Twilight Sparkle’s Cookie

by Badguy400

Get that Cookie!

Spike is currently reading a random newspaper from the Foal Free Press. He’s been like that ever since he’s decided that the best way to start the day off, was a nice mug of coco, a fine paper to read, and a plate of cookies. Now... knowing how Spike is; he loves treats! Almost as much as a certain pink pony does... . However; what Spike doesn’t know is that he’s not the only one who likes sweets that much... . And sooner or later..... he’s gonna have to deal with whatever is about to happen in this story.... . But for now; there’s this... .

“Twilight!” Spike began to call out. “I’m going to go out with the Crusaders to go fishing! Wanna come with?!... .” Hearing no response; Spike just shrugged, and commented; “suit yourself”, before going to the front door to head out of the castle. But before he could; he had to prepare. So with that; he puts his coffee mug in the sink, sets the paper on the nearby table with his plate of cookies; (or cookie since he only ate all but one), and goes to his room to get his fishing gear.

Once Spike has gathered up his fishing gear; Spike called out from his room; “if you need anything, then I’m going to the lake! Okay?!” Still not getting a response; Spike commented; “eh; your loss”, and starts to head to the front door to let himself out so he can go fishing... .

Meanwhile; Twilight has been busy rearranging all of the books in her library for quite some time after she’s gotten up. Why is because she always does stuff like this when she’s awake... . Or at least after she just woke up. Just for context; Twilight has two libraries; (believe it or not). The first one is small, and is for personal readings. The second one; (the one she’s in right now), is where she stores all of her non fictional stories, her scrolls, journals, and of course; her notes for in case Celestia drops by to check on her student’s progress with being Princess... .

Anyways; soon after Twilight was just about to finish, she heard growling coming from her belly. She stopped to look down, and commented; “I really need to eat.” With that; she sets the books aside with her magic, and went to go downstairs to eat. But what she doesn’t know is that this here little errand of hers is gonna be a bit more complicated than she ever could have imagined... . How so? Only one way to find out... .

Spike is about almost there to the nearby lake when suddenly he saw something. He couldn’t see what it was, but he wasn’t giving up. After a few minutes, he then saw what he was seeing: the Cutie Mark Crusaders. With that; Spike sets his stuff aside, and waved hi to the Crusaders; whom in turn, waved back.

“Hiya girls.” Spike greeted. What did y’all get for our fishing trip?” The Crusaders looked confused at Spike, and then Sweetie Belle said; “what fishing trip? We’re just going out to fish right her in Ponyville; remember?” Realizing what he just said; Spike just nodded, and yawned before saying; “oh right.. heh.... . Sorry girls... . I must’ve been so tired lately... .” After that; he yawned again, and stretched his arms out.

With that confusion out of the way; Sweetie Belle said; “so... now that we’re here... do you know where the lake is at?” Thinking about this; Spike nodded, and got out his map from his backpack. After studying the map; he then looked at the Crusaders, and then pointed; “there’s our spot; let’s go!” With that; he put his map back in his backpack, and starts running to the lake. In turn; the Crusaders ran after him, and then Scootaloo commented; “this is gonna be fun!” before catching up with the rest of the group.

Once Twilight has arrived at the kitchen; she saw what looked to be an unattended cookie. She was about to go and snack it for herself; thinking that it might be for her and her only to snack on. But then she stopped; knowing that maybe it wasn’t for her after all, but for somepony else. Regardless; she took the plate that held the cookie, and went to the personal library to go and look for a book to read; while she’s thinking about whether or not to eat the cookie finally.

“Hmmmm.....” Twilight began. “There’s so many things here for me to read...... . I can’t tell what book I should read that’ll allow me to read it, and successfully enjoy that cookie. Oooh.... I just sure hope that it doesn’t take too long... . Because I really wanted to eat that cookie!” She then turned to the plate of cookie, and said; “but then again.... it’s probably not for me... . Maybe it belonged to Spike when he first got up. I know that he would occasionally snack first, before doing other things; like brushing his teeth for example... . But either way.... I sure hope I didn’t make the wrong choice... . I’m really hoping that Spike won’t be mad at me if it were his... . I’d be so ashamed... .”

After what seemed like hours; Twilight has finally found a book to read, and plopped right down on her chair. But, before she could begin; Twilight remembered something, and said; “oops! Forgot the milk.” With that; she left, and went to the kitchen to fix herself a glass... . Once she was done; she returned with the glass of milk, and sets it aside right next to the plate.

However; before she could truly begin; Twilight sat back down on her chair, and started thinking; “ooh I really feel bad about doing this... . I sure hope that nothing will ruin this... .” Unfortunately; it might... .

Meanwhile; at Sugarcube Corner; the Cake Twins are playing with their plushies, when suddenly they get a familiar scent from within their noses... . “Cookies!” they were thinking. Now; it’s not the cookies that they were smelling from the bakery. They were pretty much used to that. But cookies outside of it however... they weren’t. So with that; Pumpkin Cake held one of her brother’s hooves, and lit up her horn before teleporting away from their little play area, and out the door. Now as for their parents; they were too busy with the after lunch rush to take notice... .

After teleporting out of the store; the Cake Twins start to sniff all around Ponyville; trying to find where that scent could be coming from... .

They were sniffing at the flower stand; no luck. They were sniffing at the nuts cart, but fled because they’re afraid of bulk biceps for some reason. And lastly they checked inside the bakery again. But alas; it was no use.

However; before they could try again; their parents have summoned them for lunchtime. Knowing that they can’t do anything about that; they relented, and went to their highchairs to eat. I mean after all; you can’t steal someone’s cookie without having lunch first right? That wouldn’t be good... .

Flurry Heart is currently playing with her dolls. And by dolls I mean plushies. I mean; sure she loves her whammy plushie. But not only that, but she also loves all of her plushies!

You see; back when she wanted to bring her plushies to her aunt Twilight’s castle so Twilight can babysit her; she had a bit of a dilemma... . The dilemma was that her parents told her to take only one, and that she has to choose in the next thirty seconds. Knowing how mean her parents can get when they’re impatient; she wasted no time, and took the plushie that was her most favorite. Case in point; Whammy the Snail.

When Flurry Heart was about to make the plushies kiss due to her making them get married, she smelt something sweet. So sweet that she even levitated in the air with her magic because of it. And with that; she’s off! But not before giving her plushies a kiss, and making them kiss each other too. And with that; she’s off!

Back in the castle; Twilight was finishing up her book, and is still contemplating about what to do with the cookie... . However; after hearing her stomach growl; Twilight just shrugged, commented; “why not?” and proceeded to reach for the cookie. But.. before she could even touch it; poof! After that; Pumpkin Cake held the cookie close to her, and teleported off with her brother. Growling; knowing who it was that took her cookie, shouted; “Pumpkin Cake! Get back here with my cookie!” and then teleported off after her.

After she teleported; she looked around to find out where she was, and noticed that she lost track of them. However; before she could give up and find their parents; she heard something from afar, and ran to investigate.

After running for what seemed like hours; (despite being just only a few minutes); Twilight has found the CMCs, and Spike; currently trying to wrangle a fish from the lake; whilst also trying to catch the Cake Twins so they can be sent back home.

However; it’s beginning to prove a little too tasking for them... . So Twilight has decided the one thing that she should do as a Princess of friendship... . Call for backup.

Rainbow Dash has been working out in her home: lifting weights, doing wing ups, and of course; running around the outside of her home so she could stay in shape. However; right before Rainbow Dash could catch a break; a scroll magically appeared right in front of her, and then she began to read it.

With no time to spare; she hastily went inside her home to prepare: making herself a smoothie to keep herself energized, doing a little cleanup around the house just in case, taking a quick shower, and lastly getting herself a snack to eat before getting some hunting gear from her bedroom to go and capture the Cake Twins for Twilight. The hunting gear consists of food and drinks in her daring do style backpack; along with some baby toys to lure the babies to her; or into a trap that consists of a rope and a laundry basket, a big fishing net to catch both fish and foals, and lastly; a daring do vest and hat; for style.

So; with those things out of the way; Rainbow Dash adjusts her net; (like as if she’s cocking a loaded shotgun), and then quotes; “let’s do this.” before diving down so she can get to Ponyville.

“Spike; hold them still!” Twilight said as she’s currently trying to capture them so she could get her cookie back. However; Spike couldn’t: as he was currently busy with keeping his catch of the day reeling, and ensuring that the line doesn’t snap so he could get his catch. But unfortunately; the fishing pole broke, and the fish got away: hook, line, and sinker. Whimpering; Spike breathed a sigh to keep his emotions in check, and then starts helping Twilight with catching the Cake Twins. However; before they could; Rainbow Dash swooped in, and caught them. Laughing in triumph; she paused to see that the Cake Twins had a cookie with them. Feeling like she’s earned it; she snatched it from them, and was about to eat it.

However; before she could; the Cake Twins escaped her grasp, and snatched the cookie back from Rainbow Dash before flying away. And with that; the chase was on!

Running and vaulting, flying and soaring, dodging and missing; the chase for that cookie was on! And oh boy was it a good one.

However; right as the Twins were about to make their escape; all of the ponies; (and spike); collided into them, and the result was a battered and bruised pile of hurt ponies. Amongst the pile; Twilight got out on top of them, and reached out holding the cookie in her hoof. Gleaming in triumph; Twilight Sparkle looked in awe at the sugary treat before her.

But... right as she was about to eat the cookie; her niece beat her to it, and teleported away in three seconds flat. With that out of the way; Twilight fell to her knees; (or the pony equivalent of it), and then began sobbing. Feeling bad about what happened to his sibling; Spike pulled her up, and says; “there there; you’re not the only one to lose something you know... .” Sniffling; Twilight wiped her nose, and said; “oh... sorry Spike.” After a few minutes of calming down; Twilight got up, and said; “hey; wanna try and get that fish again?” With nothing else to do; the others joined in, and together they’ve managed to get Spike a catch of his life.

Flurry Heart meanwhile is just basically having the time of her life! Bouncing around in her room; making messy artwork; and of course raiding the fridge for some more sweets; or food since she’s hungry. So with that; paint everywhere, food bits all over the fridge, and a happy Flurry Heart lying on the kitchen floor with a full belly.

As for the parents; they were way too knocked out on their beds to do much of anything. Reason is that they noticed that their daughter was feeling energetic ever since they saw her. And that they had to get Flurry Heart to curb it somehow so that she will be easy to care for... . How did they attempt to do it?... . Well first they started with dancing. That didn’t work out too well... . Next; they tried to play chase. That didn’t work out either, and they had to catch their breaths while their daughter is just literally bouncing on the walls in front of them. And lastly; they even tried to give her more sugar so that she can get a sugar crash.... . That didn’t work out too well either, and they just made it worse. So; with no other option, they’ve decided to just let their daughter get it out of her system somehow, and then went into their rooms to take a nap.

And so with that; Flurry Heart is passed out in the kitchen. The parents are sleeping in their bedroom. And Spike has managed to get a giant fish today.

The end.