A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind

by TheSuperTransformerFan

Part 9: Coming Back For Reinforcements

Cosmos...the team consisting of Celestia, Luna, Big Mac, Zecora, & Twilght were already rushing to their next destination for the final star that would form Cosmos. And, they knew where they were headed too. As they were approaching the Crystal Empire, the five inside the chariot could only think about that last constellation star. Luna started to say. “One more star...”

“Then I shall be complete...” Celestia added.

“I’ll be met without defeat!” Zecora finished their sentence. Twilight and Big Mac both looked out the chariot, just relaxing.

“Then, I’ll bring Discord back by my side and, then we’ll dismantle this world...” Twilght said, as she smirked evilly. “Together!”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said in hearty agreement.

Robo-Blaze, who was already with them, was still a little annoyed that they were all talking as one, as he groaned. “What did I tell you about talking as one?!” He growled. “I said wait until Cosmos is formed, you dorks!”

The five were shocked as they realized that, and blushed. “Sorry, Blaze.” Zecora said apologetically.

Blaze just groaned again. “Why do I even bother?” he thought as they took off to find the final piece of the villainous puzzle.

The rangers, and their good allies had just arrived back to the lab with the Commander and needed a plan with how to defeat Cosmos, and revert Twilight back to normal.

“Okay!” Nate said urgently. “We need to work on a plan to get Twilight back to normal!”

“But, how?” Ravi asked in shock. “That female would-be she-demon has all the power she could ever have! How are we going to stop her?”

“And revert Twilight to normal!” Rainbow piped up as well. “I mean, she’s my best friend and she knows how to get me relaxed.”

“I know, Rainbow.” Starlight said worriedly to her. “But, there’s not much we can do, except stop Cosmos and hope for a miracle.”

“I know it!” Rainbow sobbed as well, as she started to break down. Steel even put an arm around her for comfort. “But, you what what gets me really relaxed? Thinking about the times I was totally awesome!”

As she said that, the memory book started to glow. Devon took notice. “The book!” He tossed it to Steel. “Steel! Catch!” He said.

Steel caught the book. “Thanks!” The Beetle bot said, as he opened it to a blank empty page, for the next memories to go in.

“And, what were those moments about, specifically?” Devon asked in amazement.

“Devon...” Dash said smugly. “If only you knew!”

“Maybe, that’s relaxing for you...” Zoey told her. “But for Twilight, it’s quieter, emotional moments that really do the trick! Can you think of any of those?”

Rainbow pondered for some moments, where she was like that.

“That’s pretty emotional...even for me.” Rainbow admitted. “But, how in the world is that every relaxing?!”

“No offence.” Devon told Zoey. “Quiet moments are great...” He turned to his pal. “...but not as great as you being epic!” Rainbow smiled as she heard him say that.

“I can think of a ton more epic moments!” The wonderbolt said, happy and smugly.

“We know you can!” Devon said, giving her a pat on the back! “In fact, being awesome is what makes you...who you are!”

“Mmm...hmmmm.” Everyone else nodded in agreement.

“Wow, Y’know of all the things I'm good at, my favorite is being friends with all of you!” The speedy pony said, warmly. “Which made everyone hug her contently.

Discord just rubbed his side, nervously, watching the hug and smiled. “I wish I could say the same for all of you, for what I did.” He said sadly.

The heroes broke the group hug, and looked at him confused. “Why, Discord?” Rainbow asked him. “What memories do you have that you’re proud of being awesome?”

Discord looked at his friends, and took in a deep breath. “I’m afraid what I have to tell you is neither awesome, nor proud.” He said. Spike started to record another memory, but Starlight stopped him. “Rangers, what I told Zoey here about my past earlier...” they all looked at Zoey, who was just as shocked as they were. “I did not tell you everything. It’s about Cosmos.”

He turned to them, ready to tell them what happened. “You see, once Cosmos was imprisoned, I felt it best that all of Equestria forget about her.” He revealed.

Everyone was shocked upon hearing this. “Why?” Rainbow asked.

“If anyone ever knew what those Andalusian stars were, the results would be catastrophic.” The Draconniqus told them. “Some villain would find a way to release her...even use her. So from then on, everything that had happened was blamed on yours truly.” He pointed to himself. “Equestria healed...for the most part.”

“You mean there’s still evidence of her?” Spike asked with wonder.

“Some.” Discord replied. “You know the Everfree forest?” They all nodded. “Before Cosmos, it was an Herb Garden. I still cam around...I couldn’t deny my nature, of course and I still adored Equestria.” He felt a lump in his throat next words escaped his mouth. “Except, now I wasn’t thought of as a silly nuisance, but as a threat. All the ponies hated me, and I felt...broken.” He felt a tear escape his eye.

“You missed your friend.” Ravi said, coming up to him. “I understand that.”

“I suppose.” He said to him.

“You meant to be a statue?!” Starlight asked, shocked. “Wait...then, that means...!”

“I’m not saying that exactly.” He cut her off. “How was I even to know it would be for 1,000 years?”

“Anyways, here we are...all caught up.” He finished, as he hung his head down low.

“Wow. That was...quite the story.” Nate said, stunned and understanding.

“In fact, she’s why all of Equestria depicts me as a threat.” Discord told her. He turned to Fluttershy. “How are you feeling? I’d change your wings, but even I can’t change everything she does.”

“Better.” Fluttershy said, smiling. “Discord, I have something to say, and I know you’re not going to like it, so I apologize in advance.”

“Okay.” Discord nodded.

“Which gives us the perfect plan!” Ravi said, cutting into what Fluttershy had to say, as he walked up to them bravely. “We’re going to have to go back and help!”

Discord, and the others...save the Commander...were now surprised, and shocked at this. Discord was now, starting to get panicked again.

“What?!” Everyone gawked.

“You’re kidding!” Devon said, stricken with awe, and shock.

“No, I’m not.” Ravi said boldly.

NO WAY!” Discord yelled, now back on full panic attack mode as he put a claw to his face. “I am not going near her again!”

“Discord!” Ravi said seriously, pushing his claw aside. “We either go back there, and help or Twilight will be stuck like this forever!”

“We know Cosmos can scare you, Sugarcube.” Applejack added as well. “But, we need to help our friends...Twilight or not!”

“Same goes for the Princesses!” Ben added. “We can’t just give up! We want to beat this thing!”

“We may never get another chance like this again!” Pinkie piped up too. “So, can you please just help us? Please help us?”

The draconniqus saw Ravi’s stern expression, and the other’s looked of worry, and realized they was right. “You’re right.” He said. “Let’s go. I should have done this a long time ago!” He sighed. “You are the only friends I would do this for, I’ll have you know!”

Ravi smiled, and patted him on the shoulder. “Knew you’d come around!” He said. The others smiled as well.

“We knew you’d make this selfless decision.” Fluttershy agreed as well.

“Alright!” Steel jumped up as well. “Let’s fire up the transporters, get in our zords, and go surprise that she-demon of a pony!”

Cozy started to sniffle and droop down. “I guess I’ll be at the base, making some new weapons.” She started to say.

“Wrong!” Nate turned to her. “You’re coming with us!”

Cozy was surprised at this invitation. “I am?” She asked. “Why me?!”

“You can sense any magical disturbance, and you’ve got more power than any of us can use!” Nate reminded her.

“...and you coming with us in there might be our best chance for saving our friends.” Spike added.

“I guess I don’t have much of a choice.” Cozy said uneasy at first. “But, when you put it that way...”

“That’s the spirit, Cozy!” Devon said, as they started to exit. “Let’s go!”

“Wait!” Commander Shaw alerted them before they left. “Before you go, there will be some precautions.” She turned to Discord. “One, you said yourself that Anycreature with pink eyes and slits means that they're possessed by Cosmos?”

“That’s correct.” He answered.

“So, that means you all have to gather the stars quickly, and dispose of them.” She warned them. “Do that at all costs.” They all nodded.

“And, two...” She took in a deep breath, before the next words came out her mouth. “You’ll need to put your weapons on low power.” She told them. “Same goes for the Beast-X King Blaster & Ultra Bow.”

“How come, Commander?” Ben asked.

“Because...” she took in a deep breath. “If any of you were to use high power on any of your arsenal, the bodies of those who are part of Cosmos could be destroyed. And, there is a good chance that Twilight or our friends will be lost forever.”

“Not forever!” Rainbow said, starting to cry. “I don’t want this to be the last time we ever see Twilight!”

“If you use low power on all your weapons, it won’t be.” Shaw said to them. “I would suggest you do that now.”

They nodded, and set all their weapons to low power, including their Morphers. Once that was done, they out them back In the cases.

“And finally, I highly suggest that you use complete caution on this mission.” The Commander continued.

“Consider it done, Commander!” Nate told her.

“You can count on us!” Cozy said, saluting her as they all left.

She turned to the CMCs. “You three might want to stay here.” She warned them. “Best not to get hurt as you don’t know what you’re dealing with here. Okay?” The three fillies nodded.

“Alright, if we’re going into a confrontation with a galactic being, we need to stay super close to each other for close watch.” Devon said.

“Alright team!” Discord said as he entered the coordinates in the portal to Canterlot. “Let’s be off!” They all went through the portal to confront their latest enemy.

“Good luck!” Commander Shaw called out as they went through. “And, may the power protect you!”

Unknown to them as they left, in the lab, the Beast-X King Activator began to glow ever so slightly.

In the darkened alley at Canterlot in the nighttime, two beings were racing around the place. Robo-Roxy and Grubber were looking for a place to send message to their master.

“You sure it’s safe, Roxy?” The hedgehog asked nervously.

“Long enough for us to send word, Grubber!” Roxy said, as she got out a can of spray paint, and started on one of the castle walls.

“Amazing Celestia hasn’t caught onto our code!” Grubber said in relief.

“Yep.” Roxy said smugly as she did the deed. “She’s already possessed, and she thinks vandals are messing up the city!”

“Yep!” Grubber said happily. As he sighed. He then was shocked, as he saw his teammate spray painting some more. “Wait a minute! What are you doing?!” He asked in shock. “You already spray painted the message!”

She finished, and put her can away. “Well, I didn’t want The Storm King to thing we were anything but vandals!” She reassured him.

Grubber quickly understood. “Good thinking, Roxy!” He said.

After a while, the deed was done. “I’ll meet you back soon!” She said, getting out her key. “I gotta meet Blaze!” She teleported away, leaving only Grubber in the dark.

“Wait, Roxy!” What...?” Grubber was now left alone. “Now, how am I going to relay this message to the Storm King?” He wondered.

However, not too far from here, the rangers and their good allies had arrived in Canterlot. But, it was pretty dark and they had to find the Castle. And, it was barely even dim to find any trace of it. They still had their mission and they were going to stick to it.

“Alright.” Discord said as they arrived. “We’re in Canterlot. Now, we gotta find the Castle!”

“But, how?” Applejack asked. “It’s pretty dark in the area.”

“How will we know where Twilight is?!” Rainbow said worriedly. “She’s already gotten the sixth star, and Cosmos is already formed! Game over! Let’s go home!” She turned to head out, but Devon stopped her.

“Dash, no! Bad!” He warned her. “Twilight probably hasn’t found it yet.”

“And, we could be getting close!” Starlight added.

“So, there’s a good chance we could still make it.” Fluttershy told her friend.

Rainbow thought about it, and realized that they could be right. “Okay, you could be right. And when you’re right, you’re right.” She admitted. “Okay, we save her, but how do we...”

“Sshhhhhh!” Steel said, putting his hand to his ‘mouth’. “Do you hear that?”

“What?” Nate asked.

“Listen!” They all put their ears to the sound. Sure enough, they heard clanking of garbage cans, and footsteps on the ground. “It’s that way!” He pointed to the area. “Let’s go!” They all nodded and ran over to where they heard that noise.

They ran to the area and saw a black gray-maned hedgehog wandering around the alley. They instantly knew who it was, and took off after him. “GRUBBER!” The hedgehog turned to see Rainbow Dash and her teammates coming after her. He screamed, and tried to pussyfoot away, but he tripped and was tackled by the loyal speed demon, who had him pinned down, while the others rushed over to them. “I’ve got him!” She called out to them.

The others arrived. “Okay, bud!” Ravi said. “Let’s chat!” Grubber looked pretty nervous as he wondered what the rangers would do to him.

They had him tied up to a lamppost a few minutes later, and secured him there. Cozy noticed a remote-like device and room it out of his belt. She examined it. “You want to clue us in on what this is?” She asked him.

“It’s the star tracker that I use to contact Robo-Roxy about where each of the Andalusian stars are.” He told them.

“Do you have any more of those...stars?” Applejack asked him.

“No.” Grubber said. “But Princess Twilight and her subordinates do! They have the first five!”

“And, where is Twilight now?” Devon asked him.

“I’ll never talk!” Grubber said, nodding his head as he tried to break free from his prison.

“You’d better!” Rainbow said, as she flew up to him, readying her fists to punch him. “...or else I’m gonna get sarcastic!”

Grubber didn’t want to be punched as he felt his face sweat. He was ready to spill the beans. “Okay! Okay!” He fessed up. “She’s in the throne room at Canterlot Castle! She and the Princesses are about to find the location of the final star!” He took in a deep breath of relief as she moved her fists away from him.

“See? Nothing beats cutting wit!” Rainbow said, smugly.

“Then, that’s our next destination!” Nate said to the others. “Let’s get to the castle!”

“Right!” The others said as they took off to find their friend.

Grubber saw them leaving, and panicked. “Hey, where are you going?! Don’t leave me here!” But, they were already gone before he could catch their attention. “Oh, the Storm King’s not going to like this!” He moaned. “Where's my phone?”

They burst through the castle with their blasters in hand set to low power, and into fighting positions. “Hang on, Twilight!” Devon called out. “We’re here to save—!” But to their surprise, they saw that Twilight wasn’t here. Nor were the others Princesses. Instead, they found the throne room, all looking monsterous like someone had left many bags of snacks during the Super Bowl. Even they saw that there were two thrones, marked his and hers. And there were monsters about on the floor, and many places in between.

“Oh my!” Discord said in shock upon seeing the horrible vision that was laid out in front of them.

“Where is Everypony?” Fluttershy asked, worried as she didn’t see their friends there.

“Guys, look!” Cozy called out, as they all rushed over to the window and saw that no one else was there...except Grubber, who was tied up outside at the moment.

“What is it, Cozy?” Devon asked in alarm.

“All of Canterlot looks deserted!” She said.

However, Discord took a look and saw some chaotic looking Ladybugs buzzing toward them. They all took notice. “No, I don’t think it is.” He told them. “I’m afraid I know where all these ladybugs came from.”

“Where? Your dimension?” Ben asked.

“You’d be wise to keep your mouth shut!” The draconniqus told him sternly, to which Ben backed away nervously.

“Y’Know, there’s a good chance Grubber might have fed us the wrong information.” Capper guessed.

“Probably.” Nate agreed as well.

“All this travel is making me Urpy.” Pinkie said worriedly, as she rubbed her stomach as if it hurt.

“We’ve been at this forever! It will never end!” Steel shouted dramatically as he raised his arms up into the air. “We’re lost in Spa—!” The others looked at him confused, as he lowered his arms down. “Never mind.” He said in defeat.

Rainbow took a look at the throne marked ‘Hers,’ and started to look sad. “Twilight, I’m real sorry you got turned into a she-demon.” She said regretfully. “I was a dumb head!” She flew over and took the top of throne, getting on her knees bravely. “But, I’ll make it up to you! One day, we’ll go to the Spa together! That’s a promise!” She said to the throne bravely.

“Hey, Dash. Sorry to bother you, but could you come over here?” Devon called out to her by said chair.

Rainbow knew what she had to do, and she got up on her feet. “It’s time for me to take charge!” She said to the throne as if there was a pony there! She turned her attention over to her human friend. “Be right over there with you!” She zoomed over to her friends and was ready to hear the plan! “Ask away!” She shouted. “I’m ready as a large goose!”

“What if Twilight and the others have split up?” Devon asked her.

“What was that again?” Rainbow asked, her voice still in that shouting level.

The others looked at each other, wondering how to try to clarify this to her. Finally, Cozy spoke up. “Let’s focus on finding Twilight and those stars like we should’ve been all along!” She said seriously.

“Yeah!” Devon agreed. “How about we try her hideouts?”

“That’s just it!” Rainbow told them bluntly. “We don’t know where Twilight is except that she’s heading right for the Crystal Empire!” Just then, she felt a squink as a lightbulb came off. In an instant, she realized where Twilight was!

“Ooh!” She said in realization. “Could it be that simple? Have we overlooked the obvious?” She asked, before she smiled to the fourth wall, and the good heroes were about to go to their next destination. “Probably.”