faster than nothing. It was now night and the Sammakko was running dark. The moonlight was enough for anydeer to walk about the deck without falling over so it helped the few deer who were out manning the last AA gun and those still doing what repairs were needed to the outside. All of the fires that had sprung about on the ship from the earlier engagement had been put out and now all that was needed to do was to repair what had been damaged. One of the major problems that came about the engagement and that persisted now was the singular hole near the water line that had been discovered some time after the Sammakko had left behind the Changeling ship. Repairs to the damage were going slow and not up to standard as many of the crew would have liked as they didn’t have many materials to help fix it due to the stripping of the ship. They did what repairs they could to the affected areas before using watertight doors to close off the few sections that were affected to help keep any potential water from spreading into the rest of the ship. Lauri now finally got the chance to personally go check up on Velvet, even though he had already had some other deer do so. Lauri knocked on the door to the room Velvet was in, which was opened by Nathan, who instantly recognized him and immediately let Lauri in without any words being spoken. Torsti was sitting against a wall with his eyes closed. Velvet was laying in the bed that the room had, asleep. “Tors.” Nathan said as he went over to Torsti and nudged him. Torsti opened his eyes wide while blinking as he tried to disorient himself from the small nap he had been taking and saw Lauri, “Oh, Lauri?” Torsti then said through a yawn, “Yeah?” Lauri pointed with a hoof to Velvet before saying in a quiet tone, “I just wanted to see for myself that you all were still ok.” Torsti gave a weak smile, “Yeah, we’re ok, it was just a stressful day so far with, the whole battle that happened and all. We could feel the ship being hit. It was something else really.” Lauri nodded, “It truly was something else. Took quite a few hits in fact, we’re still floating and functioning but we’ll be going a bit slower from here on.” “We did just leave but how long do you think it’ll take to get to Equestria?” Torsti asked. “Well, we should be in the North Luna Sea right now, so maybe twelve to twenty-four hours more? Rough estimate. The port of Prancisco should be to the north but they’re still too close to the Changelings.” Lauri said. “The ship will make it? Right?” Torsti asked. “To Las Pegasus? We should, but we can ditch ourselves on the Equestrian coastline if we need to. It would just be more inconvenient to do that is all, prefer a port and city that has food and supplies for all of us.” Lauri said. He then pointed again to Velvet and asked, “How’d she handle it all?” “Honestly, calmer than me if I were to guess. I think she was just praying for you all to get us through the fight, but she must’ve done it crazy hard since she’s knocked out now. Fell asleep about ten minutes ago.” Torsti said. “Good, good. The easier this ride is on for her, the better. We shouldn’t have any more action though. We’re way beyond the point that Changeling subs are.” Lauri paused as he also closed his eyes for a moment, “Well, I should be going then. The other command was wanting me to get rest tonight, so I think I’m going to head off for that.” Lauri then turned around and went for the door. “Well, I’m sure you need it the most. Head deer of the ship right now.” Torsti said. Lauri turned around at the door and looked at Torsti and said, “Torsti… I’m not fit to lead a destroyer like this. I was in charge of all our submarines. I don’t know how to properly lead a single destroyer. I-” Lauri shook his head, “I’m just winging it…” Lauri then turned back around and left. Torsti watched Lauri leave and then looked at Nathan. Nathan just made sure the door was closed correctly before looking back at Torsti. “Guess I should sleep as well. It’s not like staying up will make being hungry any better.” Torsti said. “Probably right about that.” Nathan then sat down back in the spot he’d been in and added, “Just so you know, at some point I’ll be switching out with another deer tonight, to let me get rest. There needs to be somedeer awake in here in case of something happening. Just warning you for when you wake up.” “Works with me.” Torsti said. He was getting himself positioned in a way that he was ready to get up while also being comfortable while sleeping, “Just be quiet about it so you don’t wake me up.” “Yeah, yeah. I’ll try.” Nathan said. April 2nd, 1010 The night went by without any problems. The Sammakko was repaired to the best the deer were able to get her to while at sea. The sun was entirely above the horizon and the first servings of breakfast were going out. Potatoes. “We’re getting a radio message from the Equestrian navy.” That was the first thing Lauri heard from the messenger that was sent to his room. He was still in the middle of regaining consciousness from sleeping. “Four Equestrian ships are currently intercepting us and have sent a radio message sir.” The deer said again. “I heard.” Lauri then tried to wave off the deer and said, “Give me a second to wake up first.” “They’re currently rising above the horizon right now so they’re a ways off, but those on the bridge were asking for you, but gladly.” The deer then left Lauri to let him get ready. Lauri sat up on his bed and looked about his empty room and took some breathing exercises before he got the bare minimum done for his morning before leaving and going to the bridge. When Lauri got to the bridge, he got informed right away by what was happening. “The Equestrian navy is trying to figure out who we are. We haven't been able to send any reply though because of the damage we received from the battle. We have a deer trying to MORSE them right now though, but we’re too far from each other still.” “Just keep trying to send our reply to them, both through radio and morse code. We don’t need them opening fire on us.” Lauri said, “Do we know what class ships they’re sending towards us?” “Three destroyers and a heavy cruiser. They are in fact confirmed Equestrian. They’re coming from further within the Pegasi Gulf.” Lauri let out a sigh and then said, “Just keep on course. No way we can outrun them anyways and it’s not like we can turn back.” After ten minutes, the Sammakko got a new radio message along with morse code from the Equestrian ships. “We were finally able to hail them ourselves. They sent messages back asking what we’re doing after we told them we are a part of the Olenian Navy.” “Well, there’s nothing we can really hide from them so just tell them we’re escaping from Olenia with Queen Velvet. Tell them the truth.” Lauri said. Carroll was operating the light for sending the morse code. The deer who Lauri sent came to him and said, “Tell them we have Queen Velvet aboard and that we’re seeking refuge in Equestria.” Carroll didn’t argue or agree with what he was told and just went to translating the message in his head from Olenian to Equestrian before finally sending the message. “We bring Queen Velvet to Equestria. Refugees from Olenia.” Carroll then picked up his binoculars and pointed them in the direction of the Equestrian ships to see their return message better. While he waited for their message, he said, “Now we just got to wait for them.” After a minute, one of the Equestrian ships started to signal back to them. “We will need to board ship and check. We can’t let you through until then. We will need to inform our command.” After a few seconds of translating the message in his head from morse code to Equestrian, to Olenian, Carroll looked over at the deer and said, “They say they can’t let us in unless they board our ship. Rough translation.” “They’re able to radio us anyways. I’ll go check with the Admiral.” “So, they need to come aboard and check us first.” Lauri shook his head, “Fuc- I mean, we’re at war. They can’t just help us, it’s understandable…” Lauri looked up and said, “Ok. Let me go tell our morser what to say.” Lauri then went outside to where Carroll was. It took Lauri a few seconds to get to Carroll, but once he did, Carroll quickly saluted him before Lauri shook his head, “Message. I need you to focus.” Lauri then stared out in the direction of the Equestrian ships and said, “Tell them we agree to the boarding, but we need to get to port as our ship is damaged and low on supplies. Tell them again that we have Queen Velvet but also say that we agree to follow any secrecy they need us to follow or abide if that would help them accept us as refugees.” That was a whole chunk of information Carroll had to process quickly, but thankfully he was able to due to training and past experience. “You can board. We are damaged and need docking. Low supplies. Again, we bring Queen Velvet. We agree to follow secrecy if it helps your decision.” “And add that we can’t send radio messages but can receive.” Lauri quickly added right before Carroll finished. “Our radio won't transmit. Can receive.” Then they all played the waiting game. After a few minutes, the Equestrians started to morse back. It was a bunch of information they sent but Carroll was able to once again get it all. They also sent it by radio. “They are sending word to their command about Queen Velvet as well with finding out what they and we can do to get us to safety. They say they are also asking permission from Las Pegasus if we can dock there. It should take ten minutes before they get an answer but have said we’ll need to slow down and stop.” Carroll translated for Lauri. “Tell them we don’t have the fuel to stop. We’ll be running on fumes by the time we get to Las Pegasus as it is right now.” Lauri said. Carroll went to translating it. “Can’t stop. Won’t make it to Las Pegasus if we do.” The response was quick this time and only thirty seconds before a message was sent back. “Their fleet admiral agrees to letting us not stop, but they want us to fire our turret’s gun once to the port side and then leave it unmanned, facing that same direction.” Carroll said. “That works for me.” Lauri said. He then informed a deer to inform the turret crew to do as ordered and within some minutes, the bow turret was turning to the left, finding a random target in the open ocean far away before firing. After that, all of the crew abandoned the turret and went about elsewhere where they could be useful. Carroll uncovered his ears after the echo of the gun faded and then said, “The Equestrians are sending a new message.” He then watched the code before translating it, “They say they’ll be boarding us once they reach us.” Lauri looked back and stared out at the ocean before whispering, “We’re almost there.”