//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Unexpected help // Story: (NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) // by zodia //------------------------------// After what happened yesterday you got more confident that you can do this, that you can get her back and your friend back on whatever is going on right now "Okay I just have to play it cool... And try not to punch that Saorin guy in the face" you said, since you promised to Sunset not to do anything stupid for now, because they have to keep it secret for a while. And while you were walking towards the bus stop... You saw him, the last person you want to see "Seriously... What is he doing here" you said in your mind. Saorin noticed you and waved at you "Hey Rush... I heard from Sunset that you'll be joining us in the club" said Soarin. You tried your best to stay in cool and smile "Yeah... I'm looking forward to it" you said. "Well what was that yesterday... I mean you went through the portal why?" Said Soarin. You sigh a little bit "Well... I have my reasons... Sorry can't really tell ya... For now" you said. Then a couple more minutes later the bus arrived and you both hop into the bus, but sat on different sits "*sigh* I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Zack's horrible puns" you said in you mind. When you arrived in front of the school Sunset shimmer greeted you with a smile "Good morning Rush! So have you eaten breakfast?" Asked Sunset. You scratch your head "Yeah... Why?" You asked. Sunset giggled "Well because this Friday will be the annual Canterlot Ball, so that means every 4 days before the ball we have free time and pretty much do what ever we want" said Sunset shimmer. You smiled "Huh... Yeah I completely forgot about that... So right now I'm assuming that you want us to figure this out... You know this whole thing" you said. She sigh "Well yeah... I mean I keep having this dreams... That sometimes keeps me awake... Cause I keep thinking about them, Ya know" said Sunset. You pat her in the back "Well I don't know how exactly Zack comforts you but ill try my best to help you out" you said. She giggled "We'll... Anyway do you know where he lives?" Asked Sunset. You sigh "Well do you know that empty lot... Where you were just standing yesterday... That's where he's house supposed to be" you said. Sunset eyes widen "... Are you sure?... We'll do you know anyone that might still remember him... Like you?" Asked Sunset. You thinked as hard as you can "*sigh* well there's one I think... Maybe..." You said. Sunset smiled "We'll thats good enough for me... Well who is it?" Asked Sunset. You sigh and smiled "Well it's gonna be a long trip... 2 hours by bus but 1 hour by train" you said. Sunset laughed a little "Huh... The quicker the better I guess train it is then" said Sunset. Both of you went to the city so that you can get to the station, and while you were walking on the streets you saw Rainbow and Saorin in a diner. They both looked really happy and really In loved with each other, you didn't noticed that tears are falling from your eyes "Hey... Are you okay?" Asked Sunset. You looked at Sunset and wiped your tears then you smiled "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine, let's keep moving" you said. Sunset looked at them and pulled you away "If you wanna get her back, we have to fix this fast" said Sunset. While she was dragging you towards the station you felt her desperation to get her memories back, since she only have fragments of them... Fragments of him. And when you got to the station you revealed to Sunset where you were going "Where going to Hope Hollow, the place where everyone is full of hope" you said. Sunset scratch her head "Hope Hollow?... Do I know that place?" Asked Sunset. You smiled "Ofcourse you do... I think if we go their... We might find answers" you said. Sunset took a deep breath "Okay... Let's go to Hope Hollow" Said Sunset. Then an hour later you both arrived in Hope Hollow as you both walk on the path you can see a lot of people gathering around and dancing together "Huh... Looks like the Rainbow Festival is today" you said. Sunset scratch her "Huh... Sound familiar somehow" said Sunset. Then you both went to the town to see if any of them at least remember him, since somehow your gut is telling you to go here. As you both walk towards to kerfuffle's shop Sunset stopped you "What are they doing here?" Said Sunset. Then you looked at the direction where her shop is and you saw Kerfuffle talking to three girls "Uhh you mean those three... Do you know them?" You asked. "Yeah... There trouble ill tell you that...*sigh* but I'm sure they won't be a problem to us... maybe..." Said Sunset. And when you both approached all four of them, Kerfuffle greeted you with a smile while the other three girls jut stares at you "Hi Rush, and you must be Sunset I heard so much things about you from... From... Well nevermind I'll leave you two with my friends here for now, since the mayor needs me with a couple things" said Kerfuffle. When Kerfuffle left the three girls looked at you and completely if ignoring Sunset "Rush... Zack's best friend we heard so much great things about you.. I'm Adagio Dazzle" said Adagio. Then another girl pulled you and shake your hands fast "And I'm Sonata Dusk pleasure to meet you, Zack's bestie is also our bestie" said Sonata. Then you looked at the girl and looks like she can't make eye contact "And I'm..im I.. *ahem* I'm Aria Blaze" said Aria. Sunset raise an eyebrow since she never seen like that before "So you know Zack?..." Asked Sunset. Adagio rolls her eyes "Ofcourse we do... Besides he's the one who gave us this new pendants... But don't worry it doesn't feed on negativity but in positivity naturally meaning we don't mind control people anymore... Plus we can't" said Adagio. Sonata puts her arm around Sunset "He even actually gave us a home here... We owe him a lot... Anyway where is Yuzuzu" said Sonata. You and Sunset looked at each other and both shake your head side ways, the dazzling's got shocked when they heard it "Your kidding right... Right?" Said Adagio. You sigh "No... But I can assure you his not dead... I think... But I believe Sunsets memories is one of the key for saving him" you said. Adagio looks really worried "Well... If that's the case... Maybe we can help... I mean we've known him for a long time now... His house... He actually lives here before he moved to Canterlot City" said Adagio. You got shocked since Zack never mentioned anything about having another house " So I guess we can start by going there... It's actually our home now" said Sonata. Then the both of you followed the dazzling's all the way to their house as you follow them to the crowd since the festival is still going, you both got separated with each other you shouted Sunsets name but looks like she can't hear you. You tried your best to get out of the crown but when you do get out you lost her and the dazzling's "*Sigh* you got to be kidding me" you said. Then you sat down on a bench to take a break, you closed your eyes for a second when all of sudden someone sat right next to you "Well we meet again..." Said Rainbow. You got shocked and moved away a little bit "Hi... Rainbow" you said, then you look down. Rainbow pat your shoulder "Well this is crazy huh... The festival I mean... This is embarrassing I actually got separated from Saorin from this crowd" said Rainbow. You looked at her "We'll I actually also got separated with Sunset in this crowd" you said. Rainbows eyes widen "Wait... Are you two... Dating or something, cause I can help you out with a couple things with her" said Rainbow. You got shocked "WHAT!? No... No it's not like that where just here to do something important" you said. Rainbow looks like she doesn't believe you "Well... If you say so... Cause it's your loss" said Rainbow. You look up into the sky and took a deep sigh "The only one ill ever love is you..." You whispered. "Umm what... I didn't quite catch that" said Rainbow. When you realized what you just said, you stood up" Nothing... Well ill be going now I better go and look for her" you said. When your just about to leave you heard Rainbow sigh "I guess that's fine" said Rainbow, you looked and she looking at her phone, you sat down again. What am I doing, you said to yourself "Hey is something wrong? You asked, since she looks down. Rainbow sigh " We'll this day is supposed to be our special date since it's our anniversary... But it looks like his other club need him... I guess i can forgive him... Even though this is third time he did this... In a row" said Rainbow. You scrub Rainbow Back as you said things In your head "That jerk... I'm gonna kill him, how could he do this to her" you said in your mind. You saw tears on her eyes so you think of something "Umm hey... Do you wanna hang... I mean to at least get your mind out of the situation for a while" you said. Rainbow smiled "I'd like that..." Said Rainbow. Seeing her smile while you know she's in pain gives you a lot of reason to punch that guy in the face "We'll I know just the thing..." You said. You stood up and reach out your palm "Come on... Let's have some fun" you said, She smiled with delight for some reason, you can see it on her eyes. She slowly reach out her hand to you, the moment her hand touches yours, your heart beats really fast "Have we hanged out before... Since this is awfully familiar" said Rainbow. You smiled "I'm not sure...but who knows" you said, then you and Rainbow run to the festival with excitement on both of your faces.