//------------------------------// // Book 1: Curiosity | Extra: Pinkie Doodle // Story: The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition // by Notowa //------------------------------// Extra: Pinkie Doodle Prior To Curiosity...Again After Friendship Games Pinkie Pie first switched places with the other Pinkie Pie. After a while, they would switch in between major events. This time it was after Spring Breakdown. Pinkie Pie was adjusted to her newfound life on the other side. The world seemed smaller, yet deserved more exploration. After she exited the mirror, she came across a huge building, she read the bolded letters along the side: CANTERLOT HIGH SCHOOL "Canterlot High School!" Pinkie Pie said to herself. "Cool!" She crawled along the cemented walkway to the doors of the school, there was no one to witness her odd behavior. looked around, and saw a picture of the student body. Pinkie saw that they were standing upright on two legs, so she forgot to try herself. She fell a few times, but laughed as she got back up to look at more pictures. She concluded that walking on two legs was way easier than on all fours. Pinkie continued to look at the pictures, she saw familiar faces on the board, it was the yearbook committee. She saw Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, the other Twilight, and herself on the board. On the side, she read: Not pictured: Wallflower Blush "Wow, we still look cool in our human form!" Pinkie Pie said. She continued down the left hallway, and was seeing all of the trophies, banners, advertisements, and interesting facts along the billboards. She was enjoying herself, as she skipped merrily to the other side of the building. She saw an empty classroom, the huge cafeteria, and made it to the back where the locker rooms are. She entered and found Fluttershy sobbing from the middle of the hallway. "Fluttershy?!" "Pinkie Pie?!" Fluttershy questioned. "Where have you been?" "I was out somewhere, looking around the school!" Pinkie said, as she was jumping around. "What's the matter?" Pinkie stopped and walked up to Fluttershy. "Oh, it's nothing..." Fluttershy said softly. "It's fine." "It's okay Fluttershy!" Pinkie said. "No need to hide anything!" "Okay... promise you won't tell?" Fluttershy requested. "Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie said. "That is a Pinkie Promise, and I never, ever, ever break a Pinkie Promise!" "Alright... it's Rainbow Dash, she lost a game and now she's really upset." "Oh, I see." Pinkie said. "Where's everyone else?" "They couldn't make it..." Fluttershy said. "I assume it's about their own relationships..." "Hah..." Pinkie questioned. "Relationships?" "Yeah..." "Okay, are you worried about Rainbow Dash?" "Well, of course, she lost a game." "But, is it about the game?" "I-I... I..." Fluttershy was at a loss of words. "Haha, kidding!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "You should probably go and cheer her up!" "Like how?" Fluttershy asked. "Take her out! I'm sure she would like to have an active day with friends!" Pinkie Pie said. "Oh, I suppose..." Fluttershy continued. "What should I do?" "Hmmm..." Pinkie Pie was in much thought. "Take her to some place you'll like!" "Why me?" Fluttershy questioned. "What if she doesn't like the place I like?" "Nonsense! Anyone would enjoy anything as long as it's fun!" Pinkie Pie said. "Oh, okay..." "Besides, getting her to come out is not the hardest part!" "It's not?!" "Nope, coming forward about her feelings will!" Pinkie said. "Oh..." "Just be careful when you do!" Pinkie said as she was about to head out the doors. "Wait Pinkie!" Fluttershy yelled before she left. "Yeah?" Pinkie skipped to Fluttershy's house. "I have her shirt, should I give it back?" "Give her this one!" "Why?" "I don't know, maybe that shirt is special!" "Okay...?" "See ya!" Pinkie said, as she walked out. It was not long before Pinkie caught up with Applejack and Rarity. She decided to go look around the mall by herself. She found her two best friends being together. "Hey, you guys!" Pinkie yelled, coming from behind Applejack and Rarity at the mall. She saw that Applejack was carrying a few bags from a very prestigious boutique, along with crossing her left arm with Rarity's right arm. "Wow, you move fast, faster than light!" "What?" Rarity said. "It's nothing!" Pinkie said. "How you doin'?!" "Just shopping, nothing else!" Applejack said. "I see it is just you two today, out together, doing stuff!" Pinkie added. "Sounds romantic!" Applejack and Rarity were embarrassed. "Nothing to be ashamed about!" "You're alright... with me… an Rarity?" Applejack asked. "Of course!" Pinkie said. "Why wouldn't I be?" "Well... we haven't exactly... told anyone yet...?" Applejack said. "Why not?" Pinkie asked. "I'm sure they won't make a big deal out of it." "Look Pinkie, I appreciate you for understanding as well as accepting us, but... it's not time yet, you understand?" Rarity said. "Oh yeah! I do!" Pinkie nodded. "Thank you Pinkie, promise not to tell until we are ready?" Applejack asked. "Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie said. "That is a Pinkie Promise, and I never, ever, ever break it!" "Thank you!" Rarity added. "Behave yourself now Pinkie!" "You've got it!" Pinkie said, as she continued looking throughout the store. After she left, she thought about paying Fluttershy a visit. "Hey Fluttershy!" Pinkie yelled. "Hi Pinkie!" Fluttershy said. "So... how did it go?" Pinkie asked. "It was amazing, Pinkie you should have seen it." Fluttershy said. Meanwhile, during Fluttershy's first date with Rainbow Dash, the time at the aquarium, Pinkie watched them observe all the sea life there was to explore, however, she was the cause of the lights illuminating on Fluttershy's dress to make it glisten and make all the fish attracted to it. While she fed the sea turtle a nice snack for it to stay put by Rainbow Dash, so Rainbow Dash could see to soften her emotional hardships. "Yeah, I bet it was great!" Pinkie enlightened. "Thank you Pinkie Pie, for helping me out with everything!" Fluttershy added. "You're welcome Fluttershy!" Pinkie said. "What should I do now?" Fluttershy asked. "I know it could be counted as a date, but I don't know how to carry on with the next one..." "That's okay, do what you do best!" Pinkie said. "Calmly get her used to you being there, but not so often she freaks out!" "Right!" "See ya!" Pinkie said, as she walked away back home. As she was lying in bed, she thought about going to visit Sunset to bother her as well. The next day, Pinkie came crashing down the door. "Hey Sunset!" Pinkie yelled, awakening her from her sleep. She jumped on her bed, with Sunset freaking out on what happened, while Pinkie simultaneously threw pillows at her face. She stopped messing around with Sunset, and stopped to look at her. "Wow, you look like shit!" As she smiled. "Always nice to see you too Pinkie..." Sunset said, half awake, and about to go through a cardiac arrest. Sunset went back to sleep. "Sunset, what's wrong, how come I haven't been seeing you lately?" Pinkie asked. "It's nothing Pinkie..." Sunset said. She was on Sunset's bed, looked around the living room and saw all the trash Sunset left sitting around. She was in sorrow, overeating, and tissues crumbled up and piled in the small garbage can next to the table for her lamp. She was feeling uncomfortable, she looked and was lying on top of a book with a sun on it underneath her. Pinkie saw that she accidentally ruffled the pages, some of the pages even bent up. As Pinkie Pie held it up, Sunset turned around. "What the hell Pinkie!" Sunset yelled, she was furious at Pinkie for ruining her book. "Get out, get off of my bed!" She was startled and headed to the living room. "Out!" Sunset said, as she pointed to the door. Pinkie was saddened by Sunset's rage, and walked out of her house. Pinkie wanted to do what she could to help Sunset, but it seems she was sad about something. Later that evening, Pinkie Pie had a visitor. It was Sunset. "Hey, Pinkie, may I come in?" Sunset asked. "Of course!" Pinkie said as she allowed Sunset inside her house. "Pinkie, I'm so sorry for earlier, things haven't been as good lately..." Sunset said softly. "What's wrong?" Pinkie asked. "Twilight stopped talking to me..." "The pony Twilight or Sci-Twi?" "Both, I haven't been able to contact them, or anyone... I've been so lonely..." Sunset began to tear up. "No one... I'm sorry..." "It's okay Sunset... I knew you didn't mean to..." Pinkie said, as Sunset stopped her from finishing her sentence to hug her tightly. "I don't know what to do Pinkie." Sunset continued. "I miss them, I miss them all." "I understand." Pinkie said. As she allowed Sunset to be comfortable with telling her everything that was on her mind. She made another promise to not tell anyone about it. All throughout the evening, Pinkie made Sunset a bed to sleep for the night, and together they continued to talk. When things began to quiet down, Pinkie thought to herself, how she was going to bring everyone together. However, she thought maybe it won't be her doing, but it will be each of them, coming together in some way that will remind everyone the importance of friendship. So, Pinkie made a plan to help everyone. Pinkie and Sunset awoke early that morning, and she walked Sunset home, Pinkie said to Sunset she was business to attend to. Sunset understood and went her way. Pinkie went to go visit with Rainbow Dash. She arrived and Rainbow Dash opened the door. "Oh hi Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash said, when she opened the door. "Hi Dash!" Pinkie said. "How you doin'?" "Oh nothing, playing around with my guitar." Rainbow Dash said. "Wanna come in?" "Sure." Pinkie said, as she skipped into the house. She sat on her couch. "Hey, Dash?" "Yeah Pinkie?" Rainbow said. "Remember you got that guitar when you battled against Trixie?" Pinkie asked. "I do! I love this baby!" Rainbow Dash continued. "Anything you've been playing lately?" "Nah, I haven't come up with anything for a while." "You know something? I think making a whole new song will make everyone happy!" "What do you have in mind?" "Well, have you been seeing Fluttershy lately?" "Yeah?" "Well, remember she mentioned her lyrics for the band?" Pinkie asked. "I think I know where you're going with this... I definitely should ask Fluttershy, after all she did for me." Rainbow Dash responded with her cheeks red. "What do you mean?" Pinkie said, cautiously. "Well... I can't say..." Rainbow Dash looked away as she smiled. "C'mon! Pretty please with a Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie suggested. "Pinkie Promise?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "I cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! That is a Pinkie Promise and I never, ever, ever break a Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie said. "Oh... okay..." Rainbow Dash said, as she scratched the back of her neck. "She's been helping me through some difficult stuff, and I think that using her lyrics may be what I need to kind of... give back!" "Wow! That is absolutely, positively thoughtful of you!" Pinkie yelled. "Thanks Pinkie! And you're serious about your promise though?" "Yes!" "Okay, I'll ask her about it!" "Okay cool!" "So, what did you come over for?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Just checking in, it's been awhile since we've hung out, and by doing this could be great for everyone!" Pinkie said. "You really think so? That will be awesome! Thanks Pinkie!" "This weekend?" Pinkie asked. "Sure!" Rainbow Dash replied. After Pinkie was visiting with Rainbow Dash, she ran for Fluttershy's house. She was so ecstatic and knocked down Fluttershy's door. Pinkie startled all of Fluttershy's pets. "Pinkie, what are you doing?" Fluttershy said. "Fluttershy! I was dropping in to see how you doin'?" Pinkie replied. "Oh nothing...tending to my friends..." "Great!" As Pinkie was looking around, and fixing her door. Fluttershy calmed her pets down, and she heard the phone ring. Fluttershy looked at the number and it was Rainbow Dash. "Hello?" Fluttershy said. "Hey Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash said. "Oh hi, Rainbow Dash... what are you doing?" "I wanted to see if you'd like to come over to help me with music?" "Music? What did you need help with?" "Well, you still have those lyrics for our band? I wanted to see if you want to help in creating some new material?" "Oh! That will be great! Just give me a moment to get them ready!" "Great!" Rainbow Dash said. Fluttrershy hung up the phone. Fluttershy was shaking with excitement and anxiety. Pinkie was walking to where Fluttershy was after she fixed Fluttershy's door. "Pinkie! I need help!" "What is it?" Pinkie asked. "Rainbow Dash,asked me to help her with her music!" Fluttershy responded. "Okay? What do you have to do?" "She asked me for lyrics... but... I don't know if they are any good?" "Are you sure?" "I don't know... I'm freaking out..." "Hey, it's okay... did you want to show them to me first?" Pinkie asked. "I... suppose I could..." Fluttershy replied softly. "But, I think you're okay!" "You sure?" "Of course!" "Thank you Pinkie!" "Yep!" Pinkie helped Fluttershy organize her notes and even looked at a few of them, and she thought they were pretty good. "They are pretty good Fluttershy." Pinkie assured. "Thank you." Fluttershy responded. "I don't think you have to worry about sharing them!" "Okay!" Afterward, Pinkie went over to Rarity's place. Rarity opened her door. "Pinkie Pie, what brings you over?" Rarity asked. "Hi Rarity!" Pinkie said. "Ya got a minute?" Rarity invited Pinkie inside her house. "So, what's up?" Rarity continued. "Well, you know we all haven't been together in a while? So, I was suggesting we should do some sort of collaborative work!" "What do you have in mind?" "Well, for you... I was thinking of some cool gear to wear for each of us for this weekend?" "Oh, that sounds interesting!" "Yeah, something to help us remind everyone that we are a team! To bring us back together!" "Oh, Pinkie that's a brilliant idea! I suppose it's been awhile since I've worked on anything recently. Okay!" "Yeah! Great!" "I need to get started!" Rarity said, as she went to her studio to work. After Pinkie gave Rarity a boost in creativity, she thought Rarity could use some help. She ran over to Applejack's farm. She knocked on the door. "Hey Pinkie Pie!" Apple Bloom said. "Hey there sweet little Apple Bloom!" Pinkie yelled, as she ruffled her hair. Apple Bloom giggled. "Applejack available?" "She's out back!" Apple Bloom said. "Thank." Pinkie said, as she hopped to the back of the house. Applejack was sitting around with a small mini pony. "Hey! Applejack!" Pinkie yelled. Applejack was startled. "What in tarnation!" Applejack yelled. "Pinkie?!" "Hey!" Pinkie said with a huge smile. "What's up?" Applejack asked. "Oh nothing, but I have something to ask?" Pinkie added. "What is it?" Applejack continued. "Are you busy today?" Pinkie questioned. "Not too much, why?" "Well, I think Rarity may need your help!" "She does? What's happening? Is she okay?" "She's okay, but she is working on something that would be really, really fun for the both of you to work on!" "No offense Pinkie, but am not fashionable like Rarity. Ah be in the way..." "Oh no, it's not that! She is working on something fashionable, but what I would suggest is be a helping hand! Like, if she needs any heavy lifting, you would be there!" "Hmm... ya know, that might not be a bad idea!" "Really?" "Yeah, ah think she'll like it!" "Great!" "Thanks Pinkie, am glad you came to let me know about it!" "You're welcome!" After Pinkie was done visiting with Applejack, she went over to Sunset's place again, and Applejack went to Rarity's. She arrived at Sunset's place, and she knocked on her door, instead of barging in. Sunset opened the door. "Hi Pinkie Pie!" Sunset said. "Hey Sunset!" Pinkie replied. "What brings you over?" Sunset said, as she allowed Pinkie inside to sit down on the couch. "Well, I wanted to see if there's anything new with contacting Twilight?" Pinkie asked. "Well, for either of them, no response." Sunset responded. "But, perhaps they're both busy at the moment." "I see. But, how do you feel about meeting up with the girls this weekend?" "Oh, they asked?" "Not officially, but I wanted to see if you're up for it!" "Of course I would!" "Great! I'll see you there!" "Wait Pinkie, what's this all about?" "Kind of hard to explain, but it's been a while since we've done something, so why not make a plan to do so?!" "Okay?" "Yeah, In fact?!" Pinkie said, as she held out her phone, and texted Rainbow Dash to see if it was okay for Sunset to join her. Rainbow replied saying yes to it. "Okay, why don't you go over to Rainbow Dash's place?" "Alright." Sunset said, as Pinkie walked out to the door. "For what?" Sunset Received a text from Rainbow Dash saying to bring over her guitar. "Band practice?" "Cool, you should join!" Pinkie said. "Okay." Sunset said, as she went to grab her guitar off the wall. "You going with?" "Nah, I still have business to attend to!" Pinkie suggested. "Okay , I'll see you." Sunset said. "Yeah, see you around!" Pinkie replied. Pinkie and Sunset went separate ways, but Pinkie went over to Twilight's house. She knocked on the door. Nobody answered, so she went over to an object and unlocked the door. "Twilight?!" Pinkie called. She walked in and shut the door. She quickly looked around, until she saw Twilight lying in her bedroom. She walked slowly and quietly to her bed, she got up without waking her up, and she pounced on Twilight. Twilight screamed and Spike in the corner marked as Twilight struggled in her blankets, and Pinkie crawled around. Twilight got up from the bed. Spike was by her side ready to attack. She got up from underneath the blanket. "Surprise!" Pinkie yelled. Spike fainted. "Pinkie Pie?!" Twilight said, with a little disgust. "What are you doing?!" "I came to check in on you!" Pinkie replied. "How are you?!" "Tired..." Twilight said, as she yawned. "What is it?" "Where have you been?!" Pinkie asked. "Nowhere,been working... on homework." Twilight responded. "Okie-dokie-loki!" Pinkie said as she got up from the bed. "Oh, just letting you know, the girls want to hang out this weekend!" "Where?" Twilight said. "Nowhere in specific,be ready to be there!" Pinkie replied. "Okay?" "Good seeing you again!" "Yeah... I suppose I have been too busy..." "It's okay, meet up with us this weekend okay?!" "Alright, I will!" "Wait Pinkie, before you go... I want to ask you something..." Twilight said. "What is it?" Pinkie added. "Well, it's about Sunset..." "Yeah?" "...nevermind..." "Tell me, I won't tell anyone!" "You promise?" "Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! I never, ever, ever break a Pinkie Promise!" "Okay... I know Sunset's been worried about me, but I don't know what to say sometimes. What would you do if you were given the chance to confess but was too afraid to say it?" "You like Sunset?" "I...I" Twilight was at a loss for words. "Well, I never really asked for those types of feelings before... I can't say! Now, we talk about something like sweets or delicious food,I always say what's on my mind!" Pinkie replied. "You think she'll accept?" "I can't say." "Okay." "But, don't ignore your opportunity to do so! Okay?!" "Okay... thanks Pinkie!" "Yep!" After Pinkie reconciled their friendship, the girls gathered that weekend, and they played a song written by Fluttershy. Rarity made gifts for everyone, in which they wore and performed in front of the school. The crowds cheered, seeing them back together again. After Pinkie hung out with everyone, she rested. The next day, they woke up early to meet up with the children and their parents, and they were to return before 11 am. So, she entertained them, singing songs, blowing up party balloons and making the kids so crazy they passed out, and was sleepy. Afterward, Pinkie cleaned up the rooms, and made sure nothing was broken in the house. She would check on the kids, making sure they were comfortable and tucked into bed. It was still early before the parents would arrive, but she was feeling a bit different today. "I can't shake this feeling in my head?" Pinkie said to herself. "I'm not bored or anything, or feeling sick... what is it?" Pinkie contemplated what this feeling was inside her. Something felt off to her, within her usual state of Pinkie Pie. She looked around to see if she could find a book to read or a movie to watch to get her mind off of it. She picked up a story book that had something to do with a lost duck. Pinkie read it, and was sad about the lost duck, but was glad it found its way home. "Lost..." Pinkie found out, she felt lonely. It was weird because she hung out with everyone yesterday, but she realized they each were practically in love with each other, making her the only one without a love interest, so it made Pinkie feel a bit disoriented. She never looked for someone, nor has anyone looked to her as a preferable date. Nearing the end towards Senior year, she never was with anyone. Just Pinkie. How odd, that she knew of everyone else's feelings but her own. A couple of hours later, the kids were settled and watched TV for the remainder of time. Their parents arrived, and gave Pinkie a fairly generous amount for making their kids so settled, and the house was cleaned. She went her way, she never favored money all too much,only when she needed it for food, but the thought of her loneliness made Pinkie text everyone seeing if anyone wanted to meet up for lunch, and she was paying. Pinky went home, and rested. Later on that day, Applejack text back saying she was in, and not longer after Sunset replied saying where her and Twilight were heading to. Pinkie got up, and headed there. As Pinkie walked to the shops, she met up with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. "Hey girls!" Pinkie yelled. "Hey Pinkie!" Apple Bloom said. "Yo, what's up!" Scootaloo added. "Hello Pinkie!" Sweetie Belle replied. "Whatcha girls up to?" Pinkie asked. "Nothing... we're bored!" Scootaloo said, while the girls nodded. "Well... I'm about to meet up with everyone at the Burger Joint, wanna come with?" Pinkie said. "Been there, done that!" Scootaloo responded. "Oh, well, how about... the movies?" Pinkie suggested. "Already did!" Scootaloo answered. "Wow, okay..." "Look, Pinkie you don't have to help us, we understand, we'll figure something out!" Apple Bloom said. "Wait!" Pinkie yelled. "Since it's the weekend, why don't you girls have a sleepover, you know, like build forts, watch movies all night, talk about the newest stuff on the internet?" The girls' faces lit up with excitement. "Hey, you know that might actually be a good idea!" Sweetie Belle responded. "Yeah! I'm the best at building forts!" Scootaloo said. "Yeah, and I got tons of movies I like to watch over and over again!" Apple Bloom added. "Thanks Pinkie!" The girls replied. "Aww, you're welcome girls!" Pinkie said. Afterward, the girls headed off to make a plan, and Pinkie saw their free-spirited nature, and youthfulness, which made her feel confident in being okay with who she is. Pinkie sang a song while she was on her way to the Burger Joint. "Cross My Heart" Performed by: Pinkamena Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie) [Verse 1]: I heard the voice, I played it safe. More than twice, I kept them safe. The secrets, their stories. The decisions, their choices. All in me, they trust in me. [Verse 2]: I'm here for you, you're there for me. I love you too, the smiles I see. Bring me joy, and down to tears. Easy to destroy, their trust and fears. All in me, they count on me. [Chorus x2]: I cross my heart, I hope to fly, Stick a cupcake, In my eye. [Verse 3]: My dearest friend, the love I felt. Through the end, memories I held. The troubles, the struggles. Surviving and striving. All in me, they remain in me. [Verse 4]: Thank you, for everything. (Chorus) The pony Pinkie Pie asked human Pinkie Pie to stay a little longer to make preparations for a celebration of the rebuilt Ponyville. After she did they both held a party, singing songs, eating so much sweets, and did so until they could feel the break of dawn. While both Pinkie's were tuckered out, they both stood under a tree. "We both know how to party!" Pinkie said. "Yes we do!" Pinkie replied. "It's so great to have another Pinkie here!" Pinkie said. "Yeah, it is!" Pinkie said, as she looked down. "What's the matter?" "Well, after being here, and going back home, does it feel weird to know everyone, their secrets and their lives?" "Hmm... well, I always thought it was good to have a friend that understands and knows them." "Yeah, but does it bother you to have so much information that may never be revealed." "At times, it is a huge thing to keep, there are some that even made me question, but it is for a greater cause, they trust you." "Yeah, I guess... but what about our lives? Do you sometimes forget to think for yourself?" "Yeah at times, but it never bothered me because of everyone!" "Have you pursued a love interest?" "I thought about it, but in the end, what is important is being there for everyone, and not one or yourself, but how much more that matters!" "They matter a lot, they mean the whole world to me!" "That is why, it will all work out in the end! And, if you struggle with that, remember to always keep checking in of yourself, and myself of course!" "Yeah, no doubt!" "Thanks Pinkie!" "Thanks Pinkie!" They both hugged each other as they saw the sunrise from the mountains. Pinkie spent the day and night with the other Pinkie. The night after that, Pinkie headed for the mirror. The mirror was closed, but Pinkie helped her return back. She arrived in the middle of the night at Canterlot High, she smiled coming back to being human. She got up, and hopped back to her home, however, as she walked back she saw a light flashing in the sky. She felt in her gut knew, it was not over yet. Ending song of Pinkie Pie: "Pinkie Doodle" Pinkie Doodle went to town, With little gator Gummy, In Ponyville she stuck around, To find something yummy. Pinkie Doodle keep it up, All the sweets you sought. With the music and the mic, And dropped it like it's hot. The End of the End.