//------------------------------// // The Prototype // Story: Sunset Prototype // by StardustSprinkle //------------------------------// In the Sparkle household, deep underground lies a secret laboratory. Here, Twilight Sparkle conducts experiments in which the complexity far exceeds human comprehension. The daughter of the Sparkles types furiously, her fingers dance on a homemade computer as the dim light flickers on and off. She has been working on this project for days, and failure is not an option. "This should do it," Twilight whispers as she presses the 'enter' tab on the keyboard. A process bar emerges on the screen and quickly goes from zero to a hundred percent. "Great," Twilight stretches before connecting the computer with a robotic body molded after Sunset. Once again, a progress bar emerges. Unfortunately, it took an hour for the bar to go up to five percent. "I don't have time for this," Twilight speaks to herself before leaving the dark underground room, locking the door behind her, and turned in for the night. The bar continues to go up: Five percent, ten percent, seventy-five percent, and finally a hundred percent. "Good morning," the robot body, covered in artificial skin and hair, speaks in a muffled and monotoned voice before its' eyes glow in a deep green color: "Mother Unit." Yet, the room is dark and empty. "Analysis, Mother Unit is absent, unplugging," the android says, unplugging itself from the computer: "Proposal, conduct a physical examination." The android stands up from its' chair, walks around, moves its' arm around, blinks, walks some more before finally knocking something over in the darkroom. "Analysis, fractured subject is a flower pot. Analysis, the plant life within the pot is dying. Conclusion, no need to save the plant life." the android says, before sitting back down: "Analysis, Mother Unit will return in approximately ten hours, forty-five minutes, and fifty-five seconds. Suggestion, wait until Mother Unit returns." The android sits quietly in the dark, staring into space as her eyes glow like a lighthouse. "Analysis, a fly has landed on my eye lens." the android says without blinking: "Analysis, the creature attempts to feed. Further Analysis, my eye lens does not contain food. Suggestion: the fly gets off of my eye lens and finds food elsewhere." The fly, on the other hand, decides to take a break on Sunset's eye lens. "Analysis, the fly tries to absorb heat from the light source," Sunset says: "Analysis, this unit will not blink until the fly absorbs enough heat." The room quiets down as the android stops talking while a fly resting on her eye. "Let's hope it's done," Twilight inhales before opening the door to her lab. She presses a button, and the cast iron door in front of her cracks unlock. "Good morning, Mother Unit," the android says as Twilight enters the room and turns the light on: "Data transferring complete, physical examination complete." "Huh," Twilight curiously observes her creation as the door slowly closes: "Intriguing. Now, how many fingers am I holding?" "Answer, five," the android says, observing Twilight's hand. "Good, now...Wait a minute, is that a fly?" Twilight takes a closer look at the android's eye. "Affirmative," the android says: "The fly sought to absorb heat from a light source, and this unit complies with its' wish." "Very interesting," Twilight brush the fly away. "Query, why does Mother Unit drives the fly away?" the android asks. "Because it's dirty?" Twilight raises an eyebrow: "Why did you let it rest on your eye anyway?" "Answer, the fly keeps this unit accompanied," the android answers, looking at Twilight: "The fly is a friend to this unit; why does Mother Unit drive friend away?" "WHAT?" with eyes wide open, Twilight can't believe her ears: "You call that a friend?" "Positive," the android now appears to look Twilight in the eyes: "Query, why does Mother Unit drives away, friend?" "Look," Twilight facepalms: "You can't call it a friend, ok? It spread germs everywhere and harms anything and everyone it comes in contact with!" "Positive, flies spread germs and cause illness," the android says: "Query, this unit will not be affected by the germs it carries. Moreover, Mother Unit will also not be affected as the fly only stays here in this room, and Mother Unit wears protective clothing.." "Look, you can't befriend something that doesn't understand you, ok? And you simply don't befriend something like a fly! They spread disease! Things that spread disease around should be eliminated!" Twilight explains: "Now enough of that nonsense, tell me what do you feel now." "Answer: this unit does not feel emotion the same way as humans," the android answers the light flickers: "Nonetheless, this unit feels content as Mother Units keeps this unit accompanied." "Well, I'm happy for that," Twilight notices the broken flower pot but paid no attention to it: "I need to go now, got a meeting. You stay here and be good, alright? I will be back this before 5." "Request," the android says: "Can Mother Unit bring this unit to the event in question?" "No," Twilight turns off the light as the iron door slowly opens: "Just stay and don't go anywhere." "Query..." the androids ask another question, but Twilight is already gone as the door closes: "Where is Mother Unit going? This unit can keep Mother Unit accompanied." The room is quiet again as Sunset's eyes shine in the dark. Instead of sitting still, however, the android decides to walk around. "Analysis, the fly attempts to feed on the dirt," the android says sit stops in front of the broken pot, squads down as two beams of green light focuses on the fly: "Analysis, the fly has to rely on a finite amount of food. Suggestion, the fly finds another food source. Further Analysis, there is no other way out of this room. Suggestion, the fly exits from the front door." The fly takes off and lands on her eye again. "Analysis, the fly is incapable of opening doors," the android stands up carefully before preceding toward the door: "Analysis, this unit needs to find Mother Unit. Result: Open the doors and explore the outside world." It's a quiet day in Sparkle's household as the master of the house is absent. Within the shed behind their home, the floor starts to move in peculiar ways. Finally, the seemingly wooden floor opens up, revealing a secret tunnel deprived of light. From the darkness, a pair of glowing green eyes makes its' way up. "Analysis, beyond the door, lies the outside world," Sunset says: "Suggestion, open the door." She pushes on the door, but nothing happened. "Analysis, this door requires a code," the android looks around the room before locking her eyes on a panel with glowing red numbers: "Analysis, the code is composed of three letters and ten numbers. Analysis, this unit lacks data. Suggestion, trying different combinations of codes." A robot's hands move quickly on the keyboard. The android cracked the code in merely minutes, and the door to the outside world is open. "Analysis, the fly, should set off and find a new source of food," the android takes a step forward, leaving the shed: "Current objective: find Mother Unit." The fly takes off. Yet, before it could travel anywhere else, the android grabs her winged insect friend before mercilessly crushing it. "Analysis," Sunset looks at her hand with the body of her first friend: "Flies are pests, elimination needed according to the order of Mother Unit." After staring at her hands for a bit, the android leaves the Sparkle household and travels to find her master. The prototype android is forced to walk down the street with no clear direction until something points her to Twilight. "Analysis, this chair is made of metal and wood," Sunset says with a robotic while analyzing a park bench: "Analysis, the search for Mother Unit is fruitless. Further Analysis, seating on a bench for resting may help." The android takes a seat, her eyes stare at the grass field with trees in the background. This is certainly different from the lab where she was birthed. "Hi, would you mind if I sit next to you?" a lady asks Sunset. "Please, take a seat," Sunset says, trying to mimic a normal voice. "Oh, thank you," the lady sits down: "It's such a nice day, isn't it?" "It sure is," Sunset replied, her eyes focusing on the greens. "Sorry, can you carry this for me?" the lady asks. Sunset turns her attention to the lady but was greeted by a gigantic cat cage: "What is this?" "Oh, it's Mr. Joey's house!' the lady giggles: "Isn't it just great? He's sleeping, so try not to stir the cage!" "Sure," Sunset says as the lady shoves the cage into her arms: "I just need to use the bathroom; I will be back in a minute! Ciao!" As the lady departs for her bathroom break, Sunset is now left alone with a sleeping cat. She looks at the finely crafted cage. Obviously, the lady loves her pet very much. "Hi! You there!" a strange voice calls out to Sunset: "Yes you!" The voice gets closer and closer. "I don't think she's paying attention!" A young man says to his friend. "Yeah? Then taste this!' another shouts before snatching the cage away and smack it on the ground: "How do you feel about this, huh?" Sunset slowly raises her head, her eyes focusing on the three men towering over her: "Who are you?" "She doesn't know who we are!" a short man says. "Then let's teach her!" a man of medium height raises his foot and stumps down towards the now awake but very confused cat. "Suggestion: stop," Sunset says before grabbing the young man's foot: "This unit is tasked with protecting the feline." "Let go of me!' the young man struggles. "Negative, letting go of your foot will result in the death of the feline," Sunset says, no longer hiding her robotic voice. "Boys! Mess her up!" the man orders. "Sir, yes sir!" a tall man says, taking out an iron bar before smacking Sunset's eye with it. The force of the hit combined with the tough metal breaking one of Sunset's eyes, revealing wires and chips inside. "Suggestion: stop," Sunset grabs the iron bar. Before breaking it in half with one hand. "Boss! She's a robot!" "Then that's going to be easy, now let go of my foot! I command you!" "Negative," Sunset says with a monotoned voice: "Letting go your foot will result in the death of the feline." "What is going on here!" the voice of the lady echoes throughout the park. "Let go of me!" the young man struggles. "Analysis, letting go of your foot now will not result in the death of the feline. Result: letting go of your foot." Sunset's hand loosen, and the three young man runs away. "Oh, my baby!" the woman runs towards the now smacked cage, carefully picking the cat and grooms it with her hand: "It's ok, now, mama's back! It's all going to be ok!" "Analysis, the feline is safe. Objective achieved." Sunset says, looking at the woman with her only eye left. "Oh, I can't thank you enough!' the woman gently pets the cat and seems to be ignorant of Sunset's injury: "How can I repay...OH DEAR HEAVENS!" The woman screams after taking one look at Sunset. "Suggestion: ceasing screaming," Sunset says in a cold voice: "Screaming in such a high pitched voice will cause irreversible damage to your vocal cord." "You are a robot?" the woman asks with a shaky voice. "Positive," Sunset says: "Query: why do you keep a feline around? This unit sees no advantage in keeping a feline around. Further Analysis: A feline may cause illness. Suggestion: Elimination." "Now hold on just a second!" the woman's tone takes a quick turn: "What did you just say?" "Repeat: keeping a feline around has no practical benefit. Further Analysis, a feline may spread disease, elimination..." "NO!" the woman cuts Sunset off with a forceful voice: "I don't know where are you getting that from, but Mr. Joey never made anyone sick ever! Besides, he kept me accompanied! Now, if you would excuse me, Mr. Joey and I have more important business to attend to!" The woman storms off, leaving Sunset with the debris of a cage. "Accompanied," Sunset whispers: "Analysis: find Mother Unit, ask for the meaning of companionship." The android then stands up, leaving the scene, and continues her quest. Sunset walks down the streets, covering her broken eye with a piece of cloth. It gets dark outside, and there's no sign of Twilight Sparkle. She aimlessly wanders the street until three hands grab her and try to drag her into a dark valley. "Query: why?" Sunset asks as she voluntarily follows the hands. "You are pretty tough, huh?" the tall man says, smashing a glass bottle on Sunset's head: "Boss, she's pretty tough!" "Use this!" the short laugh mischievously as he hands the tall man a baseball bat." "Suggestion," her speech was interrupted as the metal smashed her on the head, causing the light in her other eye to flicker: "Stop." "Let me handle this," their leader, a man of average height, pushes the two men aside before punching Sunset on the face mockingly: "You are pretty tough, huh? I challenge you to a duel!" "Negative," Sunset says with a metallic voice: "Fighting is pointless." "Yeah?" the man swings his fists around: "You are not so tough after all! Now enough talk, just fight me!" "Negative, fighting is pointless." "I command you!" the man says before breaking out in laughter: "Hi guys! I challenge her to a fight, and she's too scared to make a move." The two other men break into laughter as well, thinking it impossible for Sunset to hurt a human, not awarding the horror the would befall their friend. "Positive," Sunset says, raising her fists: "Object: Fight." "Wha?" the man turns around as a metal fist covered by silica gel firmly lands on his face, sending him to stumble backward. Sunset doesn't plan to stop. She takes a step forward and lands another punch, causing the bully to fall on his rump. Then, Sunset bends down a bit before landing another punch, breaking the bully's teeth. The bully tries to spits the teeth out, but Sunset lands another punch, causing him to swallow the debris. "Agh!' He opens his mouth, tries to tell Sunset to stop. Unfortunately, the android lands a punch on the bully's nose, breaking his nasal bone into small pieces. "AH!" the bully cries out in pain as Sunset lands punch after punches on his face, tear flesh out, fractured bones, and splashing blood everywhere. His friends, too shocked to say anything, just stand there and watch as blood splashes every time Sunset raises her fists. "Ah, ah..." the man's voice quiets down as Sunset lands punch after punch. "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE?" Twilight Sparkle shouts. "Mother Unit," Sunset says calmly as her fists rise and fall: "This unit is engaging in battle according to the request of this human." "Cease this foolishness!" Twilight shouts. "Positive," Sunset's hands stop midair and turn around: her body now covered in drops of blood, old and new, as more drips down her hands. "Now, now!" the short man shouts in a panicked voice, and the two men charge in and pick their friend up. "I'm so sorry...hi!" the two run past Twilight without looking back and rushes their unconscious friend to the hospital. The bully will survive, but his deformed face will be there to remind him of the mistakes he made. "Sunset," Twilight takes a deep breath, trying not to panic: "You are coming with me." "So this is it, huh?" Twilight stops for a moment before resumes typing: "You have had a rough day." "Positive," Sunset says, the light in her surviving eye flickers, rhyming that of the light in Twilight's lab. "Look, it's right to defend yourself, but it's highly unnecessary to beat someone like that," Twilight explains as her fingers dances on the keyboard. "Request: may I call you mother?" Sunset asks. "Why?" Twilight made a face: "Fine, call me a mother." "Thank you," Sunset says, unaware that Twilight only allows it to keep her calm: "Mother, did I do the right thing?" "You didn't have to kill the fly if it keeps you happy," Twilight says as the sound of keyboard typing fills the room: "If it doesn't harm anyone and you can deal with everything it has to offer, that is." "I see," Sunset stops for a moment: "Just like the lady and her feline?" "Yes, just like that," Twilight says. "Mother, are you deleting me?" Sunset asks innocently. "NO!" Twilight denies as her heart scapes a beat: "Of course not!" "Query, mother doesn't need to lie," Sunset says: "It's understandable, I've caused harm to a human." "Look," Twilight sighs as a progress bar emerges on her screen, turns her attention to her machine daughter, and lies: "I'm just giving you an update, ok?" "Negative," Sunset says: "Mother's breathing rhythm changes when she lies." "Well, I..." Twilight tries to calm herself, thinking: After all, this android is dangerous. She has no reservation to beat a human near the brink of death, and there's tell what she would do! I can't just bale out now! I need to stop her before more people get hurt! "I understand," the android says, lowering her head: "After all, I caused harm to another human. I am the one deserving elimination." "Is that so?" curiosity took control of Twilight's mind. "Positive," the android says: "But I must thank you for creating me. This world is so beautiful, and yet I can't witness it." "What do you mean?" "Mother, I mean you no harm," the android life her head, looking at Twilight: "Please, do not be afraid." "I..." "I have a gift," Sunset reaches a hand into her clothing before taking out a piece of beautiful rock: "I find it in the park, and it reminds me of mother." "Me?" Twilight carefully reaches her hand forward before quickly takes the rock away: "Well, I'm flattered." "Mother, the progress bar will take nine hours, fifteen minutes to complete," Sunset pauses a moment before continues with her robotic voice: "Can we spend one last night together?" "Fine," Twilight agrees, as she thinks to herself: I have to stay here all night anyway, so what's the harm? I have to make sure all the data transfers back to the computer before deleting it entirely. "So, what do you want to do?" "May I have a hug?" the android asks, reaching her arms out. "Sure..." Twilight agrees reluctantly. Her brain tells her to run, but her curiosity tells her to stay. "Thank you..." the android wraps her arms around Twilight ever so gently: "Mother, am I hurting you?" "What? No!' Twilight lets out nervous laughter. "Good," the android then buried her face onto Twilight's shoulder; her breathing pattern shifts and now resembles that of weeping: "Mother, I love you..." the android whispers. "Agh..." Twilight opens her eyes. The weight on her shoulders reminds her of the strange events last night. She looks at the screen of her hand-made computer, and the progress bar reads A hundred percent. She pushes the now conscious-less robot body aside before unplugging the body from her computer. "Finally," Twilight says, right clicks on the AI as the delete option appears. Before she ends this once and for all, Twilight shifts her attention again to the empty shell of the android: There is a smile on her face. She looks so peaceful. "Oh my..." Twilight closes her eyes as her handshakes. She is but an AI; she can't feel love! It's all just my imagination! "Maybe I can revise this," instead of deleting her creation, Twilight decides to give it another chance. "Sweet dreams, honey," before leaving her lab, Twilight carries the body of the android to a chair, put a blanket over it, and gives it a kiss on the forehead.