//------------------------------// // Book 2: Animus | Chapter 1: Lost // Story: The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition // by Notowa //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Lost It was late at night. The storm was coming through, with the wind currents brushing up against the doors and windows. The weeds and branches of trees tap upon them, making a sound, as if someone was outside their home. The thunder was light, not touching the ground, nor disrupting the townspeople's sleep throughout the night. It was, instead, calming to listen to. The rain started to drizzle, as Sunset Shimmer heard it from her bathroom window. She was taking a long deserved bath, with candles surrounding the tub to give a dimness of light in an unlit room. Meditating with the sounds of the rain and wind, picking up the patterns, that was soothing to listen in. The tub was full of bubbles, which began to dissipate as she prolonged her time in the tub with her eyes closed. She thought about her previous adventure with everyone, and wondered if Twilight was trying to say something to her. Majority of that incident was Midnight's doing, but Twilight might have had something to do with it. Was Twilight really jealous of Princess Twilight? She thought. Did she do all of that because of her? There were some things unexplained and remained a mystery with everything she saw. All her research and paperwork inside a locked closet. All the things hidden, which made Sunset start to shiver. She opened her eyes and saw that the bubbles were gone, and the tub was no longer hot. The candle wax was starting to spill out onto the floor as the flames grew thin, ready to burn out. Sunset doused them out, and she got out to turn on the lights. She grabbed a clean bathrobe from the towel rack at the opposite side of the sink, and drained the tub, drying out her long glossy and fiery hair. Her arms felt numb from being in the air, as she wrapped a towel around her head. As she walked out into the living room, the lamps were still on, making it a nice, dim atmosphere inside the room. The windows were foggy with raindrops pouring down on it from the outside, and the heat from the bathroom that was condensing inside. She could hear the nearby branches of trees, scratching up against the walls outside her home as the winds blew. She sat down on her living room couch, still contemplating about Midnight. Her phone was sitting on the desk where her lamp and half drunken tea was left. She picked up her tea, it was cold and bittersweet, as she put it up to her lips to drink. She glanced at her phone and picked it up. There appeared to be no messages or updates of any of her social media. Most days were quiet, even during school. The only time Sunset and her friends spent time together was during Rainbow Dash's games, or making an occasional vlog video, or even just wanting to hang out to celebrate something. And then comes trouble, which prompts them all to come together to take the evil down. Then it was back to a normal quiet routine once again. Sunset felt kind of out of place, given that she was still pony in a human world. If there was a human Twilight, was there a human Sunset? She thought. She went through phases of existential moments as the time grew spent there without a clue. It felt like there was so much unexplained and also remained a mystery. She has not tried to search for the other Sunset. What good would that do? She would often ask herself. With all the vlog videos and internet fame she had, she was certain the other one would notice that there was another person like her in the world somewhere. She also thought about what Princess Twilight said about going back to Equestria, maybe during the summer, she could go back to visit. That all depends if the portal was even opened. As Sunset was sitting comfortably and re-watching her vlog videos, she heard something outside her front door. She thought it could have been just the twigs or rocks being thrown around with the wind, but it sounded heavier than that. Sunset walked up to look, but as she stood up, she saw a quick flash outside her window by the front door. It could have been lightning, striking down into the ground, but she had not felt the light struck the earth, or the sound of a boom after it. It sounded as if her light bulb outside her front door had gone out. The sound of the glass breaking against something, in which could have been the dirt swallowed by the winds. She sighed as she contemplated putting up another light bulb tomorrow morning. She went to her cupboard to fetch a pack of light bulbs. Might as well do it now, because it's not something she usually had to do, so it would not even cross her mind the next day. Sunset went to turn off the light switch, as she opened the door. Right outside her door, she saw a figure in the darkness. She screamed, slammed the door, and locked it. S he tried to look out the window, but could not see with all the heat condensing from her skin and from the bathroom, with the rain pouring down from the other side. There was just fogginess and darkness. Sunset grabbed a flashlight and a baseball bat over by her computers underneath her bed, and she gathered her strength to unlock and reopen the door. If anything, her element was on her neck for guidance. Sunset turned the flashlight on, and readied her weapon to the air. She slowly re-opened the door. Her eyes widened and her pupils shrunk to the size of pebble. "T-Twilight?!" Sunset questioned, as she saw Twilight Sparkle standing there in the rain with no coat or shoes on. "Come in here!" Twilight followed the light into Sunset's living room. She backed away from her, to shut the door to lock it. There is something off about Twilight? Sunset thought. She seems... lifeless. The way she was walking to her, was like a walking corpse. Twilight was soaking wet, her hair was scraggly, and her eyes were dull and wide open without her glasses on, and her feet was covered in dirt, tracking mud all over the floor. "Twilight? What's wrong?!" Sunset continued. "Why were you out there in the rain?!" Twilight did not answer. She stood there silently, and looked up at Sunset with those huge eyes. There was emptiness in them. It frightened Sunset. "Twilight?" Sunset saw her hands, as they were bleeding, and the blood fell onto the floor with the dried mud from her feet. "Twilight?!" Sunset screamed. She rushed her to the bathroom. She washed her hands with soap to wash off the blood and dirt, and saw shards of glass falling from her hands. It seems Twilight was the one that had made the front light turn off. She held onto the bulb until it burst into her hands and caused her skin to rip open. Sunset thought as she was carefully taking the glass out her hand, Twilight resisted and grunted in pain. She tried to pull away from her, but Sunset had kept her hands into the sink. "Stop!" Sunset yelled. Twilight got away from her. "Stop it! What is wrong with you?!" Sunset grabbed a towel and the first-aid kit from her bathroom cupboard, under the sink. She placed Twilight down on her toilet seat, and cleaned off the water and blood. The towel was soaked after it, as Sunset wrapped her hand with a clean gauze. Twilight stopped resisting her. She just looked at her hands as she was wrapping it, trying to move her fingers, but could only use them as pinchers like a crab. "What are you doing here?! What's wrong?!" Sunset questioned, as she gently tugged her shoulder. But, all she got was Twilight's dark, soul-gripping eyes that would make her feel uncomfortable and send shivers down her spine. Sunset brought another towel from the cupboard to wipe her up. Twilight started to fight her as she tried to wipe off her head and body. "Twilight! Stop!" Sunset kept yelling at her. Twilight was still soaked and was cold to the touch of her. There is definitely something wrong with her. Sunset grabbed her shoulders and used her power to see into her mind. She saw nothing but darkness until she saw what happened outside her front door. "What the hell?!" Sunset got up and was upset. Twilight followed her to the living room, she stood by staring at her, as Sunset paced around the living room. Sunset angrily sighed. "What is wrong with you?!" She yelled again, aggressively shaking Twilight. It made Twilight frightened of her, as she tried to speak, but she just made a noise like some sort of banshee. Sunset was devastated. She had no idea what was wrong with Twilight. She grabbed her phone and called the girls, but none of them answered. She was about to phone the police, but she saw Twilight walking around her house, looking at things and touching everything. She came to Twilght's book. Sunset stopped, dropping her phone on the couch, and snatched the book away from her. "No! Don't you dare touch it!" Sunset yelled. Twilight looked at her. She could not look at her, as her eyes were freaking her out, to continually stare back at her. Sunset placed her book down, and had taken Twilight up the stairs. She wanted to give her some fresh clothes to wear for now to sleep in. Hopefully the girls will come over in the morning to help her figure out whatever was wrong with Twilight, Sunset thought to herself. She was scrambling through her dresser and found the sleepwear she gave Princess Twilight, but she had her other pair of pajama shirts and matching pants to wear. She handed the clothes over to Twilight, while she put on her's. Twilight touched the clothing and looked at them as if she had no idea what they were. "Put them on!" Sunset demanded Twilight. Twilight just kept playing around with them, even making them fall onto the floor like a child. "No!" She sighed. "Please, don't make me do this..." she said to herself. She had to do it for her, apparently. She took her back down the stairs to the living room to pick up the clothes she dropped, and started taking off her clothes one by one. Twilight was resisting her, and was trying to make her stop. "Stop it!" Sunset yelled. Twilight fought with her. "Stop! I don't want to do this anymore than you do!" Twilight backed away and gave Sunset a mean look, as she tripped to the floor from the stairwell. "Twilight!" Sunset yelled. Twilight tried to get up to the stairs, but she could not get up quick enough as she tackled her and made her put on the shirt and pants. Twilight stood up, and was touching the clothing she had put on. Sunset was exhausted, she had given no other thought to it, other than how annoying it was. She placed Twilight's soaked clothes and all the towels she had used in the bathroom, as Twilight continued to look around as if she had never seen the place before. Sunset made Twilight head back upstairs. She reached out to her blankets from one corner and uncovered it. "Get in bed!" Sunset pointed towards the opening she left. Twilight did nothing but stare where she had pointed. "Go to bed!" Sunset continually yelled, and pointed at the opening again. Twilight just looked at her. She was disgusted with her, so she forcefully laid her down. Covered her up, and tightened the sheet and blanket so she won't be able to get up or fall off the bed. Twilight struggled being under the blankets. She couldn't move, so she stopped and watched Sunset head back down the stairs. "Goodnight Twi!" Sunset said, as she turned off the lamps downstairs. "We'll have to figure out what's wrong with you tomorrow!" Sunset laid on the couch to rest, and she fell asleep as quickly as she laid down. Not even thinking about what just happened. Later on that evening, Sunset dreamt of Twilight. She was frightened by her. Twilight's eyes were dreadfully cold. The deadly stare, which made everything about the situation worsen. Sunset woke up, as she was getting scared of the dream she had. She turned the lamp on. Twilight was standing right by the couch, with her intense stare looking straight at her. Twilight had nothing but her eyes, she had no other facial features. She screamed as Twilight had placed a blanket over her face. Sunset woke up again from the couch. She was hesitant to turn on the lights, but she did with her eyes closed. Luckily, no one is there, she thought. She would feel the cold piercing and dripping from her head down to her back. The uncomfortable silence made her think twice about going back to sleep again. She walked up to check on her friend. Twilight was still awake. She turned her head and watched Sunset come up the stairs. She saw that she was awake, with that stare that haunted her. She tried to close her eyes gently, trying to make her go to sleep, but Twilight would open them back up, slowly, and one eye at a time. Sunset shifted back. She was about to head back down the stairs, that was until Twilight had reached out to her arm. Twilight's grip suddenly became stronger, making her arm feel the pain of being crushed. The bandages began to soak up more blood as she reopened up her wounds. "Ow! Stop!" Sunset yelled. "Let go!" She tried to get away from her, but her grip was tightening. Sunset kept fighting, until Twilight used her other hand to drag her closer. "No!" She stopped resisting because she was afraid of falling off the platform to the living room. She was tossed around and landed on top of Twilight. In which, Twilight wrapped her arms around her and her legs underneath the blankets, locked up with Sunset's legs. Making it difficult for her to move. "Get off me!" Sunset tried to pull her off, but Twilight kept her arms tight around her until she grew tired of fighting back. Sunset was out of breath and was unconscious. The last thing she sensed was Twilight's cold arms and her body wrapped around her. The cold atmosphere made her feel the uncomfortable, frozen rain and wind from outside throughout the night. She drifted off into a sleep, with her eyes closing slowly. Her eyes were the last thing she saw.