Digital Dustin – Let the games begin

by Prince Dustin Hogan

Best of both worlds




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Best of both worlds

OP - It's Goin' Down from Descendants 2

At Principal Celestia's office, Dustin was eyeing the mysterious green creature that was still attached to the Digitrix

“Jesus, when will you ever come off?” Dustin asked with a growl.

“Easy, Dustin, I wouldn’t recommend fiddling with that thing.” Allister stated to Dustin.

“Agreed, we wouldn’t want to accidently damage the Digitrix, now would we?” Celestia asked, to which Dustin nods in agreement.

Just then a knock came from the door.

“Come in.” Celestia called, and both Luna and the girls walked in.

“So, what’s the word?” Rainbow asked.

“You said it had something to do with... ” Sunset points to the green creature on Dustin’s arm, “that?”

“Ah, yes.” Celestia said with a nod, then looks to Allister. “If you please? ”

“Absolutely.” Allister nodded, pulling out a tablet. “I managed to gather some useful data on this creature that is latched onto the Digitrix.”

“Wait. Creature?” Applejack asked with confusion.

“Believe it or not, this thing is a biomechanical parasitic organism.” Allister stated as he fiddled with the tablet. “In simple terms, this thing is an artificial creature.”

“Wait! Did you say parasitic!?” Dustin asked with wide eyes.

“Yep. And my suspicions on it being made by the Syndicate were accurate.” Allister said with a worried look.

“How do you know that?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I managed to infiltrate their data banks. And lo and behold, I stumbled across this.” Allister then laid his tablet on Celestia’s desk, showing what appeared to be blue prints for the creature. “Schematics for something called the Corruptrix. Which is what the creature attached to the Digitrix is.”

“Wait! To put it simply, you’re saying that thing is a knock-off Digitrix?” Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Apparently so, and according to what I was able to gather, how it functions is that it latches into a container for Binary DNA, like the Digitrix, then scans and copies the Binary DNA samples it has acquired.” Allister said as he looked to the Corruptrix. “That would explain the parasite part.”

“Oh great, first Ginzo tried to take the Digitrix, and now he’s ripping me off!?” Dustin groaned. “If anything, I should sue his butt-ugly ass for copyright infringement!”

“So, is there any way we can remove it?” Sunset asked, but Allister sighed.

“I’m afraid not.” Allister looks back to his tablet, “I couln’t find any known method on how to remove it. The good news though, is that it will come off on its own eventually.”

“But?” Dustin asked.

“But, I’m not sure how long that thing will stay on there. It could take weeks, or even months before that thing finally does come off.” Allister said with a sad frown. “I’m sorry, kiddo. But until we do find a way to remove it, or when it decides to come off, I’m afraid you won’t be able to use the Digitrix.”

“Well shit!” Dustin groaned again. “First an upcoming competition against a school that everybody hates with a passion, and now this!? God, how can this day get any worse!?”

“I’m sorry deary, but for now, I’m afraid you’ll just have to leave crime to the authorities.” Celestia said, placing a hand on Dustin’s shoulder.

“Man, this freakin’ sucks.” Dustin hung his head.

Outside the hooded man from earlier was hearing the whole conversation, cracking a wicked grin.

"Things are going according to plan." he uttered quietly, disappearing in a flash of green light.


At the distinguished high school of Crystal Prep Academy, the mysterious, glasses wearing girl was walking throughout the hallways, now dressed in uniform, with a plaid skirt, a button-up shirt that included a maroon top over it, a tie, purple stockings, and black dress shoes. She held a pair of books in her hands as she stopped at a crowded section of the public area, hearing a cell phone ring as she saw dozens of people before her. Adjusting her glasses as they were falling off, she took a deep breath and sighed, proceeding forward.

"Excuse me," she said after bumping into a fellow student's arm, who glared at her, "Sorry," she apologized once she accidentally hit someone else. As she was trying to avoid any more unnecessary collisions, another girl then walked up from behind, knocking into her as she tried to get past. "Pardon me," she uttered apologetically, giving off a saddened look as she trotted away.

“Hey Twi.” A male voice said to the girl, making her turn to see a boy about a year older than her. He had tanned skin, grey hair that reached his shoulders, a muscular build, and green eyes. His attire was nothing like the school uniforms for Crystal Prep, just a tank top, blue jeans and black leather shoes.

“Oh, Salazar, you startled me.” The girl said with a sigh.

“Sorry.” Salazar apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

Later, within her lab, a small, purple puppy with yellowish-green ears was asleep upon a swivel chair, right before a desk that had a laptop under the collage of pictures being connected by red string, as that also loomed over a machine that had a seismograph upon its screen. On the other side of the room, there was a microscope, and a full set of test tubes upon another desk. All of a sudden, the animal's right ear flopped up, causing him to suddenly awaken and pant excitedly, jumping down and racing over to the door. Without any warning, it burst open just as he reached it, sending him flying across in a whimpering sound the room as both the specs-wearing girl and Salazar walked in.

"Spike? Spike?!" The girl called out repeatedly, wondering where he was as she sat down in the swivel chair. He suddenly popped out of a small trashcan filled with crumpled sheets of paper, barking happily as he ran to his owner, causing her to giggle. "There you are," she noted happily, allowing him to jump onto the desk, then hop to her face. He yipped again before licking her face, making her giggle some more.

"Okay, okay!" she pleaded, enticing him to halt his action as he seated himself upon her lap, wagging his tail excitedly while he panted.

“Any luck?” Salazar asked as petted Spike, to which the dog enjoyed.

“Absolutely. Last night's field test confirmed it." she answered, reaching into her desk drawer, pulling out her strange, pendant-like contraption.

"With this device," she began to say as she pressed its center, causing it to shine a bright blue before it popped open, while her dog tried reaching for it with his right, front paw, "I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Canterlot High," she explained, closing it while Spike just growled at the mention of the school, putting his front paws on the desk.

“Whoa there, fido.” Salazar said, scratching Spike behind the ears to cease his growls. “Twi, are you sure going down there is still a good idea?”

"Yes.” The girl nods. “I know you two didn't like me going over there," she pointed out, scratching his ear, "but I just couldn't wait," she said, holding him in her hands before he jumped down to the floor, "And soon," she continued, wheeling herself over to the desk on the other side of the room, "I'll have all the time I need," she stated, "All of Crystal Prep is gonna be there for the Friendship Games," she noted, taking a few sheets of paper from a stack of them, "I just hope all that 'rivalry' nonsense doesn't get in the way of my research," she mentioned, while her pet noticed a ladybug hovering overhead, "If I can collect enough data on these EMF frequencies," she started as the dog attempted to pounce of the insect as it landed, missing as it flew away, while he lifted his paw to see that he did not succeed, "I should be able to extrapolate the wavelength forms to determine their origin," she explained, "That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program!" she exclaimed excitedly as she outstretched her arms excitedly, leaning back in her chair, "Whoa!" she suddenly yelped as she fell down with her seat, hitting the ground with a thud as her papers floated down.

“While we’re on the subject of strange occurrences,” Salazar said, pulling out his cellphone. “I think I may have found out an interesting link to these strange creatures that have been appearing there.”

The girl and Spike both give him their undivided attention.

“So, upon closer inspection,” Salazar said as he brought out photos of Indestructile, Freakshow, Sugar Spider, and Even Rainbow Rocks. “Despite their differences in appearance, I noticed one thing they each have in common.” He then points to the hourglass symbol on that appeared in each photo. “They each have a square shaped object with an hourglass symbol on it embossed on them.”

The girl examined each photo, and she could see where Salazar was getting to. “I see. Do you think there a sort of connection here?”

“I believe so. And while you were there at CHS earlier, I managed to do a little investigating myself.” Salazar said before clicking in a button on his phone. “But my subject of interest was nothing magic related, but a student that happens to attend there.” Salazar then showed his phone to Twilight, the screen presented an image of Dustin Miller.

“Who is he?” The girl asked in confusion.

“No clue. But you can say that there’s something extraordinary about him.” Salazar then zoomed in the image presented on his phone, focusing on Dustin’s wrist. “Take a look at what’s on his wrist. Notice anything familiar?” Salazar asked. The girl looked to see the Digitrix on his wrist, and gasped upon seeing the identical symbol it had.

“It has the same exact symbol those creatures have!” The girl was absolutely stunned.

“And that’s not all I stumbled across.” Salazar then tapped on his phone's screen a few times before showing the girl a video. “On my way back, I found this video. And what you’re about to see will surprise you.”

With a tap, the video played, showing Dustin transforming into Indestructile. Needless to say, the girl and her dog were both at a loss for words upon seeing the video.

“I know, right?” Salazar asked.

“Wait…are you sure that video is genuine?” The girl asked, trying to rationalize what she witnessed. “I mean, you know how realistic effects can be.”

“I thought the same thing.” Salazar said, before pulling out a few newspapers. “But these creatures have made the headlines, believe it or not.”

The girl grabbed one of the newspapers and read its contents, her shock and surprise never fading.

“Plus, they've even been talked about on the news.” Salazar showed the girl another video, but this one was a new report.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Willow Mildew and this just in, another strange creature has appeared. Witnesses claim to see what appeared to be an eight-armed gorilla out of nowhere and stopped an attempted bank robbery.”

As the girl watched, her shock still increased.

“This incident marks the twentieth time this month something like this has happened. Wherever crime or disaster strikes, these mysterious creatures are never too far behind. We get to Solar Flare for further details. Solar?”

“Thank you, Willow. So, as you said, many strange creatures have made their presence known whenever a crime happens or a disaster appears. One such incident involves, and I know this sounds crazy, a fish man putting out a house fire by manipulating water from a nearby hydrant. Another involves a creature which I can only describe as a living shadow stopping a hostage situation, and most recently, a crystalline humanoid stopping a train that was close to derailing. Just who or what are these heroic individuals? Where did they come from? And will they appear when help calls for them again? Willow, back to you.

With the video ended, Salazar retrieves his phone, and notices the absolute shock his female friend had.

“I…I don’t know…what to believe.” The girl stuttered.

“Trust me, I had the same reaction.” Salazar said with a nod.

“And this Dustin Miller you mentioned is a student at Canterlot High?” The girl asked, still in shock.

“Yes. And these creatures started popping up; right about the same time those energy spikes started appearing.” Salazar stated.

“You don’t suppose there’s a connection, do you?” The girl asked.

“No clue.” Salazar shrugged.

Just then, they heard a few knocks at the door, which opened to reveal a woman dressed in a blue suit with a long skirt, having moderate violet hair that had streaks of rose and pale gold, grayish cerise skin, and opal eye shadow. She had a gold necklace around her neck, and a crystal-like, heart-shaped pin near the collar of her coat.

Upon entering the room, she widened her eyes in surprise to see the girl lying on the floor, with her pet licking her forehead.

"Twilight," she began as the glasses-wearing girl pushed the purple dog aside, "you know the rules against pets," she noted sternly while she lifted her back up.

"Well," she started, "Spike isn't a pet, Dean Cadance," she reassured, picking him up, "He's the focus of my research project," she claimed as she petted him on the head, "Human-canine cohabitation," she declared, holding him out to the school official, "effects and implications," she added.

"If you say so," the school head responded, "But Principal Cinch is highly allergic," she mentioned, taking a strand of dog hair off of the student's right shoulder, "so I suggest you put on a clean shirt," she recommended to her.

"Why?" she asked, putting her pet down onto the floor.

"Because she wants to see you," Cadance responded, crossing her arms, causing her to smile excitedly while Salazar had a nasty look on his face.

"Ooh!" she exclaimed, "Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!" she suggested, putting her hands together in anticipation, while the dean developed a concerned expression upon her face.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that," she mentioned, getting her attention as she placed her hand on her shoulder, "Are you sure that's what you really want?" she asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Twilight asked back in reply with a smile, "A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects?" she recalled, looking at her open palms, "What a dream come true!" she said, clasping her hands together again.

“That is if the wicked witch of the West keeps her promise.” Salazar muttered to himself, but Cadence heard every bit of it.

“Consider yourself lucky Principle Cinch isn’t here, Salazar,” Cadence said, making Salazar jump back a bit “because she’d give you detention for the whole school year and summer school for that remark.”

“Damn it, nothing gets by you.” Salazar mumbled to himself.

“Salazar, you wouldn’t want to get on her bad side.” Twilight said to Salazar in a bit of worry. “Last time you upset her, you got cleaning duty for month.”

“Give me a break, Twi. I just said that she had one gray hair. One. Gray. Hair.” Salazar said in self-defense.

“That still got you in hot water.” Twilight stated.

“And she still tells you to wear your school uniform when on campus.” Cadence butted in on the conversation.

“The day I wear one of those stuffy things is the day when Hell freezes over.” Salazar grumbled to himself again.

"Anyways,” Cadence turns to Twilight “There aren't any classrooms with other students," the school head responded while she shook her head, "You'll be doing everything on your own," she added, having her arms crossed.

"That is why it's called an 'independent study program'," the studious girl pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"I just don't want you to miss out on anything," Cadance told her, "That's all," she said, placing her hand upon her shoulder again reassuringly, "Being around other people isn't a bad thing," she noted, taking her arm away as she placed them at her hips, "Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself," she mentioned with a smile.

"I guess…" the bespectacled girl replied while she nervously rubbed her right shoulder with her left hand.

"Meet me in Principal Cinch's office in a few minutes?" the dean beckoned as she grinned, causing Twilight to nod nervously in response. “And Salazar…” Salazar looks to Cadence, getting his attention, “Try to stay out of trouble please?”

“No promises.” Salazar said with a shrug. Cadence just sighed before walking out.

"What's she so worried about?" she asked her pet, who was playing with a blue, rope chew toy, "Everton is exactly what I need right now," she stated with her hands at her hips in a defiant matter, "Huh…" she sighed, "It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep…" she noted sadly.

“But you do know that I won’t be there, right?” Salazar asked Twilight, making her look to him

“Oh…right.” Twilight sighed sadly.

“Well, I better get going. Good luck with Witchy Poo.” Salazar said before walking out of the lab.

“And you wonder why Principal Cinch can’t stand you.” Twilight said with another sigh.

SONG: What more is Out There? Performed by Twilight Sparkle

Twilight walked out of the room, adjusting her tie with a depressed look upon her face, closing the door behind her as she trotted onwards.

Twilight : I've walked through all these halls before…

I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh…

There's nothin' in this school that I don't know-oh-oh-oh!

In every class, my grade's the best,

The highest score on every test…

I think that means it's time for me to go…

She held her right hand out in a fist, contemplating her situation as she continued to head to the principal's office.

Twilight: I know there's more that's out there!

And I just haven't found it yet…

I know there's more that's out there!

Another me I haven't met…

Finding herself within the main hall of the building, she kept on avoiding bumping into other students as they glanced at her with narrowed eyes, somewhat startling her.

Twilight: This school is full of people,

But still I don't belong…

They only dream of winning,

Look at me like something's wrong…

Maybe I'm better off alone…

Will I find what I'm lookin' for,

If I just do it on my own?

She walked up the stairs to the next floor, still having that distressed look plastered upon her face.

Twilight: I know there's more that's out there!

Something to fill this hole inside!

I know there's more that's out there!

And I'm not afraid to try…

Looking out at the windows in thought of her dreams, she continued her reflection of her situation.

Twilight : there’s only so much this school can offer,

And I'm not saying that it's wrong!

But I know there's more that's out there!

'Cause I've been searching all along…

She kept on her trek, with confidence stirring inside of her as she kept on climbing the staircase.

Twilight : Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls…

So much to learn, I can't see it all…

There's somethin' out there callin' me,

And it's a mystery that I can't wait to see!

'Cause I know there's more that's out there!

Another place, another way!

And I know there's more that's out there…

And I'll find out someday!

I'll find out someday...

After arriving at the top floor, her smile faded as she was about to twist the doorknob to the single room that was present. Once she opened it with a creek, there were only a few dim lights on; leading to a desk with a stool before it, while behind, there was an elegant chair that was turned around. She looked to her right to see Cadance standing beside her, who gestured out towards the seat that was before her. She walked up to it and sat down, causing it to squeak a little. Suddenly, she heard the door close, enticing her to turn around and see a man standing at the other side of it, having pale white skin and blue hair with cerulean streaks, wearing a violet sweater that had a symbol of shield upon it near the collar over a dress shirt that included a black tie.

"Shining Armor?" she said in surprise upon seeing him, "Why is my brother here?" she asked.

"As an alumni," the dean began in reply to her, "Principal Cinch thought he could provide some unique perspective," she explained, causing him to smile.

"Perspective on what?" Twilight questioned, confused.

"Why, the Friendship Games, of course," a voice responded, causing her to turn and see the person in the chair on the other side of the desk, being a woman with fair, cerulean skin, hair in streaks brownish-red, pink, and light and dark purple done in a bun. She was wearing red glasses over her eyes and had a uniformed, blue suit upon her, much like Cadance's, with a turtleneck sweater and pearl earrings, along with a beauty mark on her left cheek.

"You competed in the games," she began to the man at the door, "did you not, Shining Armor?" she inquired, standing up while he was glancing at the school official that stood with him. However, he immediately turned his focus back to the principal, blushing slightly as he coughed to recompose himself.

"I did," he responded.

"And you happen to recall who won?" Cinch asked.

"Ha ha," the graduate laughed, "Crystal Prep did," he said, "We always win," he gloated, crossing his arms as he looked over at the school dean.

"We always win," the principal repeated to the student before her.

"Why'd you ask to see me?" she asked as the head went over to a small display area on the side of the room, littered with trophies and awards.

"Twilight, I'll be honest," she responded, taking a trophy down from the rack, "It doesn't matter whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses," she told her as she shined the award in her hands with a cloth, having her image reflect off of it, "The important thing is we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation," she explained, putting it back on the shelf, "And it is that reputation..." she began, going over to her "my reputation that is responsible for everything we have here," she stated proudly, "For everything you've done here," she added, pulling off a grin, "And you've done quite a lot, haven't you?" she inquired cleverly, going back over to her chair.

"I dunno…" the glasses-wearing girl replied, "I guess…." she uttered nervously.

"Oh, don't be modest," Cinch reassured, sitting back down in her seat, "You're the best student this school has ever seen," she complimented, fidgeting with a pencil upon her desk, rolling it back and forth as she developed a serious look on her face, "What I can't understand is why my best student wouldn't want to compete…" she told her.

"In the Friendship Games?" she inquired, very surprised and confused as she readjusted her glasses.

"Look, Twily," her brother began, getting her attention, "I know it's not really your thing," he continued, "but representing the school is kind of a big deal," he explained, "Plus, they could really use your help," he mentioned.

"It seems Canterlot High is undergoing something of a renaissance," the principal chimed in, turning the student's focus back onto her as she pulled out a piece of paper, "Test scores are up, grades, even athletics are on the rise," she listed off as she observed the sheet, putting it down, "You see," she started to say, "they are developing somewhat of a reputation," she told her, "This cannot happen!" she declared sternly.

"Principal Cinch," Twilight began in a pleading tone, "I can't possibly participate in the games," she told her, "My work here is very—"

"Ah, yes," she interjected, "Your work," she remembered, pressing her fingers together in front of herself, "Cadance," she started to say to the dean, "could you and Shining Armor find my contact sheet for the Everton Independent Study program?" she asked.

"Of course," she responded, heading out of the door as Shining Armor opened it for her, following her out before he closed it while his sister watched somewhat worriedly.

"I understand you've applied," the school official chimed in, catching her attention again, "You see," she began, leaning over pulling out a folder from the left side of her desk, "one of the advantages of having a reputation is a certain amount of influence in such things," she explained, opening it up to look through it before putting it back down, "So," she continued, tapping her fingers together, "let me offer you a deal," she told her, "In return for contributing your agile mind to these games," she kept going, "I will use my influence to guarantee your application is approved," she assured, pushing the folder towards the model student, "Though," she uttered, pulling it away before she could grab it with her own hand, "I suppose I could also have it…denied," she mentioned, "What do you think I should do?" she asked in a threatening tone, as the girl before her rubbed her hand nervously out of fright.

Later, in Crystal Prep’s cafeteria, Twilight was nervous about her conversation with principal cinch earlier.

“Oh boy. This is just so much pressure.” Twilight muttered to herself. “I compete in the friendship Games, than I may have a chance at getting accepted to Everton. But if I don’t…that may never happen.”

As Twilight walked, three figures stood in front of her, blocking her way. Twilight looks to see the three figures. One was a boy with tan skin and sandy blond hair, his bangs obscuring one of his eyes. His name was Dumb-bell. The second was a boy with brownish-yellow skin with brown hair obscuring his eyes. This was Hoops. And the third was a boy with gray skin with dark gray hair that obscured his eyes. This was Score.

“Well, look what we got here boys.” Dumb-bell said to his two goons. “If it ain’t four-eyes.”

Twilight just shivered upon seeing the three boys. “it-it’s…Tw-Tw-Twilight actually.”

“Whatever, four-eyes.” Dumb-bell huffed. “Heading somewhere?”

“Well…I, uh..was….ab-b-bout to…” Twilight stuttered, her fear increasing bit.

“Speak up, geek.” Dumb-bell said, putting a hand over his ear. “Can’t hear ya over the balcony.”

“How about you three step off, before I get really upset!” A voice called out, catching the attention of the three boys.

“Alright, who said that!?” Dumb-bell growled, and sure enough, Salazar rose from his seat. “Oh, it’s you, freak.”

“Yeah.” Salazar said, walking towards the three. “Now, if I were you, I’d move along.” Salazar stood beside Twilight.

“Oh yeah?” Dumb-bell asked with a grin.

“And what if we don’t, punk?” Hoops asked with smirk on his face.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Salazar said with a growl.

“Salazar, please calm down.” Twilight pleaded, “They’re not worth it.” Twilight and Salazar both began to walk away.

“Chumps like you are all talk.” Score said with a smirk.

“I can see why you’re a big pain in Cinch’s ass.” Dumb-bell chuckled, making Salazar stop and turn. Then Salazar began to chuckle a bit, confusing the three boys and worrying Twilight.

“And what’s so funny, freak?” Dumb-bell asked.

“You know who the first person to comment on that was?” Salazar asked, confusing Dumb-bell and his buddies. “YOU’RE MOM!

That made everyone else present gasp in shock, including Twilight and the three bullies. That got Dumb-bell steaming mad.

“You wanna run that by me again, punk!?” Dumb-bell growled angrily.

“Salazar, please,” Twilight begged, “Stop before this get’s any worse.”

“You heard me, dumbass!” Salazar said with a smirk. Dumb-bell was now so mad that steam could shoot out of his ears. He storms to Salazar, grabs him by the collar and pins him to the wall.

“Salazar!” Twilight called out in worry. She went to help, only for Hoops and Score to block her.

“You just messed up, punk!” Dumb-bell growled, and was about to punch Salazar. Until…

ENOUGH!” A familiar voice rang out, causing everyone to turn to the source or the voice. It was none other than Principal Cinch and Dean Cadence.

“Uh-oh.” Hoops said in worry.

“Busted.” Score gulped, just s worried.

“What is going on here!?” Cinch asked, but then notices Dumb-bell and Salazar. “Well. That answer’s that question.” Cinch then walks to the two.

“I do hope you two realize that violence is something I do not tolerate in my school!” Cinch said to the two boys.

“I can…” Salazar was about to say, but Cinch interrupts him.

“Save your excuses, Salazar! Judging by how much trouble you cause, I would have to guess that you were the instigator of this little conflict!”

“Principal Cinch, I…” Twilight said, but Cinch interrupts her.

“This does not concern you, Miss Sparkle.” Cinch said to Twilight before looking back to Salazar. “I certainly hope you are prepared for the punishment for such an act, Salazar. For it is something much worse than the one for Dumb-bell!"

Salazar was sweating bullets at this point.

“Principal Cinch, if I may.” A voice said. Everyone, including Cinch and Cadence turn to see another figure. This one was a boy who appeared to be around the same age as Twilight. He had a fair complexion, golden-blonde hair, and he wore the standard Crystal Prep uniform worn by the male students.

“Ah, Lucius Starr. One of my finest students.” Cinch said with a pleased smile.

“Principal Cinch, if I may be so bold as to speak on Salazar’s behalf.” Lucius said, surprising Cinch as he walks to Salazar. “Salazar was simply standing up for Twilight’s when Dumb-bell and his two lackeys were harassing her. So, if anyone was the contributor to this little kerfuffle, it would be Dumb-bell.”

“Are you certain?” Dean Cadence asked.

“Of course. In fact, I have evidence.” Lucius Starr said before pulling out his phone, and with a tap of a button, he played the recorded footage. Now Cinch’s anger was towards Dumb-bell.

“Well, the evidence is hard to dispute!” Cinch said with a sneer. “Dumb-bell, I would like to see you in my office! Same goes for you and Score, Hoops!”

Dumb-bell, Hoops and Score began to walk to the principal’s office, but not before casting a venomous glare at Salazar.

“And as for you, Salazar.” Cinch said, making said boy look to her in fright. “Consider yourself fortunate that your actions allowed you to avoid punishment.” Cinch then brings her face close to his, her gaze never leaving him. “But from now on, whenever Twilight is given trouble of any sort, report to me or Dean Cadence instead of resulting to verbal assault. Do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal.” Salazar gulped in fear.

“Good.” And with that, Cinch and Dean Cadence walk off.

“Salazar, what were you thinking?” Twilight asked Salazar. “You could have gotten in major trouble!”

“At least I got the Three Stooges off your back.” Salazar said with a shrug.

“No need to thank me.” Lucius said with a nod before walking off. The two looking at him as we walked off. Spike peeked out from Twilight’s backpack, growling at Lucius.