The Bizarre Adventure of Three Fillies

by TemporaryName

Chapter 6: A Sleight Problem

The walk to Carousel Boutique was fortunately short and unfortunately fruitless. Zecora, Big Mac, Scootaloo, and Applebloom ascertained that from a glance at the “Closed” sign on the front door. Bad news, the sisters weren't there. Good news, there was only one other place they could reasonably be, and the Apples planned to walk back there anyways. Annoying news for the other Crusaders, as this morning's oddities piqued their curiosity on these specters, these 'stands' as Zecora called them, but unfortunately she didn't want to reveal any more about them until everypony affected was present. Logically the fillies understood the reason why, they too would rather not repeat what was bound to be a lengthy explanation. That didn't mean they had to like it.

“So, Scoots. You mentioned stands when I was standin' in your doorway,” Applebloom started. “Ah'm guessin' Zecora told you a thing or two about these here ghost fellers. Care to share what you know? It ain't fair how you're hoggin' it all.” Anything she could figure out about Men at Work would help.

“Sorry Applebloom, but I don't know much more than you,” Scootaloo replied. “From what I've been told, they're a part of us and are fueled by our will or something.”

“You're telling me these guys,” Applebloom gestured to her side, where Men at Work appeared from the ether, “are me?”

“No, I mean maybe? Told you I didn't know much more than you.”

“Ah guess.” Silence reigned for a time, broken with another question. “So, what does yours look like?”

“Well, like a red bird but it's legs... Actually, why don't I just show you?” And so Scootaloo did, the avian stand materializing in its crimson brilliance. The light reflecting off the rainbow wings, as though the stand itself glowed with the brilliance of the rainbow. It was an image of majesty marred only by the unholy protrusions that were its legs.

“What the hay?” Was Applebloom disgusted by the stands multi-jointed legs? No, she wouldn't describe the emotion as disgust. More like confusion and unexpected surprise at what she saw: Those weren't legs, they were abominations. “Ah think there's somethin' wrong with her.”

“Nah, as weird as they look they're useful for picking up and moving things.” To demonstrate, Scootaloo willed the stand to pick up a rock on the side of the road, legs contorting to grab it. “You see. A bit awkward, but those claws are surprisingly flexible. Also, you said 'her'?”

“Of course! She's part of you, so she's a she!” The logic was sound, Scootaloo had to admit, but does that mean she was the one who held the rock? The sooner they found Sweetie Belle, the sooner they learned what was going on, the sooner that headache could be resolved. “Anyways, what did ya name her?”

“You first.”

“Men at Work.” The tiny stands rose from her back and leaned from beside her hooves and walked beside her. Were they always there or only recently summoned? Scootaloo couldn't answer, she had more pressing concerns to address.


“Yeah, like the humans. You remember that fancy mirror in Twi's old castle, don't you?”

“Bleh. I still don't know how I felt talking to myself.”
“Just be glad Twi didn' punish any of us.”

“Yeah, Yeah,” Scootaloo said as she rolled the rock in her stand's claw. “Never thought Mrs. Heartstrings would be right about them. You think she entered the portal?”

“With that mare, Ah'd be shocked if she didn't sneak in like us.” With a look forward the fillies realized they were falling behind, and so sprinted towards Big Mac and Zecora. “You never did tell me what you named her.”
“Who said I have to? It's a part of me; do I need to name my hooves?”

“But you did, silly filly!”

“That was just to itimi-imit- scare Diamond Tiara!”

“What is the problem, Scootaloo and Applebloom?” Zecora turned and asked. “You are yelling as though you're meeting your doom.”

“Zecora, you know a lot about stands,” Scootaloo began. “Is it normal to name them?”

Zecora put her hoof under her chin. “The stands I have met are few, but they were named, it is true.”

“Told ya, Scoots.”

“Alright, alright! Give me a moment to think of something.”

“Take your time, there is no need for haste. Think while we walk, there is no time to waste.” As they continued on the path towards Sweet Apple Acres, Scootaloo passed the time by messing around with her stand and the rock in its grasp. As the claws of the stand held it and Scootaloo beheld it, she thought about a suitable name, one that fit her stringent criteria of 'sounds awesome'.She stopped after five seconds of thought, since her mind was already clouded by the revelations of this morning and the long walk ahead was the perfect time to sort her thoughts.

'I don't see what the big deal is with these things.' Scootaloo twisted the small rock in her stand's claws. Its legs may bend in too many ways but at least it could palm a rock like a pro. 'Yeah, most ponies can't see them, but most ponies don't see telekinesis as well. They can sometimes look weird, but again with the invisibility. Certainly, they can't be that ba-' Scootaloo paused for a moment, forehead wrinkled in thought.

'Yeah, how many times did you say before that, Scoots? How many times were you right, and what are your odds of being right now? Here's a hint, it's somewhere between zero and zero.' She let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding. 'Just wait and they'll tell you and don't do anything stupid. And maybe Sweet Apple Acres has a ladder to help me reach an order that tall.' Deciding to call in the stand to prevent any spontaneous catastrophe, Scootaloo gently flicked the small rock away and sent it flying right through somepony's window.

Big Mac just looked resigned to his fate, since he knew it was only a matter of time until someone's property was destroyed or the CMC were covered in something that required a three hour bath to scrape off. Zecora was a little shocked, though not as surprised; like Big Mac, she expected the new stand users to cause some level of havoc. Unlike Big Mac, she was relieved it was only property damage. Applebloom looked excitedly at her friend, mouth paralyzed in a manic smile. Her friend found out what her stand did! And whatever it did, judging by the hole in the house, it was impressive. Scootaloo was just dumbfounded, mind frozen on the last few seconds, not really sure what just happened. The only thing she was sure of was the attention of the other three ponies, their eyes boring into her soul with varying amounts of interest.

“I didn't flick it that hard!” She defended.

Their conversation was interrupted when a teal stallion walked out of the house, wearing a face that radiated rage. Aside from the tangible murderous intent the Crusaders felt, there were only three defining characteristics: the first was his 'hat', a patchwork abomination of brass and cloth that made Scootaloo question the stallion's sanity; the thing even had a small wooden door centered on the front. The second was his cutie mark; a pile of bits haphazardly strewn about. The third was a red bump that swelled from the right side of his forehead. Nopony present needed more than three seconds to figure out what caused that.

“You!” The stallion pointed his hoof at Scootaloo. “I know what you did! Come over here you little-”

“Now hold on.” The mystery stallion's inevitable rage induced verbal crusade was halted when Big Macintosh walked in front of him. “Ah know you're upset, Celestia knows Ah'd probably be too. But if you don't calm yourself down before lecturin' anypony Ah'll buck you into next week. Clear?”

Mr. Weird Hat wanted to respond, but only a look up at Big Mac's stern face made him rethink his actions. Taking deep breathes and counting to ten, the strange stallion's rage cooled and his face looked more reasonable for a disciplinary conversation. “Alright,” he finally said, “I apologize for my rage. Sudden, unexpected pain tends to do that to me. A weakness I'm working on weeding out. Speaking of weeding out,” his eyes drifted to Scootaloo, “I do hope your allowance is enough to cover that window, young lady. Otherwise you'll be working off the damages for the rest of summer!”

Under the stallion's piercing gaze and soon to be in big trouble, Scootaloo resorted to old instincts, like whenever her aunts caught her hoof in the proverbial or literal cookie jar. Looking away from the stallion and his head wear, Scootaloo traced circles in the dirt with her left hoof. “Gee mister, I don't know what you're talking about.” Lying in front of the brother of the Element of Honesty was not the smartest move Scootaloo could've made, but something was off about this stallion, about what he said and what he accused her off. She just had to burn time while she figured out what it was.

“DON'T-” the closed his eyes and took another deep breathe. “There is no use in lying, I saw you flick the darn thing right into the window.” The stallion was calmer than before, but the trace of annoyance was still present in his eyes; Scootaloo could push his buttons until something happened, and push comes to shove she had her friends and stand to help.

At that thought she found what she searched for. She knew it would give herself away, but she couldn't help but grin.

“That does sound like something I'd do; I'm the kind of foal who kicks cans down the road and doesn't finish her homework until the day it's due, a real delinquent. However, there's one thing that ensures I would never flick even the smallest of stones at a pony's property, no matter how much I'd want to.”

The stallion leaned forward slightly, curious to what excuse he'd hear this time. “And what might that be?” In response to this inquiry, Scootaloo raised her front hooves.

“Have you ever tried to flick anything with these things? No matter how hard you try, you can't move anything far that way, much less fast enough to cause property damage.” When the stallion's face started to drop, his frown deepening and eyes widening, Scootaloo knew she struck a nerve.

“Ah, well. Your wing! Yes, I saw you use your wing; much more dexterous and powerful than a hoof.” He was clearly grasping for straws, for one look at Scootaloo's wings to see the impossibility of his claim.

“Did any of you see me flick a rock with my wings?” Scootaloo received a a resounding no from her traveling compatriots. “Do you think I can flick anything with them?” A more hesitant chorus of nos, one that stung the pegasus, but still proved her point. She would have further grilled the strange stallion, but when she turned to address him again he already trotted into his house.

“Did anypony else find that stallion strange?” Applebloom asked.



Zecora just nodded, still staring at the stallion's house.

“You think he's a stand user, Zecora?”

“Most certainly, my dear filly. He saw your stand flick the stone, thus the source of his irate tone. Yet to say why would make him look mad, and revealing your stand can be quite bad. Should your trust be misplaced, a dangerous foe you will have to face.” During the explanation, Zecora's eyes never drifted from the front door. There was something amiss when he entered, but she wasn't sure what. “You three go on, I will catch up later. It appears I'll need to play the investigator.”

“Now hol' on a second,” Applebloom protested. “Ah don't know much about stands, but ah know havin' one doesn' mean he's a bad pony. Sure he was angry, but Scootaloo did break his window-”

“It was an accident! How does a rock even fly that far?”

“Meanin' ah understand why he's madder than Applejack when the vampire fruit bats came 'round.”

“That may be true, and I hope to be wrong. But it's best to make sure, I won't take long.” Zecora walked towards a nearby tree, out of sight of the windows of the teal stallion's house. Scootaloo followed close behind, desiring to keep the conversation going.

“What happens if we arrive and you aren't there to explain stands?”

Zecora smiled. “A problem that will not be, on this you can trust me.” Trusting Zecora was something Scootaloo could definitely do, and though she and the Apple siblings wanted to argue further, they couldn't deny it was best to leave the expert to her craft. And so the zebra's three compatriots moved on while she stayed behind. When at last they were out of sight, Zecora turned to the tree and summoned Iron-Wood Kid.

“Best to finish this operation quick, to miss the discussion would make me sick.” When her stand touched the tree it began to shift and twist. Bark that remained static barring overzealous foals was flowing like a whirlpool. The wood beneath moved towards a spot to the right of the stand, forming what looked like the beginnings of another branch. Soon the branch turned stout like a small pear, and other 'branches' started growing out of it. The process of bark and wood growing and shaping itself soon ended, and the final shape of the growth took form.

A pigeon, which would be more underwhelming if it hadn't immediately moved. 'Eyes' were opened and wings unfurled as the construct broke free from the tree and flew towards the teal stallion's house. Zecora provided no instruction; the pine pigeon already knew its destiny was to spy on the local stallion was all it needed to do. Remembering the wisdom of redundancy units, two more aviary constructs quickly emerged and joined the first. Satisfied with her work, Zecora quickly caught up to the rest of the group.

“Well, here we are!” Applebloom declared with voice uncertain. The door before her was one she entered and exited countless times, yet never had she felt as much trepidation she did now. Sure, her sister's wrath was not unfamiliar to the filly, as her cutie mark crusades way back when could attest. However, those memories were a faded candle compared to the ranging inferno she felt in the moment.

She knew what had happened to her, happened to all her friends, and had Zecora around to corroborate. Yet if Applebloom were told the same story she wasn't sure any amount of proof would be enough. How could she expect Applejack to believe her when she could scarcely do so?

'Aw hay, ah shouted somethin' 'bout it while running to Scootaloo's place. She probably already thinks Ah've lost mah marbles. Or she's just worried sick at mah absence. Or both.' Realizing such speculation was asinine and a waste of time, she shook the thoughts out of her head. She had to do this and should've been grateful she had a friend by her side as well. With one assuring glance at Scootaloo, Applebloom opened the door.

“Applejack!” Applebloom declared as she walked into the kitchen. “We're home. Sorry Ah ran out on you. Did Sweetie Belle stop by?” Her answer came when a familiar white filly peaked her smiling head from behind a doorframe.

“Applebloom! Thank goodness you arrived, I worried I'd have to leave before you came back. I just have one question-”

“Do you have a ghost following you?” The three Crusaders asked in unison. Stunned silence rained for a second before they laughter broke out.

“Ah'm taking that as a yes.” In response to Applebloom's statement, Sweetie Belle manifested Quiet Riot.

“I'm taking that as a yes.” Scootaloo's stand manifested in response.

“Uh. Scootaloo.” Sweetie looked unsure how to broach the issue. “Your ghost's legs...”

“I know. They're helpful for picking things up, but I won't deny they're freaky looking.” Scootaloo wasn't even annoyed the question was asked anymore. “They're called stands. Zecora was explaining them a bit earlier.”

Rarity and Applejack joined them in the kitchen, having overheard the name of the spirits that plagued their siblings. With the three fillies gathered, it was the perfect time to speak more clearly and thoroughly of the stands. Were she not interrupted with a flash of magenta light, Zecora would've done just that.

“Applejack!” Twilight rang out. “I got your message! The ghost things are dangerous. I mean, they're potentially a danger, but it's unlikely. Still I think some precautions could be made and the arrow was the cause and st-”

“Twilight. Breathe,” Celestia calmly reminded, and Twilight performed the exercise her former foal sitter and sister-in-law taught her.

“Twilight! Celestia! Ah wasn' expectin' y'all today.” Her excited smile fell when she recalled why she expected not her friend and what was said but a moment ago. “If both Y'all are here,” she noticed the chimeric figure standing beside the royals “along with Discord of all things... Just how big a pile of manure did we all just walk into?”
“Oh Applejack,” Discord replied with an unnerving smile. “You haven't the faintest idea.”

Back in Ponyville, the three wooden birds were perched around the abode they were assigned to investigate. So far they found nothing out of the ordinary; no one left the house, no one entered, and the building lacked any obvious signs of arcane tampering. A disappointment it would've been were the constructs capable of emotion. In spite of lackluster results, they continued their vigil.

Such patience was soon rewarded when a familiar stallion poked his head out the front door. With a quick swivel he searched the streets, and when he found the coast clear his body finally left the doorway completely. The constructs cautiously followed behind, watching closely for a sign their maker's suspicion held water.

The stallion walked towards the market, not a drop of malice in his stance as he approached one of the stalls. Behind the counter, a pale yellow mare with orange hair placed fresh produce out on display. Golden Harvest was her name; a mare who sold carrots and other assorted produce to almost everypony in town, and a few ponies just outside of it.

“How are you doing today, Mrs. Harvest?” The stallion asked.

“Well, Slight Hoof, business hasn't been the kindest.” The mare frowned as the birds remembered his name. “Sales have been lower than expected given the increased tourism thanks to the friendship school and the old castle. The new old castle, I mean, not the old old one laying in ruins in the Everfree. I ended up giving an older crop away before they went bad, and though giving to charity is good and all, not getting a bit for all that hard work still stings.”

“You're doing fine financially, right?” The stallion, Slight Hoof, asked.

“I've come out of worse seasons just fine. This is just a small bump in the road, annoying but nothing catastrophic.” The mare stood with pride, yet cast a small glance towards the stallion. “But buying some carrots wouldn't hurt.”

Slight Hoof's smile would've practically confirmed Zecora's suspicions were she there, yet Iron-Wood Kid's birds saw nothing suspicious about it. An odd expression was noteworthy, but not what they were created to look for. They continued observing the transaction, bits and produce exchanging hooves, eyes peeled in search of any evidence of the stallion's true nature.

Their patience was soon rewarded. As Golden Harvest and Slight Hoof conversed, phantom limbs burst from his back, reached behind the counter, and pulled up a small bag; A coinpurse, by the look of things. Several coins were removed with deft precision and silently found themselves in the purse of Slight Hoof, dodging Golden Harvest's sight with practiced precision. “Well dear, I'd love to stay and chat but I'm burning daylight at this point. I wish you the best of luck.” As the stallion left richer than he arrived, the constructs left with their mission accomplished.

“Alright. Just to make sure everypony here understands what's going on, I'll repeat the notes I've taken. If anything is wrong, please let me know.” Twilight sat at the kitchen table with most of the Apple family and their guests. Held in her telekinetic grasp were her notes on this stand nonsense. “The arrow that pierced the Cutie Mark Crusaders is a powerful artifact known as a 'Stand Arrow', also called a 'Golden Arrow' or 'Discord's Arrow', since it was Discord who first introduced them to Equestria.”

“Correct so far, Twily!” Discord leaned back in his chair, sipping on a bottle of apple cider through a straw. “Though I don't need to clarify I provided them to more than just ponies, do I?”

“You do not, I have to agree, but they were the most affected by your spree.” Zecora sat to the left of Discord, stealing glances back at the Avatar of Chaos every now and then. Ancient legends spoke of a serpent, terrible and powerful, that brought forth the first stands. It wasn't hard to make the connection, though to have it directly confirmed by Discord himself, to hear his proud tone on the matter...

“When the arrows pierce another living creature, one of two things results. In the first the subject expires from the arrow, a rather fringe case that can usually be attributed to preexisting conditions. Otherwise the subject obtains what is called a stand.” Twilight set her notes down and rubbed a hoof to her temple. “Here's where my first question lies. From what I've gathered, stands are a phantasmal force that the user controls through their will, can affect the world around the user, yet remains invisible to anyone lacking a stand. Would this make stands a subset of astral projection magics? Also, we never did cover what a stand looks like.”

“Ah don' think stands have a set form they take, Twi.” Applebloom was sitting across from Twilight, sandwiched between her fellow Crusaders. It was a bit of a tight fit, since so many regal guests had plopped in unexpectedly, yet she managed. “Sweetie's looks like a metal pony, Scoots's looks like a chicken-”

“No it doesn't! It's more like a falcon.”

“-And mine looks like a bunch of those human fellers you and Lyra mentioned before.”

“An astute observation regarding stands; their forms are as numerous as grains of sand.”

“As for your first question,” Discord started, “there's a fundamental flaw with it; the power in the arrow isn't in the same boat as conventional magic. It isn't even in the same type of transportation.”

Much as Twilight wanted to brush off Discord's claim, her experiences with Pinkie Pie had shown such things were not without precedent, and it would explain why she detected no magic from the arrow. And now she was thinking of Pinkie Pie with a stand and needed to derail that train of thought before she could comprehend anything terrifying with that.

“Right! Continuing with my notes, there are several common trends that stands follow. Not laws, not hard rules, just a general pattern that most stands follow, since Discord claims he hasn't seen a single one of these 'rules' remain unbroken or unbent.” The draconeques gave only a single nod in response. “The most concrete trait is how most creatures with a stand, henceforth to be called 'stand users', only have one stand with one ability. It's similar to how some unicorns develop a limited repertoire of spells for use in their profession, though stands are even narrower and the ability gained is either completely random or reliant on so many variables it might as well be.”

“And if they're invisible, we can't see their effects until it's too late.” Applejack turned to Discord. “Jus' how many stand abilities are there?” He placed his talon under his chin and gave the question a moment's thought before answering.

“How many apples are there? What about spells? Gems?” Discord asked. “Whatever your thinking, you're wrong. There are infinite apples, they just haven't been grown yet. Infinite spells that haven't yet been put to parchment. Infinite gems stuck in a constant cycle of destruction and formation. The range of stand abilities is no different.”The eyes of those who weren't fully enlightened to stands widened in awe and terror.

Surprisingly Celestia was the next to speak up. “To provide a small sample, I have seen stands with simple, familiar powers; pyromancy and cryomancy, restoration and teleportation. I have seen abilities that defy the laws of magic, that contain the power to render space and time a polite suggestion.” A small smile crossed her face. “And yet time and again it's the mare with the power to grow dirt on any surface or the stallion who can turn water – only water – into ice and visa versa or the stand that forces you to cry sand that's the most dangerous.”

“...How?” Scootaloo asked in disbelief. The moment she saw Twilight open her mouth, she regretted opening her's.

“You'd be surprised how somepony could abuse a single, unassuming power. Unstable Bond, unicorn bandit lord of antiquity, had only two spells to his name; wood-stone transmutation and telekinesis. The latter he used like any other unicorn, but the former,” Twilight straightened her back, “well, how would you feel if the fortress you were in suddenly shifted to a more flammable substance? Could your naval assault be salvaged when the boats turn to granite? And that's just some of the bigger feats; altering the weight of weapons mid combat, marble pillars turning to pine and snapping under the weight they once supported, he even incorporated this tactic into his own armor. Were his goals less distasteful, I'd go as far as to call his methods genius.” She turned to her former mentor. “Celestia, was he a...”

“No, Twilight. He wasn't a stand user, though he demonstrates the danger they pose just as well.”

“Now hold up just a moment, Twi,” Applejack slammed her hoof on the table. “If these things are just fancy spells, then why can' we just put one of them magic inhibitior thingamajigs? If they work on Discord, they should work here as well.”

“Were stands like all other magics, you're plan would be sufficient. But stands are truly alien; our understanding deficient.”

Rarity nearly scoffed at Zecora's declaration, held back only by memories of strange magics that gripped her in the past, some more closely than others. “I'm guessing that has something to do with Discord, since he had a hand in their making.”

“I appreciate praise, but if I had the secret to resisting such metamagic, would I really be held back by this?” Once again Discord held up his talon, showing the metal band, red luminescent runes etched across every square inch. “More importantly, do you really think I would've let my magic get consumed – twice,mind you - if I was behind that little feature? No, our stripped friend here calling the arrow alien is completely right.”

“You did say you weren't behind its creation earlier,” Celestia started.

“How I came upon the arrows is a long story involving a journey across universes, a bit of sightseeing, and a stranger with a glorious blond mane. What is important is he gave me the arrows, a gift for performing a few favors for him.”

“Now why the hay would anypony just give ya somethin' like that?” Applejack queried. Discord shrugged in response.

“All he said was how they weren't what he was looking for. Really, the fellow just didn't seem right in the head, going on about napkins and something about a corpse. I admit I wasn't paying too much attention, I was too busy planning how to enjoy my new playthings.” A nostalgic smile wormed its way on his face before he turned to Celestia. “So no, I didn't make the arrows, ponies just assumed I did and never bothered to check their sources.”

Celestia closed her eyes in contemplation. “That does explain why stands aren't congruent with more conventional magics.” For a time nopony said a word, still digesting the news received. Unsure how they would proceed, what they could say.

“So, what do we do now?” Applebloom broke the silence, tone apprehensive, uncertain even if that was the question to ask. Everypony turned to the former solar diarch, aware she likely had a plan gestating in her mind.

“Regarding the arrow, all we can do is keep our eyes peeled,” she finally responded. “For you three,” Her gaze turned towards the Crusaders. “I suggest you go back to your own lives for the time being. If you desire further information regarding stands, please consult either Discord or Zecora.”

“Well, if there is nothing left to discuss, darlings,” Rarity hopped out of her stool and walked towards to door. “I need to get a new doorknob installed. Applejack, are you available to help this weekend?”
“Maybe. Got lots of work done today, but cider season is just round the corner.”

“If you think you'll be too busy, I will schedule an appointment with a repair pony.” Rarity offered as she opened the door. “Just let me know before Wednesday, they just hate-GAH!” Three bird like creatures flew in and perched beside Zecora. As they chirped into her ears, her face lit up with a smile.

“Thank you, little ones. Your service to me is done.” When the wooden birds fell lifeless to the ground, the uninformed of the group reacted appropriately; through yelps and screams about why the birds suddenly dropped dead. Alongside Rarity's panic at their initial entrance and the insatiable curiosity of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a cacophony of noise was brewing. Before it reached it's zenith, Zecora stood and cleared her throat, silencing the room. “I'm sorry I have to leave, but I have a task to which I must see.”

“Does it have anything to do with stands?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Is it about that weird stallion we ran into?” Scootaloo pressed.

“Is that weird stallion a stand user?” Applebloom concluded.

“Nothing can hide from you three,” Zecora smiled. “The answer is yes to all of thee. I shall speak with you three when I am done, in the meantime just stay safe and have fun.” With one final look at the assembled group, the Zebra left the building, leaving the rest of the room's occupants to their own devices.

“I suppose that's as good a sign as any to disband this meaning,” Twilight said. “I'll head back to Canterlot in a minute, for that's about the time it'll take me to process all of... everything.”

“Only a minute, Twilight?” Rarity asked with brow raised. “I never took you for a braggart. This morning will take me a week to digest at the least! Right now I'm going to head home, fall into my bed, pass out, and hopefully wake up to this being the result of some expired wine.” Rarity was soon followed by the others, the kitchen soon empty save for three fillies and a lone draconequues. The Cutie Mark Crusaders debated among themselves on what to do now, though in their hearts they knew they had but one choice. Since Discord still lounged in his chair patiently, they knew he knew this.

“Discord,” Applebloom began, “What do you think Zecora's doing?”
“Probably whatever you think she's doing.”

“Is she in danger?”

“Depends on the stand and user, but most likely.” The fillies recoiled at the answer, at how nonchalant Discord's tone was when giving it.

“Guys.” Scootaloo stood up from her stool. “I think we should go help her. Want to come along, Discord?” A thoughtful look crossed his face, brows furrowed in concentration before he gave his answer.

“Hmm. Nah, I think you three have it under control.” He leaned back in his chair.

“Such a shame,” Sweetie Belle lamented, her movements towards the door exaggerated. “It sounds exciting to watch two experienced stand users in combat. I know I wouldn't miss it for the world. Plus as our first experience with such combat, wouldn't it be a good learning experience as well?”

“You say that, but... you know, you do have a point. And Twilight always says 'better safe than sorry'.” The beam of pride Sweetie Belle felt at her negotiation skills did not go unnoticed, but since she genuinely piqued his interest Discord figured he'd let the filly have her moment. “Alright! I suppose I could chaperon this little outing, though I sincerely hope you weren't wanting to tele-” A glance at his wrist jostled his memories and jumbled his train of thought. “Oh for crying out lou- she still hasn't fixed this! Some memory that mare has! Ah well, we're not going to let this stop our fun, are we?” Before anypony could answer the rhetorical question, Discord clapped his paw and claw together as he walked towards the door. “What are you waiting for, hurry up or we won't catch up to our striped friend!”

Aside from the window incident this morning, Slight Hoof was having a good day. He did some cleaning that has been on his to do list for a while, bought some needed produce from Golden Harvest, and even managed to get a 'discount' from her. Now he was on his way to the park, smoothie in tow, ready to spend the afternoon getting some well earned sunshine, rest, and relaxation. So caught up was he in anticipation that he was blind to the approach of somepony behind him, only reacting when spoken too.

“Mr. Hoof, I do not mean to cause irritation, but what I was told requires clarification,” Zecora said.

“And what would that be? Did I do something wrong?”

“If what I heard holds true, you stole from a mare money she was due.” His eyes flew open. “From your reaction, I can see I'm right. Yet right now I don't want a fight. Though you know not, another question has been resolved. A stand user you are, this morning's mystery is solved!”

Any joy the stallion felt less than a minute ago had been drained away,a dark frown where once there was contentment. “You know, for all the benefit they provide, I always hated my eyes.” The stallion stepped forward. “No matter what training I took, no matter how much I will them otherwise, they remain my biggest tell. Only once had I tried to play poker, thinking my stand would make it a piece of cake. In an hour's time I had lost six hundred bits and my chances with one of the mares due to these eyes.” Slight Hoof released a humorless chuckle. “Now, these forsaken orbs have given away my greatest secret. I guess it's true what they say about eyes being the window to the soul.”

“I assure you, I mean you no harm. I only sought to-” Something struck Zecora's face.

“Oh no, I've heard that spiel before,” The stallion spat, eyes wide with madness. “Trying to get my guard down so you can go in for the kill, and as a stand user there's no shortage of possible ends for me. I'm not taking any chances!” Slight Hoof took up a defensive stance as his stand formed behind him. It was thin and lanky, like a pony who hadn't eaten in days. Attached through the base of the elongated neck was a silver padlock. Each limb was completely blue and about twice as long as a pony's should be. It's head was covered by a solid black veil, with only a blue circle's outline marring the monochromatic perfection.

Zecora looked upon the stand and knew this pony wouldn't go down without a fight. She didn't want any conflict with the stallion, and from what she observed so far the stallion didn't want conflict with her. Yet fear is a powerful motivator and easily overrides reason in the mentally undisciplined. Preparing to defend herself, Zecora brought forth Iron-Wood Kid and analyzed her current predicament. The park had several living trees around her, thus she had ample material to work with. Good. She currently hadn't the foggiest idea on the capabilities of her foe's stand. Bad, but he didn't seem to have any idea of her power either. Her plan was to stay on the offensive, move the both of them to a nearby tree, and use Iron-Wood Kid to construct wooden beasts, gaining victory through superior numbers.

A shame that plan fell apart when Slight Hoof ceased staring at her with murderous intent to courageously run away.

“Are you really going to run away? Have you not the courage to stay!?” Zecora chased after him, and though he was certainly quick on his hooves, years of living in the Everfree and dealing with the dangers within had done wonders for Zecora's own athleticism. It wasn't long before she cornered Slight Hoof in front of his own house, struggling to open the front door, eyes burning with desperate panic and curses tumbling from his mouth. What he expected from this little outburst Zecora did not know; it wasn't on her mind as she pounced towards him with the intent to constrain and restrain. Since she already launched herself through the air when Slight Hoof finally opened the door, she was physically incapable of stopping her momentum and fell through the doorway. The door slammed behind her before she could her face out of the snow.

'Wait, this isn't right. There shouldn't be snow – and why is it night!?” Her face peeled off of the ground to behold the starst above, the snow around, and the distinctly non-equine inhabitants. For their part the Griffons were reacting with an appropriate level of suspicion, surprise, and sheer confusion at the Zebra who flew out of the door of one of their finest restaurants. Most soon went back on their way, having neither enough time nor energy to ponder the odd occurrence. A few with nothing better to do stuck around, enjoying the rare sight of a zebra in their arctic climate. Fewer still went up to the mare and offered help, a gesture Zecora appreciated in spite of the language barrier. As she stood up she wondered what caused this, though by the time she was back on her hooves she realized she already knew.

“Great. That zebra spilled my smoothie. I paid extra for the kale, you know!” Slight Hoof was outside his house, picking up his spilled drink. Another hoof full of bits down the drain, another peaceful moment ruined by this stand nonsense. This time he was actually confronted by another stand user, making her the fifth or sixth one Slight Hoof met in his life. Just what was with today?

'Maybe I shouldn't have taken that job.' At least the zebra was easily dispatched, all thanks to his third most trusted friend and tool, [ROADHOUSE BLUE]. Sure, he was afraid of him at first, wasn't every foal at some point afraid of the strange shadowy shapes they saw in their rooms in the still of the night? But when Slight Hoof found he could control this phantom, well wasn't he the happiest foal on the block? It was like the monster in his closet had been tamed and made to serve! Since then he used his stand to its fullest potential, taking what he could from who he could when he could get away with it. Even if he never learned of Roadhouse Blue's true power, how it could open any door and make it lead to another he visited, he would've easily prospered.

He looked back to the wooden door that zebra flew through and wondered how it must feel for her up in the Griffin Kingdoms. Probably wasn't even morning there yet, and he knew zebras were more used to warm, humid climates. The discomfort she was now suffering, the chills and snow, was enough to make him smile. “Serves you right for trying to take me in,” he said before walking to Sugarcube Corner for one last attempt at R&R. “Third time's a charm.”