Helping Scootaloo

by SpikeisCute


The couple eventually decided to head out of the Everfree Forest to meet up with their worried friends.

"What if something bad happened to them, Apple Bloom?!" Sweetie Belle asked, obviously worried for her friends.

The other two fillies were in the clubhouse now even more concerned because their second friend has now gone missing.

"Don't worry! If Scootaloo ran off like that, she probably knows what she's doing." Apple Bloom reassured. "I hope..."

Just as Apple Bloom finished her sentence, Spike and Scootaloo showed up at the doorway of the clubhouse, hoof in claw.

"Scootaloo! Spike!" their friends cheered, running towards them and giving them big hugs.

"Where were you guys? We were worried about you!" Sweetie Belle asked.

Spike and Scootaloo looked at each other guiltily.

"We were...somewhere?" Spike said, unsure of his own answer.

Before the fillies pressed Spike's answer any further, Scootaloo jumped in.

"Hey girls! Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Scootaloo pulled her friends aside to explain the situation that she had with Rumble and how she and Spike made up and of course, kissed.

"Scoots, we're sorry that happened to you but we're also glad that you and Spike finally got together!" Sweetie said, hugging her friend.

"Now that we got that out of the way. Spike! Can me and Sweetie talk to ya'?" Apple Bloom said.

The fillies pull Spike aside leaving Scootaloo confused. Apple Bloom turned around to give Scootaloo a reassuring smile and wave.

"Ok Spike, if ya' ever hurt Scootaloo in any way, shape, or form..." Apple Bloom starts.

"We won't hesitate end you in any way, shape, or form. Do we make ourselves clear?" Sweetie Belle finishes.

Spike frantically nodded, hoping to get away from the clubhouse and fillies as quickly as possible. Thankfully, Scootaloo interfered before it got worse.

"Spike! We should head home now. It's pretty late and Twilight and Rainbow are probably worried about us!" the pegasus said, grabbing her dragonfriend's claw and dragging him out of the clubhouse. Seeing the mortified look on Spike's face, Scootaloo became concerned.

"Spike, what's wrong? Are you ok? What did Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle even say to you?!"

"N-Nothing." Spike replied, now gripping his tail tightly.

Scootaloo knew this body language very well by now. When Spike grips his tail like that, it means he either feels nervous, threatened, scared, or worried.

"Spike." Scootaloo said, her voice becoming stern. "What did they say?"

"I'm going to kill them!"

"Scootaloo! Come on! Leave it alone!"

Scootaloo started... or tried to march towards the clubhouse in anger. Spike literally had to fly and drag her by her tail to keep her from screaming at her friends at the top of her lungs late at night.

"Oh hell no! I'm not gonna leave it alone! They threatened you!"

"For your sake! They just wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt again. So please let it go. For me?"

"Fine..." Scootaloo sighed, finally giving up.

"Thank you." Spike said, letting go of Scootaloo's tail before lowering himself to the ground.

He gave his fillyfriend a kiss on the cheek. For some reason, it gave Scootaloo an idea.

"How about we have a race to the castle? Whoever gets there first wins!" she said.

"Ok! That sounds fun!"

Scootaloo and Spike stand next to each other, getting ready to beat the other in the race. Spike starts the countdown.

"Three! Two! One! G-"

Just before the dragon says go, the pegasus gives him a kiss on the lips before speeding off. Spike was obviously flustered by this action which gave Scootaloo at least a ten second head start.

"Hey! No fair! You cheated!" Spike yelled, before flying after her.

Spike eventually saw Scootaloo standing by the castle waiting for him with a smug look on her face.

"What took you so long?" Scootaloo asked innocently.

"Don't act innocent! You know what you did!" Spike replied.

"What did I do?" Scootaloo asked, still acting innocent.

'Ok Scoots! Two can play at this game!'

Spike cups Scootaloo's cheeks and gives her a big kiss on the lips. When they pulled away, Spike burst out laughing. Scootaloo's face was red and her eyes were wide with shock.

"That's what you did! Now you look like a tomato!" Spike said in between his laughter.

"Sh-shut up..." Scootaloo said, hiding her face with her hair.

"Come on, my lovely tomato. Let's head inside."

Spike grabs Scootaloo's hoof and drags her inside the castle. Inside, they see Twilight and Rainbow casually talking. The alicorn and pegasus look over and see Spike and Scootaloo just standing there.

"Oh hey Scoots! Hey Spike!" Rainbow said before continuing to talk to Twilight.

The dragon and the filly looked at each other in shock.

"That's it? No punishment for staying up late?" Scootaloo asked.

"We decided that since it's the weekend, your bedtimes could be extended." Twilight explained.

"Sleepover?!" the couple asked hopefully.

"I guess you guys could have a sleepover." Twilight confirmed.

As soon as Twilight finished her sentence, the duo ran toward Spike's room. The mares just shrugged their shoulders and continued talking.

Spike and Scootaloo stayed up until it got really late at night. Scootaloo yawned and put her head on Spike's chest. Spike starts stroking her mane with his claw.


"Yeah Scoots?"

"How do we break the news to Rainbow and Twilight?"

"About what? Us being a thing now?"


"Well, we could leave them clues like a treasure hunt! Then it would all lead to a huge surprise party! And then-"

"Or we could just tell them." Scootaloo cut off.

"Or we could just tell them..." Spike repeated, blushing from embarrassment.

"Aww! You're so cute when you blush." the filly teased .

"Can we just forget this conversation ever happened?!" the dragon said, blushing even more.

"Now who's the tomato?" Scootaloo giggled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Night, Spike. Love you."

Spike rolled his eyes and gave Scootaloo a kiss on her forehead.

"Night, Scoots. Love you too."

Many years later...

"Hey babe? You okay? You seem nervous." Scootaloo asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine..." Spike replied.

Spike and Scootaloo were young adults now. They are currently hanging out at the Castle of Friendship in Spike's room.

The pegasus thought for a moment before having an idea.

"You know what you need?" she asked her dragonfriend.


"Does 'We were somewhere' ring a bell?"

"You still remember that? That was years ago!"

"Of course I do! It was one of your stupid cute moments!"

"Wait as in really cute or in I was being stupid while being cute?"

"Anyway, let's just go already!"

"But you didn't answer the quest-"

"Let's go!" Scootaloo yelled, pushing Spike out of his room.

"Ok, ok geez!"

Spike and Scootaloo make their way to the Everfree Forest to the wall that has clearly grown more vines over the years. They head through the tunnel to find the lake in the exact same condition.

"Wow! I'm surprised nopony still doesn't know about this place yet!" Spike exclaimed.

"I know right!" Scootaloo agreed.

The couple sat down by the lake to ponder their thoughts.

'Should I go for it? Should I tell her?'

'You know what? Screw it! I'm telling him!'



The dragon and mare both looked at each other and laughed due to them speaking at the same time.

"Ok. On the count of three, we both say what's on our minds." Spike said.




"Will you marry me?"


The duo both laughed again because they both proposed and accepted at the the same time. Their laughter was cut short when Scootaloo kissed Spike on the lips. Spike eventually melted into the kiss and they both broke away.

"So now we have a wedding to plan for, huh?" Scootaloo said, her cheeks on fire.

"I guess so..." Spike replied, his face copying Scootaloo's.

"Well whatever comes next, we're in it together!" Scootaloo said, giving her fiance a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you, Spike, promise to love Scootaloo, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?" Twilight asked.

"I do." Spike replied.

"And do you, Scootaloo, promise to love Spike, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?" Twilight asked.

"I do." Scootaloo replied.

"Any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nopony said a word or even made a peep.

"Well with that being said, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

Spike and Scootaloo share a kiss under the wedding arch as everypony cheered and clapped. They both walked back down the aisle thanking everypony who said congratulations. Eventually, the pair managed to find Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in the crowd.

"Congratulations Spike and Scoots!" the two mares said hugging their friends.

"Thanks guys!" Scootaloo said.

"So when are ya' guys gonna... ya' know... go under the covers?" Apple Bloom asked, lowering her voice

Spike and Scootaloo looked at each other, their faces both turning the same crimson red, before looking back at Apple Bloom.

"And that's enough questions! Hey! How about some cake?" Spike cut off, pushing Apple Bloom towards the cake stand while Scootaloo does the same with Sweetie Belle.

"But I didn't get to ask-"

"You heard the man, Sweetie Belle! No more questions!"

"It's a girl! What do you guys want to name her?"

Spike thought about it for a minute.

"What about Skye?" Spike asked, looking at Scootaloo for confirmation.

"Skye. That's good name. Welcome the world, Skye."

"So that's how you and Mommy met?" Skye asked.

"Yep! At least that's how I remember it." Spike said.

"I have two questions."

"Question away."

"How did Auntie Twilight and Grandma Rainbow find out about you two getting together? Did you actually just tell them or did you do that crazy treasure hunt thing?"

"It was not crazy!" Spike denied.

"It was crazy, honey." Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes. "Skye, to answer your question, do you remember what I said about the spell that your Grandma used to check on me?"



It was next morning after Spike and Scootaloo got together. They were ready to tell Rainbow and Twilight about their relationship. Well, one of them was ready. Spike was on his bed hyperventilating and Scootaloo sat next to him trying to calm him down.

"Spike! Calm down! It's gonna be fine! Deep breaths." Scootaloo said while rubbing his back.

Spike listened to Scootaloo and took some deep breaths. His breathing slowed down as well as his heartbeat.

"There you go! Feeling better?"

Spike nodded and Scootaloo gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

"You practically told Twilight that you liked me right? So we got this! Okay?"


"Hey, if you're really that scared, we can do this some other time." the filly said softly.

"No, no. It's fine. I wanna tell them now. It's now or never."

"Whenever you're nervous, just squeeze my hoof. Got it?"

"Got it."

The baby dragon and filly walked hoof in claw to the throne room where Twilight and Rainbow were reading books.

"Hey Mom? Twilight? We have something we wanna tell you."

"We already know." Rainbow said.

"Already know what?" Spike asked.

"About you two being together." Twilight said.

"What?! How?!" Scootaloo yelped.

"Spell remember? We saw you two kiss like more than 5 times already." Rainbow explained.

"You were still using that stupid spell?!" the filly exclaimed.

Scootaloo felt Spike squeeze her hoof.

"What spell are they talking about?" Spike whispered to Scootaloo.

"I'll explain later." Scootaloo whispered back.

"I asked Twilight to stop casting the spell after you found out about it but then after you scared the living heck out of me, I couldn't risk it, so yeah." Rainbow said.

Spike could see that Scootaloo was about to blow her top off so he dragged her back to his room to calm her down.

'Oh how the tables turn.' he thought, closing his bedroom door to get ready for a lot of screaming and yelling.

Skye giggled after hearing this story.

"How long did you scream for, Mom?" she asked.

"I'd say about 30 minutes to an hour." Scootaloo said. "I'm pretty sure I lost my voice after that one."

"What's your other question, Skye?" Spike asked.

"Oh yeah! You said Auntie Apple Bloom said something about 'going under the covers'. What does that mean?"

"Aaand that's enough questions for tonight! Hey! How about your mother tucks you in? Night sweetie!"

And with that, Spike walks out of Skye's bedroom, leaving Skye very confused and Scootaloo just sitting there.

"Isn't that the exact same thing he said at your wed-"

"You heard the man, baby girl. No more questions." Scootaloo said, kissing her daughter's forehead. "Night sweetie. Love you."

Scootaloo walked out of the room leaving Skye even more confused.

"Love you too?" she responded.

Skye eventually just let it go and snuggled up with her stuffed animal, Fuzzball (Fuzzy for short).

"Well Fuzzy. I think this is gonna be one big wacky family. I can't wait for my little brother to come! I'm gonna be the best big sister ever!" Skye said, before yawning.

"Night Fuzzy. I love you."