//------------------------------// // Chapter 29: Scootaloo the Flightless Engine // Story: MLP: The Equestrian Engines // by SuperSamYoshi //------------------------------// The CMC have been working on the Skarloey Railway for a while now, this chapter focuses on one of them, Scootaloo. Now Scootaloo is a hard-working engine, but she lets her important jobs go to her smokebox, and often rushed her normal work. One day, The Thin Controller came to see her. “Scootaloo, I'm pleased with your work lately, “he said, “Now you must learn a difficult part of the line. We call it ‘The Mountain Road’.” Scootaloo was excited. “Yes, please, sir,” she whistled. “So, tomorrow, when you have a new coat of paint, you will go on it. Duke will explain everything,” replied the Thin Controller. “Huh!” thought Scootaloo, “Duke's an old fusspot.” Next day came. “Listen,” warned Duke, “The Mountain Road is difficult youngster. I'll lead.” “No,” replied Scootaloo, “I'll lead. How can I learn the route with you lumbering ahead and blocking the view?” “Suit yourself,” said Duke, “But never mind the view. Look at the track.” Once the engines were hooked up to their train, they set off. “Look at the track,” puffed Duke, “never mind the view.” “Fusspot, fusspot,” replied Scootaloo, “Fuddy-duddy, fuddy-duddy, fuddy-duddy.” The engines' speed grew slower and slower. “Don't dawdle, don't dawdle!” urged Scootaloo. “No hurry, no hurry,” puffed Duke. Soon, they approach a tunnel. Scootaloo didn't like the tunnel. It was curved and she couldn't see. “I wanna get out! I wanna get out!” she sighed. One moment, everything seemed safe. But then suddenly, Scootaloo hit a rock that was on the line, Scootaloo had derailed and hung dangerously over the edge. Duke bravely held on with all his strength. “Stop shaking!” he called, “I can't hold you if you shake!” Duke's driver and fireman work quickly to make the two engines safe again. Then came more trouble. “Water!” cried Duke's Fireman, “Duke needs water quickly!” Luckily there was the workers' cottage nearby. Soon everyone was passing jugs, buckets, kettles and saucepans filled with water until Duke's thirst was quenched. All the while, Duke was building more strength. At last, with everyone's help, he was able to pull Scootaloo back on to the rails. Then they started off once more. The Thin Controller was waiting at the top station. He apologized for that accident. “Your Duke...” said the passengers, “...is a hero! He stood firm like a bulldog and wouldn't let go.” Scootaloo was grateful too. “Thank you for saving me, Duke,” she thanked, “I don't know why you bothered after I've been so rude.” “Oh well,” replied Duke, “you just had a new coat of paint. It would’ve been a pity if you rolled down the mountain and spoiled it.” After the accident, Scootaloo was fitted with small, more study wheels. They have broad tires and holed well to the rails. But they are unusual. One day, the other engines wouldn't stop teasing her. “Look at her steamroller wheels,” they joked. “Be quiet,” snorted Scootaloo, “You're jealous.” “Don't worry,” soothed Peter Sam, “The engines all teased me about my special funnel until they learned how useful it is.” “Did you hear that?” Huffed Scootaloo, “My wheels are special like Peter Sam's funnel. I could go faster than any of you.” Skarloey had a plan to make Scootaloo see sense. “With your grand wheels, Scootaloo,” he said, “You're just the engine to tackle Georgia.” “Who's Georgia?” asked Scootaloo. “That hot pink steamroller over there,” replied Skarloey, “listen.” The steamroller was making rude remarks about the engines. “Railways are no good. Turn them into roads. Pull them up, turn them into roads. Railways are no good. Turn them into roads. Pull them up, turn them into roads.” “Don’t worry,” said Scootaloo, “Leave her to me. I'll send her packing. Georgia will soon get a run for her money.” Later that morning, Scootaloo meet Georgia at the level crossing. “huh!” she said, “You’re Scootaloo, I suppose.” Scootaloo was standing no nonsense, “And you, I suppose, are Georgia? Yes, I've heard of you.” “And I've heard of you,” Georgia sneered, “you swank around with your steamroller wheels, pretending you're as good as me.” “Actually,” retorted Scootaloo, “I’m better. Goodbye.” Georgia chuffed on, fuming. Later that day, Scootaloo brought a special load down after the last train had gone. When she had reached the road she saw Georgia travelling home. Scootaloo tried to attract her attention. “Peep, Peep, Peep!” she whistled. Georgia took no notice. There was barely room to pass. Scootaloo was cross. “Get out of my way, you great clumsy road hog.” “Huh! I don't move for imitation steamrollers,” puffed Georgia. They rumbled along as the Insult continued. Then there was trouble. Georgia surged left and crashed straight into Scootaloo’s train. Derailing some trucks in the process. “Aagh!” cried Scootaloo, “that was your fault.” “No, it wasn't,” remarked Georgia, “It was yours.” Everyone was arguing about who was to blame. Until a policeman showed up. “Hello, Hello, Hello,” Said the policeman ominously, “And what's going on here?” This made everyone stop arguing. They set to work clearing up the mess instead. Next day, the workmen put up a fence between the road and the railway. Then they went away, taking Georgia with them. Scootaloo thought she had made Georgia go away. She talked of nothing but steamrollers, when she got back to the sheds. “Oh, dear,” whispered Skarloey, “she's worse than ever. I'm sorry my plan was no good.” “Never mind,” said Apple Bloom, “We'll think of something else.” But they had no need to do that. Some boys arrived instead. They pointed to the engine and cried… “Look! Here's Scootaloo. She tried to race a steamroller, but the steam-roller nearly beat her.” Scootaloo never mentions steamrollers now. The engines on the Skarloey Railway were excited. A new animal themed park was being built. Everyone was working hard to get the job finished on time. Scootaloo was feeling impatient. “Get a move on, slow coach!” she puffed crossly to Rusty. “You're so slow, I finished first!” Scootaloo boasted to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle was cross. A little later, she met Rusty at the new park station. “Scootaloo thinks she's fast,” Sweetie Belle steamed, “But she's just a bossy boiler.” “Better safe and fast,” Rusty agreed. Scootaloo puffed into the station. She was all puffed up and pleased with herself. “I've finished first,” she wheeshed proudly. “In that case,” said the Thin Controller, “I got another job for you. You are to collect the pony from the sidings and take it to the park.” “Yes, sir!” chuffed Scootaloo. “This elephant is very important,” the Thin Controller warned her, “You must be very careful.” When Scootaloo saw the pony, she was surprised that it was an Alicorn. “Why it's only a statue,” she said, “this is an easy job.” “You must wait for the brakevan,” said the stationmaster. “Nonsense,” said Scootaloo to her driver, “I pushed heavier loads than this plenty of time.” “Let’s go Scoots,” said her driver, “but we must be careful.” So they left, but without the brakevan. But Scootaloo wasn't careful. She was impatient. “We'll show them how fast I can be,” Scootaloo whistled, “We'll deliver this statue and I'll still finish first.” Scootaloo started to speed up. Soon, Scootaloo was going as fast as her wheels could carry her. Her driver was starting to worry. So she tried to brake. But Scootaloo was out of control. She was scared. she had never gone this fast. People waved and cars tooted as Scootaloo sped by. Suddenly, a tractor trundled across Scootaloo's line. “Look out!” shouted her driver. The tractor crossed the line just as Scootaloo raced over it. Scootaloo rounded a bend and there was Apple Bloom. “Slow down!” whistled Apple Bloom. “I can’t!” Scootaloo cried as she shot passed. Pony park loomed ahead. Scootaloo's driver applied the brakes, but it was too late. The statue flew into the air and landed in the lake. Luckily, nobody was hurt. In no time, the Thin Controller arrived. He was cross. “I told you to be careful you shouldn't waited for the brakevan,” he said sternly. “I'm sorry, Sir,” Mumbled Scootaloo. She felt very embarrassed. Scootaloo was repaired again in time for the grand opening. She was still surprised to see the pony standing in the lake. “Everyone loves the pony in the lake,” said Lady Hatt. “Even if it was a mistake,” added the Fat Controller. “Hooray for Scootaloo's mistake!” Cheered the engines. Scootaloo blushed and went a deep shade red. Bertram, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom chugged cheerfully through the Sodor countryside. The engines were going to help Scootaloo with an important job at the incline railway. The engines enjoyed working at the incline railway. They like the clever way the loaded trucks roll down the incline pulling the empty trucks up. But they are always careful. Scootaloo doesn't like working at the incline railway. She is always impatient to get back to the junction. This makes her careless and gets her into lots of trouble. Bertram hoped Scootaloo would stay out of trouble today, but she was already in too much of a hurry. “I'm a plain-speaking engine,” huffed Scootaloo, “So collect your trucks and be quick about it.” And off she steamed. “Bossy boots,” chuffed Sweetie Belle. “Pushy puffer,” puffed Apple Bloom. They like Scootaloo really much, but they didn't like Scootaloo telling them what to do. “She just wants to get back to the bustle of the junction,” Bertram said. Scootaloo wanted everyone to work faster. “You're supposed to be helping me,” she grumbled, “but you're as slow as snails.” “We're proper engines,” Bertram huffed crossly, “we follow the rules.” “We can't send up more than four trucks at a time,” chuffed Sweetie Belle. “Then work faster,” Said Scootaloo impatiently. Later that day, Scootaloo was working at the incline. “I'll show you how fast a really useful engine can work,” Scootaloo called as she hastily biffed one truck into another and then another. Soon, Scootaloo had her four trucks. “Nothing to it!” she boasted to Bertram. “Those trucks will pay you back,” warned Bertram, “Trucks don't like to be biffed.” “I can handle trucks,” she cried. The three little engines could see Scootaloo was not going to listen. They carefully trundled away from the incline with their trucks full of slate. Scootaloo was so impatient she became even more careless. “I'll show those lazy steamers,” she said to her driver. “Careful,” cautioned her driver, “You're asking for trouble.” And she got it. Scootaloo didn't notice her chain was tangled in the coupling of the truck in front of her. Suddenly, she was being pulled up the track by the empty trucks. “Bouncing buffers!” she cried, “it’s got me.” Scootaloo's driver jumped clear. Bertram returned to see Scootaloo being pulled up the incline. “I tried to warn her,” said Bertram. “She never listens,” The little old engine's driver said. The chain pulling Scootaloo's trucks couldn't hold the weight. As Scootaloo reached the top, It suddenly snapped. “Help!” she yelled, as she flew down the line, crashed into some buffers and fell into a muddy pond. “Glub, glub, glub,” she said, “Bubble my boiler.” her voice was muffled by the mud. Scootaloo felt foolish, and very wet. When The Thin Controller arrived, he spoke severely to Scootaloo. “You have not been a responsible engine,” he said, “Your impatience has caused confusion and delay and you owe these engines in apology.” “Sorry,” Duncan said to Bertram, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. “Once you have been repaired,” said the Thin Controller, “You will work the incline until you learn to be patient and careful.” “Yes sir,” said Scootaloo.