A Vengeful Return

by Never-After-All-Readings

chapter one: Godhood and mistakes(4/24/23 rewrite)

My little pony: A Vengeful Return

chapter one: Godhood and mistakes

Since time immemorial, there stood two groups at the forefront of creation. One side stood as holy beings spreading harmony across what would be the known universe. They created life in all its forms, sowing in them the seed of godhood so that one day their creation may sow more life and continue the cycle of creation. They saw themselves as shepherds leading sheep that one may lead themselves.

The second group was born shortly after the first seed of life was planted. The Chaos, fear, and hatred of the New mortal races gave birth to those who only know destruction and pain. As the mortals grew in number, so did this new faction of gods. Soon they became as strong as the creators of harmony, and a war for the universe began. This new faction of gods stood only to sow death. They struck out into the known and unknown, killing all those they saw as a threat to the new power they wielded, seeing the mortals as nothing but a source of power to be exploited. The foundation of war between the two god-like factions was laid, one fighting for life, the other its eternal damnation, the root of existence in the balance; with this, the greatest war of the cosmos began.

A battle that looked as if it was fated to last till father time took his last breath. Life and peace would come to be, but in the blink of an eye later, it would disappear if it never existed; a galaxy would spring into existence only to be snuffed out in a blaze of hellfire from dying stars driven to their end by the strings Chaos.

Time continued with each battle, moving the stakes higher and higher, every loss on both sides showing as the created universe around them changed in unfixable ways. The war never slowed as the two sides fought with all the power they could spare. The war dragged on, and like the tide of an ocean, the strength and victory of both sides came and went. It wasn't until the first second of infinity passed that the war to last forever came to a very sudden quiet end.

The accurate account of what happened was lost to antiquity disappearing with the gods that fought in the war of all wars, but legend says that the seed of godhood planted all these eons ago finally grew, and with it, a new generation of gods came to be. Hidden in the texts of time lies the story new God with the power to rival the ones of old; with such force, their first act was to look on in disgust at how the old gods fought, using their new limitless power to trap the two warring factions. Placing them on a distant planet far from the reach of any mortal that would dare look out of curiosity or greed so that the old gods may never escape seeking revenge.

The gods were trapped, stranded with but a fraction of the nearly unlimited power they once held, given mortal forms to inhabit as punishment. While this stripped them of the once godly powers they possessed, they were by no means weak; compared to an ordinary mortal, they still stood as gods, able to use their vast powers to lord over those weaker than them. Sadly nothing was learned, as both sides took up armies again, fighting over the new barren rock they called home.

The once all-powerful harmony users took a form that matched the grace their name once held, taking the shape of a unicorn, the Symbol of power and beauty throughout the universe. To add to the strength they lost, they added earth magic to the body, giving the physically weak body the endurance to survive where other mortals couldn't, giving them the advantage in any hardship they faced. Lastly, they added wings, so they may live above the lands they would rule. The compaction of these three forms gave them the name Alicorns.

Their chaotic counterparts, however, were content on deciding the new forms with the flip of a coin, resulting in an animal of miss match parts, one side a deer antler with the horn of a goat, and two different wings adorned the backs of their long dragon-like bodies. The only constant part of their bodies was the pony head, used to taunt the Alicorns and their so-called perfection, coining the name Draconequus.

Peace between the two could only last so long, and soon the war of old came to the forefront as the two sides fought over the right to rule their new home. To spread life, to promote free will, or to chain it so that their new creations couldn't lash out in retaliation like the last, lines were formed armies clashed in the field of battle. It would last a few short minutes and end as the bloodiest conflict in the war. The Alicorn and Draconequus races fought, and with the new mortality of their bodies for the first time in the war, true blood spilled, and death hung in the air, greedily taking souls never meant to be touched by its scythe.

This battle made both sides pause in alarm. What was happening? Having never been as weak as they were now, none had experienced death. This act had almost ended the war, each side taking time to honestly think if the barren rock they called home was worth killing or even dying for; the game had changed, and the consequences were more real than ever.

It was later that the Alicorn grand council met in an emergency meeting. What where they would do? Such battles would be fought in the future. Would they fight and put themselves at risk to end the chaos threat once and for all? They would lose too many Draconequuss. Such a fight would be the last for both sides. So as a one-last ditch effort, they devised two plans: to make an army of pawns, fodder for the cannons of war.

It was with a heavy heart the plan would come into effect. The Alicorns threw away an eternity of moral guidance for the greater good of ending the war. The second plan was one of the last resorts. The foundation was to be laid but would have to wait. The time was not right and had too many conditions unmet, but for now, an army was built and led to the slaughter.

The Alicorns turned to themselves for inspiration for their new army. The first creation was the earth pony, a front-line troop, an unmovable force connected to the ground it walked on. The next creation was the unicorn, a creature to wield power cosmic, physically weak, But its mental power is unrivaled in the three races. Lastly was the Pegasi, winged ponies that are masters of the air, built to be small but fast, to go where most couldn't be, and to see what others couldn't.

Sadly it was not under their own will, for the Alicorns ripped the choice of the ponies away for them so that they would fight without question or hesitation. This army would lead to the end of the war, hopefully long before the second plan would ever be needed.