//------------------------------// // Final Five // Story: Total Drama Ponies // by ThreeBronyBrothers //------------------------------// It was an average night at Camp Wanawankwa, the contestants had just returned from another long day. They ate horrible food, struggled through unusual challenges, and slept on uncomfortable beds. The remaining contestants were Owen, Gwen, Trent, Cody, and the big pain, Heather. The teams were gone, and it was every camper for themselves. Owen exclaimed "I can't believe we made it into the final five! This is so-." Heather interrupted "Shut it Owen!" Owen replied "Geeze, no need to be rude." "SHUT IT BOTH OF YOU!" Trent said, trying to sleep. "It's midnight, can we all just go to bed?!" The campers complied, and went to sleep. It was the next morning and Chris decided it'll be a awesome idea to use a siren, so he did. Everyone was alarmed but not surprised and got ready as fast as they could. "Good morning campers!" Chris said. Everyone gave Chris a stern look. He continued, "All right, go have breakfast and in forty five minutes, meet me by the campfire for your next challenge. You will all be surprised for this one!" All of the campers groaned knowing this surprise was going to be nothing special at all. As the campers walked towards mess hall, Chef and Chris chuckled knowing what was coming up. The menu was the same as usual, cold, dirty, and moldy, pancakes. Everyone passed on breakfast as usual. Time seemed to pass by quickly for some reason and the campers weren't happy about that. They all met up at the campfire and they all sat down. Chris began, "Okay campers, follow me!" They all began to follow. The saw a huge blanket covering it not too far away from the cabin. Chris took off the blanket and the campers were not surprised at all. Trent spoke up and said "It's horribly built. Do you really expect us to do something like this?" Chris replied "Of course! It earns us great ratings! And even better, it was built by me! And would have tested it out but all of the other interns died." Gwen rolled her eyes and groaned. "Here are some of the things you will face while doing this obstacle course. First up, there are spinning saws. Then you must balance yourself on a plank of wood over a pool of sharks. Then the final pièce de résistance is a rigged mud pool that you have to swing over using a very weak rope. That's all she wrote!" Chris said. "Gwen spoke up "I dare ask what it's rigged with?" Chris replied "Can't tell you. That's also something for you to find out if you fail" "Now let's start this with Cody!" Chris shouted. "OH COME ON!!" as he walked to the obstacle course. Cody was nervous as he slid through the saws and carefully walked on the plank. He ran to get the rope which broke before he grabbed it. When he hit the ground, a weird pink gas spewed out everywhere knocking Cody unconscious before he hit the ground and fell into the mud. All four of them went though the obstacle course to further investigate the mud pit. However, the gas was so powerful that it knocked all four of them unconscious in the mud. Chris and Chef came over and Chris screamed "NO!!! MY RATINGS ARE GOING TO DROP!!!!" and then pushed Chef into the pit and then jumped in himself to not face his guilt. They all then teleported somehow or so it seemed. A few hours passed and they suddenly woke up in a library with a lilac unicorn and a very annoyed purple and green baby dragon.