Nier: Anthropogene

by StardustSprinkle

An Impossible Tale

"No, hold your arm up, good," Number 2 inspects Sunset's stance: "Now put your left foot like this...Good, good. Now thrust!"
"Ha!" Sunset pushes her right arm forward as a spear thrusts into a dummy made out of straw.
"Great, now," Number 2 kicks the dummy aside, revealing a shorter version of it: "Deal with this one."
"Can we take a break?" Sunset hold the spear upwards: "My arms are getting sore..."
"Oh, yeah, sorry about that," Number 2 apologizes, pulling Sunset a chair: "I forgot that you are a human."
"It's ok," Sunset sits down: "How long have we been here?"
"Two hours and a half," Number 2 replies, pouring Sunset a cup of green tea: "I was lucky to get a house with a back yard."
"It's a really nice house!" Sunset complements: "And you are a baker, right?"
"Somewhat," Number 2 hands Sunset the cup before grabbing another one for herself: "I hope you like green tea."
"It's my favorite! Thank you!" Sunset takes the cup: "Also, thank you for the spear! Where did you get your hands on something like this?"
"That old thing?" Number 2 looks at the futuristic looking spear: "From you, in another world."
"So it belonged to me?" Sunset looks upwards to the tip of the spear: "No wonder it's so light! Also, what's with those dummies? They are either giant or tiny."
"It's a long story," Number 2 pulls a chair for herself and sits next to Sunset: "Now that you have recovered, I think it's time to tell you everything."
"Oh?" Sunset takes a sip from a cup.
"Back then, or should I say in the future, I was a lonely android," Number 2 stares into her cup: "I lost all my friends, and I was ready to die. Then you showed up, and gave me a purpose to live."
"Oh," Not knowing how to respond, Sunset takes another sip while trying to thinks of something to say.
"This here," Number 2 takes off her necklace and shows it to Sunset: "You asked me to keep it as a token of friendship. You said that the gem was discovered in a cave by you and your friends."
"," Sunset's pupil dilates as the gem, crimson in color, bares the symbol of her cutie mark.
"You said it reminds you of better time," Number 2 chokes up: "Sorry. Anyway, you told me to live for my friends if I can't live for myself."
"I..." Sunset looks down at the ground, not knowing what to say.
"And the spear you are holding," Number 2 continues, carefully putting the treasured gem to her pocket: "Was a gift from Devola and Popola in the future. For now, they are the leader of this village. I will introduce you to them later. In the future, they both died a tragic death. You, in the end, also died."
"I...died? For what?"
"To protect me," Number 2's hand tightens around the cup: "Just like everyone I ever loved and cared about."
The cup breaks into pieces, spilling water all over the android.
"Oh my," Sunset stands up: "I'll get you some clean cloth."
"Actually, Sunset?" Number 2 looks up: "Can we just talk for a moment?"
"Of course," Sunset replies before pausing for a moment: "of course."
"Thank you," Number 2 says quietly, averting eye contact: "Probably I shouldn't say everyone, because there's still one left. However, she's too busy to deal with my problems. After your death, the earth entered a new era of peace. I help out my friend whenever she asked, because she was everything that I had left and that's the only time I got to talk to her. I only get to see her for missions. When I'm free, I will spend all my time tending the graves of my loved ones, and that includes you, Sunset. When I learnt of a chance to save the human race from extinction, I was overjoyed. I knew I would save you if I travel to a better time. And now, here we are, talking to each other in this little place of mine."
"Number 2..."
"You know, it's funny," Number 2 lowered her head even more: "I never expressed how much I appreciate of you when you were around. It was only after you are gone that I realized how lonely I was. Now, however, we can spend as much time together as possible."
"Here," Sunset put her spear and cup on the ground, and wraps her arms over Number 2's shoulders: "I'm here."
"Thank you," Number 2 says in a really quiet voice: "Thank you."
"Here, look into my eyes," After letting the android go, Sunset gets up, moves in front of Number 2 and get down on one knee: "Eyes are the window to one's soul, and I would like to see yours."
Number 2 slowly moves her head up and looks into Sunset's eyes.
"You poor thing," Sunset says as she stares into a depth of nothingness: "Listen ,we'll get it over with, ok? This time, no body dies! We find who ever is responsible for this mess, fix the problem and have a celebration party. You hear me?"
"Of course," Number 2 forces a smile on her face as Accord's words echoes in her brain: In the end, it's either you or her.