//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Sidus and Somnus // by Berattande //------------------------------// Gather ‘round, everypony. Tonight, I will tell you one of my favorite stories about the regal sisters, Celestia and Luna. This is not a story I came by easily, so make sure to listen extra carefully. You won’t want to miss a second of this one. Now, we all think we know the legend of Nightmare Moon, the evil Pony who took control of our now-returned Princess Luna. But how much of that old pony’s tale do we really know? We shall see. Our story begins within the depths of the Everfree Forest, well over one thousand years ago. But dispel all dark thoughts you may have of those dread woods, for back then it was not as we know it today. There was a time when that forest deserved the name we still call it: Ever Free. It was the sparkling gem on the crown that was Equestria. The trees grew tall and resilient, supporting many families of birds, squirrels and other woodland creatures. The ground below was inhabited not just by ponies, but by foxes, rabbits, bears, diamond dogs and even creatures like cockatrices that we rarely see today, all living in harmony with one another, sharing the bushes and the flowers, the brooks and the streams. Far above this fine forest lay the prize of the Equestrian nation: the Castle. Though it was not as opulent as the castle in Canterlot, where the sisters currently live, it was the pinnacle of pony prowess in architecture and engineering at the time. There wasn’t a single building in the world that could rival its towering spires, open court and glistening windows. (In those days windows were truly something only royalty could afford. The rest of the world had to be content with seeing their reflections in the apples they ate.) Now, our story begins with the two royal sisters discussing during one of the two times they are both awake: dawn. Celestia had just begun to raise the sun when Luna approached her. “Oh, powerful and lovely Celestia, hark, prithee. We hath a concern that we hope thou couldst offer advice and guidance on.” You seem confused. Yes, I know that’s not how the princesses talk, but that’s how everypony spoke back then. But if it would help I shall do my best to convey their meanings through more modern words. “Yo, Celestia, dawg! I got a major issue here! Help a sister out!” Is that better? Okay, I apologize; I’ll find a reasonable middle ground. “Sister Celestia, I have a problem that perhaps you could offer some help with.” “Certainly little one, what is bothering you?” You must remember that at this time Luna was very young. How young? I don’t know. Alicorn life cycles elude me. All I can say is that while our new Prince, Shining Armor, is lucky to have such a beautiful mare as his bride, I certainly do not envy her, for she will long outlive her groom. “Recently I’ve been feeling a presence as I guard the kingdom through the night, though when I look around I see nopony. Tonight was not the first night that this has occurred, but it is the first time I have been bothered by it so much. This presence, it is far different than the owls that occasionally help me keep watch; much more ominous,” Luna told her older sister and mentor. Celestia nodded gravely, the approaching sunrise dancing through her ethereal mane. “I have begun to feel that too, as of late. I do not know what it is that we are feeling, but we shall have to keep watch for whatever it may be. Alert me at once if you see it whilst protecting our kingdom and I will do the same of you.” Celestia was sure that whatever it was could be no match for the ancient magic of the Elements of Harmony that had calmed all previous calamities. “Thank you, sister. I will certainly do that, but for now I shall retire to my bedchamber, and trust you to provide a loving face for our subjects again today.” Luna disappeared to get a good day’s worth of sleep; the fact that Celestia was keeping watch over not just the land below but over her younger sister as well gave peace to Luna’s worried soul. Unfortunately, what neither of them knew was that no matter how hard they searched the skies, scoured the seas or looked through the land they would not find the source of this menacing sensation, for it had already infiltrated their hearts and their minds. * * * The next few days passed by uneventfully, with the two sisters checking up on each other every dawn and dusk. “I felt it stronger than ever tonight. Keep careful watch this day sister for I fear it has gotten close now, though I still have yet to see it. I have checked the air, I have checked all throughout the Everfree Forest, I have even used magic to search through the ground below our castle. I worry that it will soon be upon us, though from where I cannot say,” Luna wearily reported to the elder Princess during one bitterly cold morning, within the foreboding walls of the near-empty palace. “Cease your worrying child, and make sure you get enough sleep. If it is as close as you fear I will need your help when it arrives, for you know I cannot wield the Elements of Harmony alone.” I don’t know whether Celestia truly couldn't harness the power of the Elements of Harmony at this point in time or if she simply assumed she was unable because she had never done it before, but this is how the story was told to me, and this is how I will relate it to you. “Good night Luna.” And at that Luna dragged herself to her bedchamber. Celestia could tell from her sister’s sluggish motion that she had not been sleeping well lately. Celestia hoped that Luna would truly get some rest, not just for her own sake but perhaps for the sake of all of Equestria. Now, stay glued to those seats of yours, I’ll be right back. Every storyteller needs something to wet his whistle whilst he whiles away the evening, and I’m no exception.