//------------------------------// // Adventure Into The Everfree Forest! Save A Familiar Mare! // Story: Ponyville's Biggest Threat // by MLPkillers //------------------------------// As the Cutie Mark Crusaders was making their way back Sweet Apple Anchor; a white bunny jumped out from the bushes and startled them; he was patting his foot on the ground fast; he was trying to indicate something; he turned and jumped 3 times; looking at the Crusaders, repeating the same action again. They knew something was wrong; the bunny was Fluttershy’s right hoof pet who usually stays in the cabin; Scootaloo thought he was lost; Apple Bloom knew exactly what he was doing; he was calling for help; Sweetie Belle just thought he was adorable, but knew something was up. “Girls, he wants us to follow him.” Apple Bloom said with worry. Scootaloo calmed her down by assuring it might just be an animal stuck or something. Angel patted fast; causing the crusader’s toe to approach him. He wants them to go into the Everfree Forest? “Wait; does this bunny wants us to go inside of the Everfree Forest!?” Scootaloo said with fear; arising the emotion in Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They didn’t want to follow him, but Scootaloo thought to herself; if a bunny’s brave enough, so is she! “I think we should follow him?” Scootaloo bravery said; the great of the group was unsure to follow him, but accepted; they are already in enough trouble as it is; so following a white bunny into the Everfree Forest isn’t that much worst than what just happened to them; they agreed, but if nothing happens important; they won’t tell Granny Smith they went into the Everfree Forest. They followed Angle; who occasionally repeated the action he used to manipulate them to follow him. The crusaders lost composure as they adventure farther and farther into the forest; they still don’t understand what Angle is trying to tell them, but they will soon, they thought. --- “I... Will... Not, give up!” Rainbow Dash said, spitting blood out as she said those words; she wasn’t dead, somehow. Her heart restarted itself; it seems the knife didn’t puncture all the way into the chest cavity, or it did and barely stuck the heart, but the loss of blood with the intense situation must have given her a temporary heart attack. As she crawled for survival, she was making a blood path, highlighting how far she crawled. She saw Angle and saw his face; he went to go get help for sure; he knows her and she knows him; after all, she was Fluttershy’s best friend since flight school; so Angle must at least be a little attached to Rainbow Dash; especially since Fluttershy died. The thought of her friend being dead arose tears; both from the emotional pain and physical. This assassin is truly messed up; Rainbow Dash still struggles to survive; her vision becoming blurry, her head became dizzy and distorted, if any event in her life was painful, this would make it look so insufficient; like a speck of dust to a tumbleweed. Rainbow Dash, who has difficulty breathing, turned her head back to find darkness, and a trail of blood; her blood. She had a reason to fight; her friends, her family, her reputation, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, and, Fluttershy, she can’t die. She won’t die. She fought through her blurry vision and the pain, she clinches both hoofs and still crawled with all her might, courage, and reason. She thought about flying and made an effort to perform the action; she was about 14 hoof steps off the ground before weathering back down to the ground; she laid down on her belly; finally submitting to her wounds and mental exhaustion. --- “I’m starting to reckon we go back to Sweet Apple Anchors.” Wait, wasn’t it her idea to follow him in the first place and now she reckons they stop and turn back? “Wait, you reckon we follow him; because you thought an animal could be in danger, now you want us to turn back?” Scootaloo said with disbelief; a little angry at Apple Bloom; you can’t just suggest you and your friends to go into the woods and nearly halfway in; then decide to leave. “Hehe, sorry, I starting to think I was wrong.” Apple Bloom replied, embarrassed for suggesting to turn back. Scootaloo has to admit to herself, she would never go into the Everfree Forest without them; or with Rainbow Dash, her of course. The place looked spooky and threatening, the trees having faces; the constant howling, and an uneasy feeling that won’t go away. The group made sure not to trip over anything; especially fallen branches; they are the objects to be eerie about. Besides the fallen debris from trees; the Everfree Forest seems easy to walk through; there’s a path to pursue, which is usually messy to ponies who dare to walk through the never freeing place; but the path now seems perfect, like animals have cleared it or ponies? Whatever the reason is? It benefits them. Angel took a swift sharp turn; which the crusaders thought it was odd; he went through the bushes; which made them think, should they really keep following a bunny? Especially off the path? They thought for a little bit, then decided after Angle jumped from the bushes and started patting his feet ferociously; he was clearly mad; he wanted them to follow him and if they knew the reason; they would understand entirely. They all looked at each other and nodded, they followed the white bunny through the bushes, avoiding scrapes and branches; finally making their way through the bushes. The crusaders realized another path; they didn’t want to get lost following a bunny; but if he knows; surely they should be able to remember the path back, if they can’t, then a bunny is smarting then them, and Scootaloo’s pride won’t have that. “Um... Should we keep following him?” Apple Bloom asked, skeptical about following Angel still; this path looks a little more spooky; not to mention more branches everywhere, it looks like a small blizzard hit this path or something? They continue to follow down the path; coming closer and closer to what Angle wanted them for. Scootaloo couldn’t believe what she was seeing; there’s no way that’s true! How did this happen to her? Why did it happen to her; did somepony inflict that damage on her? Was it a consequence of an accident? All that matters is making sure she’s still breathing is alive. The group ran over; noticing blood droplets ahead of the path; this had to happen in the air right? Scootaloo thought to herself; as did the others; when the tuned Rainbow Dash over, they notice a deep stab wound; this indicated something other than an accident; either she bumped into something sharp or something/somepony caused it. But who would want to hurt somepony as awesome as her? Sweetie Belle knew what to do; after all; she tried to earn her talent by being a nurse, but didn’t earn her talent; so she gave up in that league, but will always strive to earn her cutie mark. She ran to the bushes and pulled some leaves and sticks from it; making sure they are secure and tight; most importantly, not sharp or dangerous to use. The leaves must be a little heavy to secure stays; must also have no holes; otherwise, blood will just come out; making the nature craft bandage useless. “How did this happen to her!?” Scootaloo asked with real concern; she wanted to know how this happened, but what matters now is to secure her life; bandage her up, and take her to help; which would be the hospital. “I don’t know how this happened!? I reckon we take her to the hospital before sawn; otherwise, she could die!?” Apple Bloom said with a pain in her tone; she needed to know what Sweetie Belle was doing in a time like this; to her and Scootaloo surprise; she was crafting something, but they didn’t know what? How could she be crafting like her older sister Rarity at a time like this!? “Um... What the!? What are you doing crafting at a time like this Sweetie Belle!?” Scootaloo angrily asked her white unicorn friend; she was angry; it’s understandable, she doesn’t want her mentor, an idol to die; but if she knew what Sweetie Belle was crafting; she would back off. “Yeah what in tarnation are you doing Sweetie Belle!? Help us carry her to the hospital!” Apple Bloom asked, worrying about the mare’s life; she doesn’t want her to die; who would? Sweetie Belle added some sap to the nature bandage; using sticks to tie I together; then the sap to stick it to the wound; although this might have a chance of causing infection; the risk is great compared to bleeding to death. She got up and walked over to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo; letting them know this was an important craft; when they saw it looks like a bandage; it looked unusual to them. “I’ll help you carry her when I put this on the stab wound; although I think I made it a little too big, hehe.” Sweetie Belle replied with satisfaction and embarrassment; there’s nothing to be embarrassed about about saving somepony, especially if you overdid it; it’s like being checked by a doctor; accepting their advice, and also healing yourself, just in case you did it imperfectly. She put the bandage over the wound; making sure it’s accurate and effective; she had to push on it a little hard, but not too hard; it stuck and it actually stopped the bleeding. “When did you learn to do that Sweetie Belle?” Socootaloo asked; grateful she did that for her idol. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom accompanied their friend; prepared to help carry the mare. They had a hard time lifting her; especially since they didn’t want blood on them; even though Sweetie Belle’s bandage stopped it; they didn’t trust it; which was a little insult to Sweetie Belle; they finally the mare on all three of their backs; ready to run back with her; she’s a little heavy; they might have to take brakes; but screw that Scootaloo thought; she never would, neither would she. If that was her, and she was her; she would already have her at the hospital by now. Angel jumped in front of them; he was going to guide them back to Ponyville; after he has to go do Fluttershy’s job; which is to help the other animals live; this is truly a sad ordeal for all, especially him. Only if he could talk, then he could spill the beans on the killer; oh surely he’ll pay, right? “Make sure y’all watch your steps while running; I tripped at the farm too many times to count.” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo felt a little annoyed; they know to watch where they are going, but guess at a time like this; tripping could possibly be fatal or cause injury not just to them but the mare as well. “I know where I’m going, Apple Bloom; trust-!” Scootaloo was speaking proud, before almost tripping; she had to admit Apple Bloom was right; the mare almost fell from their backs. Apple Bloom smiled. “You were saying?” Apple Bloom answered back with correctness; she thought the same as Scootaloo when she was helping Applejack on the farm, but tripped, and tripped over and over; luckily she hadn’t fallen; otherwise more complications could’ve happened. Scootaloo stopped herself from scolding her friend but sighed and accepted she was right. “You’re right...” Apple Bloom enjoyed Scootaloo admitting she was wrong; she does take after Rainbow Dash; she’s not the type to admit, but guess she’s not completely like her. Angel jumped through the bushes back to the first path. The crusaders thought of a way to go through without harming the mare or themselves; they could break the branches; but that’s time-consuming, which they don’t have; so they are going to just power through it; unless one of them has a better efficient idea? “I like how he easily jumps through the bushes and we can’t, how do we get through the bushes with her?” Scootaloo asked with annoyance; she wants an answer fast. The other two thought; Apple Bloom coming up with a strategy; they could go through, while she holds the branches. This depends if they are willing to and able to carry the mare? “Can you girls carry her while I hold the bushes open for you?” Apple Bloom said with reason. The Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle thought about it; accepting the request. Apple Bloom slowly moved; slowly allowing the mare to scoot over to the other two fillies. They felt the heavy weight, but ignored it; she needs rescue; even if it costs them their backs. Apple Bloom starts pulling the bushes apart; trying to make the process as fast as possible; she knew the weight would eventually give in to them and they will collapse with the mare. “Can you hurry up Apple Bloom!? I’m getting weak by the moment.” Scootaloo complained; she didn’t want to drop her; she won’t drop her! She fought through the thought and urge to put the mare down; success coming with her resistance. “Hurry up!” Sweetie Belle was complaining; seeing the path ahead. This felt like a blessing to them. “Done-! Whoa, whoa!” Apple Bloom said in panic; not expecting her friends to pass her so quickly. She caught herself from falling. She huffed in anger before letting it go and joining them. She gently slid underneath the mare; the weight becoming less tense for the two fillies; they felt the need to take a break; but knowing the more time they use, the likely the chances the mare will die. They also knew Apple Bloom would say: “are you crazy!?” “Let’s get a move on girls!” The group started making their way to the hospital, they knew where it was; because it’s a huge building and because they had been there before. The group sped up their speed; not giving in to the weight or loss of stamina. They will reach Ponyville soon; where they will go to the hospital, in hope of saving the almost fatal, injured mare.