//------------------------------// // Chapter Three: A Chaotic Endeavor // Story: King Sombra’s New Helper // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// King Sombra; basically fuming at this point; is currently walking around back and forth in the kitchen. After that he stopped, and shouted; “why did you do this Discord?! What’s the big idea?!” Already laughing still; Discord magically appeared before them, and then says; “because I’m bored is all. Oh, and seeing how you and the others are becoming friends and all; I’ve decided to prank y’all, and get at each other like enemies... . But since that didn’t work; I just figured that I just stick to the pranking. Ta ta.” After that; he disappeared. “So... since he’s the cause behind this... what do you guys suggest we do?” Cozy Glow said in utter disbelief, and confusion. “I have no clue”; replied Sombra. “However; what I do know is that I’m gonna nail him! Not literally, but yeah; he’s gonna get hurt.” Flurry Heart whimpered a little, and began to raise her hooves up to King Sombra. Sombra sighs, and raises his voice saying; “what?” Flurry Heart whimpered again, and looks down at her tummy; which was unfortunately growling. To his dismay, Sombra says; “again? But you just had a smoothie. How could you ever get hungry again?” Not wanting to give Sombra another reason to get angry; Cadence got in front of him, and explains; “she’s just a baby you know... . And knowing babies they can get hungry multiple times; whether you like it or not.” Sombra scoffed, and then said; “I knew that... . But I just didn’t think that she’d get hungry again after a few minutes... .” Cadence sighs, then says; “well; either way... . She’s also growing up too. So there’s that happening... .” Sombra raises an eyebrow and asks; “how do you know that?” Flurry Heart then proceeds to bite down on one of the table’s edges until it broke. (It was a round table, so no injuries involved). After that; she spat out the piece she broke off, and whined some more as her tummy was growling some more... . To that; Sombra says; “makes sense”, and picks up Flurry Heart. “So”, he began. “Anyone know what’s there to feed her with… ? The fridge is gone. And I highly doubt that Discord would ever return it... . Any suggestions… ?” Just then; everything in the castle returned to normal, and a piece of paper was placed on the round kitchen table. “Ah; never mind… .” After Flurry Heart was fed, she was still reaching up to King Sombra; almost as if she needed something. Knowing what it is; King Sombra leaned Flurry against his shoulder, and began to pat her back. She burped very loudly, and began to laugh. Meanwhile; Cozy Glow was beginning to feel bored, and started to lay down on the floor. And as for the Royal Couple; they were basically tending to their hunger and thirst by eating some of their leftovers from the fridge. And drinking some leftover drinks too; as the fridge was packed, and they had to get rid of those leftovers somehow without it being a waste.. . “So”, began Sombra. “What now… ?” Cozy Glow sighs loudly, and says; “I don’t know... but I’m bored.” Sombra chuckles, and says; “you’re always bored... .” Cozy Glow scowled at him; to which he replied; “but in all seriousness; what do you wanna do about it?” Flurry Heart whined from feeling bored too, but then gasped as she had an idea. Hearing this, King Sombra asked; “yes kid? What do you wanna do?” Flurry Heart was about to babble something to him, but hesitated. Noticing this; Sombra asks; “what’s wrong? Is it bad?” Flurry Heart nodded and looked sad. To that, Sombra asks; “how bad?” Flurry Heart shuffled her forehooves in nervousness together before lighting up her horn. Getting the hint; King Sombra said; “hide and seek where it involves you cheating by using both your flight, and your magic... right?” Flurry Heart nodded, and covered her face with Sombra’s shoulder in shame. Cozy Glow got up, and then flew to Flurry Heart. Looking up at Sombra, Cozy asked; “what’s wrong with her?” Sombra sighs, then says; “she wants to play hide and seek, but can’t because her parents didn’t want her to; on account that she always cheats by using her wings and horn. That is, what I think she told me... . Right?” Flurry Heart whined as a way to confirm her message, and then went right back to covering her face. After a few minutes; Sombra said; “wanna make Flurry Heart feel better? It’s the least we can do... .” Cozy Glow sighs, and then says; “you sure? Cuz I don’t think they’ll let us... .” Just then the parents walked by, and said; “just make sure nothing’s broken and you’re fine”. With that in mind; Sombra shrugs, and says; “Kay; let’s make her better. But first...”. He then turned to look out in the hallway, and says; “we need to find her room... .”