//------------------------------// // Book 1: Curiosity | Chapter 1: Worried // Story: The Midnight Series: Incomplete Edition // by Notowa //------------------------------// Preface Dear Princess Twilight, Hey, it's been awhile since we've last spoken to each other, and I wanted to check in again. I know you may be busy being a princess and all, and fighting against evil, so that you may not be able to reply as soon as I have hoped. And I've been meaning to ask if it was okay to enter through to visit, but I'm afraid of popping in at a bad time, so I'll stay where I am until you let me know if it's okay. I miss you Twilight, please write back soon. I will always have this book by my side! Your best friend, Sunset Shimmer Chapter 1: Worried Shadowy gray clouds hovered above in the sky, wispy winds blew as the decayed, autumn leaves flew off the branches and onto the sidewalks of Canterlot High School. Students walking to class, feel the breeze sink through into their sweatshirts as they gaze at the dreary skies, daydreaming of a brighter day. Something was on Sunset Shimmer's mind that day, as she looked out into the gloomy weather outside. It was, in fact, just the right setting. She was sulking throughout her day, sitting in her classrooms, feeling this clouded morning set in her heart as she lost contact with a close friend. With her streaks of flames of her hair streaming down her face and her whole back. Her eyes were dull unlike her usual glow like the ocean waves, wearing her leather jacket, with studs appearing on each side of her sleeveless shoulder pads, unzipped, to reveal a red t-shirt underneath that had a yellow sun symbol appearing on her chest. A yellow pencil skirt with a red and orange streak on each side, and double strapped leather boots, with both the zippers and belt buckles to arise up to her knees. After each class, she would feel this sinking cloudiness dragging in on her deeper and deeper. It made all her other classmates feel the mood of something uneasy and unpleasant. Sunset did not pay any attention to her teacher's lectures on the whiteboards, ignoring all the notes and information they need to study for this next upcoming exam. Sunset's mind was in the clouds, hoping something would come up, to help her, in her time of despair. The lunch bell finally rang for the student's to head for the cafeteria. Sunset walked there without having to look up from the floor, as if it was second nature to her. She sat down at some random lunch table, not having anything to eat because she wouldn't be able to digest any of the "nutritious" meals on an upset stomach. After a few moments, a group of girls took a seat at the table, surrounding her. Pinkie Pie sat next to Sunset, with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs all covered in condensed spray canned cheese because she loved random things put together to her delight. Her hot pink, fluffy curls, and enlightened attitude which gleamed happiness in her indigo eyes. She wore a simple, plain white t-shirt, a fluffy cotton candy-colored skirt, white leggings with matching Velcro sneakers. Rainbow Dash sat next to Pinkie Pie, with her plate of a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches, with a 20 oz. water bottle sitting beside them. Hydration and decisive meals to keep up her strikingly healthy physique, as her rainbow flash barely caught up to her as she ran up to the table. Her full length, colorful hair wisps around, nearly knocking over everyone else out of their seats. She was wearing a bright sky blue jacket with her symbolic rainbow lightning bolt on the chest, black yoga pants with streaks of outlined rainbow lightning bolts to the sides of her thighs, and a pair of blue and white Jordan's. Twilight Sparkle sat across from Rainbow Dash with a packed lunch of everything her body needs for the day. Deriving from a daily nutritional structure that has been approved by the FDA, which she recently read about. She adjusted her thick black glasses as she caught wind of Rainbow Dash running up to the table, which blew her long violet hair, soaring in the air, making it a bit ruffled and frizzy. She wore a simple school uniform and a pair of black high-heeled tops. Rarity sat beside Twilight, across from Pinkie Pie. She placed a shiny blue glassware bowl full of luscious greens and tomatoes upon the table. She was wearing a gorgeous white tank-top and sparkling blue skirt, a pair of diamond encrusted, purple high heels, that matched her painted nails and glamorous sparkling hair, with the ending streaks, spiraling to accommodate a proper length. Applejack sat next to Rarity, across from Sunset, with a tray of delectable delights from the cafeteria's array of foods. With an apple in the corner of her tray. She was wearing a red flannel dress shirt, with long blue jeans, cowgirl boots that had three apple patches to the sides, and with her hair in a single braid, draped along the side of her left shoulder, toppled with her signature cowgirl hat. Then came Fluttershy, sitting next to Applejack, with a tray filled with almost a little bit of everything with the amount of choices for food to her liking. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a couple of butterflies on the front, with a common ruffled green skirt and pale pink boots that matched her long, faded pink hair. The gathering of the Rainbooms during lunchtime. As the girls were eating, they were discussing some of the material they needed to review for the upcoming exams, as they failed to notice Sunset's sappy mood. It wasn't until Applejack took a glance in front of her, taking a bite of her apple in which she picked up from her tray. "Y'all alright, Sunset?" Applejack asked, as she took a bite of her apple, which made the others turn their attention toward Sunset. "I'm fine." Sunset replied, with a very monotone voice. "I'm not feeling well today." "It is quite a gloomy day." Fluttershy added, as she chewed on her food. "Sunset, you have nothing to eat!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "Here, have this!" She gave Sunset a cupcake, with a little frosted face drawn on it, from her hair. Sunset looked up at Pinkie, she gave her a passive smile. "Thanks Pinkie, but I'm not hungry." Sunset said, as she returned the cupcake back to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was saddened, as she turned away her friendship cupcake. "I think... I'm gonna go get some fresh air..." Sunset got up from her seat and slowly walked away from the table, with her hands inside her pockets, as she exited the cafeteria. They all looked at each other, puzzled. They all thought of what might be wrong with Sunset. "I hope it's not the flu!" Rainbow Dash addressed, slamming her arms to the table with enough force to gather their attention. "I hate the flu... if you have the flu!" She sat back, crossed her arms, and placed her feet on the table. "I don't think it's the flu." Twilight replied, as she ate. "She doesn't seem to have any of the other symptoms of the flu, if she has the flu. There is definitely something else going on." she looked up at the cafeteria doors, thinking of what it could be. "Should we go to check in on her?" Rarity suggested. "Maybe if we ask, she could let us know." "Am sure it's going to be fine." Applejack assured. "If we give her some space, she might let us know later on." The others seem to agree. "You girls want any of this?" Pinkie Pie interrupted, holding the cupcake in her hands, acting as if this was the main source of the problem. "No." The girls replied, as the girls continued on with their previous conversation. Pinkie Pie was eating the cupcake instead. Twilight got up from her seat and walked out, to catch up with Sunset. The others were unsure of what to make of it, as they watched her walk out the doors. "Should we be worried about it now?" Applejack commented, while the others shrugged it off. Sunset sat down on the stairs in front of Canterlot High's main entrance, facing the mirror and stallion statue. She looked at it, contemplating on walking through to see what had been going on. As the freezing breeze brushed up against her face and body, but could not feel the cold. She took out her book, her only connection to the other side, however, there was still no reply. Sunset believed she may have been forgotten, or something terrible has happened to her friends. She worried about them, there was no telling what was going on. If she were to enter during an event that could be dangerous, she may not return. She may even be putting all the other girls at risk as well, if she told them about it. So, she remained sitting alone, hoping for a reply. Moments later, Twilight walked out of the front doors, walking towards Sunset. She sat down next to her. She placed her hand over Sunset's shoulder, giving her a sense of comfort. "Hey..." Twilight said softly. She looked at her, but she was not looking back. "Hey..." Sunset replied. Her tone remained the same since her time in the cafeteria. It worried her. "I came to check in on you, are you okay?" Twilight asked. Her brows narrowed, trying to get close enough to know. "I'm fine." Sunset said, as she let out a heavy sigh of discomfort. "It's going to be okay." Twilight addressed. She sat back, and waited for her to say something. "Thanks Twi, but I'm afraid things don't seem that way as of now." "I understand." Twilight said, as she lifted her hand away from Sunset. She felt the chills sprinkling down from her fingertips to her abdomen. "I appreciate you coming to see if I was okay though." Sunset replied, to relieve Twilight's worry. Sunset was hoping Twilight would take it as a reassured response for her to leave her alone. "You've always been so thoughtful." She looked at her with a weak smile, not enough to convince her. "The others should know what's going on too." "I-I don't know, it's personal." "Okay..." Twilight looked away from her, and couldn't bear the intense cold. "Sorry Twi, I'm not feeling it today." Sunset admitted, as she crossed her arms over her knees. She was curled up, and was not wanting to continue. "That's okay, I hope you'll feel better soon." Twilight said, as she got up from the stairs. She was about to head inside to be shielded away from the chilling wind. But as she got up, a single ray of sunshine lifted from the clouds, pointing towards Twilight with the sun's glare reflecting from the mirror and stallion statue, which faded shortly after. Twilight looked at Sunset and it appeared that she looked up at the mirror as well. She decided to cheer her up with something funny about her own interest in that world beyond. "You know..." Twilight said, to break the awkward silence between them. "That pony world still interests me." "Oh, yeah?" Sunset replied, feeling like she needed to respond with something other than an annoyed grunt. "Ever since we've entered through during our Spring vacation, I've always wanted to go back to learn more, you know, about the magic and science, the endless possibilities to learn from." Sunset gave a slow, short nod. "It was such a fun assignment in our English class, the teacher laughed at how creative I was to include everyone with a talking pony counterpart." Twilight chuckled. She looked back at Sunset, and she had her head buried at her thighs with her arms covering her face. Twilight's smile faded, as she went back down to comfort her. "Sunset...?" Twilight said calmly, as she patted her hair. "Twi... please stop." Sunset said, as she lifted up her head, making Twilight remove her hand away. "I'm not feeling well." "Does it have something to do with them?" Twilight continued. She said it softly and slowly to not make Sunset upset. She took a wild guess since Sunset had her book sitting beside her. She nodded. "But, you have that book to help keep in touch, right?" Twilight asked. "Unless it's used up, but you could go back and get another one, can't you?" "That's just it, Twi!" Sunset yelled, adding more to her discomfort. "I haven't remained in contact! I've received nothing!" Twilight looked away from her. "I'm sorry Sunset." Twilight answered, feeling a bit crushed by Sunset's fierce tone. Looking down to the pale, cemented stairs, but she got why she was upset. Sunset looked away, she regretted throwing her anger at Twilight. "I'm sorry, Twi." Sunset said, to relieve Twilight's stunned look on her face. "I didn't mean to snap at you like that." "No, I'm sorry. I was being pushy." Twilight replied, looking back at her. "I shouldn't have crossed a line into your personal space like that." "Well, I guess it did help getting it out. I suppose." Sunset added, she looked at her with relief. "How long has it been since you've last spoken?" Twilight continued, as she felt her coming back. "A few months." Sunset replied, she looked back at the book she placed. "Are we still able to go through? We should check to see." Twilight got back up and headed toward the mirror. "No, Twi..." Sunset got up, and stopped Twilight from going any further by grabbing her arm. She let go of her arm as soon as Twilight looked back at her. "Why? Is there something wrong?" Twilight was a little frightened by her action. "Have you already checked?" "No, it's not about that." Sunset shook her head. "I think there is something going on, to where they haven't said anything." "Why are you keeping this a secret from everyone?" Twilight concerned. "If anything, we should check to make sure of it." "Because it could be dangerous!" Sunset flustered, and was worried. "It may not be a good time to barge in unannounced!" "What difference does that make? We've faced plenty of powerful enemies before, how is this any different?" Twilight asked, playing off as some sort of test. "And why is Twilight the only one who could enter through anytime?!" "You just don't get it, Twi!" Sunset crossed her arm, and looked away. The conversation was ticking her off. "If we get the girls together, we'll be okay!" Twilight assured, trying to get her on the same page. "No!" Sunset countered. "I don't see why you won't consider going through to help them?!" Twilight argued, as she gestured to the mirror. "That's not the point, Twilight! If we happen to go through during a crisis, what if we don't make it back?!" Sunset was showing her serious concern for their safety, but Twilight looked as if she was not buying it. "It's not about that, isn't it? You'd rather go alone?!" Twilight continued. Sunset was angrily silenced. "Is that what this is about?!" Twilight said, raising her voice. "To go all by yourself? To have it all for yourself?!" "Is that right?!" Sunset yelled. "What are you trying to say?! What are you even talking about?!" "You know what I mean!" Twilight looked away, and pouted. "You know what?!" Sunset was throwing her arms as she argued, placing her hand on her chest. Her voice started to crack due to stress and sadness. "This argument is pointless, because I'm just a little concerned for my friends in Equestria, you all of a sudden turn this against me?!" "Yes, you're being selfish!" Twilight pointed out. "You're basing this on the assumption that they're in danger! What if they aren't? Why don't we go in to find out together?!" "No! There has to be a reason they haven't said anything to me!" "Then, let's go find out" Twilight calmed down, and held out her hand to see if Sunset would listen to her. "Together?" "I..." Sunset was at a loss for words. "I-I don't know..." as she looked away, ignoring Twilight's friendly gesture. Twilight took her hand away, looking down at the ground again. She was not convinced that Sunset knew how to respond to her with this complex decision. She tightened her hand, gripping them hard, and decided to let out something she held back. "It's not fair, you know?" Twilight questioned. "Comparing me to a princess..." Twilight said, softly under her breath, as she crossed her arms in anger. "...I could never measure up to her... not in the slightest..." Sunset was devastated by what Twilight said. She ran up to her, shouting in her face and pointed out to her. "Don't you even say that! How can you…?!" Sunset stopped yelling for a moment to catch her breath, as she began to have tears falling from her eyes. Twilight grasped what she said, regretfully aware that she didn't mean it. "Don't say stuff like that... you... you all mean so much to me... after all we've been through... why? Just why?!" Sunset didn't hold back her pain and weakness any longer. She stood back, looking away from Twilight. Twilight cried as well. "I'm so sorry Sunset..." Twilight said, looking down at the ground, her eyes fell as the winds began to pick up. "I'm so sorry..." Sunset turned to look back at Twilight, she headed towards her direction. Twilight looked up to see her walking to her, and held onto her. They both wrapped their arms around each other, encapsulating them tightly, as they sniffled their last remaining tears. "I'm sorry." Twilight repeated. She was sincere in her words, regretting everything she said. "Forgive me." "I'm sorry too." Sunset replied, as she whispered in her ear. "We both got a little too carried away..." They both unlatched their arms to firmly grasp their frozen hands together, as they stared deeply into each other's eyes of sincerity, and blushed with their eyes gleaming with water. The front doors of the school open, to which they both turned their attention to whom it may be, walking out of the door, and they quickly wiped away their tears. A boy, with spiky blue hair, wearing a zipped leather jacket with a ring of red and white surrounding it. Grungy blue jeans, with a pair of black and blue sneakers. It was Flash Sentry. "Hey Flash!" Sunset and Twilight said simultaneously. "Hey!" Flash replied. "I heard some fighting going on, I came to make sure that no one was hurt." "It's okay. No one is hurt!" Sunset suggested, with a passive smile. "Thanks for taking the time to check." Twilight added. Flash blushed, as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, of course!" Flash continued, with a bright smile on his face. Moments later, at the mirror and stallion statue, came a person from inside the mirror. Which made its way towards the three students having a conversation at the front entrance of the school. They haven't noticed anyone coming out of the mirror. It reached out onto the two girls shoulders, and gave a heavy tug, which made them become utterly shocked with adrenaline. "Surprise!" A girl yelled, as she tugged at Sunset and Twilight's shoulder. "Whaa!" Sunset and the other two screamed, as they had a near panic attack, catching their breath. Sunset looked at the girl. Her long violet hair, with a couple streaks of magenta extending past her waist. Her cutesy blue dolly shirt, and purple skirt with a large six-pointed magenta star surrounded by smaller white stars at each point, and her pair of long purple, belt-buckle boots that reached to her shins. The glowing twinkle of her galactic eyes. She caught a glimpse of a familiar face. "T-Twilight?!" Sunset questioned herself, as she focused. "Twilight!" Sunset yelled, as she grabbed Princess Twilight with her arms locked to her sides. She picked her up with all her excessive, adrenaline fueled strength. "Hey... Sunset... can't... breathe...!" Princess Twilight pleaded, as she gasped for air and her arms falling asleep. They were clamped tightly under Sunset's arms, and her legs being lifted off the ground, as she waved them around, trying to get Sunset to put her down. "Oh!" Sunset said, as she chuckled. "Sorry!" Sunset let her go, and Twilight was already trying to readjust to her bipedal form. "That's okay." Princess Twilight suggested, as she smiled. "It's been awhile!" Sunset smiled back. Twilight saw how Sunset lifted Princess Twilight up from off the ground with such happiness and love. It made her squint her eyes with a sense of envy. Flash walked up into focus, with his face in confusion and excitement. "T-Twilight?" Flash said, as he simultaneously looked back at Princess Twilight and Twilight Sparkle, trying to configure seeing double, contemplated that doppelgangers were real. "Ha-How are there two Twilights?!" The girls looked at each other, as they tried to come up with an explanation for the two Twilights, however, there was one thing they could say that would avoid needing much explanation. "Um..." Twilight froze in confusion. "W-were twin sisters!" Princess Twilight said, as she went over to drag Twilight to her side by wrapping her arm around her neck, smiling awkwardly. "Yeah?!" Sunset added. "Okay...?" Flash replied, as he slightly nodded his head, trying to piece it together. "W-we used to go to the same school, at Crystal Prep, but I was the one that transferred to Canterlot High, while she stood back at the other school." Twilight said, as she gave an awkward, passive smile. She had Princess Twilight let her go from her awkward hug. "That would explain why we don't see her as often." Sunset assured. "Yeah?" Flash said. "Are they both named Twilight?" "R-right, but my full name is Twilight Velvet." Princess Twilight answered, while Sunset and Twilight looked at each other, they knew that was the name of Twilight's mother's maiden name. "Okay, well... I-I think I'm heading back inside, the bell is about to ring, so..." Flash said as he awkwardly chuckled, blushing, and slowly heading for the door. "Okay, see you!" Sunset and Twilight said simultaneously, again. "See you, Flash!" Princess Twilight whispered, as she waved at him leaving for the door. As Flash went back inside, he contemplated on which Twilight he had a crush on. "So... which Twilight did I like...?" Flash panicked. "No, no! Which one danced with me at the Fall Formal?!" Flash questioned himself until he met up with his group of friends, and they noticed how steamed he looked, with his face all red and sweaty. "You alright, bro?" One of Flash's friends said. "I-I'm fine!" Flash answered, as he chuckled, frightening his friends. Sunset and Twilight continued their discussion on Princess Twilight's surprise appearance. "Twilight...?" Sunset questioned softly, to break the silence between them. "How have you been? What's been happening?" "Well..." Princess Twilight said hesitantly. "A lot has happened, but I suppose you want to know why I haven't said anything... for a really long time." "What has happened?" Twilight asked. "I'm so sorry I caused so much worry over the past few months..." Princess Twilight said, as she looked away from both of them, closing her eyes in shame. "My efforts to reply or to come visit has been very difficult for me... after all that has been going on..." Sunset and Twilight looked at each other, as they both had sympathetic faces. Sunset went over to Princess Twilight to comfort her by placing her arms over her shoulders. "Tell me everything, please!" Sunset said, with much enthusiasm. "I want to know all about it! I want to help in any way I can!" Princess Twilight shed a single tear, she wiped it away and looked at Sunset. Sunset's determined eyes made Princess Twilight gain the courage to say what she needed to her. She took hold of Sunset's arm and gave her a firm hand grip to Sunset's hand. Sunset let her arm down from off her shoulders to hold her hand in place. "Well..." Princess Twilight said softly, as she looked away again, trying to think of what to say. "Okay!" "I want in too!" Twilight said, as she stood at a distance quietly, but after what she said, she walked over to Sunset and Princess Twilight, eager to jump into the conversation. "We're all friends, right?" "Of course we are!" Princess Twilight assured. "We're sisters after all, right?" Princess Twilight gave a wink to Twilight, confirming that they are not only friends, but officially sisters from two different dimensions. "This is great!" Sunset said, with much happiness and reassurance. Her sadness was suddenly lifted, and so were the clouds above, they felt less heavy and dark, as they began to clear up for the afternoon sun, at its peak, to give it's radiance warmth and light upon the previous, dreary morning. "But, before we get into explaining, let's go meet up with everyone in the cafeteria! I'm sure everyone would love to see you again!" "Oh, that would be great!" Princess Twilight said, eager to see all her friends once again, after a long time. She missed them, however, she still felt worried about what she would need to explain to them. "Let's head on over!" Princess Twilight was worried, but she won't let it get in between meeting with her friends. Sunset picked up her book from off the stairs, and opened the front door for Twilight. "Thanks." Princess Twilight commented. "I'm terrible with doors here." As Sunset and Princess Twilight headed inside, Twilight walked right behind them, but as Twilight held the door, she stopped for a moment. Before entering through, she took one last glance over to the mirror and stallion statue. She squinted at it, as she was in much thought of it.