//------------------------------// // Part 11: Rangers Vs. Divas // Story: A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// When we last left our heroes, they were about to witness the transformation into Cosmos, but Cozy and Devon both interfered, making the formation wait. But before they could fight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived in the crossfire, and now the Super Tronics were brought out for the first time! So now, it’s the rangers, remaining Mane Six, Starlight, Spike, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Capper & Discord Vs. Their friends gone rogue, Robo Blaze and Roxy, and the Super Tronics! At last! Time to see how the fight plays out. The fight kicked off with the core 3 rangers, Cozy Glow, Capper, Fluttershy, Discord, Starlight Glimmer & Rainbow Dash taking on one cluster of Super Tronics, and Spike, Nate, Steel, Ben, Rarity, Applejack, & CMCs taking on another cluster. Nate tried to use his Striker Saber to get to Robo-Blaze, only for him to clash it with his rapier. Nate tried to get through, but to no avail, as neither could get to the other! Robo-Blaze kicked him back in the gut. “You should’ve stayed back in Equestria, where it was safe!” He sneered. “Why don’t you make me?!” Nate shot back, as he readied his saber. “Gladly!” Robo-Blaze said, as they both ran up, and clashed their swords again. Steel, Scootaloo & Applejack both tried to go for Big Mac, but he was a little stronger than his sister was. But, with Steel’s strength, they evened the odds a little bit. The ranger, and brother pony traded blow for blow with kicks, and martial arts punches. However, to their surprise...neither could get inside the other’s defences! Big Mac was about to kick them down, when they both jumped up, and landed back down. “Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack shouted in shock as they both were struck down by her brother to the ground, unexpectedly. “Ultra Blast!” Big Mac turned to see Ben as he fired his Ultra Blaster at him, while Applebloom did a swirling corkscrew kick right to her big brother’s torso. This made him stagger back, as he was not expecting this sneak attack! “How about a taste of this?!” Scootaloo shouted as she threw her scooter at his head, wrapping him with it. Big Mac rubbed his head a little bit. Eventually, he recovered and Scootaloo gasped, as they were about to have another go. But to both their surprise, Ben’s Aqua punch was on par with Big Mac’s strength, making both of them jump back. They both landed on the ground safely. “We don’t want to hurt ya, Big brother!” Applebloom shouted as they started to fight again. “But, you leave us no choice!” Ben said, as he too got ready to charge! They were about to face each other off, but Big Mac grabbed them both, and threw them over. Cadence took notice, and used her magic to zap at them, almost electrocuting them. “Not this time!” Steel shouted as he and Rarity fired at her, making them stagger back. “Cadence, what in the world are you doing?” Rarity shrieked, as they rushed over to their friends. “You guys okay?” “Yeah, we’re good, Y’all!” Applejack said, as she ruffled her little sister’s mane. “But, YOU won’t be!” Robo-Roxy shouted as all three of them posed, and got ready to charge. “Keep telling yourself that!” Ben said, as they too charged as well. Meanwhile, the core 3 rangers, Cozy Glow and Rainbow Dash were taking on Twilight and her former teacher, and Capper, Fluttershy & Discord were handling Zecora. The rangers tried to throw a punch, but so did the other two Princesses. “Beast Blast!” Devon shouted as they whipped out their blasters. But to their surprise, so did their friends, as both sides fired, and both staggered back. “Out of the way, Ranger brats!” Celestia shouted, as she kicked the core three & Cozy out of the way, and grabbed Rainbow’s wrist, almost twisting it. Cozy took notice and was horrified. “Stop it!” She shouted, as she used her fists to strike at her. Twilight joined in as well, as she flew up and did a kick towards them, but the heroes noticed and Ravi used his gorilla strength to punch her down! “Ravi! We’re supposed to use low power, remember?” Devon warned him, as they got ready to fight again. “Come on, Egghead!” Rainbow said, in a pleading like manner as she tried to do a tornado move toward her, but she noticed and kicked her down. They both laughed. “See what happens when you interfere in other’s magic?” Celestia gloated as she and Twilight got ready to fight again. Fluttershy and the others were facing Zecora as she posed and got ready, “You Wanna rumble with the bumble?” She asked, gloating. “Come on!” “How does this grab you?” Capper said as he pinned her down, while Discord conjured up a magical lasso, to tie her up. “Stop it!” The zebra laughed. “That tickles!” She used her newfound strength to bend the lasso, and pull it away! “No way!” Discord said in shock, as she threw him, and Capper over to the ground, both trying to recover. “Discord!” Fluttershy screamed, before turning her game face on. Now, it was truly on! “That’s enough of you trying to hurt my friends!” She zoomed over her to do a punch move, but she retaliated, by swatting her back to her friends. “You okay?” Capper asked as they ran over to her. However, Luna fired a few beams at them, still sending them down. They tried to fight back, but to no avail, her blasts were stronger than ever! Nate was thrown down, tumbling toward them as he got back up. “Oh, man!” He said in shock. “They’re brutal!” “You think?!” Discord asked as they got ready to fight again. “You wanna play with US?!” Luna bellowed as they got ready to charge again. Sweetie Belle and Starlight ran to their friends, and charged their horns up. “We’ll get her!” She yelled out. They fired at Zecora and Luna but to their surprise, they absorbed the blasts. “What?!” Starlight shouted as they returned the blasts to them, knocking them down. Spike was taking care of Robo-Roxy’s yo-yo blasters as she tried to swing them at the young drake, but he was smart enough to dodge them. The purple robot was getting more stressed that he kept dodging them. “ENOUGH!” She roared. “I’ve give YOU something to play with!” She swung her blasters hard at him, but he dodged them. However, she used her guns to fire at him, sending him stunned and down to the ground. “Don’t you touch him you meanie bot!” A voice shouted, Robo-Roxy turned to see Pinkie jump up, and club her in the face, making her stagger back. “Ahh!” She shouted, as she was just recently hit by the party pony. She got upset. “How dare you interfere!” Luckily, Pinkie whipped out her party cannon, and a bright neon pink confetti ball popped out, ramming into the robot as she hit a tree. She then rushed over to Spike. “Spike, are you okay?” She ruffled his scales. Spike saw his friend, and smiled. “I am now, thanks to you!” He said as they both got back up bravely. They then heard a growl, as they turned to face Robo-Roxy who was furious for their recent sneak attack. “Are you two done yet?” She asked angrily. “Actually, we’re just getting started!” Pinkie said, as she looked at her friend, and they gave her an evil smirk. “Oh. It is on!” She snarled as she was ready to charge at them. Spike spewed out a green fireball, while Pinkie used her tail to trip her down to the ground! Robo-Roxy shrieked as she got up, and tried to use her blasters, but her attempts were futile as the two teamed up to singe and deflect the blasts. “Twilight, that’s enough!” Cozy shouted as Twilight and Celestia tried to twist them down. She furiously ran up to them. “SHORYUKEN!” She shouted as she threw a punch toward her ex friend. This sent her a few feet back due to the force of her punch. Twilight recovered and got up. “Never knew that alicorn was...that strong.” She said with wonder in her voice, before shifting back to her evil manner. “But, no matter! I’ll finish you off!” She charged up her horn, only for Ravi and Zoey to fire at her. “BEAST BLAST!” They shouted, as they tried to fire at her, only for her to deflect the blasts, and send them over to Rainbow. “RAINBOW!” Ravi and Zoey shouted in horror. “I’m okay!” Rainbow said as she got back up. “Your aim is lame, Rainbow! But, I’m not shocked!” Twilight said as she lifted her friend up in her cosmic magic. “Are you?!” Rainbow tried to struggle, but it was no use as she was thrown about 5 feet from her own teammates. Meanwhile, Nate and his team were still having their hands full with Big Mac, Luna and Cadence as they continued to clash. Nate threw a few punches toward Cadence, but she had a trick up your sleeve. She used her love magic and tried to aim it at Nate, but he dodged it, because He had a trick up he sleeve too. He whipped out his striker morpher blaster and aimed it at her. “Striker Morpher!” He shouted, as his beams collided with Cadence’s magic. “My blaster’s bigger than yours!” Cadence shouted as she fired at Nate, making him stagger and fall onto the ground. Fortunately for us, Nate was stealthy on his feet like a ninja as he was ready to get back up and take her down. Robo-Blaze was taking on Ben as his Saber clashed with Ben’s Saber. Neither could get to each other, until Ben kicked him down. “Hydro Punch!” He shouted, as his punch emitted a green tidal wave which sen Robo-Blaze back a total of 10 feet, before falling to a ledge. “I’m rusted!” He said angrily, as he tried to get up, but his body parts were frozen. “He’s all wet!” Ben said, victoriously. However, Big Mac was about to strike him from behind! Steel took notice and called for him. “BEN! BEHIND YOU!” He shouted. Ben saw his attacker, and turned to throw a punch at him, sending him at least a few feet back. “Thanks!” He said with relief as he was ready to strike him down again. Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Robo-Roxy were still going at it, and it looked like it would be a sweet & smoky victory for our little duo, but Robo-Roxy whapped the drake in the face hard, sending him down to the ground. “Spike!” Pinkie shouted as she tried to head for him, but Robo-Roxy tripped her up, as she fell to the ground too. “Ouch!” Spike said, as he rubbed his nose. They were then horrified upon seeing Robo-Roxy looming over them. “No!” They both shouted in unison. “Now to make you two the icing on Cosmos’s wedding cake!” Roxy sneered as she aimed her blasters at them. The little drake, and party mare could do nothing but cower in fear and pray for a miracle. However, two blurs struck the blasters out of her hands! “What?!” She asked in rage. “Who did that?!” She turned to see Starlight and Capper, ready to fight her. “Time to send you back to the junkyard!” Starlight said, as she and Capper both nodded. “Buzz off!” Capper pointed at her. “I’ll fly when I’m good and ready!” Robo-Roxy shouted as she zapped them immediately, sending them to the ground. “STARLIGHT! CAPPER!” Spike and Pinkie both shouted in horror, as they saw their friends get beaten. At that moment, the CMCs, Applejack & Fluttershy ran up to them. “Starlight! Capper!” The kind mutated friend as she flew by to them. “Are y’all okay?” Applejack asked them. “App…jack?” she whirled around at the croaky sound of Starlight’s voice. “Starlight!” Applebloom held the her head in her hooves. “What happened? Please!” She wanted some answers. “Caught… in fight… between…Roxy…Mac and Luna,” the filly barely wheezed, before her head flopped and she went still. “STARLIGHT, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!” Sweetie Belle shouted in panic, to which they heard evil laughing. They turned to see Luna and Robo-Roxy and growled. “There’s a new queen in town!” Roxy proclaimed. “And, her name is Cosmos!” Luna added, as They aimed her weapons at them, as they just continued to snarl. “Don’t bet on it!” Applejack said gruffly. Luna fired a myriad of beams at them, sending them down to the ground. They groaned, as they tried to get back up, but Luna put her hoof down on Applejack, and used her magic on the rest, making them unable to get back up. “Don’t bother!” She said smugly. “That is impenetrab—!” However, she was cut off by a few laser blasts, which whizzed past them. “What in Equestria?!” She was shocked to see Rarity, and Discord running up to them. “Guys!” Discord shouted as he pointed harshly toward them. “Perhaps you should let US be the first to know that our unwanted guests...” “Stop butting in our way, Darling!” Luna said, as she and Roxy fired at them, but Rarity deflected the blasts with her shield. “Discord! Hold them off, while I go find the others!” Rarity instructed him. He nodded. “You got it, Rarity!” He said, as he lurched toward them, and delivered a sucker punch. “Why you!” Roxy snarled as she got her fists ready. “Ha!” Discord said bravely as a projectile beam missed him. “My friends always insist you can’t judge a creature by their look...” Robo-Roxy and Luna continued to fire at him, but he continued to dodge them. “...but I know a shifty deceiver when I see one!” He snapped his fingers, and the ground turned into a crocodile that chomped up the two divas and spat them on the ground, back to Zecora and Cadence. “You okay?” Zecora asked, as she and her subordinate rushed over to them. “Yeah!” Luna said. “But, Discord ruined our shot!” “That’s funny, coming from a sadistic ex girlfriend, who took over my friends!” They turned to see Discord himself, land before them, and they growled. Nate and Steel were shocked upon seeing him here. “Discord, what are you doing?” Steel asked in shock. “Y’know...” Discord said, ignoring the Silver Ranger’s comment. “Usually, the company here is lovely, but I always get excited when things...change!” he snapped his fingers, and turned into a gray version of Twilight, ready to take them on. He motioned them to come over, which they did and he did a roundhouse kick, sending them to the ground easily like a bunch of pancakes. “Get out of the way, Discord!” Nate said urgently, as he held his blaster aimed at the cosmic divas. Discord looked back to the gold and silver Rangers and smiled. “Of course, YOU tend to make things turn into different shapes. So, if I really want to understand you...to walk a mile in your shoes...” Discord snapped his fingers at the two, making them mutate into bugs...specifically, the size of a human fists. “I should try on a few alt modes!” Once Nate and Steel saw their new alt. Modes, they were shocked. “Hey!” Steel said in surprise. “I’m a bug!” Nate was feeling a sense of horror of his new form. “I don’t want to be a bug!” He yelled. Discord seized this chance to hover them over to the divas, which you could tell they were bugged. They bugged out at that. “What the—?!” Cadence said as she tried to swat them away. “What are bugs doing here?!” “Oh, sweet lord!” Zecora said as she tried to swat them too. “It’s getting all buggy!” “Aaaahhhhhh!” Luna shrieked. “GET THOSE THINGS OFF ME!!!” She tried to use her magic to swat them off, but she wound up, hitting the other subordinates. Nate and Steel were not enjoying this one bit, as they screamed while Discord moved them to bug out. “DISCORD!” Nate squealed in a high-pitched bug voice. “CHANGE US BACK RIGHT NOW!” Discord was surprised as he turned back into his form. He groaned, and snapped his fingers. “Fine.” He sighed. “If you Beetleborgs are going to be wet blankets about this.” His snap reverted them rangers back into their forms, making them fall on their feet as they got ready to fight. “That’s it!” Cadence shouted as the divas aimed their weapons at the heroes. “Say goodbye, rangers!” Discord and his pals braced for impact. “We go ‘bang bang’ now!” Robo-Roxy sneered as she got ready to pull the trigger. However, they never got the chance as Rarity, Spike, Pinkie and Capper blasted them from above, as they jumped down to join their friends. “What?!” Robo-Roxy asked in rage. “Again?!” “You’ve got to stop this!” Spike said, pointing his finger at them. But, the divas blasted them again, only for the fashionista’s shield to block it again. “All right!” Pinkie said as her friend took her shield down. “Look! You obviously have some serious emotional problems you’re dealing with!” “Yeah!” Capper added. “You ever consider group therapy?” “This is getting really old!” Spike said, as he started to spew another fireball. “Hey, I like dirt as much as the next guy!” Rarity said, as she got herself into a fighting pose, while she cracked a bunch of dirt in her hoof. “Too bad it doesn’t show in your style, Rarity!” Luna joked, as the others sniggered. “You did NOT just bag on my fashion!” She furiously shouted as she ran up to them moon Princess, and punched her square in the nose. Luna felt the blood rush through, and got mad as she used her magic to pull her away, but Rarity was so angry that she would never back down from a fight. She kept using her hooves, to grab at her, while she did the same. Eventually, she had her pinned to a beach rock. However, she refused to give up. “You want some more?!” Luna asked her gruffly. “BEAST BEAMS!” Ben, Spike, Sweetie Belle and Starlight shouted as they fired at the evil divas, throwing them off course, and off Rarity. Ben seized this chance to aim the Ultra Blaster at them, as they did it together. “BEAST-X ULTRA BLAST!” They shouted, as a huge circular beam fired at the divas, fiercely overwhelming them, and sending them high in the air, until they landed with a thud. “Now, just stay down!” Rarity said, posing at them. “Can we get out of here?” Nate asked them nervously. “Good idea!” Capper said bravely. “I’m so over this!” Meanwhile, the main 3 rangers, Cozy and Rainbow were taking care of Celestia and Twilight, who continued to zap them to no avail, as they kept dodging their blasts. “Hold still while I try to mutate you!” Twilight growled. “You have to catch me first, Twi!” Devon said bravely as he dashed away from her blasts with his cheetah speed. She shouted as she missed. “Whoa!” Devon gloated. “I guess you’re trying to play catch up!” He zoomed away from her next blast, to hatch his own plan. Ravi and Rainbow had already both snuck up on their friends’ behind as they immediately struck her down to the ground. “Haha! Gotcha!” Dash joked as they zoomed away for a moment, as they jumped up and gave her a low-powered punch. “Idiot!” Twilight screamed as she got up. “That is not how you plan a sneak attack!” “Yeah. Keep telling yourself that!” Ravi said smugly as they both delivered another punch to her front, striking her down safely. Zoey and Cozy were both striking at Celestia, as she tried to get a good, clear shot at them. “Hold still!” Celestia bellowed. “I need to get a shot of you for my wedding cake!” “Nope!” Zoey said jokingly, as she whipped out her saber, and slashed a tree with it, almost making it fall down onto her. “You take this!” Celestia screamed as it almost hit her. Luckily, she was agile enough. “Seriously?! Who even uses a tree for the base of a cake?” She asked. She then felt her flank singe as she screamed, and dashed away from Cozy’s street-fighter themed attack. “And, who would put fire in this?” “Looks like I’m floundering with your day!” Cozy joked as she ran up to her. “Holy Toledo!” The sun Princess got scared as she saw both rangers heading towards her from both sides of her. “This attack is going to be the worst!” “Really?” Zoey asked smugly. “Well, I think it’ll be a breadwinner!” They were about to punch her down, when a red blur struck them both down from behind! “What?!” Zoey asked in shock, as she looked around. “Devon, if you were going to attack her, just say so!” “Uh, Zoey?” Cozy asked in fear, as some super Tronics appeared before them. “I don’t think that was Devon!” Celestia looked shocked, then smiled triumphantly as she saw the Super Tronics coming to her aid. “Looks like I’ll have my way after all!” She cackled. “I’ll go talk to my sisters!” She teleported away to the other subordinates. “No!” Zoey shouted as their enemy ran. Ravi, Devon and Rainbow instantly took notice and were shocked. “Oh, great! We needed those EXTRA Tronics!” She groaned in exasperation. “They look tough! Better take care of them!” Ravi said, as they ran over to help their friends. They both ran to them, and used their weapons. “BEAST SLASH!” Ravi shouted, as he tried to slash a few. But to their surprise, their weapons barely made a dent in the tronic armor. “What the?!” Ravi asked in shock. “Their armor didn’t blow!” Rainbow said in sheer shock, as a few of them knocked them down. Luckily, they both got back up. Devon took notice of his friends in danger, and had to rush over to help them. “Ravi! Rainbow!” Devon called out. But to his surprise, a few super Tronics appeared before him. “Uh oh!” He said as he used his saber to slash them, only to find out it had the same effect, as Ravi’s did. “Oh, man!” He said. “I never knew their armor was that strong!” He tried to attack them, but they struck him down, and flipped him over! Cozy and Zoey were trying to take care of them too, as they tried to slash them, but they were too strong. “They’re swarming all over us!” Cozy said in horror. “Us too!” Rainbow said, as another cluster of Super Tronics formed a web of swords to block out their attacks. “I can’t move!” Devon said, as the Super Tronics secured him in place. The rangers were all overwhelmed, by the might of these new mutated Tronics, that it would take an even stronger piece of weaponry to take them down. “I think it’s time to break out the hardware!” Ravi alerted Devon. “Good call, Ravi!” Devon agreed. “Let’s do it!” He hit his transporter. “TRANSPORT! BEAST-X VISOR!” His red power up visor, arrived to him, and he whapped a few tronics out of the way to grab it. Ravi and Zoey took this opportunity to summon them too, as they nodded at each other, and did the same. “TRANSPORT!” They shouted as their visors appeared to them. “See you later!” Ravi said, as he used his strength to push them away, and they struggled to break free just in time. “VISORS LINKED!” All 3 rangers said, linking their visors with their Morphers. They readied their Morph-X Keys at once. “ACTIVATE BEAST-X MODE!” They called out, as they were transformed into their power-up forms. “BEAST-X MODE READY!” They shouted as they were ready to face the new super Tronics for the first time. They charged at them. Devon started the fight off, using his cheetah speed to zoom past them. Once there, he gave them super strong punches, and even slashed a few with his fist, sending a few down to the ground. He was ready to activate his finisher! “BEAST-X CHEETAH CHARGE!” He shouted as he turned into a holographic version of his Zord, and charged through them, making a few explode. Zoey was jumping above them with her jackrabbit powers, and landed a few feet from them. “Catch me if you can!” She said, as she activated her finisher. “BEAST-X JACKRABBIT SPIN STRIKE!” She shouted as she jumped up into mid air, and then spun around while performing a powerful spinning kick to the Super Tronics, making them down and out. Ravi and Cozy were going at it with Twilight, and were about to finish it, western style as the sides posed like time stood still. Twilight posed before them. “Had enough?!” She asked, smiling evilly. “YOU WISH!” Cozy shouted as they charged toward their Princess friend. They used their fists to strike her down, and out for the count, but instead, there were super Tronics in her place, as they did what they were planning to do! “Hey! Not cool!” Ravi shouted as they posed to take care of the super Tronics. A few of them grabbed the two rangers, and they were thrown up into the sky, before they landed on their backs...every muscle in their body aching. Twilight sneered as she slowly walked up to them and put her hoof on Ravi, smiling evilly. “You’re strong...” she said calmly, before her voice got all demonic again. “BUT FOOLISH!” “Nobody calls us foolish!” Ravi shouted in rage as they got up, and delivered a ferocious uppercut to the villains, making them stagger back. They landed on the ground safely, and were ready to activate their finishers. “Ready, Cozy?” He asked. Cozy nodded. “Always.” They readied their strength for these attacks. “BEAST-X MODE GORILLA SLAM!” Ravi shouted, as he produced a block of titanium, and swung it at the super Tronics. “HADOKEN!” Cozy erupted as her fist glowed a bright shade of orange. Together, both attacks easily overwhelmed Twilight and the Super Tronics, as she staggered back, feeling weakened. However, the Tronics were easily wiped out, and were finished, as they exploded. “No! My Super Tronics!” Twilight cried out in sheer shock as she was now the only one left. “And, that’s how you get it done!” Cozy said triumphantly, as she and Ravi did a hi-five. “Yeah!” Ravi added in huge agreement, as their group of Super Tronics was done for. At that moment, their good friends arrived, and were excited that most of the super Tronics were defeated. “All right, Dude!” Devon said happily. “I can’t believe we did it!” Fluttershy said excitedly. “Now, It's time to end this chaotic ex once and for all!” Nate said, as he pointed toward Twilight, who was shocked that she was outnumbered. “Yeah!” They all shouted, as Twilight cowered in fear. “TRANSPORT! ULTRA BOW!” Devon said, as he summoned their arrow-like weapon. “All right, everyone! Use low power at the ready!” He warned his friends. “Right!” They said as they gathered to hold it in place with him. The target was locked. Their aim was clear! “FIRE!” They all shouted, as they launched the arrow at her. It looked like it would be the end of Cosmos possessing Twilight! Right? WRONG! Because right at that moment, Celestia & the rest of the subordinates, including the Robo-Generals had arrived on the spot, and were ready to do their power play on the rangers! “ENOUGH!” Celestia shouted. “We will NOT let ourselves be trampled by a bunch of puny humans and ponies!” They all combined their powers to deflect the blasts, and send it RIGHT back to the rangers! “NOOOOOOO!” The heroes all shouted, as they were hit by the blasts, which made them tumble down to the ground. As that happened, the Beast-X Mode armor was stripped off of the rangers, as the beast bots were sent to the ground as well. Even the CMCs. “CRUISE!” Devon shouted. “SMASH!” Ravi yelled. “JAX!” Zoey screamed. “You’re little beast bots can’t help you now!” Twilight said, as she and her team walked up to the heroes smugly. The rangers and ponies were feeling weak from the Cosmic team’s attack, as they continued to struggle. But, so far, their attempts were futile. “We’re done for!” Ravi said in pain. “I can’t believe Twilight and the others weren’t affected by our attacks!” Starlight said in horror, and pain. “Guess I was wrong when I thought this would be easy!” Nate said, as he groaned in pain. “So uncool!” Rainbow moaned. “That’s really done goofed!” Applejack said sadly. “Of all the things that could happen to our friends, this is the WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!” Rarity said tiredly, and in pain. “We failed!” Zoey said in disappointment. “I can’t believe it! It might all be over!” Ben grunted as well. “How could Twilight have put up that shield?” Capper asked in surprise, as he groaned. “Oh man!” Steel said in frustration. “No!” Fluttershy said softly as she griped. “Oh, no!” Discord said sadly, as he struggled. “It’s happening again!” “I can’t believe we lost Twilight!” Spike said in horror. “We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party pooper ever!” Pinkie said, as she cried. “I hate to admit it, but I think the Commander was right!” Devon said as he groaned. Twilight and her subordinates laughed as they slowly walked up to them evilly. “You were good, rangers!” She said. “But not good enough to beat...COSMOS!” The six possessed components readied up their horns, and aimed at the heroes. “Oh, no! DEVON!” Cruise shouted as he saw the Princesses about to shoot them. “GUYS!” Cozy shouted in terror. But, it was too late. “And so, the battle ends!” Twilight roared with victory as they, along with Robo-Blaze and Roxy, fired a huge pink laser beam, that overwhelmed all the heroes entirely, except those who were watching in horror, as they could do nothing but see the scene unfold before their very own eyes. “NOOOOOO!” Cruise shouted. “RAVI!” Smash yelled. “ZOEY!” Jax called out. “NO! RANGERS!” The Crusaders all cried out at the same time. “GUYS! NO!” Cozy screamed at the sky. “TWILIGHT!” At Grid Battleforce, Commander Shaw was terror stricken at the scene that unfolded. “RANGERS!” She shouted in horror. “Commander...” General Burke said solemnly as he walked up to her in her time of grieving. “This might be it.” He patted her, for solace. The Commander looked like she was going to cry, at the loss of the blue ranger, her son, and the team she had put together...including their allies. Just then, they both noticed something...glowing. It was a faint glow, but it was rather, purpleish-black as they came to it. “What’s that?” The general asked. He picked it up. “The Beast-X King Activator?” “What’s happening?” Commander Shaw asked in wonder. “Why is it glowing?” “I don’t know!” General Burke said in surprise. “It’s like it’s giving someone a seal of approval! Like a chosen one!” “What do you make of it?” She asked him hopeful, and solemnly. “I have no idea!” He said. “I’ve never seen anything like this!” They were curious as to why it was doing that. The rangers were defeated, Twilight and her subordinates may have won, and the Beast-X King Activator was...glowing? What a strange turn of events for Grid Battleforce and our heroes! However, it might not be over yet! The rangers could possibly have survived, and the new glow could be the deciding trump card in the biggest galactic conflict. Our heroes were at the mercy of the Cosmos Divas. But for Cozy Glow, the Ryu ranger, this could be the passing result of her test that could change the course of the game! And, it was about to change for her...and everyone in a very big way!