//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: The Centaur Conspiracy // by 5u0myn0n4 //------------------------------// In the previous chapter, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and her sister Amber Glow, had found Tirek's old home of Midnight Castle. Although, the place was not really what they expected. At the castle gates, they were greeted by a new character none of them had seen previously. His name was Torre, and he was also a centaur. His age was hard to guess at, but his skin seemed fresher than Tirek's, which would land him at least a few years younger. Torre showed the group around Midnight Castle. Overall, it was the same layout Tirek was familiar with, but quite a lot of stuff was rearranged. There was no sign of Tirek's parents, King Vorak or Queen Haydon. Not even his brother Scorpan was here. After a long tour of the first floor of the castle, Torre sat every creature down for a casual dinner. It was here that the strange nature of this day was eating away at the legion. "You said there's more of you here. Who else occupies this castle?" Chrysalis asked. Torre finished his sip before speaking. "My leader is a very strong individual. It was him who's made such wonderful progress returning this place to its former glory." Torre explained. "I demand that you take us to the one in charge here!" Tirek exclaimed. Cozy looked at Tirek, and gestured, urging him to lower his temper. He did just that. "I humbly request to meet your leader." Tirek said. "Are you guys sure you're ready? You've only just come in and there's still so much to explore-" Torre said. "I demand to see whoever is in charge of this establishment!" Amber exclaimed. *ahem* "Of course." Torre said. The other centaur stood up, and showed them the way. He stood by the entrance of a large stairwell. "His majesty's throne room is this way." Torre said. Torre led them up the stairs. They each looked at each other nervously as they climbed the tower. "What were you saying earlier, about there not being other centaurs?" Amber asked. "There aren't. At least, none that I ever saw for myself. So seeing this guy is a huge surprise to me." Tirek explained. "We're here." Torre said, at the top of the stairwell. "Now, tread carefully. Though his majesty is quite powerful, he hates being disturbed. "Oh for goodness sakes." Tirek cried out. "Uh, allow me." Torre said. Torre opened the door which led to the throne room. "Your majesty! Lord Tsourakis!" Torre said. "Permission to enter the throne room?" "Torre. You brought guests." they said. "Yes. Visitors. I saw them wandering this desolate land all by themselves. It only seemed courteous to welcome them into the castle." Torre explained. "Please forgive me for doing so without permission." "Oh, no need to apologize. You know as well as I do that we relish in the honor of welcoming guests to our castle." they said. "I uh... woah..." At the end of the throne room, sat Tsourakis[Tsou-ra-kis]. The creature was mostly covered in a cloak. Although, they appeared to also be centaur in nature. They were large. About one and a half times the height of Tirek, even when sitting down. Tsourakis examined the creatures in front of him. "Hmm. What have we here?" he wondered. "Uh... Mr. Tsouraka... tsouroc... *ahem* We are but humble travelers on a quest to uh... uncover the mysterious of what happened to this place." Cozy said. "I see." Tsourakis said. "Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Cozy Glow, and this little pocket of energy is my little sister, Amber! Behind me is Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis." "Hmm. Oh that won't do." Tsourakis said. "What won't do? Did we do something wrong?" Cozy asked. "Those names just won't do. I shall call you, Brooke." Tsourakis said to Cozy. "Brooke? Sure I guess. Is that a reference to the Rook on my flank? My name's Cozy as I just said." "The little filly wrapped in your arms I shall call Checkers." he said. Amber blushed with mild embarrassment and anger. Checkers? Really? "And uh... the rest of your names are fine I suppose." Tsourakis said. Chrysalis stood forward, but did not bow to them. "Pleasure to meet you Tsourakis." Chrysalis said. "It's uh, a nice place you got set up here." "Indeed it is. To recover a crumbling infrastructure, and turn it into something more spectacular." Tirek was not amused by this new guy and his boastful insensitive word salad. "Forgive us, but, we still have so many questions." Amber said. "Hmm. Since you caught me in a good mood, allow me to give you a tour." Tsourakis said. "No need to trouble yourself, sir. I got this covered so you don't have to." Torre said. "No no, Torre. It'll be my pleasure." Tsourakis said. The creature stood up slowly. He was lumbering, but study it seemed. The legion looked at each other, perplexed. "You'll be forgiven for the poor condition of the place. While progress has been great, there is work to be done." Torre said. "As yes, Midnight Castle has been in quite a state of disrepair for some time." Tsourakis said. "And why would that be?" Amber asked. "Well, as impressive as the architecture is, no infrastructure is safe from the wear and tear of time. It's amazing what vacancy can do to a place." Tsourakis replied. "Vacancy you say..." Tirek asked. "How long has this place been vacant?" Cozy asked. "Uh... long as I can recall." Tsourakis said. "We found this place empty and in desperate need of repair." "Empty huh?" Chrysalis said. "But, no. This is Tirek's home. Where's King Vorak? Or his mother?" Amber asked. "Amber!" Cozy said. "Shh!" Tsourakis put his fingers to his chin and thought long and hard. "Ah yes, the names you spoke. The original builders of this castle. I'm sorry to say that they are not here." "What makes you so sure?" Cozy asked. "I assure you lot, but my cohort and I found this castle empty as we've said before. Neither of us have been able to come to any firm conclusions as to what may have happened to them." he said. "I see..." Cozy said. "But that doesn't mean that we can't investigate right?" Amber said. "What was that, little Checkers?" Tsouraskis asked. "I said, let's try to find out what happened to Tirek's parents!" Amber said. "I do suppose there's a chance that they're... out there somewhere." Tsourakis said. "Oh won't you please please help us solve this mystery Mr. Tyronicus? Mr. ta-rockus?" Amber asked. "If there are answers regarding the creatures you seek, I'd be more than glad to help guide you on your quest for answers. It's the least I can do to ease the minds of fellow curious vagabonds." he said. The legion were on uneasy terms with this new guy. They wondered if he knew more than he was letting on. Meanwhile, Grogar and Sludge were hard at work on their next objective. Previously, Sludge had suggested they recruit the likes of the Mane-iac, a villain from the Power Ponies comic franchise. They found an old abandoned tree, which appeared to at one point have been some creature's laboratory, judging from all the books and potions left over. This was the perfect place to set up shop. "I have to admit, dragon, this might be your first good idea you've had so far." Grogar admitted. "I may not be an idea dragon, but I am a doing dragon." Sludge said. The two of them made the necessary preparations. "Now just a pinch of magic dust..." "And add a pegasus feather..." Sludge used his fire breath to light a fire underneath the pot. After letting it cook for just a few moments, it was time for the last ingredient. "And now..." Sludge ripped the center two pages from the Power Ponies comic, and gently placed it on the surface of the cauldron's bubbly fluid. The fluid turned from green to purple, and started to glow. It was a promising sign. The cauldron got hotter and brighter. The two of them backed up while the fluid boiled and bubbled. *BOOM* In a flash of light, a tall figure emerged from the plumes of smoke teeming from the pot. "BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!" The Mane-iac awakens! The Mane-iac rose from the cauldron. The sinister villain looked down, and saw the two creatures who created her. "Huh?" The Mane-iac looked around, and was not the least bit excited about what she saw. "This isn't Maretropolis. Who are you two?" she asked. "I need no introduction. I am Grogar. Father of Monsters. All shall tremble beneath my hooves!" he exclaimed. "You're just some old blue goat with smelly attitude." Mane-iac said. "You will obey me!" Grogar exclaimed. "As if. You guys look lame. I'm gonna latch my hair onto that window sill, and swing my way out of your parameters." she said. Mane-iac was about to leave, but Sludge couldn't let her go. "Wait. Mane-iac!" Mane-iac stopped, and listened to him. "Listen to our plea." Sludge said. "We humbly request the services and assistance of your awesome prowess on our quest for power and revenge." Mane-iac put one of her hair strands to her chin and thought. "Hmm. Sorry, but the Mane-iac doesn't serve peasant creatures such as yourselves." she said. "Your enemies are the Power Ponies right? Well, what if I told you the Power Ponies were here!" Sludge said. Sludge had a picture of the mane 6 and Spike next to a illustration of the Power Ponies. "Them mane 6 sure look a lot like your Power Ponies." Sludge added. "Those Power Ponies are here? First Maretropolis, and now this realm?" Mane-iac asked. Grogar took a moment to step in, now that they had Mane-iac's attention. "Why settle for one city? Here in Equestria, there are sources of power capable of befalling nations." Grogar explained. "Go on." Mane-iac said. "Would you settle for queen of cosmetics? We can show you how to be ruler of the world." Grogar said. "I do like the idea of world domination." Mane-iac said. Mane-iac latched her hair to the ceiling and swung herself around, and laughed excitedly. "Very well. I shall watch over the two of you while I lead you guys to victory." Mane-iac said. "Excellent!" Sludge exclaimed. "Wait. I'm the leader here!" Grogar said. "Nuh-uh." Mane-iac said.