//------------------------------// // Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 7: Race Against Time // Story: The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition // by Notowa //------------------------------// Chapter 7: Race Against Time In the distance, beyond the Everfree Forest, lived many ponies in peace thanks to the Princess of Friendship and her best friends. They were known together as the Elements of Harmony. Together they took down some of the most powerful and darkest enemies, who want to enslave, destroy, and manipulate all life in Equestria. Their sacrifice and friendship was what saved many lives. Almost nothing could have separated such a powerful bond between friends and loved ones. However, a connection could be lost due to the loss of one's mind, becoming the enemy themselves, being trapped in another world, or even death… Who could have been mad enough to break such a bond? Twilight awakened to the sounds of screams, the shaking of the ground, and the smell of smoke and swamp gas filling her senses enough for her to choke. Twilight was unable to see much of anything, when her eyes set to focus, but blurred without the use of her glass lenses back inside the cavern. She could barely see the smoke rising to the skies, above countless rows of trees, grass, and ridges of endless colorful bushes. It didn't help as the dense air made her eyes water as she had trouble adjusting to see. As she had trouble being able to stand firmly upon the rocks outside the cavern, she felt a sense of relief and a release of a huge burden upon her shoulders that was suddenly lifted. How was it possible? The situation at hand was inexplicably terrible, but the feeling of a massive weight being taken off, was making Twilight feel reassured and energetic. She was utterly powerless against this creature she released. But the voice in her head was silent, and her wounds of being beaten were healed. Twilight took a moment to regain focus, retracing her steps of how it came to be: She became overly jealous of Princess Twilight. Her curiosity of the pony world made her become in trouble with everyone because of the choices she made. Before that, however... Twilight, after the Friendship Games, gathered pieces of her locket back at Canterlot High, as a memento of finally finding friends. It was only recently when the pressures of the upcoming exams came, pushing all students to be loaded with school work to study for them. She had no choice but to use any means necessary to eliminate any potential victims of the use of Equestrian magic to their own desires. To avoid causing disasters upon the citizens and the student body. Twilight didn't discard any of her previous blueprints or projects from before, so she gathered them to modify another locket. One that could relinquish a person's Equestrian power. Twilight would show up at any event of someone about to lose their grip of themselves into a darker form of themselves, in which Twilight absorbed their power, saving many people's time, and the person who was being influenced of dark magic would see a whole new perspective of life, when they saw that they had taken it too far. Twilight was relieved for having more time to study, to hang with friends, and to participate in any other extra curricular activities she may enjoy, without some occasional bad guy ready to disrupt their everyday lives. However, there was always a price to pay when using the type of technology that gathered magical power. Something inside her, hungered for it, even wanting to use the power herself for her own studies. Her curiosity, her desire, allowed herself to peek into the greater unknown. The power she gathered, the strongest was darkness to which she awakened a familiar friend. Twilight regretted ever trying to learn about it, instead she opened Pandora's box, and released something she tried so desperately to keep away from ever reaching the surface of her mind. She tried to not be sidetracked by small things that would annoy her, or cause her to be sad. Because inside, a voice would whisper, making it a bigger problem than it was. She also became restless, awaking in the middle of night due to nightmares that would haunt her. The voice became more frequent when Twilight tried to get rid of it. She was driven mad, and tried to absorb it out of her, using the locket and her Element of Harmony. But the magical power synchronized together and formed into one object. Twilight held onto it, but it sunk into her skin and was engraved inside her heart. She became infested within the mysteries of Equestrian magic. Twilight was not herself. Her own companion, Spike, was troubled being around her. He was reluctant to be near her. Twilight tried to comfort him, but he scratched her from behind, opening her skin which later became a couple of large streak marks down her back. She did not know what happened to Spike after he attacked her, but she was pained by Spike ever being violent with her. She grew scared of Spike ever coming near her again. She has tried to keep her distance since. There was one other person the Midnight inside of her would use to manipulate Twilight for her delight. Her love for Sunset Shimmer. Twilight would unknowingly allow herself to be involved in a matter that was not her's, carrying it to the extreme by even replacing her own sister and trapping her into another world. Last thing she needed was some foolish, power-hungry being or creature to find out about it, and use it to spread darkness among the innocent lives of people, or in this case... ponies. Twilight's distress over the choices she made. She made everything worse. She may never even be welcomed as a friend anymore. Twilight cried. She can't help them even if she wanted to, her Element was still gone, still inside the locket. Somepony overheard from a distance, Twilight's cry. "Who might you be?" Somepony said. "The princess I knew is not who I see." Twilight turned toward where the voice was coming from, she had a tough time finding where because she had trouble seeing. The voice was a mare. She could not see vividly of who it was, but only saw the outlines of black and white. Twilight squinted to try and focus. "Who's there?" Twilight asked. "I am Zecora, the infamous witch docta." Zecora explained. "Who are you, so we may have trust too?" "I can't be trusted." Twilight said, as she put her head down. "I'm sorry..." "I'm afraid there are bigger things to fear, than a single mare." Zecora spoke. "I can help you see, but only if you would help me." "You can?!" Twilight got up to see her closely. "What is it that you need?" "Follow me, if you want to see." Zecora said. Twilight could see her moving forward, so she walked along with her, trying not to bump into her, or lose balance of her hooves. "I can feel you are troubled, and what has been caused has doubled." "Yeah, it is all my fault..." Twilight said. "I've done more harm than good." "I know what you don't mean, of what I've seen." Zecora added. "What?" Twilight asked. "It's not you that caused harm, but something inside that has been alarmed." Zecora said. "How do you know about that?" Twilight asked. "I sense the feeling in you of empathy, for everypony." Zecora responded. "The things that have been released, an evil that cannot be ceased." "How do I stop it if I can't see...?" Twilight added. "If sight is what you seek, I will help in regaining meek!" Zecora continued. "What did you want me to do?" Twilight asked. "And thank you." "I see that you are kind, and left the bad behind." Zecora said. "So I will need you to gather a special plantation, so I can brew a sight potion!" "Got it!" Twilight said, as she walked off, but before she could think of it, she went back to Zecora. "And exactly where might that be?" "It is inside another cavern, it is a glowing blue flower with a large green stern." Zecora said. "The cavern is deep, than the one you awakened from sleep. You are unable to see so you will not be afraid of what lies beneath, you will succeed and recover it from underneath. "Alright!" Twilight said, determined to do what she can to help. They continued along, and they approached a small opening into the ground. "We are here, the flower you need to see is near!" Zecora continued. "Okay!" Twilight said. Twilight walked to it and pushed through. It was like a burrow underneath the place, it seems it was the one she came across earlier, unfortunately the creature that lived there has been taken by a large bird. She continued along, and it started to get narrower. She was beginning to feel the cold, she felt like there was a mist in the air as if it were like a sprinkle of rain, and the ground felt moist. The darkness surrounded her, as if she was walking into endless space. She felt her back, being dragged down as the cavern got denser with rocks that felt wet and chilling, making her shiver. Twilight would feel the sting of feeling the ice touch her skin, raising her fur and mane, making her squeal a little to the touch of it. She crawled her way through, and Twilight felt like she could barely even breath, the chance for her to become claustrophobic would be now, but she continued on. She came across a huge opening inside the cavern. She feared falling into another vast and empty void, and crashing down into the floor. She placed a hoof down to where she could feel the ground. Twilight caught sight of the glowing flower, and the amount of vines and moss it covered inside, making it almost unnoticeable. She started to walk, but felt an empty spot, which made her stunned with anxiety of falling off a possible edge. Twilight kept reaching out with her hooves to make sure she could not feel the floor sink or be an edge. Even divots made Twilight think it was not safe to place her hooves down into. The mist grew stronger, and Twilight could hear movement within the cavern. She could hear a water stream, Twilight went forth and she felt something wet beneath her. It was freezing, and Twilight brought her hoof to smell it, and she licked it when she smelled no scent from it. "Fresh spring water..." Twilight said. "A water source is how many plants are able to grow and be nurtured, but what about the sunlight?" Twilight questioned, but she continued on. Twilight crawled through back to the outer burrow and met up with Zecora. "I see that you have the flower, now I may make a potion to extract its power!" Zecora said. "It must be really special to grow inside a dense and dark cave!" Twilight enlightened. "It is a rare plant that grows when there is darkness, very much like a fungus." Zecora added. "It not only enhances your sight, but it also helps you see in the night!" "That's cool, but you don't have to waste it on me..." Twilight said. "Nonsense my dear pony, with this I can make many!" Zecora said sincerely. Zecora and Twilight both headed for her small hut within the forest, and Zecora got to work on the potion. After she finished it, she gave Twilight a swig of the potion. It was a very bittersweet flavor to swallow, but as soon as Twilight focused on her sight, it became the finest it's ever been. "Wow!" Twilight amused. "You're a zebra?!" "A zebra I am, not a donkey or a lamb." Zecora commented. "Thank you so much, Zecora!" Twilight said. "You're very welcome, and welcome to my home!" Zecora replied. "And thank you for getting the plant for me, the cavern was too small for me to squeeze." The minute they shared gratitude, the ground once again shook from the on-going battle ahead. "The path that's ahead, will lead you straight to your friends as I said." "Alright! I'll head there now!" Twilight said. "Be safe my friend, I don't want you to meet a bitter end." Zecora said. Twilight nodded. Twilight headed out for the path that led to Ponyville. Twilight stopped for a moment, and turned back to Zecora. "By the way, I'm Twilight, hopefully we'll see each other again!" Twilight said, as she ran for Ponyville. "A familiar name and pony wherein, perhaps she is a twin?!" Zecora commented. Meanwhile, in Ponyville. Chrysalis used her newfound powers to burn down the cottages, making it hard for everypony to run or fly away by making the winds circulate at intense speeds, and the ground unstable to lose balance frequently. She was wanting to make everypony suffer, but what she wanted most was to destroy the Elements of Harmony. It took a few moments for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie to arrive at the scene, they gathered and were ready to fight her. Chrysalis toned herself down from everypony else to focus on the main ones who destroyed her kingdom. "Where did all this power come from?!" Applejack asked. "Why don't you ask your little imposter Princess?!" Chrysalis crackled. "Imposter Princess?!" Rarity asked. The girls thought for a moment, and they realized that she was talking about Twilight. "What did you do with her?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "I left her to be scavenged by the creatures of the Everfree Forest!" Chrysalis chuckled. The girls were angrily silenced. They all wanted to find Twilight and take her to safety, but they needed to deal with Chrysalis first. "I'm going to get her!" Rainbow Dash said to the girls. "No, we need to deal with her first!" Applejack said. "We won't find her in time!" "But..." Rainbow Dash couldn't finish her sentence, she knew it was true, that they needed to deal with her first. The hurt and sorrow they felt, fueled their determination to stop Chrysalis. The girls went ahead and began to fight. Meanwhile, at Twilight's house. The girls were settled inside Twilight's house, and tried to think of how they could get to Equestria as quickly as they could. The storm outside made crossing the ocean feel like a terrible idea, given the yacht they were on broke down through a storm. "I would make another way, but I'm not sure how your technology works without magic." Princess Twilight said. "I guess that's true, the only reason we have magic was because of me..." Sunset added. The girls thought about it since Sunset was a pony who originally belonged in Equestria. "Girls!" Pinkie yelled, alerting everyone. The girls turned toward her. "What is it Pinkie?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I found Twilight's journal of where all victims of Equestrian magic came from!" Pinkie said, as she came out of Twilight's closet. "Okay...?" Sunset said. "How is this relevant?" "Take a look!" Pinkie said. "If we look closely, there seems to be groups of people within the same area." "So?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "So... you'd think if there are a lot of people having Equestrian magic, there would be some sort of leak nearby?!" Pinkie said. The girls looked at each other. "Are you saying, there are more rifts nearby where Twilight gathered magic from?!" Rarity asked. "Yep!" Pinkie said. "Pinkie, that's brilliant!" Princess Twilight said. "Thank you!" Pinkie enlightened. "It also says it right here in her journal!" "Wait, if Twilight knew about it, why didn't she use it to go through to Equestria?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Time constraints?!" Sunset questioned. The girls somewhat agreed, pressures of school made them prone to study the majority of their spare time, and Twilight probably didn't have the time to find out if it were true. It was not long after that Sunset's book glowed. Princess Twilight went to pick it up, only to be met with Sunset's hand. "Sorry... force of habit..." Sunset said, as she blushed. "That's alright, it is technically yours!" Princess Twilight added, as she smiled. Princess Twilight looked inside of the book, her smile went away, and she started to panic. "What is it Twilight?!" Sunset asked. Princess Twilight gasped for air, as if she was trying to breathe in a dense environment. "Twilight?!" "We have to go now!" Princess Twilight encouraged. "What's going on?!" Applejack asked. "It's Chrysalis! She came back, and is wrecking Ponyville!" Twilight cried. "Oh Twilight..." Sunset said, as she went to her to comfort her. The girls gathered and were ready to hop in Applejack's truck for the hot spot, but Fluttershy went back to grab Spike and took him with her. Sunset had the book of where Twilight used her locket, and they pin-pointed to where there was a hot spot of victims using Equestrian magic. Meanwhile, in Canterlot. "My Princess, Chrysalis has unleashed an assault on Ponyville!" A Royal Guard said. "This is not good!" Princess Celestia said. "My sister, allow me to counteract with an army of guards!" Princess Luna asked. "I can't allow that!" Princess Celestia said. "What about the ponies?!" Princess Luna asked. "I'm aware, but we can't risk another ambush coming to Canterlot for an attack." Princess Celestia added. "I'll send the guards to gather them!" "Your Highness!" Spike came in through the inner gate. "What is it Spike?" Princess Celestia asked. "Twilight might have found another way to come back to Equestria!" Spike said. "Let us hope it works, and if they are able to reach it in time. Due to Chrysalis's attack, the ponies that were helping in restoring the mirror to flee." Princess Celestia added. "Spike, help in gathering the Elements once again and bring it to them!" "Right! Yes, your Highness!" Spike said as he flew off to Ponyville. In Ponyville. Twilight arrived, and she saw many ponies still trying to flee from the terror being unleashed upon them. She ran into the midst of town to see if she could find the others. Twilight was stopped when she saw a building ready to collapse to the ground. She saw a young mare, with an orange coat, and purple mane, she was screaming for help as she was stuck in being tied to a carriage. She ran up to her, the building came crashing down, Twilight was going to block the impact by laying above the young one. Before she felt the building crash down, her horn glowed again, and it stopped the building from falling on top of them. Twilight focused and was able to release the young mare from the carriage. Twilight also teleported to her after she let go of the building. The building fell, and destroyed the carriage. "Thank you Twilight!" The young mare said. "No problem!" Twilight replied. "Run, get to safety!" The mare took off in the other direction. Twilight ran further into the green inferno, green flames infesting many of the shops, cottages, and nearby trees. Twilight found the girls, and they were caught up in battle with Chrysalis. "What?!" Chrysalis yelled. "Alive?!" The girls looked back, and found Twilight coming in. "Twilight!" Applejack yelled. The girls banded together, and were ready to fight against Chrysalis. Chrysalis laughed. "You will not be able to stop me!" Chrysalis yelled. Chrysalis swooped in on them, and crashed to the ground, the impact caused a wave of green flames to surround her and burst out to them, causing them to become separated from each other. The girls swung into the skies and fell into debris of places remaining engulfed in flames, or to the ground. Rainbow Dash picked herself up, and flew right back to She to punch her directly at full force and speed. Chrysalis sensed it coming at a split second before her hoof made impact, and she lifted her legs to retaliate against Rainbow Dash gunning at her at full speed. Rainbow Dash felt a shock wave of Chrysalis's hooves slamming into her stomach and chest, making her feel an intense, sudden pain burst into her abdomen causing blood and saliva to burst out of her mouth. The force was strong enough to cause the winds to circulate and pound as the sound barrier broke. Rainbow Dash slammed into a nearby building within seconds of Chrysalis's kick. Applejack came in and roped Chrysalis's front hooves, causing her to fall. Applejack went in to slam her to the floor. But, Chrysalis stopped her in midair with her magic, and tied the rope around Applejack. She dropped Applejack to the ground. Chrysalis picked up the rope with her mouth, and began to swing Applejack around, making her hit every nearby building. When she had enough speed, she let the rope go and saw Applejack fly to the sky, landing somewhere further away. Rarity sneaked around and placed heavy fabric she could find around Chrysalis's head, blinding her to see. She began to quickly wrap her with more things she could find to restrain her full body. Chrysalis became angered and set it all into flames, Rarity stood back. She focused and brought Rarity into the air. She used her power to burn her. Chrysalis was laughing at Rarity's reaction to the pain of being burned alive. Twilight rushed through and kicked Chrysalis straight at her face. It caused Chrysalis to fall to the ground, and lose her focus on Rarity. Rarity dropped to the dirt, her hair was still burning, and her coat was starting to recover. Rarity quickly put it out at the nearby fountain garden. She screamed. Rarity was enraged with Chrysalis, and so she went in to attack her. She got up and tried to blast her away, but Twilight made her occupied by kicking her and making her lose her focus and accuracy. Chrysalis picked up Twilight and flung her to compact into Rarity. Rarity took it to save Twilight from being terribly injured. Pinkie Pie used her party cannon, and she blasted it into Chrysalis's face, making her blind to see. Pinkie unlatched a bowling ball tied by a rope above a slanted building. She tied it to a post, so she could use it like a wrecking ball. The ball came swinging right into Chrysalis's face as she got out from all the streamers and confetti from her view. She fell into piles of sticky glue as she hit the ground, and Pinkie rolled her up quickly, as she placed her into another huge cannon and blasted her into a target. Chrysalis was stuck for a moment, having her arms clamped to her sides. She burst into flames, burning the ring around her, but Pinkie gift sitting in front of her. She took one look at it and it blasted her again. Pinkie had another present on her, but Chrysalis fired at her from her horn and hit Pinkie directly, making the present blast into her instead. Fluttershy called forth many forest creatures brave enough to attack Chrysalis. Birds flew in to peck at Chrysalis's eyes. Chrysalis swung them around making them fall away. Bears and wolves came by to try and stop Chrysalis. They clawed her and bit her as much as they could to make her stop. Fluttershy went in to help them. The animals surrounded Chrysalis and they almost had her completely restrained down, but Chrysalis focused and teleported away from them. Chrysalis flew to the sky and blasted them with her magic from her horn and made them spread out across the town. The animals ran off as she was too powerful. She requested they find shelter immediately. Fluttershy's anger of Chrysalis hurting her animals' friends, made her fly up to her as quickly as she could and bash her in the chest. She continually used her hooves to hit anywhere the animals did the most damage, the traces of bite marks and ripped skin from claws allowed Chrysalis to be weakened and vulnerable to hit. Rainbow Dash rose up from the building to the sky, she still had blood gushing from her mouth, but she was ready to launch another attack. Rainbow Dash landed a kick at full speed, and made Chrysalis bash into the ground. Rarity got up to attempt again to restrain her, Applejack came and ran to her as well. Twilight saw that many ponies still were around, in shock of the events happening. She went to them and begged them to run away to find safety. They didn't move in which made Twilight focus on getting them somewhere safe. The rain was still coming down, but was starting to come lightly, as clouds continued to pass by. The girls bundled up for a little expedition. Applejack had a hard time finding a place to park her truck without having it being towed or fined for illegally parking. Having her truck being taken away was the last thing she should want. The girls walked out and followed Sunset to where the place might be. They walked around, the place seemed to be a small park in the distance, and they were in the middle of a wide open field. Sunset stopped for a moment and was starting to look around for any traces of light or anything remotely looking like a magical portal. "It should be here!" Sunset yelled. "Okay!" Princess Twilight confirmed. The others nodded. The girls mingled around trying to see if they could feel any difference in atmosphere. Applejack found a manhole into the sewers below. She went back to the truck and grabbed a couple of tools to open it. Applejack got the manhole open, and went inside to see if anything stood out to her. Sunset and Princess Twilight walked around, even digging a little into the ground to see if they somehow opened into a rift. Rainbow Dash ran across the park using her speed. Fluttershy brought her attention to any animals nearby to see if they felt any unnatural presence nearby, Spike also sniffed around for clues. Rarity stood back out of the rain by the restrooms and concession stands, but she looked around inside the buildings. Applejack continued down the sewers and found an empty place beneath, until she felt the place become brighter. The further she went down, she came across an odd looking spring of water coming down, there were no pipes or leakage anywhere near it. Applejack placed her hand through it, and her hand went through the wall as if there was something else inside. "Everyone!" Applejack yelled. "Ah think ah found somethin'!" Applejack was barely coming out of the ground, and everyone saw her head poke up from where she was. "In here!" Applejack continued. "Ugh, I'm not going in there!" Rarity said, disgusted with having to go into the sewer. "Tell me you're joking!" "Am not, ah need you all to see this!" Applejack added. "Grr... fine!" Rarity said. "At least I'll be away from the rain!" The girls followed Applejack to where she found the stream of water, coming from nowhere. The other saw it too. Sunset placed her hand inside. It went through the wall. "Applejack! I think you found our rift!" Sunset suggested. "Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah, this could lead anywhere!" Rainbow Dash added. "Only one way to find out!" Sunset said. Sunset held out her hand, Princess Twilight was the first to hold her hand, Pinkie Pie held onto Princess Twilight. Then they all gathered and held their hands together. They went through the stream together. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew down to where Chrysalis was, Rarity and Applejack came together to meet up with them. Pinkie rose up from the debris from one of the places that fell nearby. Chrysalis got up and screamed, making the ground shake again. She focused and charged up the power so she could blow the entire surroundings into nothingness. The girls stood back, Rainbow Dash went ahead, but when she touched the aura around Chrysalis, it set her flying back to where she was. It was until they saw a light coming from above the smoky black clouds above them. The light crashed down into Chrysalis making her lose focus and blasting her away from the others. The light slowly faded, revealing Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight with the others along by her side. The girl saw themselves, and felt so relieved to see them. Spike was trying to figure out what new form he took. The girls only took a minute to get used to walking on all four limbs, and the others came to help. "Twilight?!" Applejack asked. Princess Twilight looked back to see Applejack, who was mangled up and was fighting Chrysalis alongside her friends. "I'm so sorry it took so long..." Princess Twilight said, softly. "Twilight!" The others said after Applejack mentioned her name. "Don't worry about that darling, you're here now! Rarity reassured. "That's all that matters!" "Where's our Twilight?!" Sunset asked. "She is here, but not with us right now." Rarity said. "Alright. Let us help!" Sunset suggested. Princess Twilight did a slight healing spell for her friend's wounds, as they came in for a hug for the return of their beloved friend. Rainbow Dash spat out the last of the blood left in her mouth. The girls gathered, together, side by side. Chrysalis came up, and saw that there were two of each kind and Princess Twilight along with them, and an unfamiliar pony that had a red mane and tail with yellow streaks, and an amber colored coat. "It's not possible..." Chrysalis said to herself. Chrysalis hovered above them. She tried to regain focus and continue with her plans to wipe this place out of existence. "It doesn't matter how many of you show up! You're too late to stop me now!" "We'll see about that!" Sunset said. The girls charged at her, and Chrysalis stopped focusing and flew towards them. Princess Twilight using her horn to blast Chrysalis back. Both the Rainbow Dash's planned to synchronize their attack by punching her from both sides. They flew at their top speed and succeeded in thrusting their hooves into her face. Rarity came and gave Applejack a boost into the air using her diamond shield to walk on, to buck Chrysalis to the ground. The others took a swing as she came crashing down. She slammed into the ground. She got back up, heavily injured, as she was too enraged to quit. The others stood back and watched Chrysalis becoming too weak to stand up. "Twilight!" A voice came from the skies. It was Spike with a bag. "I came to bring you guys your elements!" "Thank you Spike!" Princess Twilight said. "Twilight! You're back, for real this time!" Spike enlightened. "Yep!" Princess Twilight said, as she smiled at him. Another Spike that approached Spike. "Whoa, another me?!" Spike questioned. "Awesome!" Chrysalis hovered to the skies again, she forced herself to focus on exploding the area, and hopefully everypony within the vicinity. The girls put on their Elements of Harmony, and with Princess Twilight taking over the other Twilight's role, she was able to make the others transform as well. The girls came together and were ready to finally end Chrysalis's madness. The girls gathered and put their strength and power to stop Chrysalis. They were all suddenly healed within their transformation. Making them strong and ready to fight. "Go!" Princess Twilight said, and the others concentrated on Chrysalis and blasted her with the Element's magic. Chrysalis saw it coming, but did not try to move or stop it. The power struck her, and was engulfed in light. However, it did nothing to Chrysalis. The girl shrouded in confusion. She laughed, as she was healed from all her wounds, and felt like she was able to regain her strength. The girls focused again and blasted her, but Chrysalis was unmoved and untouched. Chrysalis laughed maniacally, as she felt the magical powers surging through her more and more. The girls were devastated by what happened. Sunset remembered something about Twilight's locket, how it was able to absorb Equestrian magic. "Does Chrysalis have Twilight's locket?" Sunset asked everyone. "I don't see it on her!" Princess Twilight said. "How is she absorbing our power?!" Sunset added. "Back up, what's this about?" Applejack asked. "Our Twilight had a locket that could absorb Equestrian magic, it is how she became crazy in the first place, and she must have it on her." Sunset replied. "So that's what she meant!" Rainbow Dash added. "What is it?" Princess Twilight asked. "We asked her how she got her powers, and she said to ask the "imposter princess"." Rainbow Dash replied. "So she does have it." Sunset concluded. "But, where is it?" The girls now were afraid to attack her again, risking feeding power more into her. "What's the matter?!" Chrysalis crackled. "Afraid of me now?!" Chrysalis focused and threw herself and blasted them all away. They all got up from the ground. "What do we do?" Rarity asked. "I don't know?!" Sunset replied. Chrysalis laughed at their weakness. "Now that I have this power, I will use it to wipe all of Equestria, starting with this pathetic hick town!" Chrysalis charged up herself and was ready to lay down a powerful bomb that could destroy everything around them. "We have to do something!" Applejack yelled. Sunset kept thinking about it, how do they stop Chrysalis now? Sunset asked herself. "Sunset!" A voice came from the distance. She was not able to see who it was since there was smoke all around them. Their eyes came into focus that it was Twilight. "Twilight!" Sunset yelled. She went over to Twilight. "I'm so sorry for everything... I'm so sorry..." Twilight said sincerely. "We'll apologize later, now we need to find a way to stop Chrysalis from destroying everything!" Sunset added. "We know about your locket!" Twilight was shocked by how caught up they were on everything. "She does have my locket, it absorbed my Element along with it, so I won't be much help, but I will tell you this... there is a limit!" Twilight said. "A limit?" Sunset asked. "Yes. There is always a limit of how much it can contain, the reason you can't see it, it's because it's absorbed into her skin! That's why I was unable to take it off and act like my normal self." Twilight added. "Twilight, get to safety! I'm afraid, if we don't make it in time..." Sunset said. "You will!" Twilight assured. As Twilight left, she took the two Spikes with her and she vanished into the smoke. Sunset ran back to the others. "Everyone, we need to continue to let her absorb our power!" Sunset requested. "What?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Are you crazy?!" "Listen! We need to destroy it from inside of her, and by doing that is to let it absorb into her, it will eventually be too much for her to control!" Sunset added. "Alrighty then!" Applejack said. The girls gathered one more time to strike another attack on Chrysalis. "Haven't you idiots learned?!" Chrysalis yelled from above. "You can't beat me!" "You want more power?" Sunset asked. "You've got it!" The girls focused and burst their power into Chrysalis. Chrysalis laughed of how foolish they were to hand over and surrender their power to her. "Fools!" Chrysalis yelled. "You have destroyed yourselves!" The girls kept feeding into her, they began to feel weak and tired of pushing their powers into it. "Are you sure this is going to work?!" Princess Twilight asked. "Just trust me!" Sunset yelled. "Keep at it!" The girls continued, Chrysalis laughed, but it was until she felt her own body feel less out of her control. Chrysalis was starting to get worried of how much she had absorbed, and it became too much. "No, no." Chrysalis said. "Stop! Stop it!" Chrysalis kept feeling like her body was not her own and started to feel like her body was breaking apart. Her body started to crack open. She screamed of how she feared being broken apart, and fading away. Her chest opened up and broke the locket she was inside of her. Chrysalis fell to the ground. The girls stopped for a moment, and saw that Chrysalis was not damaged or hurt, but was weakened from being overloaded with power. Sunset picked up Twilight's Element, as it was still in one piece. The girls cheered and hugged each other as they finally defeated Chrysalis. The girls cheered, but suddenly felt like the sky was somehow getting brighter. They looked up and saw a huge ball of energy ready to fall directly on them. "Oh no!" Fluttershy yelled. Princess Twilight focused and used her horn to stop it from falling, but it came closer and closer. She used a magic spell to somehow pop it in the sky, but it absorbed it. "Damn!" Sunset said. "All the power Chrysalis focused on and the power Twilight gathered..." The ball came crashing down, within seconds, the entire area was engulfed in a light so bright, it made everything blank and unable to see anything. The crash blew everything in its path so quickly, the impact and sound of it came later. It burst everything away, almost nothing escaped the impact.