//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: The Detective Turned Smuggler // by Lamasioux //------------------------------// January 1st, 1010 The past month has been a big change for Torsti. He was drafted into some secret military operation by some of the most high-ranking deer the Olenia military had and was in charge of it. Despite being in charge of the operation in terms of its planning and now living in the Hjortland Palace, there was one problem. The weight of everything was finally settling down on him. Next to no progress was made in terms of coming up with a plan. The most he had gotten was to requisition a naval boat for the best modifications possible for escape, but beyond that, he had done nothing else. Torsti spent his days inside his room just looking over the ever so changing reports and classified information that was being thrown at him, all for him making constant changes to his planning, but it didn’t matter as he barely worked on it. In his spare free time, he spent either eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, taking the bare basic care of himself and then wandering the halls of the palace occasionally. No deer stopped him. Either they were just too used to seeing him around or they never noticed him. Torsti was to do this until Einair, Lauri or Eilert decided to enact it, if ever. Maybe they would decide on something else. Maybe the country would be overrun before it could be carried out. Maybe they would all just give up. Torsti didn’t know, as all he had was himself most days. That was until today as he wandered the outside of the palace. It was the first day of the new year, early in the morning, before the sun came up. Torsti had decided to join other deer in the garden for the celebration at midnight. He was able to watch Velvet give a speech, which was broadcasted to all deer who could hear. It was the first time that he had seen her since coming to the palace. He didn’t stick around long after the celebration had ended up wandering around the outside of the palace for the rest of the night. Dazing off occasionally places he sat, but getting up and taking a look around. Even if other deer thought it weird of him to wander the night like that, he found it really refreshing and much needed after his month's work. “Torsti.” A voice said. Torsti looked behind him and saw Admiral Lauri. “Admiral?” Torsti asked. “Is everything locked up?” Is all Lauri asked. “...Yeah…? Torsti stated. “Looks like you have winter clothing… Come with me. We’re going to the naval yard.” Lauri said. “N- The naval yard?” Torsti asked. “Mhmm. Just come. We’re going to be driven.” Lauri said as he waited for the slow Torsti. Torsti nodded slowly before following Lauri. Lauri took him to the parking lot, where a deer waited at the entrance of, who greeted Lauri and Torsti before taking them to a car. The three got in, Torsti got in the back while Lauri got in the passenger seat, with the other deer driving. “What’s this all about? I thought I couldn’t leave.” Torsti said. “You can, with me. Now hush up and enjoy the ride. There’s not much to talk about until we’re there.” Lauri said. Torsti was about to say something else but stopped himself as the car started to move. Torsti watched out the window after that and watched as he left the palace in the night. There weren’t many, if any lights on. They had to keep them turned off at night for Changeling air raids, but only a few had happened, but the anti-air defenses of the city were enough to keep damage nearly extinct. That’s probably why they were driving at night with the car lights on. The light from the car reflected off the snow as they drove through the city. Torsti sank into his winter clothes as he sat in the back, leaned against the window. Every breath the window became fogged for a moment, fading before quickly appearing again. The vibration of the car driving made him vibrate but he just sat there relaxed. The rest of the ride seemed like it passed instantly as he was soon being told to get out, with his door being opened and having himself almost fall out but catching himself quickly. “We’re here.” Lauri said. Torsti got out of the car after that and stood up, looking around to see where they were. The sun was starting to shine above the horizon and everything seemed just a bit lighter. He then looked at Lauri who motioned for him to follow him. The sea was the first obvious thing Torsti saw as he started to follow Lauri. They were walking onto the dockyard and Torsti started to look around for any ships. There was none but one and they were walking right for it. Lauri stopped eventually, they were a distance away from the ship but the details of it could be slightly seen from where they were as the sun continued to rise. “HOMS Sammakko. Destroyer class.” Lauri then looked over at Torsti and said, “She’s at your disposal if you follow through with your boat plan. I’ve been working with the crew to make plans that’ll get the most speed out of her. They don’t know why but I had to go through a lot of work to take out a destroyer from service for this.” Lauri then looked back at the ship. “That’s why you brought me out here?” Torsti asked. “I wanted you to see it yourself… We aren’t able to build any planes as our factories are either behind enemy lines or too busy making things to delay the inevitable. Our first priority is our country's defense, not evacuating the queen. She’s wanting to stay until the end herself, but we have a plan for even that. One you weren’t told about, but may as well since it won’t hurt. We’re going to start spreading rumors of the queen planning to leave. We’ll try and push the rumors as much as possible but however the queen responds to these rumors will be another thing.” Lauri said. Torsti stared out at the boat for a bit before asking, “What about me? What’ll happen if you take this boat plan and go through with it? My job would be done.” “You’d still do your job. Your sole role is to be the untrained mind figuring out the plan. Maybe you’ll come up with something else. Maybe you won’t.” There was then a pause from Lauri as his eyes drifted about on the destroyer, “You also might become the queen's personal guard. Ever since becoming queen, she hasn’t had a dedicated one. It might be an easy role though. Make sure whatever deer’s with her during her escape to Equestria doesn’t try to kill her or anything. Basically, be given priority over whatever guards she does have as they’re all trained soldiers who’ll need to fight, plus it’ll keep them from trying to kill each other… Einair’s idea.” “So I just also happen to be chosen at random to be getting a free one-way ticket out of the country as well.” Torsti muttered. “It seems so.” Lauri said. “How long do you think our army will last?” Torsti asked after a few seconds. “Month or two I’d say.” Lauri answered. Torsti heard his answer but didn’t say anything else. He just started to walk towards the moored destroyer. Lauri watched him for a few steps before following behind him. They were both quiet. Torsti walked down the dock, getting closer to the ship. He walked all the way to the front of the boat where he turned to look at it’s bow. Lauri stopped beside him and looked as well. After a bit, Torsti asked, “What would you do?” “Plan’s to leave the frontal 105mm turret, gut the back one along with the torpedo tubes. Estimates on that alone would increase the max speed by half a knot. Decrease the crew size from it’s standard crew size of 325 deer, down to 200. Current numbers at least.” Lauri paused to catch his breath before continuing, “Spend at least a month having some engineers come by to tweek the boilers the best they can get, near perfection for sustained speed. Plan out how much fuel is needed for a path to Equestria to also help cut down on weight. Current plans is to have enough fuel to putter herself into the bay of Las Pegasus. Cut down the amount of ammo there is for the remaining gun. One set of clothing for all deer, whatever they have on. Gut the spare rooms and bunks from the reduced crew size. All deer forced to have their antlers cut and a whole bunch of other weight reduction plans. Even removing half the lights and nearly all non-water, air, and oil-tight doors. Everything. The whole ship would be gutted for speed. All for a few extra knots at max.” Lauri ended off with. “Is that not enough?” Torsti asked. “I don’t know.” Lauri said. “Can you make it enough?” Torsti asked. “We will try.” Lauri said. “Then do it.” Torsti said. “You sure you don’t have any secret plan that would work better?” Lauri asked. Torsti looked over at Lauri and said, “Yeah. It’s called taking me back to the palace so I can sleep.” Lauri looked over at Torsti, but the sun had risen enough that when he turned to look, he was blinded.