//------------------------------// // Songs of Redemption (Interlude Chapter) // Story: 20-04 // by MellowSoul //------------------------------// In the confines of Rainbow's room, the Pegasus thrashed around with a smile on her face, viciously strumming her guitar to the sound of pounding drums and Twilight's shouts. "There is nothing in me that you don't have deep within your fucking self! The body is weak, but the mind is strong, and it controls the body! You are not a slave, and I am not a superhero!" Rainbow turned to her Dragon Ball Z anime poster she used as motivation to keep herself in shape. "The difference between hard and impossible is a thousand miles wide, but that's not what you want to hear! Don't live a lifetime of regret! Is there a moment of discomfort, never knowing how great it feels to be free!?" Rainbow let the last chord ring out until the signal faded. "That was fuckin' awesome," she exclaimed, "Why didn't I know about those guys sooner!?" "Batman." "Of course." "Did you know positive hardcore is its own sub-genre?" "For real?" "It started out competing against the darker imagery and lyrics in metalcore. I guess they were just as tired of depression as I am." "Ya seem to be doing better these days." "I feel it since meeting you guys. I feel like my life has a sense of meaning and purpose again." "Finding like-minded people tends to have that effect. Builds a sense of community and kinship." "I owe you guys." "Hey, don't even sweat it. Just pay it forward." Twilight nodded. "So...Wanna watch a porno?" "May as well disappoint my folks at least once in my life."