//------------------------------// // Mystical Land Perfect For This Show // Story: Total Drama Ponies // by ThreeBronyBrothers //------------------------------// Chris spoke up first and said "Um... hello there. My name is Chris. This is Owen, Cody, Chef, Gwen, Heather, and Trent." The unicorn said "Oh hello there everypony, you've all been out for a good four hours." "Wait, did you say everypony?" Gwen asked. The unicorn responded "Why yes I did, and all I have to say now is welcome to Ponyville!" All of the campers in confusion said "Ponyville?" The unicorn said "Yes I did, and you're all ponies." Everyone started shirking except Owen. In the midst of the screaming Owen said "THIS IS AWESOME!" Once the screaming died down Chris spoke up again, saying "Um... What's your name?" The unicorn said "I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is my assistant Spike." Chris spoke up again "Alright campers we-" Twilight interrupted "Campers?" "Yes, campers. I run a television show." "Um... what is television?" Owen spoke up "HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TELEVISION IS?!" "Is he usually like this?" Twilight asked. All the other campers nodded. Owen spoke up again "Hey! I'm not always crazy! I'm a sensible guy!" He pondered for a few seconds. "Most of the time anyway." He concluded. Trent spoke up "Now what are we doing here Twilight?" Twilight replied "I need help on some-" Gwen cut her off "WHERE ARE MY HANDS!" looking at her hooves. Chef spoke up "Yeah, where are they and I feel suddenly shorter." Chris and the rest of the campers looked at their hooves screaming from lack of hand. Owen screamed the loudest. Chris asked Twilight "Why would you do this to our hands?" Twilight rolled her eyes and casted a spell to settle everyone down. "OKAY now that you're all quiet, may I finish?!" Twilight said with an annoyed look on her face similar to Spike's. "Now as I was saying, I need some help with some scientific research-" Once again cut off Heather said "So you're saying that ponies can also do science?" Before Twilight could say anything, everyone started screaming again. Twilight and Spike were very annoyed, they couldn't take it any more so Twilight put a spell on all of them to have a closed zipper mouth. The screaming died down in an instant. Spike sighed. "MAY I PLEASE FINISH!!!!!!!!" Twilight shouted. The cast flinched when she yelled. Owen tried to say "Sorry." but his voice was all muffled. Twilight said "Now I was trying to say that I was going to do research on humans but I can't because you're all ponies. Since I have you all silent I will announce what each of you seven are. Owen and Heather you're an earth ponies. Owen chuckled as best as he could with a zippered mouth. Gwen and Trent, was it? You're both pegasi. Chris, Chef, and Cody, you're unicorns. Now that I got that cleared up..." Twilight casted a spell for the zippers to disappear. "There, now you can speak, but please don't shriek again!" A random awkward silence arose for a few minutes and Spike said "Um, you guys can talk now." Twilight gave all of them a small pouch of bits for what they needed. Spike spoke up "Twilight, don't give them bits!" Twilight replied "Why not Spike?" "Because there all snobs! Especially Owen! No offence." Owen replied "None taken." while everyone else looked at Spike with a stern look on their faces. Twilight was also annoyed at Spike and said "Spike that's enough, go upstairs while I talk to them alright." Spike backed away and mummered under his breath angerly. Twilight said "Now before you go, I want you to meet my friends. There is a farm called Sweet Apple Acres. There you'll meet a pony named Applejack. Then there is another pony that is usually always napping on a cloud named Rainbow Dash, then another pony at Sugarcube Corner named Pinkie Pie, then look for a cottage near a forest called the Everfree Forsest and there you'll find Fluttershy, and lastly, find Carasoul Boutique and there you'll find Rarity. You all can find me here at the library." Chris announced a new challenge "Okay campers, your NEW challenge is to find each friend and bring them back here. First four ponies to bring them here, win immunity but whoever is last to get here, you're out and you may not return...EVER! Cody, you get Rainbow Dash, Gwen, you get Applejack, Owen, you get Pinkie Pie, Heather, you get Fluttershy, and Trent, bring back Rarity. GO!" All of the contestants trotted as fast as they could to get to their destinations. Chef asked "Chris, do you know what's going on?" Chris replied "I have no idea." They both started laughing at their realizations.