Is a Plan B really worth it?

by Elmaster48

Chapter 2

It was a normal day in ponyville, or at least it should had been, something happened in cludsdale, probably a clumsy worker or some accident and now is snowing in plain summer.

Most adult ponies still had to work in spite of everything, with the exception of school. Colts and fillies got send back home, but instead of getting back home they preffeer to play outside and take the opportunity to play in an early winter.

The outskirts of Twilight castle got a certain reputation, between the castle height that makes it easily to find for foals that live in the town and the closeness to the school of friendship made the outskirts of twilight castle a good meeting point between foals who are native to the town and ponies who move to the town for the school.

Maybe wasn’t intended but served well to make new friendship, so the princess of friendship didn’t complain much.

Unfortunately they made a lot of noise, so the Princess of friendship couldn’t focus on her paperwork.

¨seriously spike, sometimes I wish I could use a bubble spell to make this castle sound proof¨ Twilight remarked. Even thou she is happy with the idea of youngsters playing outside her home… still the noise is a little annoying.

¨me too, but remember what happened the last time? it wasn’t pretty¨ Spike didn’t like to remember the incident with the giant snake. The worst part was than the 2 of them had to apologize to the entire town for not helping with that incident, even though they didn’t have way of knowing…

¨you know something? Maybe we should visit fluttershy, maybe her animals need help to adjust to this weather¨ Twilight said while she gets up from her chair.

¨good idea, but where did starlight go?¨ asked spike, he didn’t saw Starlight all day since Twilight let the students go home.

¨I think she went to help sunburst move to ponyville. Hopefully they are ready for tomorrow¨ Said Twlight, while walking to the door to exit the castle.

Spike follow her, and both left the castle alone, didn’t mean much because ponies in that town known to respect the princess of friendship.

Chrysalis and Tirek watched Twilight castle at a distance, in spite of the horrible weather she managed to remain standing still on a roof without being seen.

¨How long she is going to take to leave¨ said Tirek, already tired of waiting.

¨she should leave already, even from here I can hear those annoying brats¨ said Chrysalis while adjusting her binoculars.

¨speaking of brats, maybe the little one could get here and help us with-¨ Tirek was interrupted by the yells from a mare from inside the house.

¨can you two shut up already? I’m trying to sleep!¨said a voice from inside the house.

Even with all of the snow they could see clearly the sun… it was 11 of the morning, not exactly time for being sleep… which prompted Tirek to ask to owner the house ¨isn’t too late for being sleep? You should be out, either working or playing in the snow!¨

The mare from inside the house answered ¨I drank too much yesterday, that moonshine was stronger than I thought¨

¨MOONSHINE! Where did you get it?¨ ask Chrysalis.

¨Why are you sitting on my roof, possibly overlooking at the castle of the princess of friendship? Now that we are asking question…¨ That was a good question raised by the owner of the house.

The silence made clear neither Tirek or Chrysalis was going to answer.

¨as I thought, if you want some of this stuff you can come back in a few days. I might sell you some of this, but now please… SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP!!!¨ and after that the Changeling and Centaur could hear snoring, the angry mare was now sleeping again.

Tirek leaned to Chrysalis and then whisper in her hear ¨moonshine? What is that?¨

Chrysalis whispered to Tirek her response ¨some of the best things that you can put in your mouth, after we defeat those annoying princesses we might drink it to celebrate¨

With that conversation out of the way both decided to continue watching Twilight castle for a few more minutes…

Until they finally saw it.

Princess Twilight and his pet spike exiting the castle, blissfully that their home was going to get invaded.

¨Yes¨ said both the centaur and changeling. Now they just had to wait a little longer until they were far enough…

Tirek and Chrysalis managed to sneak into the castle, from there they could quickly locate the library, they certainly were surprised by the huge assortment of books and documents.

¨I can’t believe it, she is really that obsessive with organizing documents and books as you and the brat said. Not even that bearded fool starswirl is so obsessive¨ Tirek was seen the different books and documents, each organized from name, publication period and even market value.

¨which will make it more fun when we burn this place after we are done¨ Said chrysalis while laughing to herself.

Both proceeded to plunder the library, searching thought books for anyone categorizing dangerous artifacts.

… That took some time, more than they wish. The library was well organized, but they still were unable to find what they were looking for.

¨dangeours pets, dangerous drinks, even a about dangerous beds! Why is so difficult to get anything on dangerous artifacts?¨ Chrysalis patiente was getting to a boiling point.

Tirek too was frustrated, the best thing he found was a list enumerating dangerous beings… and his only interest was seen if there was anything about him on it.

¨this is useless, at this point the annoying princess will come back before we find anything!¨ Chrysalis continue venting her frustration, she was almost ready to throw the towel.

Suddenly both of them heard the castle door opening. Both got ready for a fight, at best one of Twilight friends came to visit, Chrysalis would be able to dissuade her to go elsewhere… at worst it could be…¨

¨did you found it?¨ It was Cozy Glow, wearing the tunic that tirek gave her.

Both Tirek and Chrysalis sigh in frustration.

¨not, and in this point I’m better off burning this place down¨ Said Chrysalis while frowning.

¨seconded¨ Tirek shared Chrysalis feeling on the matter.

Cozy Glow Proceeded to sit on one of the tables and try to get some rest ¨well, when I used to be Twilight friendship assistant- ¨ Cozy Glow noticed how the centaur and changeling glared at her ¨hey don’t judge me, you too had to do weird things to go ahead. Anyways, she once said that she sometimes hides dangerous documents inside furniture¨

¨and why just now you tell us about it?¨ Crysalis said, unamused.

¨uhhhh… I forgot?¨ Cozy Glow tried her biggest and fakest smile she has been able to master, needless to say didn’t work to calm down her companions.

Tirek frowned and said to the filly ¨I think I know what piece of furniture to start, maybe I could use your head to open it¨

Tirek proceeded to chase Cozy Glow all over the castle, the wings gave her a little advantage on speed but the centaur was fast for his size.

Meanwhile Chrysalis took some pieces of wood and put them close to one of the bookcases, she was fully intended to burn the books already and get out already, it was a big waste of time and seen the brat getting her flank kicked wasn’t even fun at this point.

¨COME HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!¨ Tirek screamed while chasing the little filly, getting awfully close.

¨COME ON! THIS WAS CHRYSALIS IDEA!¨ Cozy Glow was getting tired and would soon get cached by the centaur.

Tirek continue chasing the Pegasus, but unfortunately for him when they got back to the library he tripped with one of the book on the ground. With that he fell over a table and broke it.

Cozy Glow stop running away to get close to the centaur… so she can laugh at him in front of his face, maybe she is now guaranteed to get her flank kicked… but for her this was worth it.

¨when I get up I will use you as a shovel to dig your grave¨ Tirek tried to get up but he tripped with the crystalline floor, certainly that castle was full of safety hazards.

Cozy Glow continued laughing at Tirek misfortune. For her all of this was worth it, including all of the hassle that was infiltrating the weather factory to sabotage it from within or fly all the way from Cloudsdale to Ponyville with the horrible weather she caused.

Chrysalis meanwhile was trying to ignore her two companions, for the filly it was expected that she would… act like a kid. But definitely wasn’t expecting Tirek to get at her level.

Tirek suffered enough humiliating and stood up, trying to look imposing. The filly simply decided to look elsewhere… and think of her exit strategy.

Tirek was ready to begin chasing Cozy Glow again when he noticed a small piece of paper on one of his forelegs, he graved it and noticed it was a document. He proceeded to ready it just out of curiosity.

Active Storm king lieutenants:

Tempest Shadow (Fizzlepop Berrytwist) reformed, asked to join the royal guard. Insist into joining the guard after she dealt with the Storm King remaining lieutenants

General Gladius (Unable to get his true name) surrendered after Canterlot was liberated, accepted pardon in exchange of helping repair the city and apologize to Canterlot citizens for the attack.

Captain Frost (Unable to get her true name) Reformed. Accepted use his ship and crew to help tempest shadow in dealing with other lieutenants, only asked to be able to keep his ship and continue his days as a merchant

Ravager Of Cities (Unable to get his true name) Captured, awaiting deportation and trial in Saddle Arabia for raiding unknown number Saddle Arabian towns. Extra security after attempt of escape. Extra Extra security after second attempt to escape. Extra extra extra security after third attempt to escape. Currently holding record for most attempt of scape an equestrian holding facility with 5 attempts of escape… Note that he was captured the first time only a week ago. Deported.

Prince Deceiver (Unable to get his true name)

Tirek made sure to read the letter twice, the Storm King was a intimidating name enough to catch his eye. Maybe he would be better companionship that the 2 weaklings he is dealing with.

¨what happened Tirek? that letter say something interesting?¨ asked Cozy Glow to Tirek

Tirek simply decided to ask ¨Who is the Storm King exactly?¨

Cozy Glow simply waved her hoof dismissingly and answered ¨some crazy warlord that attacked Canterlot and got turn into stone, I doubt they get the chance to do that to us¨

¨maybe we could rescue him and he could help us find some crazy artifact¨ Tirek said.

Cozy Glow simply shook her head ¨I doubt it, just after he got turn into stone he fell from a high altitude and got smashed to pieces¨

Tirek winced at the filly words, he certainly wasn’t expecting the ponies to have the guts to do something like that.

Cozy Glow noticed the reaction of the centaur and decided to clarify ¨According to Princess Twilight it was an accident and she didn’t intended to kill him, I guess she isn’t beyond lying¨

Tirek simply snored.

Chrysalis overheard the conversation, she was at least pleased these 2 stop fooling around.

Chrysalis walked into her companions and started barking orders ¨well, all of this was for nothing. Now help me to burn this place and let’s get out of here¨

Tirek with his arm put the list in front of the former queen face.

¨what is this?¨ she asked

¨a list of the lieutenants of that worthless warlord that Twilight dealt with. This ravager guy sounds real interesting¨ Said Tirek.

Chrysalis read the list, she was unimpressed with the amount of lieutenants who surrendered instead of continuing the fight. Then again, her changelings abandoned at the first chance they got so maybe she wasn’t one to speak.

¨yeah, but he probably is just a savage that the storm king kept around for his amusement¨ Chrysalis was still uninterested on that list of defeated enemies.

¨can I read it?¨ asked Cozy Glow.

Tirek put the letter right unto the filly nose, almost hitting her… the filly decided to ignore that passive aggressive gesture and read the letter.

¨huh, that ravager really sounds cool. Too bad saddle Arabia is too far, and he is probably surrounded with more guards than Princess Celestia, maybe we should see if we could contact that deceiver guy?¨

Tirek and Crysalis glared at the filly, totally unimpressed with her new proposition.

Crysalis pretty much sum up their feelings on the matter ¨right now we are too crowded as it is, that and he is probably wanted by almost every nation. So it might draw too much attention¨

Cozy Glow simply glared at her and let out a cough.

Tirek then had an idea ¨maybe we could convince him that attacking Twilight at her coronation would be a good idea. After he gets defeated we could get them by surprised while they are tired¨

Cozy Glow smiled ¨then is decided, we should find this little Prince¨

Chrysalis hissed ¨I still didn’t agree on this¨

Tirek smirked ¨Two against one, votes are casted¨

Chrysalis eyes started to glow with her fury ¨we aren’t a democracy¨

Tirek was about to taunt Chrysalis with some sassy comment... when a question rose up and asked Cozy Glow ¨hey brat, what’s a democracy?¨

¨A system where anyone cast votes on decisions that affects everycreature, if a majority says yes the minority says no that minority need to shut up and obey the majority¨ Cozy Glow said plainly

¨A foolish practice that I’m glad my grandmother forbade on the hive, at least that traitor Thorax was able to keep the hive away from that pest¨ Chrysalis commented.

The three of them stared at each other, they had new plan right in front of them and instead were talking about systems of government.

¨So, we continue arguing or we do this?¨ Tirek asked Chrysalis.

¨Wherever¨ said Chrysalis, she wasn’t in the mood to argue anymore.

Now comes the fun part.

Chrysalis lit the fires and with that a fire was starting. Tirek meanwhile throw as many tables and chairs at the burning rubble to increase the fire, all while Cozy Glow did nothing.

At the sight of the filly doing nothing Crysalis asked Cozy Glow ¨are you going to do something or you are just going to stare¨

¨do I look like I can carry that much stuff? Also I want to enjoy the view¨

Tirek then said to the filly ¨that’s too bad, because right now we need to go.¨

Cozy Glow put a sad face, then again. She knew better than to get caught by Twilight in this situation.

The trio of villains managed to exit the castle without being seen, they watched at a distance how from the castle windows it was exiting a lot of smoke and the citizens of Ponyville started to surround the castle.

¨even if nothing comes out of this plan, at least this part was worth it¨ Said Tirek.

The changeling and filly nodded.

They continue watching the scene unfold, they waited until a distressed Twilight alongside her friends came to the castle. They quickly put off the flames, even at a distance they could see how upset was the princess was at the sight of her home burning… even if it was centered in one room… then again, it was at the library so that really would hit a nerve on her.

The trio of villains tried to contain their laughter, in the end they decided they had enough fun and they should better get back home to plan their next step.