
by DaakRD

Only chapter

A normal day in Ponyville, a fashion mare is working some special works for the Dragon Lord and the Princess of Equestria. For some ponies it could really stressful even for Rarity, but she has something that many ponies doesn’t have, a loving husband being the dragon of Ponyville, Spike.
They are married of over 2 years now, so Spike also being the ambassador of friendship, he’s the number 1 assistant of Rarity. Today is kind of hard of Rarity. Since she woke up she’s being in her working room creating 2 dresses for the most important creatures in Equestria.

After creating designs that she’s happy with, she takes a deep breaths she lay back in her chair, just in time to Spike come with her breakfast, coffee and eggs, in the way she likes them.

“Thank you darling”, Rarity said while drinking coffee.

“Of course dear” reply Spike while kissing her cheek. “Are those the dresses of Ember and Twilight?”

“I wouldn’t call Ember a dress, is more like a fashion armor” Rarity giggle.

“Well I better start cooking something special for Ember and Smolder, I want to try something new”. Spike said happily

“Oh Spike, you and your gem cooking habits”. Giggling and giving a big kiss on his lips.

Spike loves those types of kisses, Spike full red start to leave the room without taking the view of Rarity, making him stomp with many fabrics and manikins, making Rarity laugh and kinda blush.


Ember is trying her armor suit while Smolder and Rarity are talking and waiting of the dressing room. After a few moments Ember comes out with her armor suit.

“What do you think Smolder? Is this too much for a reunion with de Diamond Dogs?” Ember said looking in the mirror.

“Wow Lord Ember that looks really cool and elegant at the same time” Smolder said amazed.

“It’s Coolegant” said Spike while entering the room with some food and tea. “I made you some tiny gem cakes with tea” Giving one to each dragon.

“And for you Rares, a Cheesecake with cream and strawberries the way you like it” Giving a kiss in her head, making Rarity blush. “Thank you darling”.

“Do you want more tea?” Ask Spike.

“That would be really good” said Ember still looking in the mirrors.

“Thank you Spike’’ Smolder added, before Spike leave the room Ember added. “You look really good Spike”.

“Thank you’’ Spike said before leaving.

“The power of hoarding right Smolder’’

“Of course Lord Ember”

Hearing the word hoard make Rarity start to choke with her food, but quickly aided by Smolder.


“Rarity that’s normal for dragons “Ember said trying to calm her down.
“W-w-w what do you mean?”

“Dragons needs to hoard, it’s part of our nature”

Rarity is still confused. So Smolder decided to grab one of hooves to make her understand.

“Every dragon in Equestria hoard, is normal. Don’t worry about it”

“But last time he hoard, he become a big monster”

“Bigness induced by hoarding. I know he told me about it, but hoarding something specific can’t make you big, and is healthy”. Smolder devious a smile. “He also told me that when he saw a special necklace with a special ruby, he came back to normal”.

Than make Rarity blush.

“But dragons needs a treasure and hoard something related to that” Ember pointed, “For example I hoard crystals and my treasure is one that my mother gave me”.

“Yeah, my treasure is a set of teapots of silver, and I hoard all the tea sets I can, also Ocellus also help me with that”.

“So don’t worry about Spike.”


Later that day, Rarity is finishing the dress for Twilight. After making the final details, she start to rub her neck, but suddenly a familiar feel of claws start to making her a massage.

“Looks like is almost done”

“Yes it finished, only wait to Twilight is she gonna like it. Spike can I ask you something?” Looking him with a worried face.
“Sure what is it?”

“Do you have a treasure?”

“Yes I do.”

“And do you hoard?”

“Of course I do”

“Really’’ with a worried face, “What is it then?”

Spike pick Rarity up. Putting one arm in her back and the other behind her head. Looking hear eye to eye.

“You are my treasure, the most gorgeous mare of all of Equestria, and I hoard every moment we have”.

Rarity blush really hard, more when Spike start to kiss her, at first she was surprised but then she start to kiss him back.
After a good moment of kissing, Spike gently put Rarity back on her chair, she was still red blush and giving her some air.

“Oh my Spikey-wikey”.

The romantic moment was interrupted by letter for Twilight. After reading the letter Spike rush to get a backpack and his ambassador medal.

“I’m sorry darling, Cadence needs me in the Crystal Empire. Something about with the Kirin’s.”

“Oh ok dear Spikey. When will you be back?” I asked. He took a minute to think over it.

“I don’t know really, maybe at night”.

“Ok darling, please be careful” Rarity said with a worried face.

“Don’t worry my treasure” Spike wink at Rarity, making her smile.

With a quick kiss Spike leave. Rarity is calm but she thinks Spike might be lying. Not the fact he doesn’t love her that much, but maybe treasures has to be something material. The she realize something.

“Oh Spike. Maybe you are ashamed of your treasure and what you hoard. My poor Spikey-wikey. But I know here to look at it”

With a Smile she goes to the attic. Here she saw Spike’s place, being only an electric sofa with 2 tables to the side and a reading lamp.

“It was so obviously, Spike hoards comic books” Giggling she grab a box down of one of the tables.

But for Rarity surprise she only 5 comics.

“What? Only 5, if are not comics, what is it then? ”

Then she start to look in all boxes in the attic. Only to find Sweetie Belle stuffs or her stuffs like old dresses for example.

“Maybe he hide his hoard in the house”.


It’s really late, the entrance of the boutique, is Twilight. “Rarity, are you here?” Turning the light on, she saw all the house is a mess.
Worried she goes to Rarity’s work room. She looking everywhere for Spike hoards.


“AHH. Oh Twilight it’s you”.

“What are you doing, and what happened to the house?”

“I… I… I… I was looking for my glasses.” Rarity said nervously.

Twilight doesn’t believe it. In fact she saw Rarity’s glasses on the table near her.

“Ok Twilight you win.” Rarity said defeated “I was looking for Spike treasure and hoard”.

“Really? I thought you already knew”.

“He said something so heartwarming and romantic, but treasures are something material, something really valuable, like Ember and Smolder told me”

Twilight looks Rarity with a serious face “You really want know?”

Rarity nodded. “He is my husband, I don’t want secrets between us”.

“Ok I’m going to help you”.

Grabbing one of Rarity’s necklace and make it glow a blue aura.
“When you and Spike are going to sleep, you have to cuddle with him, then you are gonna be in Spike dreams. Then look for a door painted like Spike”.

“Why I door like him?”.

“Is gonna leave you to his mind, and they’re gonna be many door, look for the one label Hoard”.

“Did you know what Spike hoard?” Rarity quickly said to Twilight, near centimeters of her face.

“No but I’d been on others dragons mind, since I have Luna’s work now.”

“Thank you so much Twilight” Hugging her.

“No problem Rarity, but did you finish my dress?”

“Of Course I did”


It’s late at night in Ponyville, Spike returned home really tired. Opening the main door everything looks normal, Spike smiled and just head out to their room, just to see his wife getting ready to sleep.

“Hello Rarity” Kissing her head.

“Hello Spikey, how was the Crystal Empire?”

“It was fine, Cadence needs me to give the Kirin’s a proper welcome to the Crystal Empire, so she needs the Brave and Glorious dragon.”

“Of course” Giggling. She put the enchanted necklace and goes to the bed, but Spike pick her put.

“Want to continue what we started before I leave?”

Before she can respond Spike start to kiss her, she start to like it. They fall in the bed with Spike on top of her, then he start kiss her neck.

“NO!!” Rarity scream interrupting Spike, now being confused.

“Not today darling, I would love it but I’m tired dear”

“Ok darling” Spike said, he just move off top of her and moves to the side, covering him and Rarity with the blankets. Quickly cuddle to him.

“Goodnight Spikey-Wikey”.

“Goodnight Rare-bear”.


Rarity woke up near in finished version of the castle of the two sisters. Far away she start to hear a song, looking the she could she saw something purple, so she hides in a near bush. When it comes close, she realize is Spike dress like a knight singing to a princess, that is Rarity herself, and they are riding Twilight to the castle. She feel touch that Spike dreams with her.

“That so sweet Spikey, but I'm here to see what you hoard.”

She remember she has to look for a door, so she goes to Zecora’s home maybe the door would be different and she was right. The door has Spike’s colors, she take a big breath and enter.

Inside of Spike mind. That kinda looks like old Twilight's Castle , there a ton of doors with different names, as tempting to see many secrets of Spike, she really wanna see Spike hoard. Now she is in front of the hoard door.

“Well, this is it. I hope is not something scary”

Inside the hoard room, she is surprised to be in a library, with really tall bookshelves.

“Oh Spikey, you hoard books, well that not that surprising, you live with a pony that really loves reading”

Giggling she wanna take a book, but coming near the bookshelf, there are no books, there are picture drawings, but they are not that exactly, they move, and soon Rarity start to cry. Spike was right, he hoards moment with her. Moments that even Rarity forgot. Like their first date in Manehattan, their first kiss, the day Spike ask Rarity to marry her in Canterlot, their lovely wedding, that Cadence and Shining Armor insist to be in the Crystal Empire. Every moment they have is here in Spike hoards. Even silly moments like a good morning kiss. But in the center of everything is the treasure.

A big statue of Rarity herself, with a label that says:
“The Generous mare in All Equestria. The only reason I’m not a beast, the pony that shows me the other side of my species. The Queen of my heart. Rarity”.

With those words Rarity lost and cries more and more. A faint voice can hear calling her name.


Rarity wakes up, just to see Spike trying to calm her down.

“Rarity its ok, its ok, it was just a nightmare.” Combing her hair, with a really worried face. Rarity just to give him a big kiss.

“I love you Spike, I love you so much” giving him more kisses.

“I love you too Rarity, its ok it was just a nightmare.”

“It wasn’t a nightmare, it was the best dream I ever have.”

Spike look her confused. “What?” Rarity show him the necklace that Twilight gave her.

“Twilight give me this enchanted necklace to see into your mind, I really wanted to see what you hoard. “She said ashamed.

“You did?” He said sad.

“I’m really sorry Spike, I thought treasures and hoarding has to material.”

“Do you think I see you as an object? “He said ashamed.

She give him a kiss on the cheek

“No Spike. I see you enjoy and appreciate everything we made, it really make feel loved.” Rarity finish.

Spike smiled and clean the tears of her eyes. “I love Rarity and I’m going to do it for the rest of my life.”

“I love you too, my goofy Spikey-wikey”

Rarity kiss him one more time. They cuddle again, but this time with no necklace.

The End.