//------------------------------// // Finale // Story: Total Drama Ponies // by ThreeBronyBrothers //------------------------------// The campers woke up being very stressed and tired. They both wanted to win the million dollars, but they felt like they can't do anything at all. Chris walked in and shouted "COME ON CAMPERS, TODAY'S YOUR BIG DAY WHEN YOU FACE EACH OTHER IN THE MOST AWESOME FINALE EVER!" Izzy and Trent were quiet. Chris sighed "Fine, go get breakfast and meet me by the campfire." Trent and Izzy knew this was the final time that they would eat something with a camerastallion watching them. It was annoying that they watched them eat but no it was time to meet up at the campfire. Chris spoke up "Campers, your challenge today is.... A good old fashion game of TROT-SCOTCH!" Izzy and Trent were confused. Chris continued "It's exactly like hop-scotch except it's a very long course with EXPLOSIVES!" Trent was a bit scared and Izzy was excited and said "COME ON CHRIS TELL ME MORE!!" Chris replied "Izzy, I explained everything already. And also Twilight put that spell that you are not able to get hurt... only for today." Izzy said "Oh." Chris continued "Like I said last night, all of Ponyville is coming to see this. Don't disappoint them." He chuckled along with Chef. Chef spoke up "Chris and I set this entire thing up! So you must do the entire thing DO YOU HEAR ME SOLDIERS!" Izzy and Trent replied shouting "YES MASTER CHIEF!" Chef continued "Get to the course NOW!" Izzy and Trent started trotting to where the course was. Once Chris and Chef got there, Chris spoke up "LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS, TODAY BRINGS THE MOST CRUCIAL THING WE COULD THINK OF!" All of the ponies cheered. Chef spoke up "TODAY, WE BRING YOU A GAME CALLED TROT-SCOTCH!" All of the ponies were a bit confused. Chef continued "EXCEPT, IT'S A LONGER COURSE AND WE HID EXPLOSIVES IN IT!" Then all of the ponies once again cheered. Chris spoke up again "OUR CONTESTANTS WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU!" Chef spoke up again "HEY CHRIS SPEAKING OF THE CONTESTANTS, HERE THEY ARE! FIRST WE HAVE IZZY!" All of the ponies cheered once again. Chef continued "AND FINALLY, WE HAVE TRENT" Once more the ponies cheered. Chris spoke up once more "LET'S GET THIS CHALLENGE STARTED!" Izzy and Trent arrived at their stations. Chris explained the rules "Contestants, you must complete the course! Whoever make it to the end first wins the challenge! IF both of you make it at the same time, whoever tripped over the most mines is out of the contest! ARE YOU READY!" Chris shouted "ON YOUR MARK..... GET SET..... GO GO GO!!!!!" Izzy and Trent were trying their best to keep their balance so they don't explode. Chris had a detonator for Trent, and Chef had one for Izzy. Chris pushed the handle for the detonator and it made Trent fly forward screaming. Chris then pushed it down again and it pushed Trent back. Izzy on the other hoof was dodging all of the mines Chef let loose, except for one mine that flung her back. Chris shouted "TRENT TRIPPED OVER TWO MINES AND IZZY, ONE!" The entire crowd cheered. Trent got back up and continued. He started hopping at a faster pace and still managing to keep his balance the same way as before. Izzy got up immediately and hopped faster as well. She was a bit behind Trent. She was wishing that Trent would slow down a bit or blow up. The opposite happened. She went slower and blew up except this was a big help for her because she flew forward. Trent was a bit angry and started to hop faster, and then he blew up again. He started doing back flips. He screamed as all of this happened. Izzy continued on with a big lead. Trent finally fell to the ground and hopped as fast as possible. Chris and Chef shouted "THEY ARE BOTH HALF WAY THERE!" The entire crowd of ponies cheered again. Trent and Izzy were neck and neck. Chef pushed down the handle on the detonator and the mine hit Izzy. She flung back. Trent grinned and started hopping a bit faster now. and started to see a little bit of the finish line. Izzy got back up and another mine went off that sent her flying faster than Rainbow Dash. She passed by Trent and said to him "See you at the finish line!!!!" Trent thought to himself "OH COME ON!!" As he continued hopping and Chris pushed down the handle. Trent was flying forward to the finish line an fell right in front of it. He got back up to feel disappointment. He lost. The entire crowd of ponies cheered to Izzy's victory. Trent sighed in disappointment. Chris shouted "AND WE HAVE OUR WINNER! IZZY!" The crowd of ponies cheered louder. Chef spoke up "Congratulations soldier, Here's your prize!" "Coooool! I'm going to buy so many snakes with this money!" Izzy said. She saw Trent and said "Don't worry Trent, I'm sure there will be another season for you to win." "You know what, your right, congratulations by the way." Trent replied "Thanks!" she said. Chris spoke up again looking at the crowd "That's it! The season is over and we finally have a winner. Who will win the next season? These questions will be answered next season on the next crucial series on Total, Drama, Action Ponies!" Please read author's note.