//------------------------------// // Book 2: Animus | Chapter 3: Uncontrolled // Story: The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition // by Notowa //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Uncontrolled The girls struggled to get Twilight somewhat decent to be in the middle of the public eye. They ought with Twilight getting her into fresh clothes, like Sunset did the night before. Rarity tried to fix up Twilight with some make-up, but she kept moving her head too much for Rarity to focus. Rainbow Dash placed the sunglasses back onto Twilight's face, to block her stare that gave them nightmares. They walked out of Sunset's house. The air was cold, with the winds pushing them forward to find a place to indulge in a hearty meal for the noon. The clouds were roaring forward with the winds, carrying toward their direction. The sun was blocked, making the chilling air more unbearable to stay out for too long. They all reached a diner that was more or less cozy-like, according to Applejack. The place was a family-owned diner, but it was more of a modern layout than what it used to be. It used to have a country-styled aesthetic with old pictures, antiques, and the inside decorated with a log cabin coat over the walls. The girls were seated within the center of the diner, given it was the largest table they could spare for seven teens. The diner was quite filled to capacity because it was the middle of the weekday, where many families and friends are gathered to enjoy a meal together. The table was squared and each of the girls sat next to their partners, surrounding each spot on the table. Pinkie sat next to Twilight, and Sunset sat on the other end next to Twilight. They sat with her to make sure she won't make a mess of things. The waitress took their orders, and left with a disgusted feeling in her stomach when she called onto Twilight. She took off the glasses, and the stare she gave the waitress made her stagnant. She nearly went through a heart attack. Sunset ordered for her a soup, which happened to be Twilight's favorite. Twilight surveyed around the diner, she blinked and was fixated on looking at others while they ate. She was opening and closing her mouth, mimicking them, but as she did, she gave off an odd sound, as if they were moans of an exhausted grunt. Sunset would look at the others, they were unsure of what to think of Twilight. They all tried to focus on each other. Applejack was talking to Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash spoke about Twilight on how she would give off a creepy feeling that would make their skin crawl. Pinkie would twitch being near Twilight. Sunset sat silently, looking down at the table because she knew how awkward they all must feel, being near this imposter. She thought of what could be wrong with her, but it wasn't anything that they dealt with before. This situation was different in Sunset's opinion. No one would be this dead-like and still had some function of their body. Unless, Sunset thought, Twilight's mind simply vanished. Sunset thought about what device did that before, but how was it possible? "Hey everyone?" Sunset asked, the girls focused on Sunset. "Do you think it's possible that Twilight is not really there?" "What are you saying?" Rarity asked. "Like we're all dreaming this?" "No?" Sunset continued. "Like her mind?" "Are we imagining things?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That would be pretty scary! Right Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash teased Fluttershy. "Oh stop it..." Fluttershy said, as she would slap Rainbow Dash's hand away trying to creepily tickle her. "But... yes..." "Are ya tryin' to say, this is not Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Are we imaginin' things?" "What I mean is, her mind was taken by something, and all that's left is this empty shell?!" Sunset answered. "If that's true... then that could mean... there is someTHING or someONE taking away people's minds!" Pinkie Pie commented, as she acted out her words. "Yeah, it just feels scary..." Sunset said. "I'm scared about what's happened to Twilight. If she's even okay..." "Don't worry, Sunset. Just like before, ya have a feelin' that Twilight's house has the answer!" Applejack assured, as she held onto Sunset's shoulder next to her. "You're right..." Sunset replied. "But, is it even okay for us to just sit around until we do find something about it?" "And skip out on lunch?" Pinkie commented. "I already missed breakfast!" "Pinkie's right." Rainbow Dash added. "We will all be rested and ready for action after we get something in our system!" "I suppose you're right!" Sunset said, as she smiled. The rest of them nodded. They continued their previous conversations. Trying to ease up on the tensions. The waitress returned with their food, and asked Sunset to hand Twilight's food to her. She didn't want to come near her. Sunset grabbed the bowl, and placed it in front of Twilight. "Enjoy your meal!" The waitress said, as she quickly turned the other direction. The girls wasted no time digging into their food, after a few bites Sunset realized Twilight did not know how to eat. Sunset sat up in her seat, and pulled to sit closer to Twilight. The girls watched Sunset, as they chewed their food. Sunset picked up her spoon, the spoon filled to the brim, and brought it over to Twilight. She sat still, and watched the spoon come to her. Pinkie came over to open her lips, as Sunset placed a spoonful into her mouth. Twilight sat up and the soup spilled out of her mouth, and got all over the seat and her pants. "Twilight!" Sunset grunted. Sunset signaled Pinkie to try it again. As they cleaned her up. Sunset and Pinkie closed her mouth and lifted her head up for her to drink it down. After they did, Sunset placed the spoon in Twilight's hands. A few tries, Sunset felt that she got the hang of it. They all continued to eat, sitting quietly. Twilight was focused on the soup, she came across something in the bowl. She swallowed whole, but she caught it stuck in her throat. Twilight was sounding off being restrained from breathing. Sunset got up, and pulled her in to push the food out of her. Sunset heaved, and Twilight spat out the piece of meat onto Rarity across from her. Rarity screamed. She didn't want to touch it, so Applejack leaned over to pick it up. Sunset looked around and saw that there were a few guests starting to see what happened. Applejack wrapped the piece into a napkin, and sat back up in her seat. Rarity was cleaning where it hit her. She was disgusted with Twilight. Rainbow Dash tried desperately to hold back her laughter. Fluttershy could see her cheeks puffing red and her hand over her mouth, her eyes squinting as she started to drool over her hand. Fluttershy shook her head and sighed. Rarity looked over and saw Rainbow Dash trying not to laugh, she was pissed off at her. Applejack placed her hand over to her to calm her down, but Rarity yanked her hand away and got up to head for the restroom. As Rarity headed inside, Rainbow Dash let out a chuckle. Applejack looked displeased with her. So, it made her stop after a few hacks of her throat. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, and returned to her meal. Sunset was helping Twilight how to eat the physical food, as Pinkie Pie was helpful enough to assist Sunset. Twilight gnawed on a piece of meat until it was reduced to a saucy-like substance for her to swallow. She tried a few times, and began to be fully capable of eating. Sunset and Pinkie were relieved, and sat back down to eat their food. Applejack got up to meet with Rarity in the bathroom. Fluttershy poked Rainbow Dash, as Rainbow Dash knew Fluttershy was not happy with her. Rarity stood at the sink, continually wiping off the stain left on her shirt. Rarity looked up to see Applejack next to her. "I really hate Rainbow Dash sometimes..." Rarity said, as she sniffled with a few tears. "Ya don't mean that..." Applejack said calmly. "It wasn't her fault..." "Hmph!" Rarity huffed, continually scraping off a stain left on her shirt. "It was rude of her though." Applejack added. "I swear, I'm just going to..." Rarity said, as she threw down her fist at the sink. It was weird, as that would normally hurt, she thought. Applejack went over to her, and placed her hands over her shoulders. "Ah understand, but just let it go. Ya know she can be a little immature at times..." Applejack requested. "I'll let it go, but when I say so!" Rarity yelled, Applejack turned away. "Okay..." Applejack commented. She left for the door, and Rarity continued to wipe off the stain. "Are ya comin' back to the table?" "I lost my appetite!" Rarity continued. Applejack went. She sat back down, seeing Twilight getting used to eating normally. She didn't feel like eating either. Twilight picked up her whole bowl, and drank it all. Sunset was surprised, and Pinkie was astounded. However, after Twilight placed the bowl down, she got up and went over to Pinkie. "What's up Twilight?" Pinkie asked. Twilight went over and dragged her plate closest to her, and shoved her hand into her food and brought it to her mouth. "Hey!" Pinkie yelled, as Twilight chomped down her food. She went over to the next person, and ate their food. Twilight was becoming monstrous and invading people's space, taking their food and eating it like an uncontrolled maniac. She was making a mess of things. The people were utterly shocked and terrified of her. Sunset got up and tried to restrain her, but she had an unusual strength to her. The others went to tackle her down, and stop her from eating or resisting. As they brought Twilight to her knees, Rarity went to see what was happening. Twilight regurgitated all the food she had in her mouth and stomach. It made Rarity sick and disgusted, as she rushed to the restroom once again. Applejack and Sunset pulled Twilight to a seat. The people were also becoming sick seeing the chewed food of all sort of assorted colors. The workers got down to clean it up, but the smell of it made them all back out immediately. "Okay, we need to get to Twilight's house now!" Sunset demanded. "Ah'll stay an' clean up, ya go on ahead!" Applejack said. "I'll stay as well!" Fluttershy requested. "I'll help clean!" "Are you sure?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes, go!" Fluttershy added. Sunset, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash headed out the door. Rarity was stuck in the bathroom, trying to cough up what she had left. Applejack and Fluttershy stood back to help the custodians clean up the mess she left behind. Sunset held onto Twilight by her left arm, and Rainbow Dash carried her on the other side. Pinkie looked at Twilight, she looked sick and was ready to pass out. By their luck, it was not far from Twilight's house. On the way there, Sunset stumbled on something as she walked. She kicked it, nearly tripping over it. She looked down, and it was an egg-shaped rock. It looked like it was carved by some kid who left it there. She kicked it over again, but found that eye symbol in the center, with lines and carvings of intricate characters. She contemplated it, as she felt the familiarity of it from her dream. Sunset dropped Twilight on Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, to pick it up. She held it to see if any of it was real. The other girls saw it, as they held onto Twilight. It was revealed to them as the memory stone. Sunset and the girls made it back to Twilight's house. Sunset opened the door, using the spare key in the odd shaped object by the door. When the door swung open, there were papers scattered everywhere, and the closet was already unlocked with boxes ripped apart. They placed Twilight in an empty spot on the couch. She fell, lying down not making another sound. "Great, at least our suspicion about Twilight was right all along!" Rainbow Dash commented. "But we don't even know why yet!" Sunset responded. "Just look around for anything useful!" "Sunset, is there anything that's not obvious? Why are you so quick to defend Twilight anyway? After everything that's happened, aren't you a little pissed off?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What are you trying to say?!" Sunset yelled. "Of course I'm upset! But, there has to be a reason! Why are you so quick to judge?!" "A reason for this?" Rainbow Dash said as she held up the stone at Sunset's face. "She's definitely hiding something!" "Are you going to help or not?!" Sunset questioned. "I think we should wait until the others arrive!" Rainbow Dash suggested. "We don't have time, if this is a replica then we can't spend anymore time doing nothing! Twilight could lose her memories forever!" Sunset yelled. "Do you have any idea what that..." "Calm down, Sunset. We know, but we can't destroy it without all our elements together!" Pinkie Pie interrupted. There was a pause between Sunset and Rainbow. "Just hold on... please." "Fine." Sunset said, as she stormed into Twilight's bedroom, and shut the door behind her. "Thanks, Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash said softly, as she sat down on the couch. "What's everyone's deal today?" "You're welcome Dash. But this situation just got a lot deeper than we think. And remember, there's a time and a place for laughter, which is why I hang back just a little..." Pinkie added. "Yeah... I guess I can't really help it..." Rainbow Dash said, as she looked down to the floor. Pinkie rested her hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, sometimes laughing and smiling makes everything a little bit better!" Pinkie added. Rainbow Dash smiled. She looked back toward the kitchen, and found something weird. Pinkie followed her and saw it too. They found Spike in a small cage on the kitchen floor. They opened it up, but he was not moving. They were worried about him. Sunset was in Twilight's room. She sat by the window, afraid of facing the fact that Twilight may not be as apologetic as she claimed to be. The Twilight she knew was not doing sketchy experiments or have been keeping secrets from them. What could be the reason for the memory stone? How is there another one in the first place? Sunset questioned herself. What was she trying to keep away? Maybe Midnight never left her, but she tried to get rid of her that way? Was it too strong and it erased all of her? Sunset hoped she was not too late, who knows how long it's been since she did it. She could already be too late.