The Detective Turned Smuggler

by Lamasioux

Chapter 7

December 15, 1009

Torsti waited around outside the room. He was spared waiting long as only after ten minutes did Admiral Lauri come out, with Einair behind him, but she stayed in the room.

“I guess farewell for now my friend.” Lauri carried one of his bags as he stopped for the moment, “I have to get a car ride over to the naval yard now to get back to doing my limited work.” He then motioned to the room, “Best go inside.”

With that, Lauri took off, talking to another deer who had been waiting outside, who followed him.

“Just need a quick word with you Torsti.” Einair said.

Torsti quickly brought his attention to Einair, “Ok.” Simple response. But with that, he walked back into the room and followed Einair to the seats. Both of them took their seats where they had been before Torsti had left.

Einair sighed and stared at Torsti for a few seconds before finally saying, “Ok, listen. Here’s what’s going to happen to you.”

Torsti leaned in, not wanting to waste her time by missing something.

“You’re going to be living here at the palace. Best place to keep you away from every outside deer. No intrusions, nothing. A room will be cleared out and that’s where you’ll be. You’ll have draws, keys, safes, and the obvious requirements to hold documents and classified files. You’ll be getting those here as well, every day. All outdated documents will be destroyed by you. Lauri will occasionally check on you, maybe even me myself, on your progress regarding whatever plan you come up with.

I should also state, your room will be locked and guarded 24/7. The only deer who’ll have a key to the room is you, Lauri, and me. Eilert won’t have one as he’s too busy with being at the front lines, preparing for the obvious. No deer is to come into the room beside us three. Lauri already told me about your gun. We’ll get you a pistol instead at some point, but know if anydeer but us come in while you’re there, you are to shoot them. Hopefully, whatever guard’s outside deals with it first. They won’t know anything themselves.

Keep everything secret. Keep everything locked up and just do your job.” Einair then stood up and said, “And one important thing. Don’t bother the queen if you see her.”

Torsti was given a tour of the palace, of at least the places that they wanted him to see. He spent a lot of the day being told procedures and the do’s and don’ts of the palace. Where he could and couldn’t go. He met with various politicians briefly who seemed to be familiar with what they were doing and other soldiers. Only high-ranking officers and palace guards.

At the end of the day, he was shown to the room he would be using, which looked like it had been gutted recently and only had the basic utilities at the moment. He of course was given a key to the room and once everydeer had left him, he was to lock the door and turn it into his place of privacy, not only for himself but for the classified documents he was to soon start receiving.

One of the interesting things he noticed about his new room was the new uniform that was laid out on his bed, a few pairs of clothing, and a military pistol.

The uniform was similar to his current one except for the rank that was sewn onto it. Two silver bars were attached to it, which he came to realize was his rank of Captain. The other clothes were basic daily wear, sleepwear and more formal clothing for whatever occasions he might need them.

He changed into the sleepwear that was provided before putting the rest of the clothing into the one closet that currently resided in the room. He put his old revolver into the closet as well, hiding it in the back of the top shelf. He tried on the new holster that came with the new pistol to get it to fit himself before he put it on the dresser next to the bed, at a hoof's reach ready to go.

He inspected the few safes in the room that were managed to be moved in that day, having a key for one and a keyring provided, he fashioned them together so that his room key and safe key were together. The other safe was a combination safe and he was to learn the codes as quickly as possible.

Once Torsti had his room inspected and familiarized for the night, he sent himself off to bed. He was going to have to get used to his new permanent bed it seemed.

December 16, 1009

Torsti awoke the next morning, or what he thought was the next morning as his room didn’t have windows, and got himself dressed in his new uniform, equipped with his new pistol, which he once again hid under his uniform and inspected the room again. Everything was the same as it had been last night. 

He finally left the room, locked the door to it and saw the guard that was outside his room, who said nothing but giving him a nod. Torsti had no clue how to tell what their rank was as he wasn’t knowledgeable on that yet. He then left for the cafeteria that he had been shown yesterday to get himself food. The guard to his room stayed even after he left.

Torsti found out that it was morning indeed and that breakfast was being served. Unfortunately, it looked like the food even here was being rationed.

Torsti got himself what he could before going to a table to sit and eat.

The cafeteria for the palace had a few deer here and there eating. Some looked like soldiers, others looked like palace staff. None of them paid Torsti any attention.

Torsti was by himself. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to befriend any of the deer here or if he was supposed to stay to himself. It seemed that way due to the fact that he was ordered to kill anycreature inside his room. He didn’t linger around for breakfast and finished up as fast as he could.

After finishing, Torsti took to wandering around the palace as he had no documents to look at in his room at the moment. Nor was he ever told he couldn’t. The only thing he wasn’t allowed to do was leave the palace walls, which did mean he could also spend time outside.

Torsti got lost in his wandering eventually. Checking out the architecture of the place, statues, art pieces. The history of the building. It was only really now dawning on him that he was currently living inside the capital's palace.

Torsti wasn’t able to get around to checking the outside as he was stopped by a guard who informed him that Admiral Lauri was waiting for him outside his room. With that, Torsti made his way quickly back to his room, where he didn’t see Lauri, but was informed he was inside.

Torsti unlocked the door and went inside and saw Lauri, but first, having to get into the habit of doing so, locked the door again before greeting him.

“Tor. I just stopped by to hand over your first set of documents. Same stuff as before, just more up-to-date.” Lauri then quickly made his way back to the door and said, “That’s it. A quick stop to hand them over.”

Torsti wasn’t able to give any goodbye or small talk as Lauri had made his way out quickly. He closed the door and locked it from the outside.

Torsti was confused but he looked over at his new desk where he'd be spending his time and saw a few briefcases and a letter. He went over and inspected the letter that was left behind and read it.

“Make sure to lock these up when you’re done or you leave the room. There’s paper, pens, pencils. Don’t waste time.”

That was all the note said. Torsti then opened the briefcases, which were locked but had their keys conveniently left behind and saw the loot.

Piles and piles of documents. The same that he had grown used to during his time at the Vaverfront military base.

Today was going to be a busy day.

December 16, 1009

Torsti had just eaten dinner and he just got back to his room. Everything was in order. All the documents he had locked away in the safes were still there. With that, Torsti opened one of the safes he organized, took out some folders, and took them over to his desk.

They were logistic files regarding the Olenian military. Torsti readied his desk for a long night of reading and thinking.

One of the first files he read was the numbers of equipment the country had for military use. Ranging from guns, ammo, vehicles, tanks, planes, and boats. A few of the other files he had at the ready went into even more detail.

From there, he started to think, and eventually write. He was coming up with his first plans in regard to Operation: Operation.

One of the first ideas Torsti thought of doing was to simply use a plane to fly the queen out, but the same issue popped up from before, all that remained were single-seater fighters. Single engines as well. Unless every plane was spared by the time the queen’s evacuation could be carried out, maybe she could learn to fly it on her own? Maybe not, no deer would be able to help escort her. Why would any deer allow her to fly across the ocean in a clunky plane that probably wouldn’t hold up?

Second thought was to use one of the few remaining ships the navy had to take her to Equestria. The fastest one would be the best, but which one? Or maybe a cargo-- A cargo ship would be defenseless against any attacks. At least a naval ship had guns and armor.

Ask for a plane to come from Equestria to pick Velvet up or would that be too big of an involvement from Equestria with the war if they’re wanting to stay out?

Maybe a boat would be good.

Torsti started to look through everything regarding naval boats.

Only 16 boats remained. Two battlecruisers, two heavy cruisers, three light cruisers, and ten destroyers.

One of the things Torsti came to find out during his investigation into the naval documents and numbers, was that all submarines had been destroyed. Another interesting fact was that Admiral Lauri was the one in charge of submarine operations.

Torsti instantly started to connect everything. That’s why he wasn’t at a naval academy, naval base, or out on the ocean as he had no ships to command. But couldn’t he have been put in charge of other ships?

Torsti didn’t know the answer, nor did he find one in the documents he had.

After thinking about the whole situation, reading over documents more times than he should’ve, and coming up with his first basic plan, he realized it was late. A clock had been dropped off for him, which he had to bring into the room himself. Torsti then cleaned up all the documents, papers, and writings he had done and locked them away in their secured safes before putting himself to bed.

He at least had his first plan down. A basic one, but it was a start.