//------------------------------// // 9. The First Beyblade Tournament! // Story: Dazzling Bladers // by Joshua the Dragonslayer //------------------------------// It was the next day and the Dazzlings were about ready to head out to go to Leon's house. They were about to walk out of the door when their mother stopped them in their tracks. "Girls, before you leave to head to Leon's, I have something you might want to see." Sunset said stopping the Dazzlings. "What is it mom? What do you want to show us? We're kinda in a hurry here." Adagio asked. She didn't mean any hate to her mom but she really wanted to go to Leon's. "Yeah. We kinda have to head out to battle Leon. So that we can, you know, battle him and beat him." Aria said looking up at her mom. "Just watch this and then you three can head out to Leon's. It'll only take a few minutes to watch this." Sunset turns on the TV and it shows the Dazzling's dad, Tom, and the dimension traveler, Aaron. They were on stage with a bunch of other people surrounding them, trying to ask them questions. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special announcement today. The preparations for the first-ever Beyblade tournament have officially been all decided. Rumors got out that only A-tier bladers could only participate in tournaments, and to that, I say the rumors were correct!" The crowd cheered. "Now then, the tournament will begin a week from now. The tournament arena is starting to be built and should be done before the tournament begins. Some Bladers have already gotten spots in the tournament and are now registered for the tournament, and with that, I hand the mic over to Aaron." Tom handed Aaron the mic, who smiled and nodded his head. "Thank you, Tom. Now then the Bladers that have already gotten their spots verified into the tournament are..." Aaron started as he then pointed at the screen. Just then pictures of Leon, Gabby, Athena, Bael, Phoebe, and Derek with their Beys next to their picture pop up on the TV screen. "These six Bladers have already taken their spots in the tournament. There are still some spots left over, however, but hurry up because before you know it those spots could disappear. Now then we'll like to give out some information about the tournament. I'll let Tom tell you all about it." Aaron then handed the mic back over to Tom. "Thank you, Aaron. Now first thing first, there will be a new stadium made specifically for this tournament. We call this stadium the Hyper Stadium!" Adagio looked at the screen surprised. 'A new stadium? I wonder what it'll look like. Bladers will have to get a customized to the stadium.' "Second thing, only twelve Bladers will be able to participate in this tournament!" "How will that even work out?" The Dazzlings asked. "If you're wondering how that'll work then let me tell you! Six Bladers will be in one group, and all the Bladers will battle one another one time. The two Bladers on each side with the most amount of points will move on to the Semi-Finals. There, the four Bladers will battle it out to become the Champion! Now with that, we only have six spots left before the tournament begins. You better hurry up and take your spot people, with that, we'll see you all a week from now." With that Tom and Aaron walked off the stage while Sunset turned off the TV. She turns around to see the Dazzlings in pure shock. "I told you, it'll be something you might want to watch. Now you heard your dad, you three better hurry up and become A-tier bladers, or else you won't be able to participate. And I don't think you won't like that would you?" Sunset asked looking at her girls. "Nope! We need to hurry up and become A-tier bladers fast. We only have a week left to be able to enter." Aria said as she stood up. "Do you think we'll be able to become A-tier bladers in that amount of time? I mean there's three of us and six spots left, and plus some of our friends might not be able to get a spot either." Sonata said looking at her sisters. Adagio thought about it. "You actually made a decent point, Sonata. There's me, you, and Aria. Valex and his brother, Dean, Frizzle, and Joy. Two of the eight of us won't be able to participate in the tournament unless one of the six bladers that are already entering the tournament gets into an accident and then they'll have to drop out." "So we go after Gabby because of what she did to us and make her have to drop out of the tournament, good idea." Aria looks up to see her mom looking down at her, she didn't look too happy to hear what Aria had just said. "You want to repeat that, Aria?" Sunset asked, looking Aria right in the eyes. "I-it was just a joke, mom. I wasn't going to actually do anything to Gabby, I promise." Aria said, sweat starting to form due to Sunset's mother's stares. Aria looked away from her moms staring. 'Even though she totally deserves it. I'll just have to get my revenge in the tournament, but first I have to make it into the tournament.' "Come on girls we better hurry and up and head to Leon's house. This might be our last chance at turning into, A-tier bladers. We'll see you later mom, come on girls there's no time to waste." Adagio said as she started walking out the house. 'We have a whole week until the tournament begins. Why is Dagi saying we have no time to waste? We could probably take a day or two days off and nothing would happen.' Sonata thought. 'What makes her think she's the boss of us? Just because she's the oldest doesn't mean she's the boss.' Aria thought. "See you in a while girls, make it before your curfew time," Sunset said smiling as she watched the three Dazzlings walk out of the house. 'Those girls will make it into the tournament, I just know it.' The Dazzlings started to make their way to Leon's house. If they beat Leon they would most likely be able to participate in the tournament. While they were walking to Leon's they all had the same thing in their minds. 'We're going to become A-tier bladers, join the first-ever tournament, and then win it!' They all thought. Preview: The Dazzling head over to Leon's house with two goals in their minds. Beat Leon and become A-tier Bladers to be able to participate in the tournament. During the Dazzling's battle with Leon, they get interfered with by something, or should they see someone? Who is that person and what do they want? Only time will tell. Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Insane Attack! Zone Luinor!