//------------------------------// // Broken Heart // Story: Shoulder to Cry On // by Soul_Eater //------------------------------// Buckwheat sat waiting for the school to let out and he smelled the scent of sugar and cinnamon, turning his head he saw Pinkie Pie. "You can't keep the pain inside forever Buck, I know Berry Punch, she drinks all the time because of the pain she has from not keeping an eye on her niece, Cherry Berry's filly who died in drowning in a vat of grapes thst she was supposed to have locked the gate to. Whenever you're ready I'll listen." A few moments passed when Buckwheat spoke up. "I was building a cart for my sister to use in a derby, I left a candle lit in the basement which opened up to a space below the deck, which also served as a rest space with lounge chairs. Well somehow the candle I guess fell over and the varnish, paint, and canvas lit up and mom and dad were so busy getting us out they failed to notice that where they stood was burned out and was collapsing. I turned as we had landed and heard their screams as they fell through and ended up burning to death! I should've been me that night. That's why I can't bring myself to mourn properly, I was their cause of death and I can't forgive myself. " "I see...............Buckwheat, that was an honest mistake, it could've happened to anypony. Have you told Parma about how the fire started?" "No, if I did she'd hate my ass till I died. I need somepony to take care of her when I'm gone for a bit. I won't be long just for a couple of hours." Buckwheat trudged off and Pinkie collected the CMC and Parma and she was walking along and thinking about Buckwheat. It suddenly dawned on her what he meant! She by luck ran into Fluttershy and she herself left the fillies with her as she bolted, unaware that Parma had given chase. Cliffside Buckwheat sat in the edge of Ghastly Gorge and enjoying a hay burger and contemplating his jump and replying his mistake and the things he had yelled at his parents two days before their deaths. He had been grounded and he was to build Parma a dery cart. He had said some really nasty and crass things about Parma. He breathed deeply as he finished his burger and stood he became aware of a shouting and turning he froze. Above him he saw a rainbow streaking the sky and several dots running toward him. He was sat and waited for the awkward conversation that sad to follow.