The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition

by Notowa

Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 4: Curiosity

Chapter 4: Curiosity

About an hour later, Sunset and Princess Twilight headed out the door of the theater.

"That was a pretty crazy movie!" Princess Twilight said.

"Yeah, I've seen better, honestly." Sunset commented. Sunset noticed something was off as they walked out to the bitter cold winds outside.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" Princess Twilight responded.

"Where's Twilight?" Sunset added.

"Wasn't she with you?" Princess Twilight with determination.

"She told me she was heading to the bathroom, but I'm not sure after that."

"You don't think... she is in trouble?!" Sunset went back into the theater, she checked the bathrooms, and looked around to the people entering and exiting the theater rooms, while Princess Twilight looked for anyone who recently exited the theater. Sunset met up with Princess Twilight to see if she found her.

Sunset began to worry about Twilight. She took out her phone, in which she apparently received over five unread messages. Two of them were from Applejack, the other from Pinkie Pie within their group chat, however, there was one from Twilight. Sunset chose what Twilight wrote:

Hey Sunset, I got really sick from eating a lot of popcorn, so I'm heading back to my place. Please be careful, and I'll be alright! See you 2 later!

Sunset was immediately relieved that Twilight was okay.

"Twilight is okay!" Sunset said to Princess Twilight.

"Oh, that's good!" Princess Twilight responded. "She is safe?!"

"Yeah!" Sunset added, as she read what the other's were texting about. "It seems the girls want to meet up for lunch somewhere!"

"Oh, really?!" Princess Twilight replied. "That would be fun!"

Sunset and Princess Twilight both head over to a nearby burger joint, and Sunset asks the girls to meet them there. Sunset text Twilight about bringing her food later on.

Twilight opened her phone one last time before she entered through the mirror. She sent a text to Sunset back about her being sick from eating too much popcorn. After she confirmed that with Sunset, she was ready to enter through. Twilight looked all around her to make sure no one was there to witness. She entered.

Twilight was teleported, and she arrived in a dark room. She struggled to be on all four limbs.

"Uh-oh!" Twilight yelled, as she tumbled to the floor. "Okay, baby steps!"

Twilight rose to her hooves and began to walk, slowly for the door. However, she looked back at the mirror.

"I guess I should buy us some time!" Twilight said, as she examined the mirror. She kicked the mirror, it fell over, and it shattered. "Whoops... I hope no one heard that..." Twilight walked out, not seeing anyone around.

"Okay, time to find a source of information." Twilight said, as she was walking toward the many doors of the castle. Twilight opened a few, but they appear to be bedrooms. Twilight walked through a few hallways, until she reached a suitable spot to research. "Perfect!" Twilight walked through to find many books, numerically and alphabetically in order, three stories high above the level floor.

"Let's begin!" The voice whispered.

Sunset and Princess Twilight met up with everyone at the burger joint, they arrived within 15 mins. since the time Sunset text everyone. She looked at her phone to see Twilight responded with an okay, when Sunset asked if she'll bring her something for later.

"Hey guys!" Rainbow Dash yelled, as she came walking in, and the others exchanged greetings while entering in.

"Where's Twilight?" Applejack asked, as she looked around.

"Twilight is home." Sunset replied,"She had gotten sick from earlier."

"I see, she was a little distant yesterday!" Applejack responded.

"She was..." Fluttershy added. "I hope she's okay..."

"She is, don't worry!" Sunset assured.

"I hope it's..." Rainbow Dash was interrupted by Rarity, pinching her lips with her nails before she could say a word.

"If you mention the damn flu one more time, I will strangle you!" Rarity whispered in her ear, she let go of Rainbow Dash's lips. Rainbow Dash gave her a mean look, as she rubbed her lips. Since they were clamped by Rarity's fingernails, it brought a little pain to her mouth.

"Calm down Rarity..." Applejack intervened.

"Hmph!" Rarity shrugged off and walked away. The others gathered around the table, taking a seat. They each ordered, and they were talking to Princess Twilight about any of the recent difficulties that were nearly life threatening. Princess Twilight had too many to name, but she mentioned Tempest Shadow, and she went on to explain one of the toughest missions she has yet.

Meanwhile, Twilight was reading for an hour, gathering all the information she needed for her next project, however, she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Twilight?" A voice said. Twilight turned around to see a young purple dragon with green horns and green spikes.

"Spike?" Twilight said. "You could talk?"

"I guess I can! When did you get back?" Spike asked.

"Umm... a little over an hour ago?"

"Oh, you're early!" Spike assured.

"How long did you think I was going to be there for?" Twilight asked.

"You said a couple days, at least, last time I heard."

"Oh, interesting..."

"Not really. But, when did you start wearing glasses?"

"Oh, umm..." Twilight paused to think for a moment. "They're reading glasses?"

"Hmph... I never knew... We'll probably because I sleep all day and night!"


"Oh, since you're back, I suppose you are ready for your upcoming lecture?"

"What lecture?"

"A lecture you have to give at the School of Friendship? Are you okay? You seem a little off today?"

"It's good! Just a little dazed from being away for a while."

"Oh, I hear ya! Well, I suppose you should start heading there!"


"Alrighty then!"

"Yeah? You wouldn't mind helping me out, would you?" Twilight asked.

"I would, but... I have stuff to do." Spike replied.

"Very well!" Twilight started to head out to explore. "Great! Now what do we do?" Twilight asked herself.

"You haven't really scratched the surface yet, you might want to try thinking about using your resources!" The voice yelled in her head.

"I know, but I figured... I would have enough time to gather the info I need."

"In time!" The voice reassured.

Twilight walked out of the castle, where she would see many ponies walking about, attending to their own business. The air was warm, glistening with brightness, reflecting each of the colors of the grass, leaves of trees, and even the buildings seemed radiant and welcoming. So, Twilight went ahead to explore her surroundings, gathering information on anything in particular toward her own scientific research.

Before she was able to accomplish anything, she heard that dragon's voice gasping and yelling out her name.

"Twilight!" Spike yelled.

"I hope he didn't find out about the mirror..." Twilight said to herself.

"Twilight, I decided to come with you!"

"Oh, really?"


"What happened? What made you change your mind?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I figured, it's been a while since we've done anything together. And I wanted to ask you about what happened back in the hooman world!" Spike replied.


"Let's go!" Spike led the way to the School of Friendship. Spike told Twilight it was not a far walk to the school. "So, anything new with the girls? What was it like? Did you encounter any kind of danger? Did anyone mention me?..." Spike asked Twilight. Spike went on, asking questions, which made Twilight become somewhat annoyed. "We're here!" Spike announced. Twilight looked at the institution, a large building, lots of purples and blues that has Princess Twilight symbolic star, surrounded by streams and waterfalls in which gleamed a rainbow by the sunshine.

"Whoa!" Twilight yelled.

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"Nothing." Twilight replied, realizing that she was already supposed to know about it. Twilight and Spike entered through the doors. They passed through the offices and into the lecture halls.

The instructor announced Princess Twilight's arrival to the lecture room.

"Everyone, please give a warm welcome to 'The Princess of Friendship!'." Everyone in the classroom cheered and clopped when Twilight entered through the doors. She was heavily greeted, which made Twilight smile, but also nervous to be speaking in front of class in which she had no idea of what to say or do.

"Well... hi everybody!" Twilight said hesitantly. The students were quiet and all chatted to each other about Twilight. Twilight thought about what she said, she realized she said 'everybody.' "Sorry, sorry... I've been to a different dimension recently, so what I've meant to say is ' hello everypony!'."

The class laughed and started to become mildly interested in her lecture. Twilight was also starting to become less anxious to continue with the lecture.

"So, before I do get started with the lesson? Are there any questions regarding friendship?" Twilight said intuitively. One student raised her hoof to the air, in which Twilight called on her.

"So, what is it like in the other dimension? Did you make friends there too?" The student asked.

"I did make great friends there. So, in this other dimension I traveled to, there are creatures called humans! They don't have hooves or look like any particular animal. They walk on two legs, and have a thing called hands!" Twilight said.

The classroom was fascinated by Twilight's answer. Another raised her hoof, adding onto the other question that was answered.

"So, what was your experience like in the other dimension?"

"It is quite a shock, because when you enter through this dimension, I change my form entirely. Having to walk on two legs like the others!" The whole class was astonished by Twilight's answer.

"I made great friends there as well... there was one in particular I was close to..." Twilight began to quietly go off on a tangent, she started to cry in front of everyone. "I mean, I've done my best to be there for them. I've changed my ways for them. I've done all that I can to be supportive... and they throw me away... especially the one I called my best friend... who would rather be with someone else... after all that I've done... I'm never good enough! I've changed how I look, I changed my hair to how she likes it! I've been less of a know-it-all for her... using less big words... I would always be by her side... and she throws me away!" Twilight ran out of the lecture room, which the class was utterly shocked by this turn of events. Spike ran after her, and the instructor dismissed class for the remainder of the day.

"Twilight! Wait?!" Spike yelled, as Twilight ran off into the distance, Spike ran out of breath, and tried to fly his way to her. "Twilight!" Spike couldn't catch up, as she was nowhere in sight.

Twilight cried, she slowed her pace and took a moment at a quiet sight by the riverside. She looked at herself in the river. She didn't mean to hurt anyone, or shock anyone during class. Twilight sat there, hoping no one would see her like this.

Spike thought about what could have made Twilight so upset, so he wanted to take it out on the others in the human world.

"Something made Twilight upset, and I'm going to get to the bottom of this!" Spike said, as he puffed up his chest and straightened his tail and marched on back to the castle to meet up with everyone.

Spike arrived at the room where the mirror should be, however as he turned the corner and gently opened the door, he saw the mirror shattered into a million pieces.

"Holy guacamole!" Spike yelled. "This is bad! I have to tell Princess Celestia!" Spike ran off to write a note to Princess Celestia.

Twilight sat by the river, sulking and contemplating if coming to Equestria was worth it. She had done so much damage that it may not be safe to stay, although she would not be able to make it back. As she was there, she heard a familiar voice, singing beautifully, nearby an oak tree. Twilight got up to see who it was. A pegasus with a faded pink mane and tail, yellow coat, and three colorful butterflies right above the flank.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight questioned.

"Oh? Hello Twilight!" Fluttershy replied. "Back from your talk with Sunset?"

"Yeah..." Twilight responded.

"You seem upset, is everything okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, not really... I came back earlier than expected... and I went to a lecture which I was unprepared for..."

"Oh, that's too bad... I'm sorry that happened." Fluttershy said softly.

"Thanks... what are you up to?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, I'm just doing my usual rounds of teaching these young-lings how to fly." Fluttershy assured.

"Oh, you could do that?" Twilight said without hesitation.

"Of course! Don't you remember I showed this to you before?" Fluttershy responded.

"Right... sorry..." Twilight said.

"You do seem a bit different than usual..." Fluttershy commented. "When did you start wearing glasses?"

"Oh, uhh..." Twilight was at a loss for words.

Meanwhile, Sunset and the girls walked out of the burger joint after an hour passed of them talking about stuff Princess Twilight did while she was away. The others shared videos they have done over the past few months as well. Princess Twilight was amazed by how popular they have become in their community. She also ordered Twilight a meal before they all left to see Princess Twilight head back home. Sunset text Twilight about coming over to drop off her food and seeing if she would like to join them to see Princess Twilight one last time. Sunset received no response, but she figured she was resting, so they all headed for Twilight's place.

The girls arrived at Twilight's house, and Sunset rang the doorbell, but she received no response. After a few tries with dead silence, Sunset picked up an odd object sitting next to her door mat, and found a spare key. Sunset opened the door.

"Hello? Twilight! I got food!" Sunset yelled inside an echoing living room. Sunset and the girls entered her house. Pinkie Pie wanted to surprise Twilight by jumping on her while she was in bed. Sunset headed for the kitchen. "C'mon Twilight!" Sunset continued.

Applejack and Princess Twilight looked at a suspicious locked closet in the living room.

"What do ya recken that is?" Applejack commented. While Princess Twilight shrugged.

"C'mere Spike!" Fluttershy was yelling for Spike.

"Surprise!" Pinkie Pie jumped onto Twilight's bed, but as she removed the covers, there were pillows laying where Twilight should be. "What?!" Pinkie yelled.

Sunset walked into the kitchen and accidentally stepped into some uneaten food left for Spike.

"Gross!" Sunset said, as she began to smell the meat from her boots.

"What is going on?" Fluttershy was worried. Rarity, Applejack, and Princess Twilight headed for the kitchen to meet up with everyone.

"Twilight is not in her room!" Pinkie Pie entered.

Moments later, Sunset looked on top of the counter, and there was that same note left by Twilight from this morning. She dropped Twilight's food onto the floor, as she lost grip and function for a split second. Everything was slowed down inside Sunset's mind, it took a few seconds for the food to hit the floor, and the sounds of sloshing meat from her boots, and the food bursting out of the take out box as it impacted the floor. Sunset was stunned for a moment, she ran for the door, disregarding the tracks she left behind from not cleaning her boot from the meat. The girls were stunned by the weight of the food hitting the floor, and Sunset taking off without warning or making any sound. The girls wanted to catch up with Sunset, but before they could, they looked at what Sunset was looking at. They picked up the note, and once Princess Twilight caught a glimpse of it, she ran out to catch up with Sunset, while the girls continued to read.

"Oh my..." Applejack added. Eventually, they all headed straight for the mirror, but Applejack stopped the girls before they left the house and shut the door, so that she would drive them to the school. Sunset and Princess Twilight were already too far ahead to stop them, so the girls hopped on board with Applejack to keep up with Sunset.