Marching Towards Harmony

by TrackdNTraild

Ch.1: The Dreams of a Princess

Another day, and another dream... the only time where Mystic Amethyst feels like she is truly a normal pony. The mare lets out a sigh as she enters her dream, finding herself enveloped in the scent of may bells and lavender. A cool breeze blows over her chetwode blue coat, drawing the scent in another direction. She relishes in the feelings of the dream, the only thing setting her apart from her waking nightmare. The pain in her bones and muscles has dissipated, leaving her feeling as light as a feather, and she is able to see clearly.
She lifts herself to her hooves, feeling calmness absorb her body, her face finally resting neutral. She tries to recall when she fell asleep, but cannot seem to remember the details herself. One thing she was certain of was that she didn't fall asleep immediately. After taking her sleeping pills, the chances were she blacked out, and was eventually carried to sleep. Each time she awoke in a dream, she wondered if Princess Luna had put her to sleep instead, but she never thought to ask the Princess in their nightly visits.
She stared into the distance, as the wild world grew in around her. The dark green grass grew under her hooves with every step, as she walked in the direction the scent of flowers and tea was wavering. The rest of the world was black around her; not that she cared, of course. Her eyes were trained on her hooves, watching the grass sprout into existence with each step.
" Mystic. " A voice cut through the darkness, and suddenly Mystic's world was back in colour. She looked up and blinked, and the world was full. The grass spread everywhere it could reach, and trees grew in her peripheral vision. Her eyes pointed forward. A rare smile came to her lips, and her expression fully softened.
" Hey, Luna, " Mystic said. " It's been a couple of nights, sorry. Haven't been able to get much good sleep because of my bratty sis. "
" It's quite alright, Mystic. " The night princess nodded her head in the mare's direction. She turned away, stepping out of Mystic's front view, lifting a hoof to motion to a round stone table with wooden stools on both sides. On the table was a vase with lavender, slightly flowing in the breeze. On either side of the vase were two small plates with teacups. Luna hummed as she walked alongside Mystic to the table, using her magic to summon a flowery teapot, delicately painted with lavender flowers and gold accents. She poured some tea into each cup, and took her seat. Mystic had already sat down by the time Luna took her spot, and set the teapot down beside the vase.
" Your dream was very, how should I put it... 'spotty' last night, Mystic. " Luna lifted her tea cup, taking a small sip before she continued speaking. " Was something troubling you? "
" You could say that, " Mystic grumbled, pulling her tea cup and plate closer to herself, it resting barely an inch away from the edge of the table. " I don't experience many nights where my pains wake me up or keep me from falling asleep entirely. Last night was just one of those nights. The dream itself was nice, but I knew it wasn't the same because I still felt my waking pain, and that... ruined a lot. Flowers died, trees fell, my tea was bitter; you know, the kind of stuff that predates a nightmare. "
" And yet, you did not have a nightmare? " Luna blinked. Her head tilted to the side. " I do not have many experiences with these styles of dreams. Yours are especially unique in this circumstance. "
" Oh please, don't make me feel special, Princess, " Mystic laughed. Her expression showed her sarcasm easily with the way her eyes narrowed, and the corners of her smile nearly pressed against her lower eyelashes. " There's other ponies out there who have bad dreams like this too. I'm sure you could relate; mom told me a lot about some of your nightmares. "
Luna couldn't deny that she was embarrassed with the statement. " W-well, Mystic, you must understand, my situation was quite different from yours. I did not feel pain in the way you did, and it did not reflect in my dreams that way. I do not normally arise when I do sleep, for any reason. When I am awake, I am awake. I can't simply just 'go back to bed'. Ponies like you are quite lucky with the fact you can do that at all. "
" I guess so. " Mystic shrugged her shoulders as she sipped her tea.
She wasn't quite sure how to continue the conversation, which was a first for her visits with the princess. Usually they could go back and forth for hours. Maybe it was because things seemed so much more solemn this time. Their talks seldom delved into serious topics unless Mystic was very obviously struggling with something, or she was having a nightmare and was desperate for comfort. She stared at her reflection in the tea, thinking hard. A spotty dream was a cause for concern on its own... she was quite lucky that Luna didn't look into her dreams all the time.
Mystic was willing to admit that a lot of her dreams delved into dark territory. Nightmarish ponies, an apocalypse, or her own revival of ponies for selfish purposes. Often she sang in her dreams about how joyful she was to be able to bring ponies back from the dead, and create her own army of zomponies as Empress of Equestria. Luna would no doubt show some deep concern for a dream like that, and may even bring it up to Twilight. Her expression shifted in the reflection before she lifted the cup again, drinking up the last of her tea, and pushing the cup and plate to the side.
" ...I'm not excited to wake up again, Luna. " She didn't register that she had even said those words, until Luna responded.
" I am aware, " the princess nodded to the heiress before her..
" And it isn't because of the pain this time, " Mystic continued before Luna could add another response. " It's just... I'm finally going to have my coronation tomorrow. I've reached the right age, and Twilight has been talking for days about how she's so excited to host her own coronation, and that the last coronation she ever experienced was her own when she was named the true ruler of Equestria after you and Celestia retired. Well, the last one in Canterlot anyways. "
" Ah, I remember that day, " the night princess laughed, covering her mouth with her hoof to muffle the noise a little. Her forehooves rested on the table as she recalled the event. " It was disastrous. Your mother must've felt the worst embarrassment any pony in Equestria has experienced in Millenia. "
" Twilight refuses to tell me the details... Enlighten me, Princess. Just how bad was it? " A grin came to Mystic's face as she rested her elbows on the table, hooves squishing into her cheeks to make her grin even wider. " Like on a scale of one to ten. "
" Don't tell your mother I told you anything. " Luna winked to Mystic. The mare in question nodded her head, pulling herself into a proper position.
" I Pinkie Promise not to tell Twilight. Cross my heart, hope to fly... " She lifted a hoof, covering one of her eyes with it, and shutting that eye. " Stick a cupcake in my eye. "
" Haha, do make sure that you don't break that promise. Pinkie is not going to be a happy mare if she hears about it. " Luna was well aware of how seriously Pinkie took a Pinkie Promise. She could never forget how sugar water felt on her coat, and even years later she isn't sure if all of the stars in her mane are truly stars or grains of sugar. " Well, on a scale of one to ten, I would say... this event was an eight for disaster. Let me start from the beginning, just as the ceremony was beginning... "
Mystic pulled herself forward, resting her legs on the table and holding her head up with her hooves. She stared at Luna with wide, sparkling eyes. She almost looked childish like this, but it didn't seem like she cared. She eagerly awaited Luna's explanation.
" Firstly, Twilight missed her train to come to Canterlot, so no matter what happened she was going to be late, " Luna started. " And then the train was delayed, I'm still not quite sure of the reasoning behind that... And then when she arrived here, she was... to be blunt, she was an absolute mess. Frazzled coat, tangled mane and tail, she was sweaty and out of breath... " Luna couldn't suppress her snicker at the memory.
" Oh stars, now you've got me nervous about how I'm going to appear! " Mystic cackled. She could never imagine her mother looking like such a mess, but now that she had a good idea, it was the funniest thing she'd ever been told!
" I wouldn't worry, the only thing that's going to frustrate you is going to be your coronation gown, most likely, " Luna said.
" Eh, fair point... " Mystic laughed nervously. She could only imagine what Rarity had planned for her outfit. She silently prayed for herself before clearing her throat and motioning a hoof to the rhino blue princess. " Carry on, Princess! "
" Right, of course. " Luna sipped the last of her own tea, pushing her plate and cup to the side after clearing her throat. " Celestia gave a speech to the ponies and creatures gathered around, while your horn mother fretted and fussed with Twilight's coronation gown. Eventually, when my sister stopped talking and she was ready, Twilight came out to be crowned. Aaand then promptly... tripped on her dress. "
Luna jumped with surprise from how loud Mystic had began laughing. It echoed through the empty air around the two ponies. Luna had never properly experienced a laugh this big and loud out of Mystic, but it sure was a nice sight. It took a few minutes before Mystic's laughter and gasping breaths gradually calmed. The mare wiped tears from her eyes, and sniffed, while Luna still had to blink and shake her head to process what she was seeing.
" Sweet Celestia, that is the funniest thing I've ever heard about my mom to date! " Mystic made herself laugh a little again just thinking about it. " And that's totally something that would happen to her, of course it is! "
" Yes, it is the very 'Typical Twily' thing to do, " Luna hummed with laughter herself. " And, get this, the second after Celestia and I fuse both of our crowns together to create Twilight's new crown, a spider crawls out of her sash and sits on her wing! And then, she gets pestered by butterflies and hummingbirds before we can even put the crown on her! "
" Oh, my Celestia, quit! " Mystic cackled again, her stomach beginning to hurt from her laughter. A wide smile overtook the night princess's face as she continued.
" After that, a few of our royal swans were supposed to put Twilight's crown on her, while the Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash were meant to put on a little show, " Luna continued, clearly trying not to laugh. " Apparently, Rainbow Dash missed her cue and the others took off without her, starting the show a bit early. Then, the fireworks went off and startled the swans, so Twilight and the crown went over the edge of the balcony. She was lucky she caught herself! "
" Jeeeez, talk about a disaster! " Mystic wiped a few more tears from her face, her laughter coming out as happy hums instead now. " Are you sure this doesn't land at a ten on the scale? "
" Well, to make things worse, " Luna continued the story. " The ponies below were supposed to share a toast, and the waiters were late on sending the drinks out. Worse than that, when they did serve the drinks right then, they weren't even drinks! They filled up the glasses of every pony with applesauce! "
" What?! " Mystic snorted with laughter as she tipped back in the stool, kicking her hindlegs in the air. " Oh Celestia, make it stop, this is unbearable! "
Luna herself erupted with laughter. The entire event was the single worst event they'd ever had to go through, and it figures that Twilight would be the one as the center of attention and embarrassment for it. The laughter of the two ponies filled the air, and Luna eventually calmed as tiredness spread through her body.
" Hah, my, that memory brings so much joy. I remember it as though it were yesterday. I'm surprised Celestia didn't find it as funny as I do, " Luna said through chuckles, before becoming aware of the brightening sky in their dreamscape.
" Ah, is mom raising the sun already..? " Mystic said, staring up at the sky and calming her laughter.
" It would appear so. " Luna pointed a hoof to the sky. Even in this dream, time still changed the same. The sun was beginning to change the sky from purple, to orange, to blue as it rose up into the air. " Be sure to tell your mother that you had a good dream, Mystic. Oh, and tell both her and your sister that I said hello. "
" If I don't feel too horrible, then I will, " Mystic said as she hopped to her hooves, walking alongside the table to Luna's seat as she too stood up. " I'll see you in my dream tomorrow, probably. "
" And you'll see me at the coronation. " Luna smiled at the mare as she leaned down, sharing a short hug with the heiress. Mystic's normal demeanor returned once she pulled away, staring up at Luna with cold eyes, and her typical frown.
" Try to put a smile on for your subjects, " Luna reminded her, earning an eye roll in response.
" Yeah yeah, smile and wave... I know. " Mystic scraped her hoof on the ground, lowering her head as she closed her eyes. " Tell Rarity not to put me in something too long or too flowy, okay? "
" I'll talk to the designers, don't worry, " Luna hummed joyfully. " Your horn mother isn't in charge of this, so I wouldn't worry too hard. "
Light engulfed the surroundings as Mystic was slowly awoken from her dream. As her world went white, she sighed in relief at the thought that maybe she wouldn't be so uncomfortable at her ceremony. She let her body relax a final time on the ground, waiting to wake up in her bed.
Of course, the discomfort of being in a dress would be nothing compared to the immense pain that thrashed around in her body as she was brought back to reality. That all-too-familiar buzz in her horn and wings was ever so strong, making her head feel fuzzy. Her body was shaky as she woke and lifted herself from her mattress. Her back popped as she stretched, and she felt as though she had been sleeping for a thousand moons. Her ears perked as she heard knocking at the door, and turned her head to face it so her voice could be properly heard.
" I'm up! I'm up... what do you want? " That low hiss had returned to her voice, showcasing her pain for all living ponies to hear, if they chose to pay attention.
" Sorry, did my knocking wake you Mystic? " Ah, it was Rarity at the door. " I hope not... I just wanted to come see if you were willing to come to breakfast with your mother and I, and Lapis. I decided to make brunch this morning, and I was hoping that you would eat with us for a change, due to your coronation being today? "
Right, Mystic almost forgot about that right away. Her coronation is today, she's going to have the Princess title for once. Fantastic... She sighed, and facehoofed herself, deciding to respond after a brief silence as she rubbed sleep from her eyes.
" Gimme a minute to take my pills and I'll be down, " Mystic finally replied.
" We'll be waiting, dear! I'll try to keep your food warm! " Rarity said back as she trotted away from the door, her hoofsteps becoming lighter and lighter the further away she went.
Mystic grumbled as she dragged herself into her personal bathroom, using her magic to drag a stool across the floor in front of the sink and mirror. She hopped on top of it and sat down, staring at herself. She still looked as tired as ever, but her hair was a lot nicer than it typically was. It didn't take much effort to brush it out, making it silky smooth once more. She pulled a hair tie out of the drawer, tying back up her usual bun and using her magic to fluff it out. She shook her head, moving her hair around and making sure that it was all straight. Well, if she was going to look like a mess like Twilight did at her coronation, she at least wanted to take in her natural 'beauty' before then.
She yawned, stretching out her body again as she brushed her teeth, and filled up a glass with water. She took a deep breath as she popped a pill in her mouth, and drank the entire glass of water to push it down into her stomach. The pain would dull soon enough, hopefully before the coronation began. She stared into her pill bottle. She was getting low again. It was hard to believe that it had almost been an entire week since her last visit to the hospital. She made a mental note to pay them a visit after the coronation so she could get a refill.
" Mystiiic! " Twilight sang out from downstairs, making Mystic groan from her impatience.
" Coming, motheeer! '' Mystic overemphasized the word as she trotted out of the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind her.
She headed to her door, throwing it open and stepping into the hall. She practically slammed the door shut the second that she was outside, and pranced through the hallway to get to the staircase. She trotted down the stairs, letting out a yawn and feeling her tail bump each step on the way down.
She rubbed her eyes as she reached the bottom of the stairs, her hooves clicking against the crystalline floor of the castle and echoing across every wall in the open space. She hated how open the dining room was, but god forbid she be allowed to eat in the comfort of her room. She mumbled in frustration as she got to the table, and took a seat alongside Lapis Lazulight, her sister who was facedown in her pancakes, shoving as much as she could down her throat. She barely took notice of the fact that Mystic was even here.
" Can you have a little decency, Laz? " Mystic grumbled, putting her hooves up on the table.
" Nope, " was Lapis's response when she pulled her head up, mouth cartoonishly larger than usual from the mass amount of pancakes in her mouth. Mystic shuddered. The sound of speaking with a full mouth, and the sight of someone speaking with a full mouth was enough to make her lose her appetite, but she could force herself to eat if she had to. She simply tried to pretend that Lapis wasn't even at the table right now. It's okay, Mystic, Lapis is just screaming her lungs out at karaoke with her friends, she's not shoving pancakes down her throat as fast as possible while eating with you and your moms. Yeah, that's convincing. She hoped her thoughts could buy her time to get hungry again.
" It's so nice to have you joining us this time around, Mystic, " Rarity said happily. She lifted her fork and knife off the table, cutting into her eggs and picking them up with her fork. She folded a piece of bacon and stuck it on the fork as well, but not before dipping it in a little bit of syrup. " I made you an egg and cheese sandwich, and a few pancakes just like the rest of us. There's also some bacon still left if you want to make your sandwich a little more... extravagant. " The white mare giggled as she pushed her fork into her mouth, biting off her breakfast skewer.
" Thanks, " Mystic hummed as she pulled one of the bread slices off to get to work.
She took 3 pieces of bacon off the extra plate, and put them on top of the slice of cheese on the sandwich. She even picked up one of her pancakes, and put it in the sandwich. It was only a little bigger than the bread, it would be fine. She put the slice back on top, and took a big bite from it. Once she had chewed and swallowed it down, a small smile came to her face.
" That's not bad, actually, " Mystic said. " The eggs taste better this time around. "
" Oh, I helped Rarity with that part! " Twilight waved her hoof. She had been mostly quiet, eating her own food. Half her plate was already gone. As she spoke, she was buttering one of her slices of toast, and putting some zap apple jam on it. " We noticed that when we scramble your eggs, you like putting salt and pepper on them, so when she was cooking on the stove, I suggested she cook salt and pepper directly in the egg, and it turned out great! "
" Oooh yeah, this is a keeper, " Mystic chuckled as she took another bite. " Definitely gonna do the egg-cheese-bacon-pancake thing again. This shit is good. "
" Language at the table, miss! " Rarity's tone was somewhat stern, but she had a sweet smile on her face.
" Sorry mother, " Mystic rolled her eyes, keeping a smile of her own. It was nice sitting at the table and eating with her family for once... maybe she should consider it more often.