The Amazing Crossover Race

by FireDasher24

Sweet Sweet Victory

Episode 4: Sweet Sweet Victory

(Scenes from the previous race are shown)

Discord VO: Last time on The Amazing Crossover Race, all the teams paid a visit to good ol' Yoshi Falls. The Players had to go on a scavenger hunt for keys to the lockers, some lockers had some surprises that were good and bad. Even though some teams flopped big time on that challenge others didn't to say the least. I even stached a redo inside one of the lockers which got claimed by the Apple Siblings who used it on the Sneaky Twins causing them to do the challenge over again. The Pegasisters came in first and it seemed like game over for the gamers after their canoe sunk to the deep blue sea, but it was Check and Mate for the Unicorn Friends: Snips and Snails because man did those two stink or what?

(Discord appears)

Discord: Which team will stink it up today? It could be anyone for all I know. Hold on to your seats cause it's time for...The Amazing Crossover Race!

With a snap of fingers, the intro starts.

(Intro over)

Episode 4: Sweet Sweet Victory

Discord: Seeing as Wuhu Square was yesterday's finish line, it's now today's starting line. The teams will start in the order they arrived, (Tricksters step up to the cloudbox) so that means the Pegasisters...(notices another team there.)

Fluttershy: Excuse me, but Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo won the last leg, so they go first.

(Pegasisters come up to the cloudbox)

Rainbow Dash: You heard her, move it or lose it.

Scootaloo: Yeah! Wait for your turn.

(Interview: Pegasisters)

Rainbow Dash: I'm keeping a close eye on Gilda. One false move and bam they catch us off guard.

Rainbow Dash presses the button and Scootaloo reads the tip.

Scootaloo: Take a taxi to the airport and fly to (looks confused) Sweet Sweet Canyon?

(An image of Sweet Sweet Canyon is shown.)

Discord: That's right Sweet Sweet Canyon is a land filled with many delicious desserts and pastry confections such as cakes, cookies, ice creams, candies, donuts, macarons, chocolate, and many more delicious treats. Two flights will be heading here and as a old saying: I hope you save room for dessert, which will make sense later on. Teams will exit the plane and take a sweet kart to the Sweet Castle where the next cloudbox will be.

The teams call for taxis and head off to the airport. Pan to the inside of the Party Ponies taxi.

Pinkie Pie: Sweet Sweet Canyon? That place reminds me of Sugarcube Corner.

Cheese Sandwich: Yeah maybe if we're lucky, they could be an eating challenge.

Pinkie Pie gasps.

(Interview: Party Ponies)

Pinkie Pie: There are so many delicious desserts there. I can't wait to try it all.

Cheese Sandwich: Same here.

Cut to the inside of the of the Gamers cab.

Sweetie Belle: Yesterday Button and I weren't happy that we nearly got eliminated.

Button: But we were lucky we caught a break.

Sweetie Belle:Yeah cause Snips's hoof wasn't on the rug. If we went home early we'd never hear the end of it.

Button: Not to worry, this time we're not going to come in the bottom three.

(Pan ahead to the Wonderbolts cab)

Spitfire: Look Soarin, we came in the top five in the last two legs. There has to be a way to come in first, or at least the top three.

Soarin: Maybe if we finish the challenges ahead of a team, we can run past them and maybe even win.

Spitfire: Worth a shot.

(We go the Pen Pals in their taxi.)

Sunset: Sweet Sweet Canyon! It'll be hard to tell what can be eaten or not.

Twilight: Ah, found it! A lot of citizens and attractions are made of lots of delicious goodies. I hope we manage.

Sunset: We will, as Kong as we keep our eyes on the prize.

Twilight: That, and hope Pinkie doesn't eat that place up.

Sunset: I can see why you're worried.

(Cut to the Schoolgirls in their cab.)

Ringo: Take a left at the basketball court.

Raffina: A right to the bridge.

Ringo: After the bridge, make a right.

Raffina: Then make another left.

Both: And make another right turn, and we'll be there in no time.

(Interview: Schoolgirls)

Raffina: We weren't exactly popular in school.

Ringo: Yeah well maybe I wasn't, but when we know the directions on reaching our destinations, then it's just exciting.

Raffina: It's just one of the advantages of going to school, get a good learning education, and visiting many new places.

Ringo: Our smarts are really paying off, we can outthink all the other teams.

Raffina: Boom!

The first 11 teams already departed from the airport, and the last 11 teams wait for the next flight.

The Egg buddies arrived at the airport out of breath.

Yoshi (exhausted): Made it at last.

(Interview: Egg buddies)

Yoshi: We were ahead of a few teams, but then things took a wrong turn.

Birdo: Yeah we were making good time until our taxi broke down which really stinks.

Yoshi: We had to run the rest of the way and that took five minutes.

Birdo: We are never doing that again.

Yoshi: Amen!

Yoshi: That run was worth it because I think we have a chance at winning this leg.

Toadette: Excuse me?

Birdo: Did we stutter? I know we're going to come in first today and that's the truth.

Sweetie Belle: Uh don't you guys know we're all going to be on the second flight?

Ringo: She's right you know. It's only been two legs so far, so the possibility of you two getting first is 10% out of 100.

Raffina: Not to mention in the previous legs, you guys came in 19th and then 16th. The chances are you two will probably be eliminated by the sixth, fifth, or even this leg.

(Interview: Egg buddies)

Birdo: Those two geniuses think we'll get eliminated soon.

Yoshi: Well those two are wrong, and we'll prove them wrong by showing everyone that we will win this leg.

Birdo: But how do you know we'll win?

Yoshi: Call it a hunch.

Discord VO: Flight number one has arrives at Sweet Sweet Canyon. Teams will have to take the sweet karts down the road to where the first cloudbox is located. Outside the castle.

Mario: To the castle!

Apple Bloom: Step on the gas!

Trixie: Go! Go! Go!

Rainbow Dash: Off we go!

Discord VO: With the first 11 teams off to the castle the next 11 are already on their way to Sweet Sweet Canyon.

(Pan to the inside of the plane and right where the Mushroom Pals are sitting.)

Toadette: So, still think you two are going to win?

Birdo: I don't think so. I know so.

Toadette: Well you two still think you got a chance don't ya?

Yoshi: I don't see you two trying to get first. You came in 15th and 14th.

Toad: Oh, is that a challenge?

Birdo: Maybe it is.

Toadette: Then it is on. Prove us wrong by showing everyone that you can win this leg.

Yoshi: You're on!

Both teams shakes hands and glare at each other.

(Interview: Mushroom Pals)

Toad: What just happened?

Toadette: We just challenged those two egg buddies to a bet so we'll show them they're wrong.

Toad: I wouldn't get too cocky if I were you.

(Interview: Egg buddies)

Birdo: Challenge accepted! We'll just give you two a run for your money. When it comes down to the last minute... bam! We take the win.

Yoshi: They'll rue the day they messed with us.

Birdo: Oh ho ho, they'll so rue it.

The other 11 teams arrive at the castle and press the cloudbox to receive their tips.

Applejack: It's a duo challenge: Bake my day!

Cut to the inside of the where Fluttershy is baking and wearing an apron.

Fluttershy: This is where the team's cooking skills will be put to the test. For this duo challenge, teams must work together to bake one of the sweet recipes in the cookbook at their workstations. You must follow the recipe exactly, in order for it to come out right. Teams will bring their cooked desserts to the judging table.(Pan over to a chef waiting at a table.) When this local chef approves of their dessert, he'll give them their next travel tip.

Pinkie: I know what we're making.

Applejack: So are we.

Derpy: Ooh we can make muffins.

Sunset: What are we gonna make?

Twilight: No idea. We'll look through the cookbook and see which one we like.

Discord VO: As the frontrunning teams get cooking; literally. Flight number two lands in Sweet Sweet Canyon and the race begins heating up.

Raffina: Isn't there supposed to be one more team coming?

Ringo: Yes, but we gotta get moving.

Koopa comes out and has something.

Koopa: Hey Paratroopa, want a donut hole?

Paratroopa: *sniffs* Is that..

Koopa: Come and get it.

Paratroopa: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

(Interview: Koopas)

Koopa: I should've done this in the first place. Before we got to the karts I had some spare change to grab a snack to motivate my partner here.

Paratroopa: Mmm hmm

Koopa: So I found a vending machine and got a pack of these donut holes. (Holds up one.) If this doesn't motivate him, nothing will.

Paratroopa bites Koopa's hand that has the donut hole which caused him to scream loudly in pain.

Cut back to the castle where the first 11 teams get cooking.

Mario: Mind telling me what we're making?

Luigi: Something simple and easy like pudding! That's a dessert right?

Mario: That might work, or we can try to make Jello.

Luigi: Or as some would call it: Gelatin.

(Pan to the Siblings kiosk. Applejack does the baking and Apple Bloom stands beside her.)

Applejack: Alright, the pie tin is ready. Get the apples sugarcube.

(The Scientists work on making muffins.)

Doctor Whooves: Derpy pass me the mixing bowl.

Derpy: Got it.

She walks over, but apparently, she trips on a cord and spilled the batter which spreads all over their workstation.

(Interview: Scientists)

Derpy: I just don't know what went wrong.

Discord VO: The last 11 teams arrive and prepare to get cooking in order to catch up with the frontrunners.

Button: Come on Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle: Be right there.

(Interview: Sweetie Belle)

Sweetie Belle: Of all the challenges that happened so far why did it have to be this one? I'm not really good at baking, but we can't lose this challenge or we'll get eliminated. The last leg we caught a break and nearly lost.

The Mushroom Pals go through the recipe book.

Toadette: This! We'll make a banana split.

Toad: Already on it (has bowl in his hand) Let's make a banana split. (Scoops up some ice cream.)

Toadette: Ah ah ah. It's one scoop vanilla, one scoop chocolate, one scoop strawberry.

Toad sighs and gets another bowl and scoops the vanilla and chocolate.

Toadette: Stop! Put the strawberry in the middle.

Toad groaned and gets another bowl and scoops the vanilla, then strawberry, and the chocolate.

Toadette: Alright, now for the hot fudge. Stop! Only on the vanilla and chocolate. Put regular fudge on the strawberry. Now add the whipped cream.

Toad gets a can of whipped cream out and starts squeezing away.

Toadette: Hey, hey, hey, Easy! Little more. (Squeezes some more). Little more. (Squeezes more.) Little more only on the vanilla.( More is squeezed). Kinda filling in that space right there. (A little bit more is squeezed out.) Stop!

All the whipped cream that was squeezed out just fell over.

Toadette: Now add nuts.

Toad grabs a handful of nuts and adds them to the banana split.

Toadette: Wait, no nut dust.

Toad brushes the dust away.

Toadette: Now this is the complicated part: no green sprinkles on the chocolate, yes green sprinkles on the strawberry, but both no red sprinkles; except on the vanilla which should receive exclusively red sprinkles.

Toad has a bored expression while scooping the sprinkles on the sundae: There all done!

Toadette: Now that I think about it, that's too complicated. Let's make something else.

Toad: What!?

Toadette: Help yourself or I can have it if you want.

Toad:(has a smile) Okay it's on me, or better yet, it's on you. (Grabs the banana split and threw it at Toadette's face.) Totally worth it.

Toadette: (now getting furious) Oh so that's how it is huh? Two can play at that game.

(She gets a handful of ice cream and hurled it back at Toad getting his face splattered with ice cream.)

Toad: And two can play at that game. (Grabs a handful and threw it back at Toadette.)

Toadette: HEY!

(Both give each other glares because this will not end well.)


Both go back and forth for a few minutes hurling ice cream at each other.

(Interview: Mushroom Pals with ice cream all over them.)

Toad: You so had it coming.

Toadette: So did you.

Meanwhile, the Schoolgirls go through the recipe book deciding what to make.

(Interview: Schoolgirls)

Ringo: It's hard to pick just one dessert to make. We just decide the one we're more comfortable with and stick with that.

Raffina: And what might that be?

Ringo: You'll find out.

Ringo: Go to the pantry and get some large pretzel sticks and some chocolate candies. I know what we're gonna make.

(Raffina goes to the pantry and gets the ingredients.The Pen Pals are still looking through the book.)

Sunset: Who knew there were so many choices?

Twilight: I didn't, but I think I know just the thing to make. A batch of brownies!

Sunset: Sounds good!

Pan to the Party Ponies kiosk.

Pinkie: All done! (Takes the cupcakes out of the oven.) Now we just need to decorate them.

Cut to the Koopas.

Koopa: Can you pass the sprinkles?

Paratroopa: Just a second.

Koopa: Hey leave some for me.

Paratroopa: Oh sorry, they're all gone.

Koopa grabs the bag and shakes it revealing nothing but powder in there: Well you owe me a bag of these. (Dips a finger in the bowl and gives it a taste.) Wow, not bad.

The Sneaky twins sneak around until they find the Siblings kiosk. Without getting their attention, they easily unplug the oven and slip away undetected.

Bowser: Hey, what are you two up to?

Wario: Oh we were just looking around.

Bowser Jr.: Yeah right, you guys are trying to sabotage the others. If you are, then we want in.

Waluigi: Really?

Bowser: Yes, so how about an alliance to make it farther in the game?

Wario: Deal!

Waluigi: On one condition: We split the prize money 50-50.

Bowser: Done and done!

Both shake hands.

(Interview: Bowsers)

Bowser: Those twins are troublesome just like us two, and with their help, winning this will be a piece of cake.

Bowser Jr.: Kinda like the cake we made.

(Interview: Sneaky twins)

Wario: Teaming up with a team that's just as bad as we are is just a clever strategy.

Waluigi: And when they least suspect it, bam! We take them out.

(Cut to the team's finishing the challenge and receiving tips. The Pegasisters made chocolate chip cookies, the Pen Pals made brownies, the Musicians made cookies shaped like musical notes, the Party Ponies made cupcakes, Scientists showed them six muffins, both the Bowsers and Tricksters made a cake, the Wonderbolts made a milkshake, the Egg buddies made some Yoshi cookies. Both Mario and Luigi made gelatin of their color, the Koopas show the baker a bowl of pudding.)

Koopa: It says: drive a mile until you reach an empty field where the next cloudbox is located.

Discord VO: The first 11 teams drive to their next destination while the remaining teams finish cooking.

(More teams finish up. The Princesses made a raspberry souffle. The Schoolgirls made some chocolate covered pretzels. The Royal Sisters made some cake pops as well. The Besties made six macaroons. The Snobby Duo made some lemon squares.)

Applejack: What is taking so long? The pie isn't even done yet and we're falling behind.

Apple Bloom: Applejack, we have a problem. (She pointed to the oven plug that somehow got unplugged.

Applejack: What in tarnation!? Who would do this?

(The twins were laughing in their station as they high five each other.)

Wario: That'll teach them to mess with us.

Waluigi: Aw yeah, nobody mess with us.

So far, the Gamers are still struggling with the cooking, their recipes did not come out so well.

Sweetie Belle: I'm out of ideas. I don't know anything else we can make.

Button: Well we could try making a sundae. I saw those Mushroom Pals making one earlier.

Sweetie Belle: That might work.

Meanwhile the frontrunning teams arrive at the next cloudbox and get the next travel tip.

Rainbow Dash: It's a do it yourself challenge: Save room for dessert.

Discord appears where there are lots of tables spread out: For this do it yourself challenge, whoever didn't dive for keys at the Falls better get ready to eat. This challenge will have the loners eating an entire plate of donuts without the assistance of your partner. Once they finish, teams must drive down that path to today's finish line where Fluttershy will be waiting. The last team who gets there, could be going home.

Pinkie: Aww, I would totally love doing this challenge, but I did the last one.

Cheese Sandwich: Don't worry Pinkie, after we finish the leg, maybe we can get some more.

Spitfire: Hope you have a big appetite Soarin, it's your turn.

Soarin: I can do this.

Yoshi: Alright! This challenge is so ours.

(Interview: Egg buddies)

Yoshi: I had a feeling that we get to do an eating challenge.

Birdo: What are the odds of that? Now I actually know we can get first place.

Yoshi: I am an eating machine! No way will anyone beat me.

The last six teams finish making their desserts and get their tips from the baker and head off for the next challenge.

(Cut back to the second challenge where more teams arrive and prepare to eat donuts.)

Ringo: Alright the plan is don't go fast or too slow. Just go at a pace you're comfortable with.

Raffina: I got it. (She eats at a medium pace.)

Some players eat fast, some go slow, and some are barely trying.

Three minutes pass by...

Yoshi grabs the last donut with his tongue and eats it.

Birdo: We did it! We're the first ones to finish.

Yoshi(mouth full): I do'd it with my mouth.

Birdo: Come on, let's go!

Yoshi: Huh? wha? (Gets in the kart.)

Spitfire: A team is already done. We gotta hurry.

Soarin gets the last three and shoves them in his mouth.

Soarin: Done!(while his mouth was full.)

Discord VO: Two teams have already finished and it's a race to the finish to avoid coming in last.

The last six teams arrive and get their tips.

Applejack: Guess it's my turn.

Rarity: It may be too much for me to handle.

Spike: But Rarity you need to do it otherwise we'll get penalized.

Rarity: Very well.

Toad: I'm on it.

Cut to the finish line where the Egg buddies get out the kart and step on the finish line.

Discord: Well this is new. Yoshi and Birdo, you're in first place for once.

Egg buddies cheer.

Yoshi: Knew we would win.

Discord: Okay now move over so the other teams get here.

Wonderbolts arrive next.

Fluttershy: Second place.

Soarin: Top three! Oh yeah!

Spitfire: It's better than third.

Discord VO: As the race for first place ended it now becomes a race anything other than last place, and nobody wants that.

Cut back at the challenge where some teams finish their donuts and head to the finish line. Some are nearly done and some are halfway through.

Peach: We'll get there in no time.

Just then, their kart stops in the middle of the road.

Daisy: Uh what just happened?

Peach: We're out of gas.

Daisy: They gave us a kart with a few miles of gas. That is not right.

Peach: Guess we'll just have to push.

Another team reaches the finish line.

Discord: Third!

Party Ponies cheer.

More teams arrive at the finish line. With their photos revealed as the placements were said.

Discord VO: 4th. (Pegasisters), 5th.(Tricksters), 6th. (Mario Bros.), 7th (Bowsers).

Scientists arrive next.

Fluttershy: 8th place.

Derpy: We did it.

Discord: Well it would've been 8th if you two didn't have a 20 minute penalty right now.

A clock with 20 minutes appears.

Doctor Whooves: What did we do?

Discord: Back on the first challenge, your partner here spilled the batter onto the floor making a big mess. Wasting food is a big N-O.

Derpy: Awww.

Musicians arrive.

Discord: Vinyl and Octavia, you would be in 9th, but since the Scientists have a penalty, you're in 8th place.

Octavia: 8th again? Well that's good.

Koopas get there next.

Discord: You two are team number 9.

Koopa: Finally, a better placement.

Discord: Unfortunately, you also get a 20 minute penalty.

Another clock with 20 minutes appears.

Paratroopa: What did we do?

Discord: For the cooking challenge, you had to use the provided ingredients, but you added something else.

Koopa: Something else? What was it?

Discord summon a monitor and it shows Koopa shaking out an empty bag putting donut powder in the mixing bowl.

Discord: Don't be surprised, I have cameras everywhere.

Paratroopa: Great! So a bunch of donut powder gave us a penalty.

More teams arrive at the finish line.

Fluttershy VO: 9th. (Royal Sisters), 10th. (Pen Pals), 11th. (Sneaky twins), 12th. (Schoolgirls).

Yoshi: Hey girls, we got here first despite your calculations.

Ringo: Well how bout that?

Raffina: Due to the fact that there was a small chance they would come first.

The Scientists penalty is at 12:21, 12:20, 12:19, 12:18 while the Koopas penalty is at 15:34, 15:33, 15:32.

A few more teams get to the finish line.

13th. (Snobby Duo), 14th. (Besties), 15th. (Young Princesses), 16th. (Gem Collectors)

The Princesses are still pushing their kart while the other teams pass them.

Daisy: Guess we might be heading home.

(Interview: Princesses)

Daisy: So unfair it was a faulty kart and not because of us.

Peach: Well it was fun while it lasted, but we make a great team.

Daisy: Yeah, I guess.

Toadette: Hurry we're falling behind.

Toad: I'm pretty sure I'm going as fast as I can.

All of a sudden, their kart hits a rock which caused a bump and one of the wheels fell off and broke.

Both: NO!

Meanwhile at the finish line, the Scientists are at 2:01, 2:00, 1:59, 1:58 while the Koopas penalty is at 5:14,, 5:13, 5:12, 5:11

Two more teams arrive.

Discord VO: 17th. (Apple Siblings), 18th. (Gamers).

Fluttershy: In 3, 2, 1, and time!

A buzzer is heard.

Discord: Scientists, your penalty is over. You're still in the race and take 19th.

Koopa: So is our penalty over?

Discord: Nope you still have one minute left. If the last two teams get here in time, then you're both gonzo.

Both of them get nervous.

Peach and Daisy are nearly there.

Daisy: Almost there.

Toad and Toadette are hot on their tail.

Toad: Almost there just a little more and we're still in this.

The clock is at 0:04, 0:03, 0:02, 0:01, and a buzzer is heard.

Fluttershy: You can come over now. The penalty is over.

(Just as they were about to step on the rug, a team gets on the finish line first.)

Discord: 20th.

Princesses: We did it.

(After they leave, the Koopas step on the rug.)

Toad(off-screen): INCOMING!

Both of them crash and collide with the Koopas landing on the finish line.

Discord: Well that was the closest tiebreaker I've ever seen.

Toadette: So who gets to stay?

Discord: Technically, the Koopas stepped on before you did so they get second last.

Paratroopa: Alright!

Toad: Does that mean we lose?

Discord: Even if you two got here in time or tied, you would have been penalized into last anyway. You ran the rest of the way instead of taking your kart. However, after capturing the footage of both of the challenges and seeing some hilarious bits. It turns out the Egg buddies didn't in fact complete the second challenge.

(All the other teams gasp.)

Birdo: But we finished the cooking challenge, and Yoshi was the first one to finish all the donuts.

Discord: Yoshi, will you take off your shoes and empty them out please?

Yoshi already did so, looks down in shame and shook them repeatedly. To everyone's surprise, it revealed to be one donut in each shoe that he stached away.

(All the other teams gasped again.)

Yoshi: I just saved a little bit in case we had another long plane ride. It gets boring when we're in the plane and I get hungry a lot. I'm sorry.

Discord: Buddies forfeit, The Bolts win it.

Soarin and Spitfire were stunned at first then cheered.

Spitfire: Yes! We did it!

Soarin: That was an unexpected turn of events.

Fluttershy: And for winning this leg, you two get this. (Pulls out a yellow ticket with three arrows)

Spitfire: What's this?

Fluttershy: It's a bypass ticket. Anytime there's a challenge hard for you, then you have a choice to skip it and head straight to the finish line; except you must use it before the eighth leg.

Soarin: Cool!

Discord: Now I normally don't do this, but because your partner here snagged a few sticky sweets, I'm afraid you two are disqualified.

Egg buddies: WHAT!?

Discord: Sorry, but that's the way it goes. Now both you please leave now.

Yoshi: Awww, and we were doing so well too.

Both of them started walking off.

Fluttershy: Well due to that minor incident, both of you survive for another leg.

(The Mushroom Pals sigh in relief.)

Discord: Well one team just forfeited their win and got disqualified and the last place team survives. With three teams already gone, what will happen next time? Stay tuned for more of The Amazing Crossover Race!

The best of Yoshi and Birdo: Egg buddies.

(Scenes of this team's great moments are played.)

Birdo: I'm sorry it ended badly for us.

Yoshi: That's alright, I knew we get booted early, but I did eat a whole lot of donuts.

Birdo: Despite our obstacles we had to overcome. I say we did great, and it was pretty fun.

Yoshi: Despite all the flying and water, I survived.

The scene ends and the buddies drive off in the sunset.

Birdo: On the bright side, we can share the donuts you smuggled.

Yoshi: Now that is something I like doing.

Birdo: So you're not mad?

Yoshi: Not at all I had a great time!

Birdo: So did I.