//------------------------------// // The Mysterious Tower/"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" // Story: Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey: Fantasia // by Mister V //------------------------------// “And now we're going to hear a piece of music that tells a very definite story.” Deems Taylor said. “As a matter of fact, in this case, the story came first and the composer wrote the music to go with it.” “It's a very old story, one that goes back almost 2,000 years.” Mister V replied. “A legend about a sorcerer who had a small group of apprentices. one of them was a bright young lad, very anxious to learn the business. As a matter of fact, he was a little bit too bright, because he would often practice some of the boss's best magic tricks before learning how to control them. One day, for instance, when he'd been told by his master to carry water to fill a cauldron, he had the brilliant idea of bringing a broomstick to life to carry the water for him. Well, this worked very well, at first. Unfortunately, however, having forgotten the magic formula that would make the broomstick stop carrying the water, he found he'd started something he couldn't finish, even with the help of his friends.” Our heroes entered the room through a portal while admiring Fluttershy’s flute. “Your flute is absolutely amazing, Fluttershy.” Rarity said. “Thank you, Rarity.” Fluttershy said in gratitude. “I guess I was meant to play the flute.” “Well, I hope you guys are ready for a truly epic tale.” Louise began. “Because next up is the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, a piece of music that tells the story of a sorcerer with magic powers, and how that magic almost flooded his workshop at the hands of an apprentice.” “Ooh, that does sound pretty epic.” Pinkie Pie replied. “In fact, I’d say that we will barely come out of this one alive. So what are we waiting for, Easter? Let’s do it!” As the music began, the world around our heroes changed to a deep dark hall way with a light at the end of it. Upon reaching it, they see a powerful sorcerer with a hat atop his head decorated with moons and stars, a long gray beard reaching down underneath his chest and small eyes with tiny pupils as well as a long aqua-colored vestment that covers his entire body, save for his arms and feet. (Pause at 0:32) “Hey, don’t that fella look familiar?” Applejack asked. “Yes, that’s Master Yen Sid, the sorcerer The Blue Fairy told us about.” Trinity said in surprise. “The one that might just help me figure out who I am.” It was then that they also saw an anthropomorphic mouse dressed in a red robe with big round ears, cute eyes and a small nose walk up some stairs with two buckets in his hands. “Who’s that little guy?” Sunset asked. “I don’t know, but let’s give him a hand.” Twilight replied as she and the rest of the group walked up the stairs. The little mouse stopped half way to catch his breath when he sees Applejack lift up one of the buckets. “Thought you could use a hand, friend.” She said as she carried the bucket with ease, while the mouse carried the other bucket with the others behind them. Applejack and the mouse take the buckets to a cauldron, where they poured all the water into it. “Gee, thanks pals.” The mouse said. “I’m Mickey Mouse.” "It's nice to meet you." Sunset replied. "I'm Sunset Shimmer. This is Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, Jiminy Cricket, Louis and Trinity. What are you doing?" “I’m just taking water to this cauldron for my master Yen Sid.” Mickey answered. “It’s one of the many chores I have to do everyday. But I don’t mine, because someday, I’m going to be a powerful sorcerer myself. Just look at what he can do.” (Resume Video) The entire group then watched as Yen Sid made some smoke take on the form of a giant bat before it changed shape and color to be come a brightly colored butterfly, much to the surprise of the group. (Pause at 1:01) “Wow!” The entire group said in wonder. “I know, right?” Mickey replied. “That part of why I became an apprentice, so that I can do great magic like him.” (Resume Video) Yen Sid then retracted the magic back into a skull, resulting in a flash of light that nearly blinded the group watching. When they regained sight, they saw Yen Sid yawn as he put his hat down. But as he left, the hat still shined with magical energy. The sorcerer then walked up the stairs with the small group of heroes sneaking up behind him, only to stop at the base of the stairs. Mickey looked back at the hat with a smile before racing over to the table to put the hat on his head. This made his new friends confused. (Pause at 1:45) “Mickey, what are you doing?” Twilight asked in concern. “I’ve got a great idea.” Mickey said as he pointed to a broom in the corner. “See that broom over there? If I concentrate, I can use the magic in this hat to bring that broom to life. Then, I can command it to get water from the well and take to the cauldron. Once Master Yen Sid sees how well I used the magic in his hat, he might teach me how to be a real sorcerer.” “I don’t know if this is a good idea.” Sunset replied. “I’ve learned the hard way that magic can be hard to control.” “Don’t worry, there’s a formula I can use to stop it if necessary.” Mickey stated. “Here we go!” (Resume Video) Mickey then said a series of magic words and waved his hands around as magic flew through the air and into the broom. Then, as he wiggled his fingers around at great speed, our heroes were surprised to see the broom actually come to life before their eyes. (Pause at 2:05) “Wow!” Pinkie Pie said in amazement. “It actually worked!” “See?” Mickey said in confidence “This is a piece of cake when you know how it works.” “I guess it’s okay.” Sunset said. (Resume Video) Mickey then proceeded to make the now alive broom hop over to him. Then when he was in between the two buckets, the magic inside the broom made it sprout two arms. (Pause at 2:16) “Now then broom, I command you to take those two buckets, go up to the well at the top of the stairs, fill the buckets with water, then take the water to the cauldron to be poured in. (Resume Video) As if to respond, the broom started marching to the staircase leading to the well with our band of heroes close behind. They watched as the broom flawlessly filled the buckets with water, then marched back down the stairs and to the cauldron, where he poured them out of the buckets and into the cauldron with perfect timing. The broom then proceeded to march back to the well to repeat the process over again. (Pause at 3:12) “What did I tell ya?” Mickey said in pride. “The broom is doing my chore with flawlessness.” “I guess it’s going well.” Sunset said. “But we’ll need that stop formula just in case.” “Okay, it’s on the big red book shelf on the wall.” Mickey replied, knowing that Sunset is the kind of person who doesn’t take too many chances. (Resume Video) Sunset and the others then walked to a big book shelf that was 10 feet and 5 inches tall. They did have to climb a bit, but they soon found the book they were looking for, and it was much bigger then they thought. Meanwhile Mickey soon got tired of watching the broom marching back and forth and decided to take a nap. Our heroes soon see Mickey sleeping like a log. (Pause at 3:50) “Aww, he’s actually kinda cute when he sleeps like a baby bunny in a bed of cotton.” Applejack said. “I wonder what he’s dreaming about.” Jiminy replied in wonder. (Resume Video) Inside Mickey’s head, we will show you readers what he’s dreaming about. We see Mickey climbing up the a stone staircase to the top of a huge mountain with the confidence of a powerful wizard. He started practicing making the stars twinkle in the night sky, just by pointing at them. Then, by motioning his hands, he made the stars race and dance around him. Then he turned the milky way Galaxy into chocolate ice cream, then strawberry, then pineapple, then raspberry. Then he made clusters of stars collide with each other, turning them into sparkles to decorate the water. Then he made the waters rise in waves high enough to reach him. Then dark clouds built up over head, and Mickey made the lightning flash with a wave of his hands as the waves continued to crash. (Pause at 5:10) “I am Mickey Mouse!” He said in everlasting pride. “I am the greatest sorcerer of all! Master over all of time and space itself!” Just then, he heard a voice from beyond. “Mickey…..” it said. “Mickey…..” The voice was coming from Rainbow Dash, who was trying to wake him up. (Resume Video) “Mickey!” She said in a panic. “Come on, man, wake up! We got trouble!” Mickey finally opens his eyes and sees his surroundings. Water sloshes around him as he is rocked off of his chair by an immense flood caused by the broom, who was still bringing water to the cauldron. (Pause at 5:20) “What?” He said groggily before noticing the situation. “What's happening?!?” “We're in a flood!” Applejack said in fear. “Like we’ve never seen before! If we don't do something quick, we're gonna sink!!” “I’m trying to find the for find the formula to make the broom stop, but this book is bigger then I thought it would be.” Twilight added. “You guys try and slow him down, Jiminy and I’ll keep looking. (Resume Video) The group nodded as they raced to stop the broom as it came down the stairs. They tried to block its path, but all it did was knock them out of the way. They tried dragging it down by holding on to the buckets, but even Applejack’s strength couldn’t stop the broom from pouring more water into the cauldron. Finally, after chasing the broom, they all grabbed axes and started hacking away at the broom, chopping it down into a million pieces. (Pause at 6:00) “Phew, that was close.” Mickey said in relief. “Maybe my idea wasn’t so hot after all.” “I’ll say.” Applejack said. “But at least we stopped it before it got out of hand.” “Yes, but we should clean up down stairs before Yen Sid gets back.” Trinity concluded. (Resume Video) The group were about to leave when they saw something odd going on with the small pieces of wood scattered across the floor. They saw the pieces jump up and down like jumping beans, almost in the blink of an eye, all those million pieces of broom had become a million brooms. The group locked and barred the door in fear before racing down the stairs. (Pause at 6:45) “Twilight!” Spike said in terror. “We got a big problem.” “Bigger then using a book for a lifeboat?” Twilight replied. “How’s that?” (Resume Video) Just then, the door upstairs bursts open and the army of brooms marches to the cauldron to fill it up with water. Our heroes managed to snag some stray buckets to bail the water out of the building, but the brooms were bringing in more water than our heroes were letting out. Soon our heroes found themselves in a magical bubble underwater. (Pause at 7:14) “Girls, I don’t think this is working.” Rarity said. “Well, we can’t just give up.” Applejack replied. “We’ll just have to thing of something else.” “Uh, does the book feel like it’s moving to anyone else?” Mickey asked in confusion. (Resume Video) The book was indeed moving. in fact, it was moving with the current so fast that Applejack was beginning to feel seasick from the rocking of the book. As brooms marched into the water, our heroes scoured through the book to find the stop spell. (Pause at 7:45) “Now, let’s see, we must hurry.” Trinity said frantically. “Love potions, no.” Trinity said. “Werewolves, nope.” Rainbow Dash said. “Llamas, nuh in.” Fluttershy said. “Warts, absolutely not.” Rarity said. “Soda fountain, maybe later.” Pinkie Pie said slyly. “Sponges, might help, but not much.” Spike said. “Waterfalls, oh heavens no!” Jiminy said fear stricken. “Where is the S section for sticks?” Sunset asked in a panic. “I thought we were looking for the B section for brooms.” Mickey replied. (Resume Video) The room was filling with water fast, and our heroes were stuck in a huge whirlpool. (Pause at 7:57) “Any more of this, and I’ll be blowing lots of chunks.” Applejack said, ready to burst. (Resume Video) Suddenly, a large shadow appeared. It was Yen Sid who had returned to investigate the noises coming from downstairs, only to see a huge mess of water. He spoke not a word, but waved his hands into the air and made everything stop. The water dissolved into mist, the brooms all froze and became lifeless, and our heroes crawled out of the big book to Yen Sid standing above them. (Pause at 8:37) “Uh, oh.” Sunset said in concern. The entire group stood up in a single file line, starting with Sunset and ending with Mickey, who sniffled and sneezed. “Oh, I’m sorry, Master Yen Sid.” He said. “I thought I’d impressed you by doing some magic. What are you going to do with me?” (Resume Video) Well, again, the sorcerer spoke not a word, but instead pointed to his hat. Mickey took the hat off his hat, noticed that the tip was bent and fixed it before handing it back to Yen Sid. The sorcerer then pointed to a broom next to Sunset, and she gave it to the sorcerer to. Then using his magic, Yen Sid moved Mickey to the other side of him, took careful aim, and swung the broom directly to Mickey’s posterior. Yen Sid then turned to the others and motioned for them to follow him upstairs.