//------------------------------// // Book 2: Animus | Chapter 9: Forgiveness // Story: The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition // by Notowa //------------------------------// Chapter 9: Forgiveness Twilight remembers what pieces she used for the lockets. Remembering all the pain she felt. She used their weapons against them by giving them a taste of their own medicine. She quickly analyzed the scenario in her head as Rainbow Dash asked "what's the plan?" Rainbow Dash would run around in circles, causing raindrops to form in the sky like a mist, in which drenched the Dazzlings. Rarity will use her power to shield them from leaving the targeted area, while Pinkie Pie distracted them from stopping the others. All they needed was her signal to release it when it was time, allowing the girls to get out as quickly as they can as she would watch the sparks fly. Lightning is caused by negatively charged clouds, with enough positively charged electrons on the ground to connect both the cloud to the ground, causing an electrical current to generate a lightning bolt. Living creatures naturally generate positive energy, drenched in water gives them a boost, with something metallic like copper wire, which was used inside the lockets they carried. Allowed them to become engulfed as electrical conductors for the lightning to easily target them to strike. Twilight was relieved to have at least three of her friends left to finish the job, while embracing a clear victory using scientific understanding. Now that victory was her's, she wanted to be in that blast to complete her final plan. The reason she wanted to stay behind, she didn't know if she could live with herself for what she's done. What she started. The only reason the Dazzlings considered approaching her was because of her utilizing her powers to find sources of Equestrian magic. What she didn't know was she was being watched. She was careless, and brought so much suffering on her friends. From what she understands, they are now lost. She never intended to take it as far as she did, but it happened. Now, as the wave of energy exploded, she awaited for it to take her in as well. Twilight opened her eyes, but she was surrounded. Twilight looked behind her, and there was Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity inside a large dome-like force field. "I-I did it..." Rarity said as she focused. Twilight smiled, they did not leave her after all. Rarity was relieved to have her friends by her side, her dream was there to help her turn things around. Rainbow Dash held Pinkie in her arms, as Pinkie smiled and had her eyes closed. "I love you guys!" Pinkie said. She held onto Dash tighter, as she smiled back. "We love you too, Pinkie!" Twilight said, as tears streamed down silently. "Thank you!" Rarity stopped focusing on the shield, and they were splashed with water that rested on it. "Didn't think that one through..." Rarity said, as she was wiping off her dress. "Yeah... good one Rarity!" Rainbow Dash said, as she swiped her hand over Rarity's back. Rarity grunted, and looked at her, a little bit ticked off, but she let it go when Pinkie got up in between them. "Twilight..." Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie stood staring at Twilight, as she turned her back on them to look the other way. "I will tell you, I will tell you everything but... I just hope Sunset and the others are okay..." Twilight said, as she looked out into the distance, beginning to tear up. "They came... they tortured me... until I made them all a locket, just like the one I had before... but I was weak and angry... I thought I messed up, but something made them differently this time... I was hoping it wouldn't work, but it took away something inside of them... I don't know what it is..." "Tortured..." Rarity spoke. "Why didn't you tell us?!" "If I did, they would have done something horrible..." Twilight cried. "I wanted to protect you all, and I knew you guys wouldn't believe me... after the mess I made..." "Twilight..." Pinkie said, as she went over to hug Twilight. "I'm so thankful for everything you've guys done for me... even if... even if they don't return..." Twilight cried. Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. They both could have lost their partners, and they feared being left behind, alone. Rarity held onto Rainbow Dash's hand, and Rainbow Dash held it tightly. They cried, and they all came together in the dark, the cold rain, the brushing winds. They all took time to hug everyone individually. Twilight felt everyone's guilt, she felt it on herself. She caused them to fight, a fight that was unnecessary, and made them all separate again after just barely coming back together. She took it all away. They heard an exhausted moan coming from the Dazzlings. Twilight came up to them, the others followed. Adagio was laying on the ground, the others were fried and stiff, but were still breathing. Adagio rolled to look up at the skies, it pained her but needed to look into her eyes. Twilight came up to her. "Adagio..." Twilight said softly, she knelt beside her burnt body. She saw those magenta eyes that terrified her, but now saw the pain that was returned. "Clever girl..." Adagio said, as she coughed, wiping away the raindrops that fell on her face. "Please... tell me they're okay..." "They're breathing, but they're really weak." Twilight said. "I'm only going to say this once..." Adagio spoke softly. "I'm sorry... no more will I mess with you... or the others... you're too strong... even from after fighting with each other..." "You guys fought with each other again?" Twilight asked the girls. "Yes..." Rainbow Dash and Rarity said simultaneously. "We saw them, out on the streets, fighting each other over their shared secrets." Adagio said. "It was quite a turning point. Quite a show." "It really was all my fault..." Twilight cried. "...I ruined everything..." "We all did Twilight..." Rarity said. "We all had things that we couldn't confess..." Rainbow Dash added. "I lied to you guys about sharing your secrets..." Pinkie confessed. "I stood in front of you all so you could stop fighting..." "Pinkie..." Rarity cried. "That's alright my dear..." "Thank you Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash added. "I'm so sorry you guys..." Twilight replied, with much sincerity. "I... I love you guys so much... no matter what happens..." "Love you too Twilight." Pinkie enlightened. "Give me a break!" Adagio hissed. "But, please... call an ambulance... then you will never have to see us again..." "Adagio..." Twilight said. "I'm not surprised you would have any empathy left for us, but we are terrible people who don't deserve any of you." Adagio continued. "Nor do you deserve us in your lives..." "Maybe we could have been friends..." Twilight suggested. Adagio smiled, but shook her head. "I got all I need." Adagio said, she turned her head, and slowly moved her body to get closer to them. "Aria... Sonata... never again..." Adagio passed out, and kept her hands together to hold their's. It took the ambulance a few moments to get to Twilight's place. They all took the Dazzlings in to get treated. Luckily the storm stopped when they arrived, allowing a safe and quick ride toward the hospital. Twilight took everyone into her house. They all sat down on the couch to explain what to do now. Twilight explained to them what happened to her in full detail before and after the events of what caused the Dazzlings to target her in the first place. They couldn't believe Twilight's scientific plan worked in the end, allowing them to be stopped. They all laughed when Twilight told them the reference she shouted when it hit. But, they all still felt sadness in their hearts knowing that half of them are gone. "You don't know what the lockets did to them?" Dash asked. "Not a clue... but Spike was unable to move or wake up again... almost like... he's actually gone." Twilight hesitantly said. Everyone bowed their heads, the terrible fate of their friends, lost. Rainbow Dash was happy they managed to pull together again to save themselves from the Dazzlings plot to take over. The heaviness in her heart, the melting of her colorful hair, drenched in the rain, the tears falling to hear that her precious Fluttershy was gone. The others were scared, and saddened that only they were left to witness their tragic end. Rarity came to comfort Rainbow Dash, their understanding of each other was more than enough to share their burden together once again. Twilight heard something coming from the hallway. The sound of claws and patterning of paws from her room. Twilight got up to see. It jumped on her from the darkness. "Ah! Spike!" Twilight yelled, as she hugged him tightly. "You guys!" Twilight yelled, as she was surprised by him. "Spike was taken along with them, but if he's back, then that must mean, they'll all could be back!" Everyone jumped out of their seats took look down at Spike. He was pouncing around, wagging his tail, and looked like himself once again. They heard their phones ring immediately after. Rarity got a call from Sunset, and Rainbow Dash got a call from Fluttershy. They both teared up, and answered immediately. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy: R: Fluttershy?! Is that really you?! F: Dashie! You're okay! Oh thank goodness! R: Are you still back at the house?! F: Yes! R: I'll be right there! Rarity and Applejack (Sunset's cell phone): R: Sunset?! A: It's me Rarity! R: Applejack... y-you're okay? A: Ah am, my phone was smashed, and my truck is gone, so ah headed over to your place, but ah found Sunset in yer room! Might want to explain that? R: Of course darling, I'm... just so relieved that you're here! A: Am happy you are too! Pinkie and Twilight both watched them tear up with joy, and they all were relieved to have them all come back. Twilight held onto Pinkie's shoulder. Pinkie smiled and was hugging Twilight tightly. "It will be alright then?" Pinkie questioned softly. "I hope so." Twilight said, as she smiled brightly. "Guys! Is it okay if I go to see Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I know it's all sudden..." "Yes, of course! Go to her!" Twilight said. Rainbow Dash thanked them. She went to her, as she ran through the storm, waiting to return back into her arms. "Well, I'm off as well. Pinkie, is Sweetie Belle going to stay at your place for tonight?" Rarity asked. Pinkie knew what she meant. "Of course she can!" Pinkie enlightened. "Thank you, Pinkie!" Rarity said sincerely. Rarity headed out the door. "Thank you..." Rarity whispered as she walked out. "Well, what are you going to be up to Pinkie?" Twilight asked. "Well, I'm rather tired. I should probably get home." Pinkie said. "You know what? You should just stay the night, it's almost sun up, might as well stay." "Okay!" Pinkie said. Twilight smiled, as Pinkie smiled brightly. Meanwhile... at Fluttershy's place. Fluttershy awakened laying on the floor, her animals surrounded her. They thought she was really gone, so they all gathered together and stayed with her. They were rejoiced to see her get back up again, although she couldn't move properly, she was slow, and felt stiff. Her animals helped guide her, and for a moment Fluttershy smiled, she was back, and was thankful for everyone of her pets for helping her. She got up to the couch, and she saw her phone laying on the edge. Fluttershy sat down, and tried to rest for a moment as she was tired and felt heavy. Lifting her arms and breathing felt like a workout. Fluttershy took a moment to regain her strength, and she was back to feeling normal. She called Rainbow Dash in hopes she would answer her. Fluttershy was sitting on the couch, comfortably as she waited. Dash barged through the doors, and there she was, sitting on the couch. She slowly got up to hold her. Their arms encapsulate tightly around their bodies. She pounced onto Fluttershy, making them both fall onto the couch. Rainbow Dash, on top, looked into Fluttershy's eyes. The gleam in their eyes, knew what hell they were put through, but it was worth the pain to be there in each other's arms once again. Rainbow Dash's eyes fell, and she pushed her lips into Fluttershy's. Their hands stuck together. Fluttershy felt her wet lips and closed her eyes to embrace the moment. She couldn't breathe, so she pushed Dash a little left, and they both rolled off the couch, and switched positions. Fluttershy leaned forward and continued to hold her, and locked her mouth onto Rainbow Dash's. Dash massaged her back as she leaned closer, and her hair tickled her ears and neck when she came in. Rainbow Dash leaned over on Fluttershy, her heart was pounding, her breath picked up it's pace, and her whole body felt a warmth that was intoxicating. She could feel Fluttershy's heart race, she would moan. It made Rainbow Dash excited, in which she wanted to indulge more deeply. Dash was worked up, having gone through all that mess just to have her back, and now she wanted to give her everything. Fluttershy was not able to move. She felt it was too much, and asked Dash to stop what she was doing. Dash stopped, and allowed her to breathe. She got up, and helped her to the couch. She didn't know what was happening to her, Fluttershy in a soft whisper asked her to bring an inhaler from her bathroom sink. Dash ran to pick it up, and brought it to her. "Fluttershy... I'm so sorry..." Dash whispered, and worried for her. Fluttershy held out her hand, and held her cheek and slowly felt it all the way down her chin. She couldn't speak with the spray running down her throat, but she knew she was sincere. Fluttershy looked up at the ceiling. She was looking beyond it, felt the light shining through it. "Please..." Fluttershy whispered. She begged that her life was not over yet, she really wanted to stay with her. "Not yet..." Meanwhile... at the barn. Applejack couldn't have been more happier than to have smelled the mud and rain the moment she woke up from what felt like a nightmare. She also smelled the barn, filled with animals, and haystacks. It was home. Remembering from what Granny Smith told her earlier that day, she accepted them, and no longer wanted her to wait any longer to be with her, but to live with her. It will take some time planning, moving any of her clothing and other things back to Rarity's house, given her truck was gone. Even though her truck was a family truck, it couldn't have been a much more troubling time for it to be gone, but wanting to see Rarity felt more important. Applejack struggled to walk, but nothing in her lifted spirit wanted herself to give up to be with Rarity. Every step was like pulling weights over her personal limit, her very heartbeat was painful to feel inside, beating against her weak ribs, the headache she received after being hit with a shovel, her lungs wouldn't open wide enough for air to flow through, making her respiratory system to collapse from moving an inch further. Applejack didn't want to give up. Rarity could still be in danger, she wouldn't be able to know if she was safe and alive. She fell to the pavement, the rain coming down on her, she slammed her fist against it, pushing herself. "C'mon...!" Applejack said, as she struggled to get back up. "She needs me! I need her!" For a moment, she crawled across the sidewalk, but she felt her body shut down. Her spirit was willing, but the flesh countered against her. She stopped moving for a second to catch her breath. She heard a voice coming from a spark in the sky. She turned over to look at the darkened clouds above. The rain fell, and lightning struck between them. Applejack began to remember how it was possible to be brought back in the first place. A light that carried her and her friends. The elements may have opened something far more vibrant than what she remembered. It was a calming feeling, like waking up after hours of sleep, like being carried as a baby from the cradle, a feeling of being lifted, waking up next to someone you hold dear in your arms. Applejack remembered. Applejack said, "help me." The light struck again, she felt the vibration coursing through her as she felt the ground shook. The feeling of her blood circulating through her veins, her heart slowed, and the pacing of her breathing continued. Applejack reached out, and felt her body lift up, back on her feet. She held the gate at her side, gaining balance once again. "Am comin' Rarity!" Applejack determined to never stop moving until she reached her. At Rarity's house... Applejack came busting down the door, and found Sunset walking out of Rarity's bedroom. She was confused, but she couldn't have been doing anything since she was with Sunset not too long ago. Sunset gave Applejack a hug, they both understood what was happening, and decided to let it all go, but always stay together. Not long after Sunset returned back home after she was able to walk again. Applejack went to her bedroom. Her door was broken, forced entry. She used Sunset's phone to call Rarity, when she answered, a sigh of relief calmed her down. Rarity walked through the front door, and they both held each other. The rhythm of their heartbeat was pounding through their chest, they could feel it when they came together. "I don't want to leave your side ever again!" Rarity cried. "Rarity, ah have somethin' to say." Applejack said calmly. "What is it?" Rarity asked. "Granny Smith, and the other's... requested ah stay with you..." Applejack said. "What do you mean?!" Rarity said. "They accept us, Rarity. They accept us. And am going to stay here with you. Wherever you go, ah go." Applejack continued. "Oh Applejack!" Rarity continued to hold Applejack. "Let's head to the room, Sweetie Belle is at Pinkie's!" "You betcha!" Applejack said. In the bedroom, they cuddled together in bed. They kissed, feeling the cold and warmth of their lips touch. Their tongues played, as they slowly massaged their shoulders and their arms. Applejack loved the softness of her skin, and Rarity was starting to notice Applejack was starting to use some of her moisturizer, as she could smell the scent of cherry blossoms. It pleased her the most. Rarity wanted to tackle her, when she got up on her again, but Applejack felt something in her struck. "Ah!" Applejack yelled. "What?" Rarity asked. "What is it?" "There's a sharp pain in my back!" Applejack replied. Rarity immediately jumped off to help Applejack lay still, and comfortably on her back. "Applejack? Are you okay?!" Rarity continued. "Ah don't know..." Applejack said. Meanwhile... at Sunset's house. Sunset arrived at her house. She remembered the bed, and the mess Twilight made, so she laid on the couch once again. She felt restless, and contemplated all the things she's gotten into. They all had to do with Twilight. Maybe there was something else, but maybe she was too blind to see it, or too stubborn to acknowledge it? Sunset text Twilight, and asked if she would like to talk about things during the weekend. A few moments later, Twilight texted back and agreed to it, and was looking forward to it. Sunset smiled, and was finally able to sleep. Meanwhile... at Twilight's house. Pinkie texts Maud about spending the night with Twilight, as she was laying in Twilight's bed. Maud replied to her about getting home early to pick up Sweetie Belle. Pinkie agreed. Twilight came into the bedroom, and laid beside Pinkie. "Hey Twilight?" Pinkie asked. "Yeah Pinkie?" Twilight replied. "So, after all that, are you okay?" Pinkie continued. "Like mentally and physically?" "I'm actually a lot better. Now that everything was taken care of. But, Pinkie. I'm proud of you, the way you handled everything. You're truly a hero for us all." Twilight said. "Thank you Twilight!" Pinkie said. "The others are too!" "Of course, but I, however, shouldn't be." "What do you mean?" Pinkie asked. "I made everything fall apart... I caused so much pain and hurt..." "Twilight... don't say that. After saving us all, we forgiven you..." "You're too kind Pinkie... but... can I forgive myself...?" "Sure... in time... right?" Twilight smiled. Pinkie did as well. "Goodnight Pinkie!" Twilight said, as she yawned. "Night Twilight!" Pinkie said. They both laid in opposite directions, but felt comforted. While Spike laid in the corner, and slept happily with his favorite people. Twilight received a message from Sunset, and she wanted to meet up with her sometime this weekend to talk. Twilight replied that she was looking forward to it. Twilight smiled, and fell asleep.