Is a Plan B really worth it?

by Elmaster48

Chapter 8

Tirek, Chrysalis and cozy glow were at the lair of Grogar. They reflected on the past day and couldn’t avoid feeling totally humiliated.

¨I can’t believe that for even a second I thought he saw me as an equal¨ Said Chrysalis.

¨and I can’t believe we didn’t acted sooner¨ Cozy Glow added.

¨okay, then we are going to sulk here, wait for our demise or are we supposed to do something?¨ Tirek commented.

¨I have no idea of what to do, do you?¨ Chrysalis asked.

¨he probably thinks we are death. So we can take him by surprise at his fortress¨ Said answered

¨he probably sealed off any hidden entrance at that cave where he is hiding¨ Cozy Glow pointed out.

Chrysalis then had an idea ¨wait, that cave has a lot more of tunnels than his army can reasonable cover. Maybe we could… no it would be too risky¨

¨RISKY!!!???¨ yelled the centaur at the changeling

Chrysalis told her plan ¨we could steal another ship from the equestrian navy, draw that jerk out of the cave on his ship, ram into his ship and board it!¨

¨Wait a minute, first… why do you assume that he would try to flee instead of remain in his fortress and fight us from there? He doesn’t have a numbers of advantages from there?¨ Cozy Glow pointed out.

¨Did you noticed that he never fights?, that he always end either us or his minions to do the dirty work? He doesn’t have the guts to fight alongside his army. He is a coward who will flee at the first chance he gets¨ Chrysalis explained.

She even with all of her flaws, always fought alongside her hive and even it was herself who impersonated Princess Cadence all those years ago.

Then Tirek pointed out another flaw in the plan ¨that explain why he didn’t help us is person even once. But you couldn’t try flying into the ship by yourself? I mean you and the brat can fly¨

Crysalis shook her head ¨in the past that was possible, but these days ships are equipped with canons that shot webs that snare any flyer and make them fall to their doom ¨

¨even ships from equestria are equipped with that?¨ Cozy Glow asked.

Chrysalis nodded, which caused the filly feel a chill down her pine. As a pegasus she can point out than that isn’t a good way to go.

¨If ponies are that ruthless I guess is safe to assume than that griffon also have some of those on his ships, looks we don’t have much choice on the matter but to use another ship against him¨ Tirek was convinced, it might be their only chance.

¨and why do we simply use the bell?¨ Cozy Glow pointed out at an alternative.

¨It would be easier like that, but if he feels that he is completely defeated we risk having him activating the artifact to take all of us down with him¨ Chrysalis argued.

¨maybe, but don’t you think than the other ships could try to either try to bard us too or shoot us? Not only we don’t have a way to defend ourselves from that that. It could also cause the artifact to destroy us all¨ Cozy Glow wasn’t all convinced.

¨and they probably know that, none would be so foolish to shoot at a bomb you have right on front of you¨ Chrysalis made her final point

That was a good point, so probably they are going to stick with chrysalis plan

¨so, let’s recap¨ Said the little filly

Crysalis said the plan ¨we steal a from the canterlot docks, we attack his fortress and that will make him flee. Feeling more secure inside an airship up in the air than in an underground fortress with countless secret passages¨

Tirek continued telling the rest of the plan ¨we ram into his ship and board it. Take the ugly artifact from his claws and destroy it¨

Cozy Glow then stood up ¨don’t forget the most important part, the explosive we are going to deliver into his ship¨ Tirek and Crysalis were confused at what Cozy Glow meant.

She flew away, the two of them follow her to see what explosive she is talking about. She entered Tirek room and moved the mattress on Tirek bed. It was Chrysalis the one that was less than happy with the filly little idea.

¨no¨ Chrysalis said whispered.

¨yes¨ Cozy Glow said gleefully

¨how did you found it?¨ Ask Tirek

¨isn’t was difficult to guess that you would hid it in your room, and the bulge on your bed made it obvious¨ Cozy Glow said.

Chrysalis hissed at Tirek for his poor choice of hiding place and then went to yell at the filly¨I refuse, that barrel and its contents are sacred. You will not use it as a bomb¨

¨We can get another one¨ the centaur pointed out.

Finally Chrysalis relented ¨fine, fine. But when any of you find something you consider important I will make sure to use it as a bomb¨

¨you are the one here that talks with logs when no one is looking in spite of promising on not doing it anymore¨ Cozy Glow commented while Tirek nodded in agreement, much to the former queen displeasure.

The docks of canterlot were sure on high alert now, with the activities of the last lieutenant of the storm king and the robbery of one of the airships, it was clear that the security in canterlot refuses to suffer another humiliation.

That would mean that things would be a little more difficult for this trio of villains… and perhaps more fun.

Same as before, use toy watches to measure the time. Chrysalis would release the ship and Tirek and Cozy Glow would take care of the crew.

This time was a couple of alterations. The route than the filly and centaur used was now full of guards… but the filly noticed a couple of platforms from where they can jump into.

For Cozy Glow that wasn’t a problem… for the centaur that was extremely difficult.

Meanwhile Crysalis took a new disguise, the disguise of an officer of the navy. She knew than that disguise would draw more attention, but she knew that whoever they put in charge of controlling the anchors wouldn’t fall for the same trick.

20 minutes left.

Tirek and Cozy entered the airship, from there they started the process they did the other day. Draw the attention of a member of the crew, left him unconscious and tied them up, now there was guards in the mixt… but their helmets didn’t do much to protect them from Tirek fist.

The process was more tedious that it should had been, maybe with all the guards the three of them were starting to get nervous, but they continued their operation.

2 minutes left.

Tirek and Cozy Glow finally managed to restrain the last member of the crew. Again they were waiting at the bridge expecting for the time to end.

Meanwhile Chrysalis in the form of an officer approached the engineer in charge of the anchors.

¨why are you wearing that helmet?¨ Said Chrysalis, imitating the voice of a drill sergeant.

The engineer stood up, saluted and said ¨after the robbery of the other day we were told to use these captain!¨

Chrysalis wasn’t wrong in her assumption, the new stallion in charge of this machinery was more disciplined… but that didn’t mean she didn’t knew a way to deal with him

¨recite the 10 codes of conduct of the equestrian navy¨ Chrysalis made her best effort to not burst out laughing.

Especially because the engineer was doing exactly what she order him.

Finally the watch started to sound, it was time.

The engineer was about to ask about the sound coming from the officer… when he received a direct order ¨show me your helmet¨

The engineer complied ¨here captain!¨

Chrysalis almost felt bad about ruining this engineer career too... She ended up knocked out the poor engineer regardless and went to stare from the window, there she could see the bridge of ship 3, the one they agreed to rob… and she was able to see Tirek hand waving.

She quickly presses the button to release the ship, now it started the most challenging part.

Cozy Glow started the engines and the airship started to took off. Meanwhile Tirek threw overboard the gagged crew members, it was all on his own until a pegasus jump into the ship… and revealed her true form as Crysalis.

Both of them quickly threw away the remaining crew members. The guards were too busy trying to save the crew members that none of then tried to board the ship… now they found a bigger problem.

The three of them could see a lot of ships at a distance, they clearly weren’t happy about the other day, and not even the fleet of the Prince Deceiver would be enough to scare them off.

They put all power to the engines, no attempt to fight the fleet, just run.

After several minutes of chase they managed to flee… either that or the navy called off the chase for some reason. Regardless they went to pick up something important.

¨we can change of plan if you like, maybe use something that doesn’t involve my liquor¨ Tirek and Cozy Glow shook their heads at Chrysalis proposition.

They went straight into the lair of Grogar. Once there they took Chrysalis barrel of moonshine and put it on the ship.

The trio had now their ship, their explosive... now they would give their enemy a visit.

The travel took several hours. The desert was quite treacherous, somehow some of the sand started to pour in into the hull, causing the ship to lose a little balance… not that deterred the trio. They knew that there wasn’t any other chance.

The Prince Deceiver was enjoy his meal, an exquisite quinine from Saddle Arabia, it might not taste good but the price and effort he put into this dinner was all the satisfaction he needed.

He was quite proud of himself, since the defeat of the Storm King in his invasion of equestria he managed to assemble quite a powerbase. And now with the artifact he would rule the world… not equestria, that place would be his sacrifice.

Then he heard the sound of fighting, it was the trio of stooges that brought him the artifact… how they survived? Doesn’t matter at this point.

He knew how powerful Chrysalis and Tirek are on their own, the filly didn’t worried him but he definitely would feel safer on his airship. Maybe they would make the mistake of follow him and get shot by his canons.

The ship quickly took off, traveling trought the cave and exiting to the surface… then he had a thought…

His little scheme could destroy equestria and send the world into his age darkness… that meant that there was a high chance than his enemies alerted the forces of equestria or other nation, he call on all of his fleet.

The fleet made a formation surrounding the personal ship of the Prince Deceiver, he wasn’t going to suffer a surprise attack...

¨MY LORD!!! RIGHT BELOW US!!! FROM THE CAVE!!!¨ one of his soldier inform that there was another ship coming from the cave… that didn’t make sense, he saw all of his fleet in perfect formation…

Then he remembered something… the size of the cave, the amount of troops he ordered to explore the different tunnels… that just reported more and more tunnels inside the cave…

His enemies managed to hide an airship right in that tunnel! He couldn’t believe it, he was just outsmarted. This was impossible, this was unthinkable.

Any contemplation than the Prince Deceiver had was interrupted by the sound of the enemy ship ramming into his own, he went running into his quarters, where he had left the bomb.

The plan worked perfectly, the trio of villians managed to outsmart the Prince Deceiver, they were be proud of this moment… but now it wasn’t the time for celebration.

The three of them boarded the ship, Tirek and Chrysalis remained to fight the soldiers at the deck of the ship, meanwhile Cozy Glow got inside the ship, she would find the bomb and take it from the Prince Deceiver claws.

Cozy Glow entered room after room, finding nothing until she noticed the room that she wasn’t hopping to enter… the personal quarters of the Prince Deceiver, it should be obvious considering all the golden decorations.

For old time sake the filly decided to… knock the door.

The Prince responded from behind the door ¨do you think I’m going to let myself be defeated like this?¨

The filly asked ¨well, how do you want to get defeated¨

The Prince responded ¨by using this weapon to fall alongside my enemies, oh please don’t let my dreams come true!¨

The patience of the pegasus reached its boiling point, she kicked the door open and had the Prince in sight.

He was holding the artifact with his claws, now it was glowing and it had a big button sticking out, it was ready and full powered.

The prince waved the artifact around ¨you can’t attack me! or do you want this thing to explode in your face?¨

Cozy Glow kept her distance, he was right. Not only there was a high risk that if she attacks him the button could be accidentally be pressed… but she was completely aware than she was unable to overpower him, doesn’t matter if he is a coward who avoid confrontations, she is still a small filly and he is still a grown up griffon.

Cozy Glow then saw the magic generator behind the Prince Deceiver and had an idea.

She started to get close to the Prince, one small step at the time, The Prince in response started to go some steps back, just what she needed.

The Prince Deceiver didn’t figure out Cozy Glow plan until it was too late, one of his paws touched the generator making a surge of energy go thought his body paralyzing him, The filly quickly took the artifact and flew away.

Cozy Glow flied as fast as she could to the exit, she found a door to the deck and… could hear the sound of fighting. Definitely would be a terrible idea to go there.

Deciding to not take her chances she decided to go and hide in some room, she choose the kitchen and hide under a table.

She eventually heard the sound of wings, and then of steps… and then those steps got closer.

It was the Prince Deceiver himself, he was looking for the little filly.

¨come here my little pony, I’m not going to hurt you. I can let you and your little friends go unharmed¨ The Griffon said, trying to draw the filly attention.

¨Friends…¨ The filly whispered , feeling offended by the term… she quickly covered her mouth, realizing the big mistake she made…

Fortunately the griffon didn’t hear her, so he went to the next room.

Cozy Glow took a look on the artifact she was holding for dear life. No longer was glowing, maybe lost its magical energy? Didn’t matter, she wasn’t taking chances and best to assume than that thing is still dangerous.

She got up and tried to find somewhere else to hide, that’s when the ship started to shake and bunch of plates fell over her.

¨NOOO!!!¨ Cozy Glow screamed at the top of her lungs, not so much for the pain of plates falling over her, but because in the impact she accidentally dropped the artifact…

And when the artifact got to the floor break into a million pieces, why didn’t activated? It could be a myriad of reasons, maybe if the artifact had fallen facing the button could had activated, maybe the artifact was so ancient that became useless like the one Grogar show no long ago, maybe the surge of power than the Prince used to activate it caused to break internally, or perhaps…

¨it’s out of power¨ Cozy Glow realized the answer, or at least the most probable one. She now remembered that the artifact was glowing when she took it and little by little lost its bright, and when she dropped that thing it was completely turn off. The artifact is no longer a threat, and now that is only a bunch of shattered pieces it would never become a danger again.

Just in case Cozy Glow took to the remains of the artifact and hold them with her wings. She now could simply go the deck and inform Tirek and Chrysalis of her victory. She walked out of the room and went through one of the hallways until she started to hear steps.

It was the Prince Deceiver, totally angry and completely ready to attack her. That’s when the filly had an idea.

¨Now I have the artifact, and I noticed that lost many of its power, now I can be the one to take us both down¨ Cozy Glow was hopping than the Prince Deceiver didn’t notice than the artifact was now broken, she was hoping that her wings would cover the pieces enough to deceive the deceiver.

¨you are ready? To destroy us both, to annihilate any chance you get out of this just to get the last laugh?¨ Said the Prince Deceiver, slowly walking towards Cozy Glow.

¨YES!!!¨ Cozy Glow yelled, started to approach the Prince, he soon started to back down. That plan was working for now, but she knew it could only make time. It was only a matter of time before he would notice than the artifact in her wings was destroyed.

Fortunately Cozy Glow noticed a piece of the roof in the hallway started to shake, the ramming did more damage that she initially thought and soon that piece of the roof would fall. She just needed to make him walk back a little so it falls over him.

¨Chrysalis is right! You are a coward!¨ Cozy Glow partially doubted that this trick would work twice in the same creature. But it was only one way to figure out.

The griffon started to growl ¨You can call me coward all you want. But I didn’t surrender like Frost and Gladius neither joined my enemies like Tempest, you call me coward because I wait for an opportunity instead of being a fool like ravager. Unlike them I will-¨ He was then interrupted by the filly.

¨unlike them no one is going to remember you, none will know what happened here if I activate this¨ Cozy Glow continued approaching the Prince Deceiver, making him continuing to walk back, he finally ended up in the place where she needed him to be.

¨if you activate that thing and all of the effort you put into-¨ Before he could continue the piece of the roof fell over him, so many rubble fell over him that he ended up unconscious.

Cozy Glow plan worked and she defeated the Prince deceiver.

The Prince Deceiver woke up, he tried to move but the rubble was too heavy. He was trapped inside a ship that was under attack by his enemies, with his ultimate weapon stolen. Still he didn’t surerendered and continued trying to escape… but his struggle only caused further debris to fall over him

¨I will escape, I will reorganize and I will hunt all my enemies! I AM NOT DONE!!!¨ the Prince yelled, he tried his best but nothing was working on getting out of there.

That’s when 3 old enemies appeared and got right in front of him.

¨I don’t have much to say. Only that you were right, I was going to outlive you¨ Said Tirek, mocking the speech the prince gave him to make him think he saw it as an successor.

¨You said that we would be equals, you thought that I would be just another fool you tricked into doing your dirty work just to be dispose of. But in the end you were the one beneath me, I wouldn’t even feed on you¨ Chrysalis said while hissing at the trapped griffon.

¨I don’t think that last comment would be something many would be offended¨ commented Tirek

Chrysalis hissed in response to tirek comment, but quickly Cozy Glow put herself between them.

¨well, it has been fun dealing with a master manipulator, hopefully I get to deal with somecreatue like you one day, too bad we aren’t going to see each other again. Saying goodbye is always the sad part¨ Said Cozy Glow, making an adorable voice that was made in clear mockery.

¨if you are going to finish me then do it already, stop wasting my time¨ The prince remarked.

Tirek then put his hand close to the Prince face, the prince saw…

¨the artifact¨ The prince said, while trying to not show showing any emotion.

Cozy Glow smiled devilishly ¨gonna cry? Are you going to swear vengeance?¨

¨I’m not giving you the satisfaction of a response, just know that you just destroyed your chance of victory¨ The prince said, no longer interested in saying anything more.

¨Well, I guess that’s all we can take from him, but we can show him the guest of honor?¨ Tirek asked to Chrysalis.

¨fine¨ Chrysalis exited the room while grumbling to herself, the Prince was confused on what guest they were referring to… but he wasn’t going to ask, at this point he was just going to receive further mockery.

¨let’s hope we get the opportunity to do this to twilight and her little friends¨ Said Cozy Glow

¨oh definitely, maybe we should had paid attention to those lessons on evil speeches from Grogar¨ Tirek remarked.

Crysalis finally came back, with a barrel, wharever it had inside it wasn’t going to be good for the Prince Deceiver ¨it’s a shame. I’m really going to miss you, I will make memorials in your name¨ Said Chrysalis with tear on her eyes.

The Prince Deceiver could only watch at the changeling weeping at a barrel ¨what are you-¨ but he was interrupted by the hissing of chrysalis before he could finish asking what is going on.

¨shut up, I’m talking with the hero that will make the ultimate sacrifice¨ Chrysalis then gave a last hug to the barrel and left.

¨we really need a serious talk with her about stop talking with inanimate objects¨ Cozy Glow remarked while leaving the room.

¨well, it’s been a pleasure¨ Tirek then started leaving the room. Not before lighting a string that ended… in the barrel.

¨AN EXPLOSIVE!!!¨ the Prince Deceiver yelled, realized what was going to happen to him.

¨yeah, the irony wasn’t lost on the brat over there¨ Tirek commented before starting running to jump ship before the explosion.

The Prince Deceiver was now trying his best to blow away the candle, but it became useless once the small fire on the rope catch on to the floor. His destiny was sealed.

meanwhile trio was in their ship, Crysalis took control of the bridge and from there she managed to separate their ship from the Prince Deceiver ship, meanwhile Cozy Glow and Tirek were looking at the Prince ship from the deck of their ship.

¨do you think we over did it?¨ Cozy Glow commented.

¨i don’t think so¨ Tirek said in response.

Then they saw the Prince Deceiver ship… catching fire, not exploding like they were expecting to, but shortly the ship started to fall. Considering the extremely high altitude... no way the griffon would return from that.

¨maybe we needed something a little more bigger¨ Tirek said at the disappointing sight.

¨a victory is a victory, with that bell we can surely do something better soon¨ Cozy Glow commented.

Tirek and Cozy Glow went to the bridge of the ship to help Crysalis with it.

¨well, looks like you were right. His fleet fled when we got inside his ship¨ Cozy Glow remarked, she was happy that things work out right.

¨everything has gone well… aside from my most royal follower making the ultimate sacrifice, and you breaking the artifact¨ Crysalis snaked at the apparent filly clumsiness.

¨that is for the better, that thing could had been used against us anyway¨ Tirek said. To him that artifact was better of destroyed and forgotten.

¨well, at least we still have the bell. That and this ship, maybe I can keep it once we-¨ the changeling was quick to shatter the hopes of the filly.

¨between the damages those ponies did when we tried to steal this ship, and the damage to the hull when we ram it… you know what, keep it. It’s going to be a miracle if it doesn’t crash before we get back at equestria, but just keep it¨ the former queen remarked.

¨meh, I guess some things don’t last forever¨ The filly said gleefully, trying to mask her annoyance at the Former queen comment.

¨well, let’s see if doesn’t crash in the middle of the desert, I doubt you would want another stroll through the desert right?¨ the centaur comment was met with a growl from the filly, she currently wasn’t keen on going through that desert anytime soon.

After a couple of hours Chrysalis was proven right, the ship was too damaged to fly too long, fortunately they long passed the dry bone desert and got back to equestria. So it wasn’t much of an issue getting out of the ship before it continued to malfunction, that was better that crashing down… at least for Tirek.

¨well, it’s a good thing that I brought this¨ Crysalis said while opening a box she had hidden.

¨what did you-¨ Cozy Glow question was answered by Chrysalis throwing camping equipment in front of her.

¨we aren’t getting into the lair of Grogar anytime soon, better to get some rest before we go to the lair¨ Said chrysalis.

Cozy Glow and Tirek nodded, that would be for the best.

Once they got out of the ship they starting setting up the camp, a little relaxation after the craziness of the last days.

¨I guess cooperation wasn’t so bad after all¨ Cozy Glow commented.

¨I guess, but I for once I don’t want to do any of these sneaking about once we defeat those annoying ponies¨ Tirek remarked.

¨i don’t know, you are good at sneaking, better than some of my changelings¨ Chrysalis responded.

Tirek couldn’t help himself but laugh in response, at least this little chapter is over.

¨well, I guess a plan B wasn’t worth it. But at least was fun right?¨ Cozy Glow asked.

¨maybe, but I for once I will pretend as this never happened¨ Chrysalis said.

¨I guess. But it’s not every day we get to defeat somecreature so nasty¨ Tirek remarked.

¨so, wait. That doesn’t make us… heroes?¨ Cozy Glow asked… and immediately covered her face in shame.

¨oh please no, that’s why I say is better pretend this never happened¨ Chrysalis responded, both her companions nodded.

Their little break was cut short whoever, they could hear the sound of a ship… and then multiple ships.

¨they must have follow us¨ Chrysalis said, she was impressed with the amount of ships, even was squadron of Pegasus flying around the ships.

¨that would explain why they didn’t blew us up when they had the chance¨ Tirek added.

¨does it matter? I think we should better get out of here¨ Cozy Glow said, her two companions nodded and the three of them quickly left the camp.

This was definitely an interesting couple of days they wouldn’t forget soon, even thou they didn’t got their plan B at least this victory made them sure that they would win when the time comes to confront Princess Twilight and her pesky friends.