//------------------------------// // Reunion: Voices of the Distant Star (Part 2 of 6) // Story: Replica // by CountDerpy //------------------------------// So I told her everything. What happened at Fort Everfree, the bomb, and what they placed into me. She, for the most part sat back and listened, no expression crossing her face. Well maybe one.... Fear "So, that's what happened. Now everyday I have to give myself a vial of this artificial magic just to be able to walk around or fly." I looked at her, a few tears streaming down. That was one good thing about these parts of me, they were water resistant so I can swim, bathe...even cry with no ill effects on them. Her constant blank expression faded into a small smile as she wiped a tear from my cheek. "Well, I'm just glad your ok Rainbow Dash. The last thing any of us want or that Fluttershy needs is another tomb on this hill." "Yeah... Hell, Twi, I don't even know how I am going to break it to her or anyone else. I don't even want to think about how she will react to me being...god what's the word I'm looking for...." "A cyborg?" "Yeah that." "Rainbow, we both know Fluttershy. She may be a little afraid of it at first, but she loves you and since your the same pegasus she fell in love with, she will accept it." "You really think so, Twilight?" "I know so. Come on, I'll walk you over to her cottage ok." "Thanks. So how have you been holding up Twi? I mean with everything that has happened during and before the war." "I'm still not completely over what we saw that night." "I don't think anyone will be able to forget something like that." How could we...it was the whole reason all this shit had happened to Equestria. Canterlot Royal Ballroom Nightmare Night 1st Annual Nightmare Night Gala 30 Years Ago "Yo Dash!" Spitfire called out from across the room, wearing a very creepy Slender Mane costume. It would be borderline scary if her flaming hair wasn't showing through her mask. "Yo Spits. Who you supposed to be, bank robber?" "Haha, very funny. And what, pray tell, are you supposed to be." I stood there in my handmade (by Rarity of course) Tim Colton's The End of Light Lilith costume. I thought it looked pretty bad ass. My hair had temporarily been dyed a silver and cyan dual tone, my coat dyed a light grey. The costume was amazing, in my personal opinion. A blood red dress, black and ruby tiara with a 'heart' impaled on the top. Even my contacts were completely blood red, but I could see as clear as day. "Duh, Lilith!" "Oh yeah! Well it looks good on you, except your cutie mark kind of sticks out like a sore thumb." "Hehe, I know." Spitfire laughed before running off with the other Wonderbolts to get ready to preform, which was going to be interesting especially because I have been watching Soarin' pound down almost 2 kegs of Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider. "R-rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy whispered from behind me. She was wearing a zombie bride dress and covered in a fine white powder. It was creepy....and very attractive at the same time. "D-do we really have to...umm...be out...t-tonight." She whimpered as she hid behind my flank. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. It will be fun, trust me." I smiled before turning around and planting a soft kiss on her lips. She kissed back and sighed a little bit. I loved the ways she does that. "O-ok... if you.. um.. say so." She gave a small smile and nuzzled up against me. I didn't care if any of the 'Manehattan Elite' stared. We had been married for a year and a half now so frankly, who the hell cared anymore what me and her did. Hell one time we even....actually that's a story for another time. "Hehe, come on. The others are waiting for us outside." I grabbed her hoof tight and practically dragged her outside to the edge of the labyrinth. I pushed our way through the crowd of about a hundred ponies all hanging around Vinyl and Octavia's little rock opera set up. I have been listening to The Vinyl Scratch for a while now, so from what they had been saying this was going to be an awesome show. "There you two are! Finally!" Pinkie Pie shouted from the stage dressed in her bloodstained rainbow dress. I still have no idea what she was thinking wearing that....nor what the fuck she was supposed to be. I never questioned it though, if you question Pinkie Pie and her ways you end up loosing your mind or pining away searching for the answer. "Hehe sorry, Pinkie." I called out to her "The others are waiting over at the table!" "M'kay!" I dragged Fluttershy along, she had frozen stiff a while ago from the large crowd and the loud music. Twilight, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Spike, Rarity and Derpy were sitting at the table right in front of the labyrinths entrance. Twilight was once again wearing her Star Swirl the Bearded costume, Applejack and Big Mac going as a scarecrow and a crow (poor Big Mac), Spike dressed as a large ruby, Rarity in her Angelia costume (the polar opposite of mine), and Derpy.....wearing muffin bags. "Now the party don't start til I walk in!" I sang as we walked up to the table and planted my flank right in between Rarity and Big Mac. "Don't y'all let Pinkie hear you now. She'll be all over you like stink on a skunk, eh Mac?" Applejack said pounding down three glasses of hard cider. "Eeyup." "Hehe, I know. I have my right to have a little fun now and again don't I?" "Of course you do, Rainbow." Twilight cooed "You also have the right of getting to see Pinkie's back room again." She shot me an evil grin. "Don't even remind me." Just remembering what went on in there still haunted me, even though it happened 4 years ago. The static from the large amps on the stage got louder as the music started to kick into full swing. "Yo! What up every pony! Your here jammin' with K-COLT at the first annual Nightmare Night Gala! This is your 'often imitated but never duplicated' hostess, DJ-P0n3 and it's time for.... "THE VINYL SCRATCH!" the crowd yelled, even the ponies listening from the balconies of the ballroom. "That's right! With me this evening, I have my always lively ,no matter how much she hates it, and very beautiful assistant Octavia!" The crowd cheered as Octavia walked on stage. "Hello, every pony." She said in her half-hearted I-really-don't-want-to-fucking-be-here tone. "Whoa Octy, calm down!" The crowd burst out laughing at her sarcasm as Octavia silently sighed, taking her place next to the wild and crazy unicorn. "Also with me this Nightmare Night, we have the most amazing party pony in all of Equestria. Put your hooves together for Pinkie Pie, a.k.a. THe ParTeH QuEEn!" The crowd roared in another big burst of cheers and laughter as Pinkie shot herself out of her Party Cannon (TM) over the crowd, hitting the trampoline she had set up on one of the castle walls, and landed a perfectly upside down hanging from her Portable Disco Ball (patent pending). "Now see, Octy. Why can't you be more like that? Heck, it took me almost a year to talk you into getting that electric...uhh....whatever you play again." "It's an electric cello! Why can you never get that through your skull. Or is it thoughs thick glasses of yours?" "HEY! Don't dis the glasses. Now without any further interuptions.....LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!" No sooner had Vinyl laid her hoof on the power button of her set up did the power shut off throughout the castle and screams came from the ballroom as flashes of green light shot out of the windows and through the walls. Everyone watching the scene from the garden knew what this meant. The green lights, the overall cold and heartless felling as if everything good in their lives had been drained from them and the sound of a easily recognized laugh arising from the ballroom. The changelings had ambushed Canterlot........