(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress)

by zodia

Chapter 7: Memories

Chapter 7

Apple Jack stand up and walk slowly to her parents "Mom... Dad... Is that really you?" Asked Apple Jack.

Pear Butter approached her and touched both of her cheeks "Look at you... Your all grown up... *smiles*" said Pear Butter.

Then Apple Jack looked at Bright mac "I thought you were... You were..." Said Apple Jack but just before she got to finish what she about to say her mother spoke.

"Shhh... It's okay where here now... But... We also can't stay long..." Said Pear Butter.

Apple Jack's eyes widen "What do you mean... That you can't stay long?" Asked Apple Jack.

Starlight glimmer pat Apple Jack in the back and point at the direction where Zack is laying down, then they both walked towards him "This is why... Your parents are only able to exist in this realm because of the spell Zack casted on them. But in return... They may get to live but Zack will slowly fade and die" said Starlight.

Pear Butter holds Apple Jack's arm "He wants to tell you but he doesn't know how...if your Rush, Hearty and Lazuline don't get back soon he will really die" said Pear Butter.

Bright Mac hugged Apple Jack "I'm sure you don't wanna exchange a life for another life... But don't worry he will find away to permanently bring us back" said Bright Mac.

Everyone just stopped Talking when they heard Starlight gasped "Where too late... His completely gone" said Starlight.

Apple Jack heard something on the back and she saw Sunset on her knees covering her mouth, as Sunset's tears fall from her eyes the room suddenly filled with bright light.... (Back to your point of view).

Your eyes widen as you hear those words then suddenly a bright light filled the room "What's happening... Is this a dream... It's a dream right" you said, then suddenly the ground started breaking then you fall into a dark pit that almost like that it's buttomless.

After falling for 30 minutes you were still falling when all of sudden you heard someone calling your name and telling you to wake up... But also your hearing someone say that "its not to late and he is not dead but he is suspended and unconscious... In order to save him at least make her remember him and she will know what to do" said by the mysterious voice.

When you opened your eyes you saw your mother "Finally your awake come on and get ready if you don't want to be late for school" said your mother.

You scratch your head out of confusion "umm... Okay mom... I'll be down in a minute" you said.

Your mother let out sigh "Well hurry up... Your father in on leave today and his willing to give you a ride" said your mother.

You rushed to the window on where you can see Zack's room or his house since he lives alone the moment you sway the curtains your eyes widen since the house was no longer there like it never existed.

As you stare at the window you heard your mother shout "RUSH COME ON" shouted your mother.

You took a bath and went downstairs immediately "Sorry mom just I just took a bath" you said, you took a piece of bread and left.

You heard them calling you but you ignored them and rushed towards the bus stop. When you got to the bus stop there's no one there but the bus just arrived in time.

When you arrived at Canterlot University you saw Rainbow Dash walking down the stairs along with Twilight, You walk towards them to check something that is in your mind "Hi Rainbow... Hi Twilight" You said.

Twilight giggled so does Rainbow Dash "We'll what do you know the quiet kid can speak" said Rainbow Dash.

You got confused its like she doesn't even know you "Umm have we hanged out before?" You asked.

Rainbow Pat you in the shoulder "I'm pretty sure we didn't since you always eat alone... Plus you never said anything our whole high school life" said Rainbow.

You can't believe what you just heard as you felt your chest got heavier "Nevermind... I'll just go..." You said, then you just walked past them, you also walked past Rarity, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Hearty Fan... Its almost like everything that you and your friends been into never happened.

As you walk towards the hall Lazuline put her arm around you "Hey Rushie how are ya" said Lazuline, you looked at her then hugged her.

"Hey... Umm... Everything alright?" Asked Lazuline, as she scrubs your back.

Your tears begun to fall and your voice started trembling "No... I... I... Don't know..." You said.

Lazuline pull out and hold both of your cheeks "Hey why don't we go to the cafeteria and have some coffee since we really don't have anything to do this whole day because of the Canterlot Ball. So let's go to the cafeteria and talk about your problem and ill try to help in anyway I can" said Lazuline.

You went to the cafeteria with Lazuline and explained everything to her "So the lasting you remember is that you passed out on cave while carrying me on your back... On a cave... Wait... Ate you sure, you didn't hit your head. Also as far as I know Rainbow's boyfriend is Soarin" said Lazuline.

Your eyes widen "I'm sorry who?..." You asked.

Looks like you made Lazuline nervous "We'll... Umm never mind that part you also mentioned that someone told you... That you have to a certain girl to make him remember who ever this Zack is" said Lazuline.

You sigh "Yes... And I just don't know who... Maybe you or one of my other friends that is now have no clue who I am... *sigh* why is this happening to me" you said, then you banged your head on the table.

Lazuline pat you in the back "Well this Friday the Canterlot Ball will be held at the new gym... Might as well asked you what are you gonna do now... I mean Rainbow was supposed to be with you" said Lazuline.

You sigh "Well I'm pissed... Really pissed but I don't think there's anything I can do right now" you said.

After along day helping the other students prepare for the Canterlot Ball along with Lazuline, you immediately went home but as your walking towards where you live, you saw Sunset starting at the empty lot where Zack's house was supposed to be.

You approach her "Umm hi... Can I ask you what you are staring at?" You asked.

Sunset looked worried about something as he stare at the empty lot then she looked at you with a smile "Well... I heard that there was an empty lot here since... Umm... I'm looking for a place that me and my friends could gather and have a picnic..." Said Sunset.

You got confused "A picnic on an empty lot inside a subdivision... Seriously?" You asked.

Then she nervously laugh "Well *ahem* that's right I mean... This is a nice neighborhood hehe... Well see ya" said Sunset, then she just casually walked away.

You just shaped your head and just went inside you house "A picnic... *sigh* been a while since we had one of those" as you said those words, you smiled.

You looked around the house to see what you can do, since all this magical stuff is just getting too much to handle... You don't even know why your looking for stuff to do in your house it's not gonna help... Then you remembered something... "The portal... Maybe... One of the Princess can help me... Though I have no idea what its like there... I never been into that world where Sunset... Sunset, wait. Make her remember and she will know what to do" you said, then you smacked your head as you realized who you need to get help from, but at the same time it also crossed your mind is it really her.

So you made the decision to go through the portal first and see what you can find before you reach out to Sunset. While you were walking in front of the school you saw Rainbow with someone and it looks like his with that guy named Saorin. Since he's putting his arms around Rainbow seeing Rainbow with another man makes you anxious.

You tried your best to ignore them and just walk in front of the portal. When you just about to step in, you heard Rainbow shout "HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" shouted Rainbow.

You looked back, And saw them running towards you with out any hesitation, you closed your eyes and you feel like your gonna throw up as you travel between space and time. When suddenly you stopped feeling dizzy and saw Zack right in front of you floating while unconscious you tried reaching out your hand to get to him but the moment you got close. A Bright light suddenly burst and making you lose your conscious bit by bit.

When you woke up, you saw a pony with purple hair and mane starting at you "Umm... You okay?" Said Twilight, you gasp and tried to get up on your feet but you just fell back down.

You looked at your hands... Uh oh where's your hands "Hooves why do I have hooves?" You said.

Twilight help you get up with her magic "Hi I'm princess Twilight Sparkle it's nice to meet you... umm... You are?" Said Twilight.

You cleared your throat "Oh umm I'm Emerald Rush... Did you just say that your name is Twilight sparkle" you said, with confusion.

Twilight was just about to talk when Sunset shimmer came out of the portal "There you are! What are you doing?" Said Sunset shimmer.

You sigh and since she here you decided to tell them about what actually is going on "Sunset and Princess... Twilight there's something that you have to know" you said, with a serious tone of voice.

Twilight pick up the hint that it is important while Sunset was standing there with confusion "Rush... Sunset this way" said Twilight, then she walked walk towards to the other room, then both of you followed her.

Sunset looked at you "Hey what is it? I mean you coming here is there something going on that is really big, That forced you to go here and seek for help?" Asked Sunset.

You looked down for now as you both follow Twilight, then a couple minutes later Twilight brought you to a room with a huge table that is surrounded by 7 chairs that looks like a throne "Pls sit down and say what we need to know" said Twilight.

You sigh "Well I just wanna ask first do you know anything about the prince of creation?" You asked.

Twilight touch her chin with her hoof "Well there's only one book that is written about him... And also why do you ask his nothing more but a legend he never existed" said Twilight.

You smack your hooves on the Table "His REAL... And his my best friend... *sigh*" you said, Sunset and Twilight looked startled but also worried.

You sigh once more "I'll start from where Zack and I part ways, it's on hotel somewhere on the glimmer city and I left Zack in Starlight's hands *sigh* Sunset you know Zack more than I am... You two had a strong bond well mostly because you two are a couple" You said.

Sunset blushed a little bit "I'm sorry what?... Did you just say Zack... Zackodia?" Said Sunset.

Your eyes widen "Yes... Yuzuru Zackodia... I don't know what happened but back in the hotel Apple Jack found out that her parents were alive and they had little talk. But little did they know that Zack already disintegrate completely and sadly you saw how he vanished... And all of sudden the room was filled with a bright light" you said, you stopped for a moment since you noticed tears dripping out from Sunsets eyes.

Twilight scrub Sunset Back " Are you okay?" She asked.

Sunset wipe her tears "Why am I... Crying I don't remember anything yet I can feel something" said Sunset.

You gulped and decided to keep going "while I was falling I heard a voice that told me too make her remember and she will know what to do... And I believe that it is you Sunset... You are the key on whatever is happening right now" you said.

Sunset looked at you in the eyes "Tell me... What am I exactly to him... And what is he like... Why do feel like I know him and at the same time I don't" said Sunset.

"Rush you said... You were in the room but you also said that you part ways with him... It doesn't make sense" said Twilight.

"I don't know either... But when I was carrying Lazuline on my back I started losing my conscious because of a gas that is emitting on the walls of that cave... Then boom I was in the room though I'm sure that no one can see me... I'm not sure how I got ther but i believe that Zack's death affected the way lives somehow and I we need to know why"you said.

After a long chat with Twilight, she decided to see what she can do to help but in order for her to do that you have to make Sunset Remember and restore her memories... Somehow since she might know what to do.

When you and Sunset returned to your actual world Sunset looked at you in eyes "Say... What makes you think that it is me... You know to save him or whatever..." Said Sunset.

You smiled "We'll your the one that came in my mind first so I just followed my gut and it looks like it really is you" said Sunset.

She smiled back "Well I guess will be hanging around then... And somehow find away to restore what is actuallyour lives supposed to be" Said Sunset, then Sunset raise her fist.

"Well Emerald Rush looks like I'll be your partner in crime for a while... And are you serious Rainbow and you suppose to be... You know a thing" said Sunset.

You smiled and gave her a first bump "Yeah I'm pretty sure... I can't believe that Saorian guy is actually her" you said, as you both looked at the distance where you can see in front of the school.