//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 // Story: The Detective Turned Smuggler // by Lamasioux //------------------------------// April 1st, 1010 Torsti and Lauri, after quickly explaining to the guards who were guarding the queen, barged into her room and slammed down a piece of paper in front of her. “Queen Velvet, under the order of Field Marshal Einair, General Eilert, and Admiral Lauri, you are hereby being detained and escorted to the destroyer HOMS Sammakko to escape to the country of Equestria.” Lauri stated to her. Velvet quickly stood up in her chair in protest of the sudden intrusion but got no word out as Lauri slammed his hoof onto her desk. “By the damn fucking god's Velvet! You will comply with us! We have gutted the Sammakko for speed, we have worked on this secretly for the past seven months and have gotten verbal permission from every General, gotten nearly every politician we could find to sign this paper to give you permission to escape to Equestria! All in the past few days as well! We have worked tirelessly to give you a chance to live and rule as our queen in the future!” Lauri yelled at her.  Lauri then pointed a hoof at Torsti, while still looking at Velvet and said, “If you refuse, we will use force to get you out of this palace, into a car that will take us to the Sammakko and force you on. I have already explained to the guards outside, so just comply with it!” Just like magic, the guards who were outside were making their way in to see what was happening, but having already been shown the paper and informed, they only watched for now. Velvet saw the guards and waved them down with her hoof and said, “Get these two out of here! They’re interfering with my wo--” It wasn’t Lauri or Torsti who spoke up, but one of the guards, who yelled, “Velvet! They already showed us the paper. Even if you still disagree, we’re with them too. You shoul-- You need to go. There’s nowhere else in Olenia for you to go… We’re not stopping them.” Velvet blinked, “What…” Lauri looked over at Torsti again, before saying, “Velvet. We need to go now-” And once again, another interruption, but from outside. Outside the palace. The air raid siren. Once Torsti, Lauri, and the two guards realized what the sound was, they all just looked at Velvet. Velvet stared back at all four. She was paralyzed with what to do. She was supposed to be rushing for the bomb shelter. “Oh for fucks sake! Torsti! Go get a car started!” Lauri then marched his way over to Velvet and grabbed her and started to drag her quickly along out of the room. Torsti spent no time messing around, he hoofed it out to the parking lot outside, finding the hut they kept the keys in, grabbed one to the proper car and made his way to it, and started it up. Torsti only had to wait another minute before he saw Lauri and Velvet making their way out of the palace and towards his car. By now, the air raid sirens were blaring away, hoping to get any deer listening indoors to a safe location, besides these three. Torsti was deafened for a moment when Lauri and Velvet opened the doors to the car and got in as well, finally being able to hear after they had closed the doors, but he waited for no signal from either to go, he just floored it and went. Torsti realized a problem real quick as he drove away. The outer wall gate that blocked the entrance and exit of the palace was closed, but thankfully Torsti found his solution, just give the car some more gas. Torsti never stopped the car and just drove the car straight into the center of the gate and broke through, but the gate also mangled the front of the car when he did so. Thankfully, they were all safe and so was the functionality of the car. Just cosmetic damage. Torsti continued to drive at full speed down the road. It was easy to do as always due to the lack of, well anything. Lauri was in the front barking orders at Torsti on when to turn though. Torsti hadn’t driven around the city himself, and the only other times he had was when he initially got to Hjortland and when he was first driven to the naval yard. The naval yard, though, was where Lauri was directing Torsti. Velvet sat in the back of the car, terrified in her mind. After being forced outside by Lauri and some of the other guards, she now just sat in the back, with nothing but the clothing she wore, the same as Torsti and Lauri. “Take this coming left!” Lauri said, pointing ahead with his hoof, “The damn gates open! O- Ok. Just drive through! Go go go!” Torsti did as Lauri instructed, driving through the entrance to the dockyard. After a few more instructions from the Admiral, they finally drove up on the HOMS Sammakko, where there was a single ramp leading up to the deck from the dock. Torsti drove right up to the ramp, where he put the car in park, got out himself and rushed over to the ramp, and started making his way up, stopping halfway up to see if the other two were following. They were. Velvet was in front of Lauri, who followed right behind, and as all three made it up onto the boat, which started to move forward within seconds. There were deer at the mooring lines who cut the ropes away just before the ship started to move.  The ramp that they had used started to bend before breaking off and falling down into the water between the boat and the dock, which wouldn’t do any damage. And they were off. Lauri was instructing Torsti and Velvet on what to do, taking them to a doorway that lead into the ship where they were also met by some crew members. “No time, just get them to their rooms and have them hunker down. Lifejackets and everything else as planned.” Lauri said to the crew members and without saying anything else, he took off to the bridge of the boat, leaving the two behind. Velvet, despite being rushed quickly, took a second lookout at the city behind her, before being pushed inside the ship by Torsti and the crew. “We need you two inside. The other four are already here. I’ll show you to the rooms.” One of the sailors said. “Don’t worry about anything. We’ll have some sailors with all of y’all to show you out if emergency calls for it.” A second sailor said. After their quick comments, they rushed Velvet and Torsti to a room near the middle of the ship, just below deck that had some lifejackets inside and bare minimum basics for living. There, Torsti and Velvet waited with another sailor who was there to help keep watch over them as the ship left the country. Up top, in the pilothouse, Lauri learned everything he could from the crew, those operating all the equipment throughout the ship, and those in the bridge. “HOMS Vesikko and HOMS Ishamn have both taken damage so far. They’re all still holding off the Olenian fleet. We don’t have a big window to escape.” One officer said. “Well let’s just focus on getting out of port first.” Lauri said, “Are the anti-air guns manned?” Lauri asked. “Port and starboard side AA are manned, along with the 105. We have eyes on the skies for the air raid, but we haven’t seen anything yet.” Another deer said. “What about tugboats?” Lauri asked. “On the port side right now. Only tug we have to help us out though.” A deer said. Lauri continued asking questions, getting told everything possible. Only after ten minutes of boarding the ship, was the HOMS Sammakko finally starting to make her way out into the open ocean.