//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: The Unintentional Discovery Part 1 // Story: (NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) // by zodia //------------------------------// The moment you woke up Rainbow was not on the bed anymore but she left you a letter, you took the letter that she left under you palm. You stood up and opened the letter. "Hey, Your probably wondering where I am, I already left for the big game today I promised Saorin that ill be there to see him play. He's a really tennis player ya know. Also umm if you don't have any plans tomorrow maybe we could hang out again I would really love to spend some time with you again You dearest Friend Rainbow Dash" You smiled since it looks like you didn't completely lost her, then you rushed down stairs to look for Sunset since you haven't seen her since yesterday when you two got separated. When you walked out the door you already found her she's with Kerfuffle and it looks like there having a great time, so you approach them, but as you get closer you noticed that around Sunsets eyes were red "Hey... Sunset are you alright?" You asked. Sunset fixed her hair up and smiled "Yeah... I'm fine, So where did you go yesterday?" Asked Sunset. You blushed and laughed nervously "Well... Umm funny story, I went looking for you and I couldn't find you so. I sat on bench to take a break then she showed up... Rainbow I mean" you said. Sunset giggled "Did you talk to her?" Said Sunset, you sat right next to her as you took a deep sigh. You put both of your hands behind you back as you lean against the wall "Well we did talk... A bit, and I found out that Soarin left her at the day of their anniversary just for their tennis practice, since he has a big play today" you said. "Huh... It is today, Let me guess you made her day yesterday, Rainbow I mean" said Sunset. You smiled "We'll yeah of course I did, it's all I can do for now... I know this is very selfish but I just want her back to my life again" you said. Sunset sigh "We'll I can't really blame you... For that reason, I actually regain my memories yesterday night, that's why I look like this... And now I know what to do and I would appreciate if you let me do this one alone" said Sunset, then she stood up and waved at you, you know its good bye so you waved back. Kerfuffle pat your back "Well since your here... I heard that you want to know their story... Zack and Sunset I mean" said Kerfuffle. You smiled and sit properly "We'll I really got nothing to do today... Might as well find out their story" you said. Kerfuffle giggled "You look excited... Well I guess I should start where Zack and Sunset first met... Which is actually here at Hope Pollow, Canterlot High had a field trip here, to teach the students how thisown was founded and who made the Rainbow Festival, believe it or not Zack was one of their guide to this town everyone listens to him except for one... *Sigh* Sunset Shimmer... She just keep wondering around like nobodies business and she's always separating to her group which is where Zack was appointed... She goes on and on, and on always seperating and when one of her classmate was just about call her, Zack stopped him, Flash to be exact " No... No let her be she's not little kid anymore" said Zack, Flash Just nodded and just kept following him... And when they arrived at their final destination which is a place where all of the students are going to rest... I remind Zack about Sunset shimmer "Yeah... I completely forgot, well stay here with this people for now, *sigh* ill go get her" he said, i waitted for an hour and finally they came back, Sunset just walked past me with a cold look on her face "Hey what happened, what took you guys so long" i asked, he said that Sunset got into trouble at back at the town and he spend the whole hour watching Sunset clean up her own mess" said Kerfuffle. You gulped "what did she do anyways?" you asked. Kerfuffle scratched her cheek "Well... She accidentally broke a lot of plates... Not only that she's also arguing with the owner of the shop... And Zack paid the plates that Sunset broke in exchange Sunset cleaned them up... That's what Zack told me also the store owner" said Kerfuffle. You sigh "Heh... I can't believe that he actually paid the broken plates... Well how did he end up in Canterlot city?" You asked. Kerfuffle smiled "We'll... A few days after Zack decided to move in Canterlot city and enroll in Canterlot high which is now Canterlot University... And of course he didn't leave without saying goodbye to all of us... And he has a unique way of doing so, I will never forget that day that he set up a whole speaker that is on max volume and wake every single people here at Hope Pollow" said Kerfuffle. You got shocked when you heard what he did "Wow... Umm that's something" you said, then both of you just laughed at that moment. Kerfuffle stood up and give you her palm "Since you said that you got nothing to do today why not help me out for a while at the shop" said Kerfuffle, you held her hand and nodded yes. After a long day you said good bye to Kerfuffle and head into the Train station since it's afternoon and it's also the last time the train will stop at Hope Pollow "I guess I could just asked someone else back in Canterlot city who remembers him" you said, then you hop into the train and sat and nearest sit, and while you were listening to your favorite playlist you realized something, How on earth does Kerfuffle still remember Zack. Not to mention those three girls they also remembers him "Why am I realizing this just now" you said on your mind, and you just face palmed your self. When you got back home, you saw your mother and father sleeping on the leaving room since the couch can turn into a bed "*Smiles* I really don't wanna wake them, since there still on their uniform" you said on your mind, then you just went upstairs and went to bed. Tomorrow morning you contacted Rainbow to see if she still wanna hang out but no one answered. When you looked outside your window you saw that Zack's house is back "Is he... Back?" You said, then you rushed out side and went to Zack's house immediately and when you got inside, you saw someone you didn't expect that is sitting in front of the tv watching a video, that Zack recorded during your vacation at the Silver shores resort "Rainbow... Do you..." You said. Rainbow stood up and turned around and you saw tears running out of her eyes "Why... Why... Why can't I remember?" Said Rainbow, then you approached her slowly. You gulped "How many video, you actually seen?" You asked. Rainbow sat down, and pointed the lop top that is connected to the tv, and it looks like it's Zacks laptop, Zack really keep those videos, as he promised to you back in Silvershores, why did you make him keep it. "Rainbow I... I know your confused right now... But you have to calm first so that I can explain everything" you said. "Calm... How can I calm down, there back in Silver shores how could it be you?... Cause as far I remember it was Saorin... Do you know what else I saw, this year book that says Saorin and Spitfire the best couple elite tennis players and this was just a year ago... If your gonna explain everything how can I believe it, if my life right now is something that I didn't even get to choose. How can believe you?... How?... Just who am I exactly?.. Who are you?" Said Rainbow. You couldn't answer because you couldn't think of the right words, as you just stand there without saying anything Rainbow just walk pass you "I don't know, what real anymore" said Rainbow, as she walked out the door.