The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition

by Notowa

Book 2: Animus | Chapter 6: Alone

Chapter 6: Alone

Her hair turned to an unattractive dullness, covering her face, which streamed down like a grey and dirty waterfall. The darkened pink of her skin and her eyes no longer glowed happiness, but sadness and sorrow.

She sat alone in her living room, unsure of what to do as far as helping anyone. Pinkie's heart was shattered, especially since she lied to them about sharing their secrets with each other. It was the only way for them to break away from hurting each other. She took their anger and pain away, by putting herself to be the enemy instead of each other. Although, it won't be long until they come back to tear each other apart, since they know each other's secret relationships. Only Pinkie was the one that had nothing to keep away from them.

She cried, it hurt her inside, knowing her friends are now fighting against one another. She laid on the couch, and began to feel tired due to her emotional state, completely drained. Her energy was low, and could no longer keep her eyes open. She shut her eyes, and took rest on the couch.

Pinkie dreamt of her friends. Applejack with Rarity, Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy, and Twilight with Sunset in front of her.

They all walked down the hallways of Canterlot High School. Pinkie was behind each of them, they all continued to walk down not looking back to see if she was alright. There was a growing distance from her to them. Pinkie ran, but could not reach. The entire place became a blank darkness that surrounded them. The girls finally looked back at Pinkie, but couldn't care less as they turned away their heads and ignored her. She cried for them, but they kept walking away. Pinkie reached out her hand, but could not reach. She began to sink into the darkness, it stopped her from moving further to catch up.

There was a silence as she stared into the everlasting emptiness. It was until she felt a presence there with her. Pinkie turned the other way, and it was Twilight. She began to float towards her without her control. Twilight turned to look at her, but she had no mouth or a nose to breathe. It was clear to Pinkie that her dream was turning into a nightmare. It scared her as she tried to float away, but she came closer and closer towards the scary-looking Twilight. Pinkie screamed for help, but there was darkness and the thoughts of her cries were echoing, becoming ambient within the emptiness. Twilight reached out toward Pinkie, and Pinkie tried waking herself up by pinching herself and biting the tip of her finger. She came to her.

Pinkie woke up, screaming, but she was greeted by her sister Maud Pie. She sat down beside her, and she wanted to wake her up. The windows appeared to be dark. It was late. There was a storm coming in, as she had felt the winds against the walls of her house.

"Pinkie, Pinkie... it's just me." Maud said, in a mildly calming voice.

"Maud?!" Pinkie yelled, as she was out of breath. Her chest was tense with a growing fear of something near.

"What is wrong?" Maud asked, as she felt Pinkie's head. There appeared to be no fever, but cold sweat.

"Oh Maud, I had a terrible nightmare..." Pinkie replied.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Maud asked.

"Yes please!" Pinkie cried.

Pinkie was taken to Maud's room, with boulder sleeping on top of a dresser. Her room was simple, with one bed, one dresser, and a desk with nothing on it beside various minerals.

She laid in her firm bed and cuddled close to Maud, as she feared for her safety. Maud was already made comfortable in her baggy shirt and boxer shorts. She sensed something in Pinkie that made her want to ask about her day.

"I've noticed you've been a gloomy gus lately Pinkie. Are your friends being good to each other?" Maud asked while Pinkie held her close.

"Well... not really. I tried to help, but I made things worse." Pinkie responded.

"It's okay Pinkie. Remember, their happiness is their own problem. Don't get so caught up to where you feel emotionally drained." Maud continued. "You need to do things for yourself as well."

"But, I love them. I don't want them to be unhappy." Pinkie replied.

"I understand, but I don't want you to not live your life. I would like for you to live it how you want, and everyone else will either be supportive of it or not. But, regardless, I am here for you Pinkie, five-ever, remember?"

"I know Maud... I know. I love you!"

"I love you too Pinkie." Maud and Pinkie fell asleep, with Maud at her side, Pinkie felt comforted and it had made the darkness that surrounded away.

She returned home with tears coming down her face. She couldn't help Rainbow Dash, and Dash turned away from her when she tried. Rarity mocked their relationship, which made this whole situation worse, and Pinkie didn't keep her promise about it being a secret between them.

Everything around her was falling apart, even little bunny Angel was being a little shit during his usual feeding time. While all the rest of the pets were compliant and quiet, because they felt a growing sadness in Fluttershy's heart.

The day grew thin, as the darkness was spread over the horizon. Winds were picking up, so she made sure her friends outside were covered and kept warm. Fluttershy was exhausted, and went to sleep almost immediately as she fell into bed.

Fluttershy felt like she was being carried by an endless dark stream, and was not going to move or do anything to deter the flow. She felt herself falling deeper and deeper, to where she couldn't care if she woke up the next day.

She breached against something and stopped moving entirely. Fluttershy looked up, and saw Twilight standing there. She faced away from her, and felt unnaturally frightened.

Why was she here? She asked herself.

Twilight turned around, and revealed her non-existent mouth or nose, but her huge eyes which Fluttershy could not get out of her mind. She grew furious with that Twilight. She got up and walked over to her. She threw countless punches at her face, at her body, and made her fall to the floor. She kicked her continuously. She was mad at Applejack and Rarity, but she was even more upset at Twilight for making her clean up her mess, and having to be put through the worst two weeks of her life.

I just want to be home, taking care of my friends! Have a romantic relationship with Rainbow without having to put up with your stupid actions! Fluttershy thought.

Fluttershy went down to her laying on top of her, and looked back at her. Twilight did not change, but started to make Fluttershy cried. Feeling guilty of her actions. She apologized, and wanted to take back what she did. The Twilight changed form, and turned into Rainbow Dash. She ended up being the one hurt and tainted with bruises and scars left by her tantrum. Fluttershy screamed.

Fluttershy woke up, feeling the dread set in deep. She picked up the phone, and called Rainbow Dash as quickly as she could. It took Rainbow Dash a minute to answer it, which made her worry over every second she was not answering.

R: Hello?

F: Rainbow Dash... I'm sorry...

R: Wait what? What are you talking about?

F: I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. I'm so sorry.

Rainbow Dash paused.

R: Look... I don't know what you are talking about, but I should be the one to apologize, alright? For earlier...

Fluttershy paused.

R: Okay, you know what? I think I'll just come over. Okay?

F: Okay, please hurry!

R: Alright!

Fluttershy hung up. She adjusted herself to sit up on her bed, and turned the small lamp on. Waiting for Rainbow Dash to arrive.

After her fight with Rarity and Applejack, she went home. She cleaned up the blood that became dried under her nose and mouth, with it stained all over her hands. She took a shower, allowing it all to sink into her skin. It was cold, but it did not help her feel any better.

She was still angry and restless. She laid in bed and began to act out her rage into a pillow. Rainbow Dash beat it up, until she grew too tired to land another hit. Instead she laid in her bed, not wanting to get up, or move to eat anything for the rest of the day. She stood there until she felt her eyes becoming heavier, slowly shutting.

Rainbow Dash was laying in the center of a park, on a merry-go-round. The merry slowly shifted back and forth, with Rainbow Dash's foot on the sand, giving it a small push forward and back. Her arms rested on her stomach, as she felt no motivation to play around with the children that she overheard at the park. She heard the children laughing and playing around.

Rainbow Dash just listened, until she heard one begin to scream. She got up, but the park was empty. The children's screams grew louder, sounding as if they were being tortured. Rainbow Dash looked around but couldn't see anyone in the park. It was ringing in her ear, as she tried to close up, to block it from rupturing her eardrum.

It stopped as she heard one child laugh behind her. Rainbow Dash turned around, and the park became silent. She turned around, and saw her younger self with her hand on the rails.

"Want to play?" A young Rainbow Dash asked. "I can make this go fast!" The young one pulled the rails and had made the wheel spin faster as she ran. Rainbow Dash didn't have a second to grab onto one of the rails to save her from falling off. It became almost impossible to hold onto.

"Stop!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm sorry I was a jerk when I was younger!"

"I thought you liked to go fast?" Young Rainbow Dash taunted her. "Isn't that all you are?" Rainbow Dash cried with the winds caught in her eyes and begged her to stop. The merry became too fast, and Rainbow Dash let go.

She flew across the field, and skidded across the dirt. She was surprised the impact didn't wake her up from this nightmare. She lifted her head up, and saw a familiar face. Struggled to get up off the ground, as the pain felt all too real.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Rainbow Dash said, as she looked up to see Twilight and her soul-gripping eyes. "Just go away!" She heard voices emanating around her.

"Weak... alone..." The voice spoke. She spoke with no mouth, and it irritated Dash.

"I'm not weak!" Rainbow cried. "I-I'm not a-alone!" She kept feeling the pressure and guilt, of the way she acted toward Fluttershy and her friends. "I'm not alone..." There was a stream of tears running down her cheek. She couldn't stop this feeling.

"Weak... alone..." The voice continued. Rainbow Dash fell onto her knees, and screamed.

Rainbow Dash lifted herself off the ground, as she heard the phone on her desk ring. The sound of it going off and was somehow similar towards how she screamed inside her dream. She tried to get up, but recognized that she fell out of bed. It was very unusual, as she had not done that since she was young. She reached above to her desk to grab the phone.

Rainbow Dash ended her call with Fluttershy and decided to head over to her house because she wanted to apologize in person for her behavior. She also wanted to make sure she was still okay after everything. She worried.

Dash picked up a coat, and ran for it, through the chilling and wispy winds of the night. She came across a hooded figure walking through the night as well on the other side of the road. It seems there were a couple of them. She ignored them as she ran across and found Applejack's truck at Rarity's place as well. She couldn't stop until she reached Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash ran inside, and Fluttershy jumped to her to give her an immediate hug. It startled Dash, but returned the favor by swinging her around.

"Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash said softly.

"Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy said softly.

"I'm sorry..." Rainbow Dash said sincerely.

"Oh Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy said, as she continued to wrap her arms around her and brush up her face against her chest. "It's okay. I'm not mad. I'm just glad you came!"

"Yeah, me too!" Rainbow Dash enlightened, as she felt teary-eyed to be with her once again.

As they looked into each other's eyes, Fluttershy caught in the corner of her eye, an intruder. The figure was a girl wearing all black, her hair was light blue hair with purple highlights. Fluttershy screamed.

Rainbow Dash quickly turned around, and saw her at the door. It appeared to her as Sonata Dusk from the Dazzlings. She had something that resembled a locket in her hand and focused it toward Rainbow Dash, but Fluttershy threw Dash aside and allowed Sonata to take her instead.

"NO!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Sonata grabbed Fluttershy and with the locket, absorbed something that looked like light and flowed through her arm into her locket. Fluttershy fell, Rainbow Dash leaned forward and saved her from the impact of the floor.

"Fluttershy...?" Rainbow Dash cried, as she held her cold and lifeless body. She shook her, but no response was made. "What did you do to her?!" Rainbow Dash yelled at Sonata. Sonata gave a sinister smile, and ran out to the darkness. Dash ran after her. But felt a sharp pain in her face, immediately as she walked out the door. She was completely knocked out by a large red arm. It walked in closer to light and revealed to be Demon Sunset's arm that swung across her, as she ran out to chase Sonata.

She was unconscious and was taken by Adagio. They tied her up, and threw her inside a small barely functioning van.

Rarity stormed home, and Applejack walked behind her at a distance, as she knew Rarity was still upset.

Applejack couldn't help but feel bad about the way she was at Twilight, but it was her fault that everything had to be taken to the worst of measures.

They both came up to Rarity's house. Rarity walked inside and slammed the door without looking to see if Applejack was going to come in. Applejack drew away from the door. She stood and looked away, unsure of what to do but to walk back home.

Rarity immediately went to wash up all of the filth of the dirt and twigs from her hair, all thanks to Rainbow Dash. She kept pulling her hair, nearly ripping out every strand of how enraged she felt. She just wanted to strangle Dash and Applejack. Both of them were pissing her off.

Applejack went home, even though she was tired from all the stress of fighting with friends, she was immediately put to work around the house. With all the drama circulating her friends, she was dodging all her chores that Granny Smith told her to do. She was actually a little relieved to have something to occupy her mind, away from the drama.

She went to sleep right after, as it was, both physically and emotionally, an exhausting day for her. It was a little early in the evening, but she just wanted it all gone.

Rarity held onto a thing she made for their band, after they got back together. She made them all one to show that they were going to always be there together.

She was missing Applejack, even if they were all separated, she didn't want to be away from her. At the very least, be alone with her, forever. Rarity couldn't find the words to say, nor how to say it and just went to sleep, feeling this heavily dreaded evening finally weighing on her, as she shut her eyes.

She awakened to a dream she had before. She was fighting along with the others, but a blast of flames came over. She thought it was from before with their battles against the Chrysalis. But, none of them were ponies. She looked around a scattered mess from the flames, tearing down everything in sight but herself. She looked around and was all alone.

Why am I alone? Where is everyone? She asked herself.

A mirror from her geode appeared and it showed her the attitude she had with everyone. Her sour behavior, the fights she started, and never really apologizing or clearing it up with anyone. Where she went wrong, there was no one for her to save nor anyone left to save her. They all left her, and no one came back. None stood a chance, and none stood together again.

Rarity woke up, with tears in her eyes. Even if everyone hated her, or did not want to be there for her again, she at least wanted Applejack there. But, she needed to apologize to everyone, which she wanted Applejack there with her for support. She called Applejack, immediately after waking up. She desperately wanted her there. It took a second for her to answer.

R: Applejack? Are you there?

A: Yeah, are ya okay?

R: No, actually...

A: What's wrong?

R: Can you come over?

A: Well... I don't know.

R: Please...

A: Alright then, I'll be down in a sec.

R: Okay...

Applejack was not feeling good enough to sleep either, she felt like there was unfinished business to attend to. She got dressed, and was heading down the stairs as quietly as she could. She tried not to awake the others.

"Applejack?" A voice asked. It came from the living, and it startled her. She turned the corner to look and it was Granny Smith, rocking in an old chair with one lamp on in the corner of the room. She felt she was caught trying to leave again. She walked up to her, and had to face the music.

"Yes, Granny Smith?" Applejack asked softly.

"Ah think ah know what's been goin' on with ya?" Granny Smith continued, and continuously rocking in her chair.

"Uhh, it's nothing..." Applejack stuttered.

"With ya leavin' almost every evenin'." Granny Smith added.

"Oh, Granny... am sorry ah..."

"Ya found yerself a filly? Ain't ya?" Granny Smith interrupted, as she snickered.

"What?!" Applejack asked, as it was shocking to hear her say such a thing. "Ya knew?"

"Well, of course, dear! Ah was once yer age too, ya know?" Granny answered.

"Are ya okay with it?" Applejack asked.

"Well... in this day in age, kids are more acceptable to things like this, but it's not like it was a new thing, even back from then." Granny said. "What am tryin' to say is. Don't keep it a secret, share it, embrace it. Am just glad ya found someone yer close to."

"You accept it, even if it's with another woman?" Applejack continued.

"Of course! Ah can't control yer life, neither does anyone else! I've learnt that the hard way with yer parents." Granny Smith added. "But listen, we've been talkin.' Big Mac, and Apple Bloom are willin' to take over more of the responsibilities here."

"What are ya sayin'?" Applejack questioned.

"It means, ya got to focus yer life somewhere else. Life's too short to miss out on things."


"Don't ya worry about us, all of us understand. So, ya go on ahead, and be there for yer girl!"

"Granny, ah don't want to leave here..."

"Listen, wherever that girl goes, you go! Don't be wastin' it! Build yerself your own farm!" Applejack froze for a minute to think.

"A-ah will Granny, ah won't let'cha down!" Applejack said. Granny nodded. She gave Granny a hug. "Am glad you've accepted us..."

"Ah do! So does Mac and Apple Bloom. They were just shocked to see ya moochin'!" Granny Smith said. "Well go on then." Granny Smith let Applejack go.

Applejack headed out the door, but her phone rang again.

A: Rarity? What's up?

R: You are heading over right?

A: Yes ah am!

R: Can you stay on the line for me?

A: Ah got to drive though?

R: Please...

A: Fine. I'll put you on speaker!

R: Okay.

Applejack had her keys out, and was heading inside the barn. As she walked in, there was a split second of something metallic coming toward her face. She was bashed in the head. The phone in her pocket fell out. Applejack took a moment to endure the pain in her head, but she was tired, and felt dizzy. She slept. In the shadows, was Aria Blaze, chuckling. She threw down a shovel that she used to hit her with. Aria held onto Applejack's arm, and absorbed a light from her.

R: Applejack? Are you okay? I heard the phone hit something! Applejack? Applejack?! Hello?!

Aria: She's not coming back!

R: Who is this?! Hello?!

Aria smashed Applejack's phone with her boot.

Rarity on the other side, was shocked. She was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down her face.

"Applejack!" Rarity screamed.