Discord's Heir

by Forum Explorer


Well that was stupid. What was? Okay so what do you do when a being of ultimate power and trickery offers you his powers? If you are sane you generally should say no. Naturally I jumped at the chance and next thing I know I'm floating in a featureless black void. Well at least I can still hear myself speak. So I guess I'll recap the story for myself. Not like I've got anything better to do right now.

It was a weird day right from the start. First I slept in after having a bizarre dream where ninja coated ponies were chasing me through a storm of fish which exploded into confetti at the nearest touch. What do I mean by ninja coated ponies? I mean that when I'd kill them they would crack open and ponies would pour out of them. About a dozen to a ninja. Anyways after I woke up I rushed off to work in order to not be late. I hadn't put on my seat belt in my rush so when I got in a car accident I was launched through the window into the most awesome moment of my life. I actually cleared the other car completely, hit the ground, and rolled to my feet in one smooth motion. Still hurt though. After phoning work and using the car accident to explain my absence (and to take a free week off as well) I returned home after a helpful stranger gave me a ride. And their life story as well. I kinda forgot what they told me though. Not really important anyways. So where was I? Oh yes, I just returned home when I suddenly blacked out. Kinda. Really it was more like I blacked in. Okay that isn't a thing, but really I didn't feel like I had lost consciousness but rather the reverse. So basically it was waking up to blackness. I could still feel the floor around me and smell the garbage I had yet to take out, so I knew I hadn't physically gone anywhere.

Within the darkness I saw and heard words appeared. It also responded to my speech. The conversation went sorta like this:

“Greeting human. You may not know me but I am Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony!”

“Discord? What? How can what? Seriously what is going on?”

“Focus human! I'm speaking to you from another dimension and I have a deal to offer you!”

“Hold on a second here.” I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “Alright. How on Earth are you talking to me? I thought you were sealed into stone by the Elements of Harmony?”

“So you know about that huh? I see I see.” Discord chuckled “That's actually the reason I'm talking to you right now. Let me ask you something; do you know how long I ruled over Equestria the first time around?”

“Not really. It's always been really vague where you came into the picture.”

“Well then I guess it's time for a story. I don't know how long I ruled over Equestria either. For I shattered time itself. Past, present, and future all became a meaningless blur. I created wonderous creatures and altered the very fabric of the universe. It took an eternity for Celestia and Luna to defeat me. Even then they got lucky. The second time I came back do you know how long I lasted? A lousy two days! I didn't even manage to finish my work on one lousy village before I was turned to stone! And this time it was by ordinary ponies!”

“Ooookay. So while this truly is fasinating, I fail to see why you are talking to me right now. Or how for that matter.”

“It's simple enough for even a human to understand. I only lasted two days and now I have thousands of years as a statue to look forward to before I can try again. For what? Another two damned days?! Unacceptable. So I think it's time I retired. And I've chosen you to take up my mantle and all of my powers that go with it.”

“....You just chose completely at random didn't you.”


“That's typical. You know what? Sure I agree. I'll take over causing chaos in Equestria while you do....whatever it is a retired spirit of Chaos does.”

“That's it? You're just going to accept like that? No more questions or doubts? HA! I like you kid. When you reach Equestria make your way to my statue. Do something chaotic and our bargain is complete.”

With that the darkness consumed the last traces of physical evidence of the world around me. Now I'm just floating here in a void talking to myself. It feels like it's already been days but how can I tell? It's not like I have a watch or anything. So yeah. Just an enternity of darkness and bore- OW!

I just stubbed my toe on oblivion! I didn't even know that was possible. Hang on, what's that dry musty smell. And do I hear a squeaking noise? A stone wall? Alright I think I'm in a cave now. Guess I was wrong about Discord after all. Well perhaps. Lets keep my options open. Sure he didn't leave me in oblivion but that doesn't mean that A) I'm in Equestria or B) That I possess his powers. Wait I haven't actually completed the bargain yet have I? Regardless I've got to get out of this cave first. Okay one hand on the wall, other one stretched in front of yourself, and take nice, slow, easy steps. Alright progress! I'm getting somewhere, even if I don't know where!

Huh this wall doesn't feel like stone at. It's too smooth and glossy, almost like glass. Wait what was that some a gleam of light? And what is that noise? Is that laughing? I think I hear some sort of shattering noise as well. Wait I think some of that light is headed towards me. WHAT THE FUCK!? That beam just blew up that whole crystal thing! What would have happened if that actually hit me? Ugh, focus me. Time to track down whatever is shooting beams of exploding death around like a maniac. Looks like it's calmed down a little, or it or rather she has started to sing. I know this song. Holy crap it's Cadance! That means the Changling invasion hasn't happened yet! I've got to hurry, this is the best chance I've got to get to Discord.

Whoo! A second cart! I thought I was going to have to walk down this long spirally track in the dark. Alright here we go! I'm building up so much speed and I can't help but think that I'm forgetting something. Frig this is fast, how did Twilight stop it again?! Oh that's right. She didn't. They crashed and flew off into the air. Well this isn't going to be pleasant. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Okay, still alive. Organs and bones shattered, but I'm still going. Alright I can do this. Pain is all in the mind right? Just a matter of willpower. I just need to stand up, climb up that path, sneak into Canterlot, and I'm home free. Alright on three. One, two, three. OH BURNING CELESTIA ON HER THRONE THE PAIN!!!!! MY LIFE IS AGONY! Damn path and its damn sharp gems cutting my damn hands every other step. Keep going, keep going. Think happy thoughts. I'm about to get all the powers of Discord right? I'll never have to worry about pain again once I'm out of this DAMNED MINE!

Finally made it out of these caves. Just going to lie down and rest for a bit. That's fair right? I mean I'm not in a rush or anything. Looks like the sun is going down. Well lets check out my injuries. Huh, well that's not nearly as bad as it felt. I mean my knees and ankle is pretty busted up and I think I ripped my shoulder muscles up. My neck has seen better days, and there's a giant lump on my head. Oh and my hands are bloody and covered in dirt. So that sucks. But hey nothing broken which is a miracle in of itself. I wonder if that's just luck, Discord's protection, or just how Equestria itself operates. Well I guess I'll find out soon huh? I just need to sneak my way to the palace now. I really don't want to get caught, I don't want to find out how Celestia deals with humans.

This is way too easy, it's starting to freak me out. Where are all the guards? Do they all have the night off or something? I mean it seems that most ponies are going to bed about now. There doesn't even seem to be any torches or lanterns at night! Well sneaking around is super easy. Ooh an actual guard! He's eating a pie and facing a wall....you know I really hope Celestia isn't actually paying these idiots. I mean come on! You guys were literally just invaded and you've already dropped your guard? Geez no wonder Celestia trusts Twilight with everything. Twilight's the only competent pony she knows! Sneaking into the castle is pretty easy too. At least the guards are actually patrolling but, okay let me show you with this guard. Here he comes and I'll just press up against the wall here, hold my breath, annnnd, boom he walks past without a clue. I literally only waited seconds before moving on because they never seem to check behind them!

One more pathetically easy guard to elude and I'm in the gardens. Wow the reception really left a mess back here. Plus all of those craters from the bombardment of Changlings, well this is going to be a real mess to clean up. Glad its not my problem. No my problem is finding Discord in the first place. These gardens just seem to keep going and going, but I can't find any statues at all. I'm so tired, I just want to take a nap. NO! Besides almost certainly being caught, I might have a concussion. No sleepy for me. Just one last step and I'm done. Ugh, my vision keeps blurring and I keep stumbling. Either way I'm not going to last much longer. I need to find Discord fast! Ah adrenaline my old friend. That will keep my heart pumping and legs moving for a bit longer. Seriously this is taking too long. I guess I don't have a choice though.

Finally! I'm almost done! After what felt like hours of searching I've finally located Discord. Alright now I just needed to do something chaotic to seal the deal. Something chaotic....what would that be? If I over think this then I'm planning it out, and that's not chaotic at all! So if I can't plan then I guess I have to act on impulse. Time to do whatever pops into my head next! Damn it all! Why did I have to think of that! This is going to be so gross. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew! I cannot believe that I am making out with a statue! One of Discord no less!

Oh the kiss of true love frees the beautiful prince from imprisonment!

"Shut it Discord, looks like it worked."

Muhahahahaha so it did! Have fun kid. It's time for you to spread lots of wonderful chaos!

Huh, your statue is crumbling away again. But there's nothing remaining afterwards. I don't feel any different though except for the OVERWHELMING POWER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IT'S ABSOLUTLY DELICOUS! NOTHING HAS TASTED SO SWEET. Unfortunately I'm still exhausted, though I no longer hurt. Guess I'm not all-powerful. Passing out for now, but when I wake up, It's going to be a lot of fun. For me at least.