//------------------------------// // Part 5: The Enemy Or The Friend? // Story: A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 2: Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// In the Crystal Dimension, Robo-Blaze, Robo-Roxy, The Storm King, Grubber, & Vargoyle were waiting for their new recruit’s return. They sent her on a mission to stop the Elements of Harmony and the Power Rangers, but so far nothing to report back. Tempest had to warn the good heroes after finding out what Cosmos’s true intentions were to her world and the Ranger’s. A few of the generals were impatient about the return of their new ally, and were trying to wait as long before she could return. Vargoyle was busy typing up on the gigadrone creator as Grubber walked up to him impatiently. “Can’t you do anything right, Vargoyle?” He asked him, stressed and impatient. Vargoyle turned around to face him furiously. “Watch it, you metallic mini meatball or I’ll step on you!” He said, aiming his talons at him. “You and what army, you mega turkey!” The hedgehog asked him, only to be smacked across the room and hit the robot creator. He was knocked out cold, but luckily, nothing was damaged. Vargoyle sneered at his gestures toward him. Robo-Blaze took notice and carefully picked him up. “All right, shape up, you two!” He said seriously to them. “There’s still a lot of damage to repair!” As he said that, The Storm King walked up to him and aimed his staff at the general. “Look who’s talking, Robo-Blaze!” He sneered at him. He paid no attention, as he turned to the hedgehog. “Grubber, star emptying the Morph-X pumps!” He instructed him. Robo-Roxy walked over to them stressed like she was about to throw her blasters down. “Hey, I didn’t volunteer for this geeky assignment!” She shouted in rage. “I wanted Vargoyle’s job!” “Butt out, Roxy!” The dreadlocked robot said, as he ran up to her, readied his talons and started to fight her, but she used her strength to push him back. “Geek work is made for a geek...like you!” However, the violet Robo-General shoved him back with tremendous force, knocking him down. This gave Grubber the opportunity to run up to him, and tackle him. “Ahhh!” Vargoyle shouted as Grubber punched him down endlessly. “Get off me, you walking badland reject!” The Storm King tried to interfere the fight as this time, three pink beams of energy fired down right by the villains, who jumped back as they saw the beam, dim greatly to reveal the three Princesses with the Cosmic Stars adorned on them, and that glowing pink energy in their eyes. “SILENCE!” Twilight shouted in her demonic voice, which startled everyone. The villains were shocked at what they saw, as their mouths were agape and their eyes were widened as they saw the most unlikely thing in front of them. “Those wings...that looks like...” Robo-Blaze said before he gasped. “No way! It’s the Princesses!” He got up, and morphed while the others joined him. “They must have found our base!” He shouted as the villains got ready to fight them. “Take them down!” They all started to charge at their ally. The Princesses were shocked that their villain allies were about to attack them. Twilight waved her arms frantically. “Whoa! No, wait!” She pleaded. “We just got here to help you!” But, Robo Blaze swung his rapier at her, making her dodge in fright. “Yeah, right!” Robo-Blaze said in disbelief. “So, you could find our base and destroy us! Is that it?!” He tried to slash at her again, but she yelped as she dodged him again. Celestia was shocked that Vargoyle got out his talons out, and was ready to make sushi out of her. “Blaze and Roxy gave us those stars to defeat the Power Rangers, remember?” The white alicorn pleaded, as she tried to sue her magic to block out his weapons. “You tried to stop us at the Canterlot archives yourself in the first place!” The dreadlocked robot shouted as he charged at her, but her magic sent him down to the ground in pain. “You depowered us!” Robo-Roxy said as she fired at Luna with her blasters as the navy alicorn used her armor with her arms crossed to shield herself from the Robo-general’s blasts. “Listen!” Luna cried out. “We were only going to help you finish your...” but, she got struck from behind by Grubber. “Oof!” She got back up, and looked at her allies in defeat, as her ears drooped dejectedly. “And this was why we weren’t supposed to get involved, I guess...” she said sadly. “Get away from me, Princess!” Robo-Blaze shouted as he kept swinging his sword at Twilight who tried to dodge his slashes. “Yah!” Twilight screamed in shock as she jumped back in shock at his weapon. “Are you seriously trying to kill me right about now?!” “I’ll never let you destroy our base!” The Storm King bellowed as he aimed his staff at her, and swung it at her. “Destroy your what?!” The violet alicorn asked, confused as she dodged the staffs and swords that tried to kill her. “You’ll never take us alive!” Robo-Roxy shouted as she whipped out her blasters and prepared to fire at Celestia, who tried to shield herself with her magic, while Vargoyle tried to slash her with his talons. “Aah! Oh!” Celestia shouted in horror. “How does a robot have a gun and talons?!” “Eat lead, Princess!” Roxy boomed as she fired at her again, as Luna flew over to her sister to try to shield the attacks as well. Eventually, the three Princesses regrouped and decided to make them listen. Twilight having enough of this, took in a deep breath, and let it loose. “STOP IT!” She thundered in her most demonic Royal Canterlot voice. Everyone stopped attacking them all at once. A few of them were shocked as they instantly recognized the voice behind the body. “Cosmos?” Robo-Blaze asked. All three Princesses nodded all at once, and smiled frantically as if to get him to believe them. “Yes, it’s us, Blaze.” Twilight said to him as she hugged him. The others were taken aback at how he recognized them...or her. “Ahem!” Luna said, grumbling. “Forgetting us?” “Oh yeah!” Blaze said as he hugged Luna and her sister as well. After they released their hug on him, they turned to the others. “Okay, are we calm now?” Twilight gently asked them. “Can we just talk like normal...” she was cut off as Robo-Roxy started blasting them repeatedly with her blasters. “KNOCK IT OFF !” Robo-Blaze, and Luna both erupted at the same time at them, before looking at each other with surprise. Robo-Roxy put her blasters down, and stopped firing at them. “Sorry.” She apologized. “Itchy trigger finger.” Vargoyle, whacked her on the back arm sarcastically and seriously to get her attention. “Geez!” Robo-Blaze shouted at his subordinate. “What is WITH you?!” “What?!” Robo-Roxy asked bewildered as if she heard nothing at out the recent conversation they just had. “You looked like the enemy!” She pointed to the three Princesses as she said that. “We’re not the enemy! We TOLD you!” Celestis warned her. “We’re all Cosmos.” “More like Cosmic Princess enemies.” Grubber silently joked, while Vargoyle and Roxy shared a giggle. “WE’RE NOT THE ENEMY!!!” Luna shouted, before calming down. She facehoofed. “Cripes! Is this how you treat all your new allies? Scream, call them names, and then shoot at them?!” “Yeah, right!” Grubber said sarcastically. “We’d never do that!” Twilight scoffed, as she crossed her arms. “Yeah, I’m sure.” She said. “Uh, pardon me, Cosmos?” Vargoyle said urgently, as he got up. “You should be more careful! Those bodies...” he pointed to them as he said that. “They aren’t good for you! They could corrupt your mind! And, if you somehow run out of energy and transform via rage, your secret could be well-known in front of the Rangers!” “Don’t question my plan, Vargoyle!” Twilight said as she marched up to him. “Using the alicorn bodies...that’s the key to everything! And, it’s all thanks to those stars that Robo-Blaze and Roxy told me about!” She pointed to the Robo-Generals as she said that. “But of course, Master!” Blaze said, as he and Roxy both knelt in respect for their comrade. “Oh, sorry!” Vargoyle quickly confessed. He then felt a sharp pinch as he was right next to a Crystal. “Curse these darn crystals!” He shouted, upset. “They're everywhere!” “FORGET THE CRYSTALS, YOU FOOL!” Luna boomed as she grabbed him by the armor chest plate. “WHERE ARE THE OTHER TWO STAR GEMS WE HEARD ABOUT?!” “Well, Cosmos...” Grubber said, nervously, coming to the robot’s side. “We just need to figure out the location of those next gems, so we can recruit those next ones in your legion.” “Understandable.” Celestia said calmly, before getting back into her Royal Canterlot voice. “THEN, DO IT!” She shouted at them. “DO IT NOW!” “Right away!” Grubber said, as he started to leave. “Come on, Vargoyle.” Vargoyle nodded, as they left to go find the other two star gems that would make their new ally feel more...complete. Just then, Robo-Blaze had a thought that bothered him, that he wanted to get off his chest. “So, then...why were you after Discord?” Robo-Blaze asked quizzically. “You were after the Rangers, and looked like you wanted to marry him. Why not lions, tigers or bears?” “Oh my!” Robo-Roxy exclaimed in shock. The three alicorns smiled dreamily as their eyes went pink. They walked up to Robo-Blaze. “My dear, silly Robo-Blaze!” Twilight said, pinching his cheek carefully. “That is what I’ll tell you!” As she said, that three Royal alicorns circled around the Robo avatar like sharks. “It’s what we live for!” Luna added. “To help unfortunate villains, like Discord get back to us!” Celestia finished. “Such poor unfortunate souls like him to turn to!” All three Princesses said at the same time as they smiled hungrily, as they lit up their horns to cue the flashback. “It’s a tale of love, and chaos...” Twilight started. “He didn’t know it, yet. Neither did I. But, he would find out that it would lead to the greatest relationship of all...and the reason why we are here!” The pink smoke started to appear and grow, as the story started. Thousands of Years Ago, Discord was out in his garden, watering plants. You see, it was just like any other day. He wasn't looking to cause trouble. No, really. He wasn't. It was just another ordinary day inside his dimension. Nothing new. No excitement. However, all that was about to change when he saw a shooting star fly by his house. What was really unexpected was that it landed RIGHT into his yard, which really spooked him. "Great balls of fire!" He said, shocked. He saw a blue claw slowly rising up from the ground. He saw the newcomer, looking at herself to make sure she wasn’t hurt, and smiled. “Ah, Flinging oneself through the stars can be quite the challenge...” she said with relief as she got back up. “My momentum got away from me for a bit.” She looked around and saw that she was in his own yard. She looked at him, and was a little surprised to see them as she had never expected to see such a creature in her life like him before. She smiled to him warmly. “Thank you for the use of your patch of dirt to break my fall.” She said to them. She saw the dimension, where she landed, and was happy with joy. “Oh! Well, this is quite the place! I see you’re also a fan of the disorderly?” “Why, yes!” Discord said, nervously, which caught the attention of the others in this room. “Yes, we are!” “I bet you could stand to add a little touch here, and here...” she pointed at various places in the dimension, as tentacles, curtains, and other stuff formed. “You know...curtains, tentacles, other things. You don’t mind, don’t you?” Discord was delighted and too happy to oblige. “Oh, Not at all.” Discord said, smiling. "Delightful." He pulled up a table for himself and the newcomer to sit at. "I'd like to talk to you about disorderly more...Miss?" He wondered what her name was. "You can call me...Cosmos." She said, observing the whole night sky and the wackiness she just put in his dimension. “Discord." He introduced himself to her. :And, how do you feel about Chaos?” Cosmos just grinned at him. “I adore it!” She said. Can you believe she didn't fall for him immediately??? It took countless minutes. You see, she was really good at playing hard to get! In the times that followed, Discord and Cosmos tricked out a dimension or two...but she grew bored! Luckily, Discord introduced her to Equestria prime, which was the main universe that Twilight and her friends live on. Since then, Cosmos was scaring the pants off of ponies, and for a while, Discord felt like he was truly happy. She was the first thing he ever knew that he couldn't control in his life. She was unpredictable! And, then...they truly found love...endess love it seemed as if they didn't ever want it to end. At first, things were great for the chaotic couple, wrecking chaos on Equestria...the mild kind. That's how Discord liked it. It was just enough to get the ponies to remember them. For a while, he was happy...they were happy, anyways. Which leads us to the day she proved to be too much for the Spirit of Chaos, himself! It was a day unlike any other for the chaotic duo, as Cosmos had just finished her shopping, and she and Discord were taking a stroll through the town. Ponies were running away from them in terror. So far, normal. They arrived at a window shop, when Cosmos grabbed a scarf with her claw quickly. “Look, sweetums!” She said, gleefully as she took it. “How lovely! This is mine now!” No, not the stealing. That, Discord was okay with. It was what happened next, that startled him. “Yes. Lovely.” He said in a bored monotone voice. Just then, Cosmos saw something catch her eye, and smiled happily. “Oh, Darling! Look at that absolutely hideous building full of endearing school fillies.” She said, pointing to said building. “Maybe, we can put our thongs on top of it! Matching ones! With cup holders!” She was about to fire at the building with her horns, which shocked Discord very much. “Wait!” Discord started to plead. “Stop!” But, Cosmos had already made the building into a spiral staircase, and similar to a towering inferno. He was horrified at what he saw. Quickly, he slithered to the windows, and got out as many ponies out as possible. He led them down to safety, which was a relief. Don’t get him wrong. Her sense of chaos was nothing like he had ever imagined. At first it started out fun, but as we all know, her idea of chaos was dangerous...not mild like he had envisioned. Once that was done with, he turned to her seriously. “Now, Cosmos.” He started to say to her. “You know how much I feel about kil-“ But, his sentence was cut off when she grew to size...enough to make him shrivel in fear. “Dear one...you dropped my new scarf.” She snarled furiously, as she loomed over him. Quickly, he snapped her claws to turn him into a puppy dog, and smiled a him maliciously. “You know how I feel about my things!” Cosmos said, as she nuzzled his puppy dog form, sweetly. “Is this another one of your rebellions, sugar-bumps? It’s the thrones, isn’t it? I know you’re afraid of commitment, but...” Discord quickly seized this chance to chomp up Cosmos on the nose...hard. That really hurt her! As he left, she felt her nose to make sure that there wasn’t any blemish. So far, none. She sighed in relief, and snarled as she went after him. “DISCORD! BAD PUPPY! COME BACK!” She called out as she went after him. As Discord quickly was on the run from her, he could hear her own voice, calling him. “Daaaarrling!” Discord was now more panicked than ever, as he turned back into his draconniqus form, and darted to find help. “Where the heck is Celestia?” he wondered, which led his to find King Aspen and King Cat...which would lead you to read an early chapter of this fanfic...so, I won’t go into the gory details of that. Cosmos wanted much more than chocolate rain. She wanted fire and destruction, which was NOT what Discord wanted at all! He never wanted to cause harm, and even villains had their mortal standards. As he was running from her, Cosmos grew to gigadrone size, and rampaged the buildings, looking for Discord. She was angry that he got away, but she would find him, soon enough. “DISCORD!” she called out, menacingly as she knocked every building that stood in her way. “I’LL FIND YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!” which leads us back to the prologue, which leads us back to where we are now. “So, that’s why you wanted to marry Discord?” Robo-Blaze asked, which made the three alicorns nod dreamily. “And, those other stars are what you’re after...so you can be whole?” He got another non-verbal nod from them. The Storm King raised his staff at them. “Then, get to it!” He shouted at them. “Blaze! Celestia! Luna! Twilight!” The three Princesses gave him a disapproving glare at him. “I mean, COSMOS! Find those other stars with Grubber and Vargoyle! Before the Rangers strike again!” The Princesses nodded with approval. “Yes, Master!” Robo-Blaze said nodding, as they got up and started to leave. “Must find...” Celestia started. “Three more stars...” Luna continued. “...and, I shall be whole again.” Twilight finished, as they all grinned wickedly. “Hey, you three can all talk freely since you’re all separate!” Robo-Blaze said, a little annoyed. “You’re not whole, yet. So, stop talking as one, until you get the rest of those stars.” He slowly raised his rapier toward, Celestia’s neck, who looked and was a little nervous, as were Twilight and Luna as they both looked on his sword with fear. “Are we clear?” “Yes.” Celestia said, nodding as the other two nodded as well, wanting to give in. “We’re Crystal clear.” “Good.” Robo-Blaze lowered his rapier and turned to leave. “Then, let’s go help them find those stars.” He left the dimension with the Princesses in tow. “Wonderful.” They all grinned evilly, as Blaze rolled his eyes. He wondered if he was going to hear all of this the whole way through. “Now, then...” he turned to them. “Where were you last, when we found those stars?” “Canterlot.” Celestia answered, as the other two nodded. “Alright, then.” His whipped out his key. “Then, that’s where we’re going to go!” He plugged in his key, as the others did the same motion as he did. “See you on the other side!” He said, as they nodded and teleported to the place they last were. Back in Equestria, Rainbow Dash was surveying the outer skies of Ponyville, looking for that lost star! She didn’t know where it was. Just then she heard a cry for help! She gasped in shock, as she raced over to the throne room in the castle. She made her way inside. “I heard from Devon, and I came as quick as I could!” She said frantically. “What’s going on here?” She then gasped to see a robot with a golden rapier aimed at her. “SWEET CELESTIA!” She shouted, as she saw the figure walk slowly up to her. “Robo-Blaze?” She asked. “Hello, Dash!” He said smugly to her. “What are you doing here?” She asked, shocked and defiantly. “By the way, my accomplices are right here with me.” The Robo general said, as he signaled the others to come closer to her. Three figure came up to Robo-Blaze’s side, and Rainbow was surprised as she recognized those figures as Celestia & Luna! But, what really horrified her, was the figure that was in front of Blaze. It was a violet alicorn with a star necklace around her neck. Right away, she could instantly tell that she was... “TWI!!!” She shouted horrified, as the Princesses readied up their horns, and were about to fire at her. She nervously backed away from them, not wanting to be shot at. “Don’t fire! It’s me! Rainbow Dash! I’m your friend! Don’t you recognize me?” “Oh, yes! We recognize you!” Twilight said, as she aimed her horn at her friend. “We’re going to make you the main roast for our wedding to Discord! And Robo-Blaze will be our best man!” Rainbow Dash’s face was stricken with horror as she tried to brace for impact. But, it looked like she was cornered. “No, Please! TWILIGHT, NO!” Rainbow pleaded, and it looked like she would be a dish to eat...for Cosmos’s wedding! It looked like her chances to save her friend were all for naught, as she would face certain Annihilation! However, Nate and the others got the transmission at Grid Battleforce, and he saw that Rainbow was about to be fried! “No, no, no, NO!” He said in shock. “They’re about to fry Rainbow Dash!” The others were shocked, and had to get her safe. “Teleport her back!” Devon said, urgently. “Teleport her back!” “Okay!” Nate said, comforting. “Just need a few seconds to access to holographic portals.” He typed on his computer, to get the access codes to get her friend out of the crossfire. “Nate, what are you doing?!” Ravi asked, worriedly. “We don’t have time for...!” “Transport!” Nate shouted, as he hit a button, and within seconds, Dash, who braced herself for impact, was teleported out of the castle, just as the villains fired at her. Their blasts missed, as she got away just in time. “What?!” Luna asked in shock. “We missed?!” “Aw, she got away!” Robo-Blaze said in frustration. “Curse those pesky Power Rangers!” Twilight shouted, swinging her fist in the air. Their plan to get Rainbow to be the roast at the wedding failed. They now had to come up with a new plan to make sure their ‘wedding’ would go smoothly. Rainbow was transported back into the base, right before the Rangers, as Starlight Glimmer and Spike both came in, and took notice, upon seeing her bewildered and stricken with terror. “RAINBOW!” They all shouted as they raced over to her, hugging her. “Rainbow, we’re here!” Steel said to her. “Tell us what you just saw!” Starlight said, worried to her. Rainbow was still frightened and in a state of terror as she slowly uncovered her wings, and saw her friends around her, and comforting her. “Nothing much...except that I raced into Canterlot Castle and saw Robo-Blaze in the throne room.” Rainbow started. “Robo-Blaze?” Devon asked in shock. “He was there?!” Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, and I saw Celestia, & Luna with him with that Pink energy in their eyes, smiling!” She added. “Uh-huh?” Starlight said, nodding and wanting to hear more. “And, then I saw Twilight, and...” Rainbow stopped, because she didn’t want to tell them the painful moment of what happened next! “And, what?” Ravi asked, wanting to know more of the story. “Tell us more about what else happened?” Zoey said, urgently and caring to Rainbow. Rainbow saw her friends who had a determined look on their faces, except for Steel who didn’t have a human face. She let out an inarticulate gasp as she nodded ‘no.’ “Rainbow, Please tell us.” Nate said to her. “We can tell you’re pretty upset, and it pains us to see you like this. What else happened?” Rainbow took in a deep breath. “Well, you see...” she looked at them, wanting to hear more of this. “Twilight said that she was going to make me a roast for her wedding to...” she started to feel tears welling up in her eyes, and was still in a traumatic state. “...D...Disc...cord!” She started to wail, as she pointed to him. Discord gasped in horror as he heard that. “What?!” he wondered in sheer surprise. “Cosmos wants to make Rainbow Dash into a roast for her WEDDING to me?! That sounds pretty barbaric, terrible and gruesome all at the same time!” His eyes widened and his hands were on his face like the screamer picture or Kevin from Home Alone. “And, they said that he was going to m...make Robo-...B...Blaze as the Best Man.” The non-mutated Pegasus managed to choke out to them. “What?!” Everyone, except asked in shock. “And, then what else happened?!” Steel asked, wanting to hear more of the story. Rainbow started to go into defensive mode, as she was not in the mood to tell them the rest of the story. “If all of you wanted me to play guessing games, then—“ she started. “After we teleported you back...” Devon said to her. “What else did you see at Canterlot Castle?” Rainbow looked at him, and started to tear up. She didn’t want to tell him! She took in a deep breath. “...And, then Twilight and her teachers almost attacked me.” She said, through gritted teeth, not loud enough for them to hear. “Rainbow, we don’t have time for this!” Zoey said to her, seriously as she shook her. “What did you see?!” Rainbow looked at them, and suddenly felt as if her eyes were watering, as she couldn’t hold it in anymore. She didn’t want to tell them, but she had to! “Twilight....Sh...she almost attacked me!” She cried out. “She tried to make me the main food course, and...” she let loose her sadness as she burst out crying. “She....tried to get me!” She burst out crying, as the others were shocked upon hearing this, as they began to have second thoughts about forcing the answers out of her. “Maybe, we shouldn’t have asked her what happened.” Ravi said silently to Devon as he nodded. “And now, she’s crying.” They all comforted her in a big hug. “Oh, Rainbow!” Starlight said, as she held her like a mother would. “There... there. It’ll be okay.” She looked up at her friend, with tear soaked, red, tired eyes. “Dash, I know words don’t mean much at a time like this...” Nate said, as he came to her. “...but, you could smash those stars and kick Twilight in the sky.” However, that didn’t help. In fact, that only made it worse as Rainbow sobbed even harder in her hooves, morning the loss of her friend. “Nice going, Bro!” Steel scolded him. “You made her feel worse!” He pointed to her as he said that. Nate felt like he shouldn’t have said that now. “Sorry, Dash.” Nate said, as he hugged her. “That came out all wrong.” The others were here for their friends, who was still sobbing uncontrollably. What started out as the best day for our Wonderbolt, wound up being her worst for many reasons: Twilight gone bad, a chaotic wedding planned out, Discord in Danger, Cosmos coming, and what really took the cake...Rainbow’s dear, close friend attacked her and wanted to make her the dish for the wedding. Things were bad enough, but they have taken a turn for even more danger for the teams. They had to come up with a plan, but for now, all they could do at this point was watch Rainbow Dash wonder how things could get any more worse.